{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards     #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free hiding (Occurrence(..))
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Maybe ( whenNothingM )
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Polarity lattice.

-- | Infimum on the information lattice.
--   'Invariant' is bottom (dominant for inf),
--   'Nonvariant' is top (neutral for inf).
(/\) :: Polarity -> Polarity -> Polarity
Nonvariant /\ b = b
a /\ Nonvariant = a
a /\ b | a == b    = a
       | otherwise = Invariant

-- | 'Polarity' negation, swapping monotone and antitone.
neg :: Polarity -> Polarity
neg Covariant     = Contravariant
neg Contravariant = Covariant
neg Invariant     = Invariant
neg Nonvariant    = Nonvariant

-- | What is the polarity of a function composition?
composePol :: Polarity -> Polarity -> Polarity
composePol Nonvariant _    = Nonvariant
composePol _ Nonvariant    = Nonvariant
composePol Invariant _     = Invariant
composePol Covariant x     = x
composePol Contravariant x = neg x

polFromOcc :: Occurrence -> Polarity
polFromOcc o = case o of
  GuardPos  -> Covariant
  StrictPos -> Covariant
  JustPos   -> Covariant
  JustNeg   -> Contravariant
  Mixed     -> Invariant
  Unused    -> Nonvariant

-- * Auxiliary functions

-- | Get the next polarity from a list, 'Invariant' if empty.
nextPolarity :: [Polarity] -> (Polarity, [Polarity])
nextPolarity []       = (Invariant, [])
nextPolarity (p : ps) = (p, ps)

-- | Replace 'Nonvariant' by 'Covariant'.
--   (Arbitrary bias, but better than 'Invariant', see issue 1596).
purgeNonvariant :: [Polarity] -> [Polarity]
purgeNonvariant = map (\ p -> if p == Nonvariant then Covariant else p)

-- * Computing the polarity of a symbol.

-- | Main function of this module.
computePolarity :: QName -> TCM ()
computePolarity x = inConcreteOrAbstractMode x $ do
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 25 $ "Computing polarity of " ++ show x

  -- get basic polarity from positivity analysis
  def      <- getConstInfo x
  let npars = droppedPars def
  let pol0 = replicate npars Nonvariant ++ map polFromOcc (defArgOccurrences def)
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 15 $ "Polarity of " ++ show x ++ " from positivity: " ++ show pol0

  -- get basic polarity from shape of def (arguments matched on or not?)
  def      <- getConstInfo x
  let usagePol = usagePolarity $ theDef def
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 15 $ "Polarity of " ++ show x ++ " from definition form: " ++ show usagePol
  let n = genericLength usagePol  -- n <- getArity x
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 20 $ "  arity = " ++ show n

  -- refine polarity by positivity information
  pol0 <- zipWith (/\) usagePol <$> mapM getPol [0..n - 1]
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 15 $ "Polarity of " ++ show x ++ " from positivity: " ++ show pol0

  -- compute polarity of sized types
  pol1 <- sizePolarity x pol0

  -- refine polarity again by using type information
  let t = defType def
  -- Instantiation takes place in Rules.Decl.instantiateDefinitionType
  -- t <- instantiateFull t -- Andreas, 2014-04-11 Issue 1099: needed for
  --                        -- variable occurrence test in  dependentPolarity.
  reportSDoc "tc.polarity.set" 15 $ text "Refining polarity with type " <+> prettyTCM t
  pol <- dependentPolarity t (enablePhantomTypes (theDef def) pol1) pol1
  reportSLn "tc.polarity.set" 10 $ "Polarity of " ++ show x ++ ": " ++ show pol

  -- set the polarity in the signature
  setPolarity x $ drop npars pol -- purgeNonvariant pol -- temporarily disable non-variance

  -- make 'Nonvariant' args 'UnusedArg' in type and clause telescope
  -- Andreas 2012-11-18: skip this for abstract definitions (fixing issue 755).
  -- This means that the most precise type for abstract definitions
  -- is not available, even to other abstract definitions.
  -- A proper fix would be to introduce a second type for use within abstract.
  -- Andreas, 2015-07-01: I thought one should do this for
  -- abstract local definitions in @where@ blocks to fix Issue 1366b,
  --but it is not necessary.
  -- t <- if (defAbstract def == AbstractDef) && not (isAnonymousModuleName $ qnameModule x)
  t <- if (defAbstract def == AbstractDef)
         then return t
         else nonvariantToUnusedArg pol t
  modifySignature $ updateDefinition x $
   updateTheDef (nonvariantToUnusedArgInDef pol) . updateDefType (const t)

