module Agda.Auto.Convert where

import Control.Applicative hiding (getConst, Const(..))
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Control.Monad.State

import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (exprFieldA)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern as IP
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as AN
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Position as SP
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base as MB
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Signature (getConstInfo, getDefFreeVars, ignoreAbstractMode)
import Agda.Utils.Permutation (Permutation(Perm), permute, takeP, compactP)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level (reallyUnLevelView)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base (mvJudgement, mvPermutation, getMetaInfo, ctxEntry, envContext, clEnv)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.MetaVars (lookupMeta, withMetaInfo, lookupInteractionPoint)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Context (getContextArgs)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Constraints (getAllConstraints)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute (piApply, applySubst, renamingR)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope (piApplyM)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute as I (absBody)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce (Normalise, normalise, instantiate)
import Agda.TypeChecking.EtaContract (etaContract)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin (constructorForm)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free (freeIn)
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap

import Agda.Interaction.MakeCase (getClauseForIP)

import Agda.Auto.NarrowingSearch
import Agda.Auto.Syntax

import Agda.Auto.CaseSplit hiding (lift)

import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.Except
  ( Error(strMsg)
  , ExceptT
  , MonadError(throwError)
import Agda.Utils.Lens

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
#include "undefined.h"

norm :: Normalise t => t -> MB.TCM t
norm x = normalise x
--norm x = return x

type O = (Maybe Int, AN.QName) -- Nothing - Def, Just npar - Con with npar parameters which don't appear in Agda

data TMode = TMAll -- can be extended to distinguish between different modes (all, only def)
 deriving Eq

type MapS a b = (Map a b, [a])

initMapS :: MapS a b
initMapS = (Map.empty, [])

popMapS :: (S -> (a, [b])) -> ((a, [b]) -> S -> S) -> TOM (Maybe b)
popMapS r w = do (m, xs) <- gets r
                 case xs of
                  [] -> return Nothing
                  (x:xs) -> do
                   modify (w (m, xs))
                   return $ Just x

data S = S {sConsts :: MapS AN.QName (TMode, ConstRef O),
            sMetas :: MapS I.MetaId (Metavar (Exp O) (RefInfo O), Maybe (MExp O, [MExp O]), [I.MetaId]),
            sEqs :: MapS Int (Maybe (Bool, MExp O, MExp O)),
            sCurMeta :: Maybe I.MetaId,
            sMainMeta :: I.MetaId

type TOM = StateT S MB.TCM

tomy :: I.MetaId -> [(Bool, AN.QName)] -> [I.Type] -> MB.TCM ([ConstRef O], [MExp O], Map I.MetaId (Metavar (Exp O) (RefInfo O), MExp O, [MExp O], [I.MetaId]), [(Bool, MExp O, MExp O)], Map AN.QName (TMode, ConstRef O))
tomy imi icns typs = do
 eqs <- getEqs
  r :: [AN.QName] -> TOM [AN.QName]
  r projfcns = do
   nxt <- popMapS sConsts (\x y -> y {sConsts = x})
   case nxt of
    Just cn -> do
     cmap <- fst `liftM` gets sConsts
     let (mode, c) = cmap Map.! cn
     def <- lift $ getConstInfo cn
     let typ = MB.defType def
         defn = MB.theDef def
     typ <- lift $ norm typ
     typ' <- tomyType typ
     let clausesToDef clauses = do
           clauses' <- tomyClauses clauses
           let narg = case clauses of
                        [] -> 0
                        I.Clause {I.namedClausePats = xs} : _ -> length xs
           return (Def narg clauses' Nothing Nothing, [])
     (cont, projfcns2) <- case defn of
      MB.Axiom {} -> return (Postulate, [])
      MB.AbstractDefn -> return (Postulate, [])
      MB.Function {MB.funClauses = clauses} -> clausesToDef clauses
      -- MB.Primitive {MB.primClauses = []} -> throwError $ strMsg "Auto: Primitive functions are not supported" -- Andreas, 2013-06-17 breaks interaction/AutoMisc
      MB.Primitive {MB.primClauses = clauses} -> clausesToDef clauses
      MB.Datatype {MB.dataCons = cons} -> do
       cons2 <- mapM (\con -> getConst True con TMAll) cons
       return (Datatype cons2 [], [])
      MB.Record {MB.recFields = fields, MB.recTel = tel} -> do -- the value of recPars seems unreliable or don't know what it signifies
       let pars n (I.El _ (I.Pi it typ)) = Common.Arg (Common.domInfo it) (I.var n) :
                                           pars (n - 1) (I.unAbs typ)
           pars n (I.El s (I.Shared p))  = pars n (I.El s (I.derefPtr p))
           pars _ (I.El _ _) = []
           contyp npar I.EmptyTel = I.El (I.mkType 0 {- arbitrary -}) $
                                      I.Def cn $ map I.Apply $ pars (npar - 1) typ
           contyp npar (I.ExtendTel it (I.Abs v tel)) = I.El (I.mkType 0 {- arbitrary -}) (I.Pi it (I.Abs v (contyp (npar + 1) tel)))
           contyp npar (I.ExtendTel it I.NoAbs{})     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
       contyp' <- tomyType $ contyp 0 tel
       cc <- lift $ liftIO $ readIORef c
       let Datatype [con] [] = cdcont cc
       lift $ liftIO $ modifyIORef con (\cdef -> cdef {cdtype = contyp'})