-- | Data and record parameters are used as phantom arguments all over
--   the test suite (and possibly in user developments).
--   @enablePhantomTypes@ turns 'Nonvariant' parameters to 'Covariant'
--   to enable phantoms.
enablePhantomTypes :: Defn -> [Polarity] -> [Polarity]
enablePhantomTypes def pol = case def of
  Datatype{ dataPars = np } -> enable np
  Record  { recPars  = np } -> enable np
  _                         -> pol
  where enable np = let (pars, rest) = genericSplitAt np pol
                    in  purgeNonvariant pars ++ rest

-- | Extract a basic approximate polarity info from the shape of definition.
--   Arguments that are matched against get 'Invariant', others 'Nonvariant'.
--   For data types, parameters get 'Nonvariant', indices 'Invariant'.
usagePolarity :: Defn -> [Polarity]
usagePolarity def = case def of
    Axiom{}                                 -> []
    Function{ funClauses = [] }             -> []
    Function{ funClauses = cs }             -> usage $ map clausePats cs
    Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni } -> genericReplicate np Nonvariant
    Record{ recPars = n }                   -> genericReplicate n Nonvariant
    Constructor{}                           -> []
    Primitive{}                             -> []
    usage = foldr1 (zipWith (/\)) . map (map (usagePat . unArg))
    usagePat VarP{} = Nonvariant
    usagePat DotP{} = Nonvariant
    usagePat ConP{} = Invariant
    usagePat LitP{} = Invariant

-- | Make arguments 'Invariant' if the type of a not-'Nonvariant'
--   later argument depends on it.
--   Also, enable phantom types by turning 'Nonvariant' into something
--   else if it is a data/record parameter but not a size argument. [See issue 1596]
--   Precondition: the "phantom" polarity list has the same length as the polarity list.
dependentPolarity :: Type -> [Polarity] -> [Polarity] -> TCM [Polarity]
dependentPolarity t _      []          = return []  -- all remaining are 'Invariant'
dependentPolarity t []     (_ : _)     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
dependentPolarity t (q:qs) pols@(p:ps) = do
  t <- reduce $ unEl t
  case ignoreSharing t of
    Pi dom b -> do
      let c = absBody b
      ps <- dependentPolarity c qs ps
      let mp = ifM (isJust <$> isSizeType (unDom dom)) (return p) (return q)
      p  <- case b of
              Abs{} | p /= Invariant  ->
                -- Andreas, 2014-04-11 see Issue 1099
                -- Free variable analysis is not in the monad,
                -- hence metas must have been instantiated before!
                ifM (relevantInIgnoringNonvariant 0 c ps)
                  (return Invariant)
              _ -> mp
      return $ p : ps
    _ -> return pols

-- | Check whether a variable is relevant in a type expression,
--   ignoring domains of non-variant arguments.
relevantInIgnoringNonvariant :: Nat -> Type -> [Polarity] -> TCM Bool
relevantInIgnoringNonvariant i t []     = return $ i `relevantInIgnoringSortAnn` t
relevantInIgnoringNonvariant i t (p:ps) = do
  t <- reduce $ unEl t
  case ignoreSharing t of
    Pi a b -> if p /= Nonvariant && i `relevantInIgnoringSortAnn` a then return True
              else relevantInIgnoringNonvariant (i + 1) (absBody b) ps
    _ -> return $ i `relevantInIgnoringSortAnn` t

-- * Turn polarity 'Nonvariant' into relevance 'UnusedArg'

-- | Record information that an argument is unused in 'Relevance'.
mkUnused :: Relevance -> Relevance
mkUnused Relevant = UnusedArg   -- commenting out this line switches off 'UnusedArg' polarity machinery
mkUnused r        = r  -- 'Irrelevant' is more informative than 'UnusedArg'.