       projfcns <- mapM (\name -> getConst False name TMAll) (map Common.unArg fields)

       return (Datatype [con] projfcns, []{-map snd fields-})
      MB.Constructor {MB.conData = dt} -> do
       _ <- getConst False dt TMAll -- make sure that datatype is included
       cc <- lift $ liftIO $ readIORef c
       let (Just nomi, _) = cdorigin cc
       return (Constructor (nomi - cddeffreevars cc), [])
     lift $ liftIO $ modifyIORef c (\cdef -> cdef {cdtype = typ', cdcont = cont})
     r $ projfcns2 ++ projfcns
    Nothing -> do
     nxt <- popMapS sMetas (\x y -> y {sMetas = x})
     case nxt of
      Just mi -> do
       mapM_ (\((_, e, i), eqi) -> do
         when (fmExp mi e || fmExp mi i) $ do
          (eqsm, eqsl) <- gets sEqs
          when (Map.notMember eqi eqsm) $ do
           modify $ \s -> s {sEqs = (Map.insert eqi Nothing eqsm, eqi : eqsl)}
        ) (zip eqs [0..])
       mv <- lift $ lookupMeta mi
       msol <- case MB.mvInstantiation mv of
                     MB.InstV{} ->
                      lift $ withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ do
                       args <- getContextArgs
                       --sol <- norm (I.MetaV mi args)
                       sol <- instantiate $ I.MetaV mi $ map I.Apply $ permute (takeP (length args) $ mvPermutation mv) args
                       return $ Just sol
                     _ -> return Nothing
       case msol of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just sol -> do
         m <- getMeta mi
         sol' <- tomyExp sol
         modify $ \s -> s {sEqs = (Map.insert (Map.size (fst $ sEqs s)) (Just (False, Meta m, sol')) (fst $ sEqs s), snd $ sEqs s)}
       let tt = MB.jMetaType $ mvJudgement mv
           minfo = getMetaInfo mv
           localVars = map (snd . Common.unDom . ctxEntry) . envContext . clEnv $ minfo
       (targettype, localVars) <- lift $ withMetaInfo minfo $ do
        vs <- getContextArgs
        targettype <- tt `piApplyM` permute (takeP (length vs) $ mvPermutation mv) vs
        targettype <- norm targettype
        localVars <- mapM norm localVars
        return (targettype, localVars)
       modify (\s -> s {sCurMeta = Just mi})
       typ' <- tomyType targettype
       ctx' <- mapM tomyType localVars
       modify (\s -> s {sCurMeta = Nothing})
       modify (\s -> s {sMetas = (Map.adjust (\(m, _, deps) -> (m, Just (typ', ctx'), deps)) mi (fst $ sMetas s), snd $ sMetas s)})
       r projfcns
      Nothing -> do
       nxt <- popMapS sEqs (\x y -> y {sEqs = x})
       case nxt of
        Just eqi -> do
         let (ineq, e, i) = eqs !! eqi
         e' <- tomyExp e
         i' <- tomyExp i
         modify (\s -> s {sEqs = (Map.adjust (\_ -> Just (ineq, e', i')) eqi (fst $ sEqs s), snd $ sEqs s)})
         r projfcns
        Nothing ->
         return projfcns
 ((icns', typs'), s) <- runStateT
  (do _ <- getMeta imi
      icns' <- mapM (\(iscon, name) -> getConst iscon name TMAll) icns
      typs' <- mapM tomyType typs
      projfcns <- r []
      projfcns' <- mapM (\name -> getConst False name TMAll) projfcns
      [] <- r []
      return (projfcns' ++ icns', typs')
  ) (S {sConsts = initMapS, sMetas = initMapS, sEqs = initMapS, sCurMeta = Nothing, sMainMeta = imi})
 lift $ liftIO $ mapM_ categorizedecl icns'
 return (icns', typs', Map.map flatten (fst (sMetas s)), map fromJust $ Map.elems (fst (sEqs s)), fst (sConsts s))
 flatten (x, Just (y, z), w) = (x, y, z, w)
 flatten (x, Nothing, w) = __IMPOSSIBLE__

 fromJust (Just x) = x
 fromJust Nothing = __IMPOSSIBLE__

getConst :: Bool -> AN.QName -> TMode -> TOM (ConstRef O)
getConst iscon name mode = do
 def <- lift $ getConstInfo name
 case MB.theDef def of
  MB.Record {MB.recConHead = con} -> do
   let conname = I.conName con
   cmap <- fst `liftM` gets sConsts
   case Map.lookup name cmap of
    Just (mode', c) ->
     if iscon then do
      cd <- lift $ liftIO $ readIORef c
      let Datatype [con] _ = cdcont cd
      return con
      return c
    Nothing -> do
     mainm <- gets sMainMeta
     dfv <- lift $ getdfv mainm name
     let nomi = I.arity (MB.defType def)
     ccon <- lift $ liftIO $ newIORef (ConstDef {cdname = show name ++ ".CONS", cdorigin = (Just nomi, conname), cdtype = __IMPOSSIBLE__, cdcont = Constructor (nomi - dfv), cddeffreevars = dfv}) -- ?? correct value of deffreevars for records?
     c <- lift $ liftIO $ newIORef (ConstDef {cdname = show name, cdorigin = (Nothing, name), cdtype = __IMPOSSIBLE__, cdcont = Datatype [ccon] [], cddeffreevars = dfv}) -- ?? correct value of deffreevars for records?
     modify (\s -> s {sConsts = (Map.insert name (mode, c) cmap, name : snd (sConsts s))})
     return $ if iscon then ccon else c
  _ -> do
   cmap <- fst `liftM` gets sConsts
   case Map.lookup name cmap of
    Just (mode', c) ->
     return c
    Nothing -> do
     (miscon, sname) <- if iscon then do
       let MB.Constructor {MB.conPars = npar, MB.conData = dname} = MB.theDef def
       return (Just npar, show dname ++ "." ++ show (I.qnameName name))
       return (Nothing, show name)
     mainm <- gets sMainMeta
     dfv <- lift $ getdfv mainm name
     c <- lift $ liftIO $ newIORef (ConstDef {cdname = sname, cdorigin = (miscon, name), cdtype = __IMPOSSIBLE__, cdcont = __IMPOSSIBLE__, cddeffreevars = dfv})
     modify (\s -> s {sConsts = (Map.insert name (mode, c) cmap, name : snd (sConsts s))})
     return c