-- | Improve 'Relevance' information in a type by polarity information.
--   'Nonvariant' becomes 'UnusedArg'.
nonvariantToUnusedArg :: [Polarity] -> Type -> TCM Type
nonvariantToUnusedArg []     t = return t
nonvariantToUnusedArg (p:ps) t = do
  t <- reduce t
  case ignoreSharingType t of
    El s (Pi a b) -> do
      let a' = if p == Nonvariant then mapRelevance mkUnused a else a
      El s . Pi a' <$> traverse (nonvariantToUnusedArg ps) b
        -- we do not lift properly but bound variables do not matter for reduce
        -- also, we do not maintain the context
    _ -> return t

-- | Propagate 'Nonvariant' 'Polarity' to 'Relevance' information in
--   'Arg's of a defined symbol.
nonvariantToUnusedArgInDef :: [Polarity] -> Defn -> Defn
nonvariantToUnusedArgInDef pol def = case def of
  Function { funClauses = cl } ->
       def { funClauses = map (nonvariantToUnusedArgInClause pol) cl }
  _ -> def

nonvariantToUnusedArgInClause :: [Polarity] -> Clause -> Clause
nonvariantToUnusedArgInClause pol cl@Clause{clauseTel = tel, namedClausePats = ps} =
  let adjPat p Nonvariant
        | properlyMatching (namedArg p) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- if we match, we cannot be Nonvariant (sanity check)
        | otherwise                     = mapRelevance mkUnused p
      adjPat p _    = p
      -- change relevance of 'Nonvariant' arguments to 'UnusedArg'
      -- note that the associated patterns cannot be 'ConP' or 'LitP'
      ps'   = zipWith adjPat ps (pol ++ repeat Invariant)
      -- get a list of 'Relevance's for the variables bound in the pattern
      rels0 = getRelevance <$> (concatMap (patternVars . fmap namedThing) ps')
      -- this is the order the variables appear in the telescope
      perm  = clausePerm cl
      rels  = permute perm rels0
      -- now improve 'Relevance' in 'Telescope' by pattern relevance
      updateDom UnusedArg = mapRelevance mkUnused
      updateDom r          = id
      tel' = telFromList $ zipWith updateDom rels $ telToList tel
   in cl { namedClausePats = ps', clauseTel = tel'}

-- * Sized types

-- | Hack for polarity of size indices.
--   As a side effect, this sets the positivity of the size index.
--   See test/succeed/PolaritySizeSucData.agda for a case where this is needed.
sizePolarity :: QName -> [Polarity] -> TCM [Polarity]
sizePolarity d pol0 = do
  let exit = return pol0
  ifM (not . optSizedTypes <$> pragmaOptions) exit $ do
    def <- getConstInfo d
    case theDef def of
      Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataCons = cons } -> do
        let TelV tel _      = telView' $ defType def
            (parTel, ixTel) = genericSplitAt np $ telToList tel
        case ixTel of
          []                 -> exit  -- No size index
          Dom _ (_, a) : _ -> ifM ((/= Just BoundedNo) <$> isSizeType a) exit $ do
            -- we assume the size index to be 'Covariant' ...
            let pol   = genericTake np pol0
                polCo = pol ++ [Covariant]
                polIn = pol ++ [Invariant]
            setPolarity d $ polCo
            -- and seek confirm it by looking at the constructor types
            let check c = do
                  t <- defType <$> getConstInfo c
                  addCtxTel (telFromList parTel) $ do
                    let pars = map (defaultArg . var) $ downFrom np
                    TelV conTel target <- telView =<< (t `piApplyM` pars)
                    case conTel of
                      EmptyTel  -> return False  -- no size argument
                      ExtendTel arg  tel ->
                        ifM ((/= Just BoundedNo) <$> isSizeType (unDom arg)) (return False) $ do -- also no size argument
                          -- First constructor argument has type Size

                          -- check that only positive occurences in tel
                          let isPos = underAbstraction arg tel $ \ tel -> do
                                pols <- zipWithM polarity [0..] $ map (snd . unDom) $ telToList tel
                                reportSDoc "tc.polarity.size" 25 $
                                  text $ "to pass size polarity check, the following polarities need all to be covariant: " ++ show pols
                                return $ all (`elem` [Nonvariant, Covariant]) pols

                          -- check that the size argument appears in the
                          -- right spot in the target type
                          let sizeArg = size tel
                              isLin = addContext conTel $ checkSizeIndex d np sizeArg target

                          ok <- isPos `and2M` isLin
                          reportSDoc "tc.polarity.size" 15 $
                            text "constructor" <+> prettyTCM c <+>
                            text (if ok then "passes" else "fails") <+>
                            text "size polarity check"
                          return ok

            ifNotM (andM $ map check cons)
                (return polIn) -- no, does not conform to the rules of sized types
              $ do  -- yes, we have a sized type here
                -- Andreas, 2015-07-01
                -- As a side effect, mark the size also covariant for subsequent
                -- positivity checking (which feeds back into polarity analysis).
                modifyArgOccurrences d $ \ occ -> take np occ ++ [JustPos]
                return polCo
      _ -> exit