getdfv :: I.MetaId -> A.QName -> MB.TCM Common.Nat
getdfv mainm name = do
 mv <- lookupMeta mainm
 withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mv) $ getDefFreeVars name

getMeta :: I.MetaId -> TOM (Metavar (Exp O) (RefInfo O))
getMeta name = do
 mmap <- fst `liftM` gets sMetas
 case Map.lookup name mmap of
  Just (m, _, _) ->
   return m
  Nothing -> do
   m <- lift $ liftIO initMeta
   modify (\s -> s {sMetas = (Map.insert name (m, Nothing, []) mmap, name : snd (sMetas s))})
   return m

getEqs :: MB.TCM [(Bool, I.Term, I.Term)]
getEqs = do
 eqs <- getAllConstraints
 let r = mapM (\eqc -> do
          neqc <- norm eqc
          case MB.clValue $ MB.theConstraint neqc of
           MB.ValueCmp ineq _ i e -> do
            ei <- etaContract i
            ee <- etaContract e
            return [(tomyIneq ineq, ee, ei)]
           MB.TypeCmp ineq i e -> do
            I.El _ ei <- etaContract i
            I.El _ ee <- etaContract e
            return [(tomyIneq ineq, ee, ei)]
           MB.Guarded (MB.UnBlock _) pid -> return []
           _ -> return []
 eqs' <- r eqs
 return $ concat eqs'

copatternsNotImplemented :: MB.TCM a
copatternsNotImplemented = MB.typeError $ MB.NotImplemented $
  "The Agda synthesizer (Agsy) does not support copatterns yet"

tomyClauses :: [I.Clause] -> TOM [([Pat O], MExp O)]
tomyClauses [] = return []
tomyClauses (cl:cls) = do
 cl' <- tomyClause cl
 cls' <- tomyClauses cls
 return $ case cl' of
  Just cl' -> cl' : cls'
  Nothing -> cls'

tomyClause :: I.Clause -> TOM (Maybe ([Pat O], MExp O))
tomyClause cl = do
 let -- Jesper, 2016-07-28: I can't figure out if this should be the old or new
     -- clause body (i.e. relative to the positions of pattern variables or
     -- relative to the clauseTel). Both options pass the test suite, so I
     -- have the impression it doesn't actually matter.
     -- perm = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ IP.clausePerm cl
     -- body = applySubst (renamingR perm) $ I.clauseBody cl
     body = I.clauseBody cl
     pats = I.clausePats cl
 pats' <- mapM tomyPat $ IP.unnumberPatVars pats
 body' <- traverse tomyExp =<< lift (norm body)
 return $ case body' of
           Just body' -> Just (pats', body')
           Nothing    -> Nothing

tomyPat :: Common.Arg I.Pattern -> TOM (Pat O)
tomyPat p = case Common.unArg p of
 I.ProjP{} -> lift $ copatternsNotImplemented
 I.VarP n -> return $ PatVar (show n)
 I.DotP _ -> return $ PatVar "_" -- because Agda includes these when referring to variables in the body
 I.ConP con _ pats -> do
  let n = I.conName con
  c <- getConst True n TMAll
  pats' <- mapM (tomyPat . fmap Common.namedThing) pats
  def <- lift $ getConstInfo n
  cc <- lift $ liftIO $ readIORef c
  let Just npar = fst $ cdorigin cc
  return $ PatConApp c (replicate npar PatExp ++ pats')
 I.LitP _ -> throwError $ strMsg "Auto: Literals in patterns are not supported"

weaken :: Int -> MExp O -> MExp O
weaken _ e@(Meta m) = e
weaken i (NotM e) =
 case e of
  App uid okh elr as ->
   let elr' = case elr of
               Var v -> if v >= i then Var (v + 1) else elr
               Const{} -> elr
       as' = weakens i as
   in NotM $ App uid okh elr' as'
  Lam hid (Abs mid t) ->
   let t' = weaken (i + 1) t
   in NotM $ Lam hid (Abs mid t')
  Pi uid hid possdep x (Abs mid y) ->
   let x' = weaken i x
       y' = weaken (i + 1) y
   in NotM $ Pi uid hid possdep x' (Abs mid y')
  Sort{} -> NotM e