-- | @checkSizeIndex d np i a@ checks that constructor target type @a@
--   has form @d ps (↑ i) idxs@ where @|ps| = np@.
--   Precondition: @a@ is reduced and of form @d ps idxs0@.
checkSizeIndex :: QName -> Nat -> Nat -> Type -> TCM Bool
checkSizeIndex d np i a = do
  reportSDoc "tc.polarity.size" 15 $ withShowAllArguments $
    text "checking that constructor target type " <+> prettyTCM a <+>
    text "is data type " <+> prettyTCM d <+>
    text "has size index successor of " <+> prettyTCM (var i)
  case ignoreSharing $ unEl a of
    Def d0 es -> do
      whenNothingM (sameDef d d0) __IMPOSSIBLE__
      s <- sizeView $ unArg ix
      case s of
        SizeSuc v | Var j [] <- ignoreSharing v, i == j
          -> return $ not $ freeIn i (pars ++ ixs)
        _ -> return False
        (pars, Apply ix : ixs) = genericSplitAt np es
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | @polarities i a@ computes the list of polarities of de Bruijn index @i@
--   in syntactic entity @a@.
class HasPolarity a where
  polarities :: Nat -> a -> TCM [Polarity]

-- | @polarity i a@ computes the polarity of de Bruijn index @i@
--   in syntactic entity @a@ by taking the infimum of all 'polarities'.
polarity :: HasPolarity a => Nat -> a -> TCM Polarity
polarity i x = do
  ps <- polarities i x
  case ps of
    [] -> return Nonvariant
    ps -> return $ foldr1 (/\) ps

instance HasPolarity a => HasPolarity (Arg a) where
  polarities i = polarities i . unArg

instance HasPolarity a => HasPolarity (Dom a) where
  polarities i = polarities i . unDom

instance HasPolarity a => HasPolarity (Abs a) where
  polarities i (Abs   _ b) = polarities (i + 1) b
  polarities i (NoAbs _ v) = polarities i v

instance HasPolarity a => HasPolarity [a] where
  polarities i xs = concat <$> mapM (polarities i) xs

instance (HasPolarity a, HasPolarity b) => HasPolarity (a, b) where
  polarities i (x, y) = (++) <$> polarities i x <*> polarities i y

instance HasPolarity Type where
  polarities i (El _ v) = polarities i v

instance HasPolarity a => HasPolarity (Elim' a) where
  polarities i (Proj p)  = return []
  polarities i (Apply a) = polarities i a

instance HasPolarity Term where
  polarities i v = do
   v <- instantiate v
   case v of
    -- Andreas, 2012-09-06: taking the polarities of the arguments
    -- without taking the variance of the function into account seems wrong.
    Var n ts  | n == i -> (Covariant :) . map (const Invariant) <$> polarities i ts
              | otherwise -> map (const Invariant) <$> polarities i ts
    Lam _ t    -> polarities i t
    Lit _      -> return []
    Level l    -> polarities i l
    Def x ts   -> do
      pols <- getPolarity x
      let compose p ps = map (composePol p) ps
      concat . zipWith compose (pols ++ repeat Invariant) <$> mapM (polarities i) ts
    Con _ ts   -> polarities i ts -- constructors can be seen as monotone in all args.
    Pi a b     -> (++) <$> (map neg <$> polarities i a) <*> polarities i b
    Sort s     -> return [] -- polarities i s -- return []
    MetaV _ ts -> map (const Invariant) <$> polarities i ts
    Shared p   -> polarities i $ derefPtr p
    DontCare t -> polarities i t -- return []

instance HasPolarity Level where
  polarities i (Max as) = polarities i as

instance HasPolarity PlusLevel where
  polarities i ClosedLevel{} = return []
  polarities i (Plus _ l) = polarities i l

instance HasPolarity LevelAtom where
  polarities i l = case l of
    MetaLevel _ vs   -> map (const Invariant) <$> polarities i vs
    BlockedLevel _ v -> polarities i v
    NeutralLevel _ v -> polarities i v
    UnreducedLevel v -> polarities i v