  AbsurdLambda{} -> NotM e

weakens :: Int -> MArgList O -> MArgList O
weakens _ as@(Meta m) = as
weakens i (NotM as) =
 case as of
  ALNil -> NotM as
  ALCons hid x xs ->
   let x' = weaken i x
       xs' = weakens i xs
   in NotM $ ALCons hid x' xs'

  ALProj{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

  ALConPar xs ->
   let xs' = weakens i xs
   in NotM $ ALConPar xs'

tomyType :: I.Type -> TOM (MExp O)
tomyType (I.El _ t) = tomyExp t -- sort info is thrown away

tomyExp :: I.Term -> TOM (MExp O)
tomyExp v0 =
  case I.unSpine v0 of
    I.Var v es -> do
      let Just as = I.allApplyElims es
      as' <- tomyExps as
      return $ NotM $ App Nothing (NotM OKVal) (Var v) as'
    I.Lam info b -> do
      b' <- tomyExp (I.absBody b)
      return $ NotM $ Lam (cnvh info) (Abs (Id $ I.absName b) b')
    t@I.Lit{} -> do
      t <- lift $ constructorForm t
      case t of
        I.Lit{} -> throwError $ strMsg "Auto: Literals in terms are not supported"
        _       -> tomyExp t
    I.Level l -> tomyExp =<< lift (reallyUnLevelView l)
    I.Def name es -> do
      let Just as = I.allApplyElims es
      c   <- getConst False name TMAll
      as' <- tomyExps as
      return $ NotM $ App Nothing (NotM OKVal) (Const c) as'
    I.Con con ci as -> do
      let name = I.conName con
      c   <- getConst True name TMAll
      as' <- tomyExps as
      def <- lift $ getConstInfo name
      cc  <- lift $ liftIO $ readIORef c
      let Just npar = fst $ cdorigin cc
      return $ NotM $ App Nothing (NotM OKVal) (Const c) (foldl (\x _ -> NotM $ ALConPar x) as' [1..npar])
    I.Pi (Common.Dom info x) b -> do
      let y    = I.absBody b
          name = I.absName b
      x' <- tomyType x
      y' <- tomyType y
      return $ NotM $ Pi Nothing (cnvh info) (Agda.TypeChecking.Free.freeIn 0 y) x' (Abs (Id name) y')
    I.Sort (I.Type (I.Max [I.ClosedLevel l])) -> return $ NotM $ Sort $ Set $ fromIntegral l
    I.Sort _ -> return $ NotM $ Sort UnknownSort
    t@I.MetaV{} -> do
      t <- lift $ instantiate t
      case t of
        I.MetaV mid _ -> do
          mcurmeta <- gets sCurMeta
          case mcurmeta of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just curmeta ->
              modify $ \ s -> s { sMetas = ( Map.adjust (\(m, x, deps) -> (m, x, mid : deps)) curmeta (fst $ sMetas s)
                                           , snd $ sMetas s
                                           ) }
          m <- getMeta mid
          return $ Meta m
        _ -> tomyExp t
    I.DontCare _ -> return $ NotM $ dontCare
    I.Shared p -> tomyExp $ I.derefPtr p

tomyExps :: I.Args -> TOM (MM (ArgList O) (RefInfo O))
tomyExps [] = return $ NotM ALNil
tomyExps (Common.Arg info a : as) = do
 a' <- tomyExp a
 as' <- tomyExps as
 return $ NotM $ ALCons (cnvh info) a' as'

tomyIneq :: MB.Comparison -> Bool
tomyIneq MB.CmpEq = False
tomyIneq MB.CmpLeq = True

-- ---------------------------------------------

fmType :: I.MetaId -> I.Type -> Bool
fmType m (I.El _ t) = fmExp m t

fmExp :: I.MetaId -> I.Term -> Bool
fmExp m (I.Var _ as) = fmExps m $ I.argsFromElims as
fmExp m (I.Lam _ b) = fmExp m (I.unAbs b)
fmExp m (I.Lit _) = False
fmExp m (I.Level (I.Max as)) = any (fmLevel m) as
fmExp m (I.Def _ as) = fmExps m $ I.argsFromElims as
fmExp m (I.Con _ ci as) = fmExps m as
fmExp m (I.Pi x y)  = fmType m (Common.unDom x) || fmType m (I.unAbs y)
fmExp m (I.Sort _) = False
fmExp m (I.MetaV mid _) = mid == m
fmExp m (I.DontCare _) = False
fmExp m (I.Shared p) = fmExp m $ I.derefPtr p

fmExps :: I.MetaId -> I.Args -> Bool
fmExps m [] = False
fmExps m (a : as) = fmExp m (Common.unArg a) || fmExps m as

fmLevel :: I.MetaId -> I.PlusLevel -> Bool
fmLevel m I.ClosedLevel{} = False
fmLevel m (I.Plus _ l) = case l of
  I.MetaLevel m' _   -> m == m'
  I.NeutralLevel _ v -> fmExp m v
  I.BlockedLevel _ v -> fmExp m v
  I.UnreducedLevel v -> fmExp m v

-- ---------------------------------------------

cnvh :: Common.LensHiding a => a -> FMode
cnvh info = case Common.getHiding info of
    Common.NotHidden -> NotHidden
    Common.Instance  -> Instance
    Common.Hidden    -> Hidden

icnvh :: FMode -> Common.ArgInfo
icnvh h = Common.setHiding h' $
          Common.setOrigin Common.Inserted $
    h' = case h of
        NotHidden -> Common.NotHidden
        Instance  -> Common.Instance
        Hidden    -> Common.Hidden

-- ---------------------------------------------

frommy :: MExp O -> ExceptT String IO I.Term
frommy = frommyExp

frommyType :: MExp O -> ExceptT String IO I.Type
frommyType e = do
 e' <- frommyExp e
 return $ I.El (I.mkType 0) e'  -- 0 is arbitrary, sort not read by Agda when reifying

frommyExp :: MExp O -> ExceptT String IO I.Term
frommyExp (Meta m) = do
 bind <- lift $ readIORef $ mbind m
 case bind of
  Nothing -> throwError "meta not bound"
  Just e -> frommyExp (NotM e)
frommyExp (NotM e) =
 case e of
  App _ _ (Var v) as ->
   frommyExps 0 as (I.Var v [])
  App _ _ (Const c) as -> do
   cdef <- lift $ readIORef c
   let (iscon, name) = cdorigin cdef
   case iscon of
      Just n -> do
        v <- getConTerm name -- We are not in TCM
        frommyExps n as v
       (ndrop, h) = case iscon of
                      Just n -> (n, \ q -> I.Con (I.ConHead q Common.Inductive []) Common.ConOSystem) -- TODO: restore fields
                      Nothing -> (0, \ f vs -> I.Def f $ map I.Apply vs)
   frommyExps ndrop as (h name [])
  Lam hid (Abs mid t) -> do
   t' <- frommyExp t
   return $ I.Lam (icnvh hid) (I.Abs (case mid of {NoId -> "x"; Id id -> id}) t')
  Pi _ hid _ x (Abs mid y) -> do
   x' <- frommyType x
   y' <- frommyType y
   return $ I.Pi (Common.Dom (icnvh hid) x') (I.Abs (case mid of {NoId -> "x"; Id id -> id}) y')
   -- maybe have case for Pi where possdep is False which produces Fun (and has to unweaken y), return $ I.Fun (Common.Arg (icnvh hid) x') y'
  Sort (Set l) ->
   return $ I.Sort (I.mkType (fromIntegral l))
  Sort Type -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  Sort UnknownSort -> return $ I.Sort (I.mkType 0) -- hoping that it's thrown away

  AbsurdLambda hid ->
   return $ I.Lam (icnvh hid) (I.Abs abslamvarname (I.Var 0 []))

frommyExps :: Nat -> MArgList O -> I.Term -> ExceptT String IO I.Term
frommyExps ndrop (Meta m) trm = do
 bind <- lift $ readIORef $ mbind m
 case bind of
  Nothing -> throwError "meta not bound"
  Just e -> frommyExps ndrop (NotM e) trm
frommyExps ndrop (NotM as) trm =
 case as of
  ALNil -> return trm
  ALCons _ _ xs | ndrop > 0 -> frommyExps (ndrop - 1) xs trm
  ALCons hid x xs -> do
   x' <- frommyExp x
   frommyExps ndrop xs (addend (Common.Arg (icnvh hid) x') trm)

  -- Andreas, 2013-10-19 TODO: restore postfix projections
  ALProj eas idx hid xs -> do
   idx <- lift $ expandbind idx
   c <- case idx of
            NotM c -> return c
            Meta{} -> throwError "meta not bound"
   cdef <- lift $ readIORef c
   let name = snd $ cdorigin cdef
   trm2 <- frommyExps 0 eas (I.Def name [])
   frommyExps 0 xs (addend (Common.Arg (icnvh hid) trm) trm2)

  ALConPar xs | ndrop > 0 -> frommyExps (ndrop - 1) xs trm
  ALConPar _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  addend x (I.Var h xs) = I.Var h (xs ++ [I.Apply x])
  addend x (I.Con h ci xs) = I.Con h ci (xs ++ [x])
  addend x (I.Def h xs) = I.Def h (xs ++ [I.Apply x])
  addend x (I.Shared p) = addend x (I.derefPtr p)
  addend _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- --------------------------------

abslamvarname :: String
abslamvarname = "\0absurdlambda"

modifyAbstractExpr :: A.Expr -> A.Expr
modifyAbstractExpr = f
  f (A.App i e1 (Common.Arg info (Common.Named n e2))) =
        A.App i (f e1) (Common.Arg info (Common.Named n (f e2)))
  f (A.Lam i (A.DomainFree info n) _) | show (A.nameConcrete n) == abslamvarname =
        A.AbsurdLam i $ Common.argInfoHiding info
  f (A.Lam i b e) = A.Lam i b (f e)
  f (A.Rec i xs) = A.Rec i (map (mapLeft (over exprFieldA f)) xs)
  f (A.RecUpdate i e xs) = A.RecUpdate i (f e) (map (over exprFieldA f) xs)
  f (A.ScopedExpr i e) = A.ScopedExpr i (f e)
  f e = e

modifyAbstractClause :: A.Clause -> A.Clause
modifyAbstractClause (A.Clause lhs dots (A.RHS e mc) decls catchall) =
  A.Clause lhs dots (A.RHS (modifyAbstractExpr e) mc) decls catchall
modifyAbstractClause cl = cl

-- ---------------------------------

constructPats :: Map AN.QName (TMode, ConstRef O) -> I.MetaId -> I.Clause -> MB.TCM ([(FMode, MId)], [CSPat O])
constructPats cmap mainm clause = do
 let cnvps ns [] = return (ns, [])
     cnvps ns (p : ps) = do
      (ns', ps') <- cnvps ns ps
      (ns'', p') <- cnvp ns' p
      return (ns'', p' : ps')
     cnvp ns p =
      let hid = cnvh $ Common.argInfo p
      in case Common.namedArg p of
       I.VarP n -> return ((hid, Id n) : ns, HI hid (CSPatVar $ length ns))
       I.ConP con _ ps -> do
        let c = I.conName con
        (c2, _) <- runStateT (getConst True c TMAll) (S {sConsts = (cmap, []), sMetas = initMapS, sEqs = initMapS, sCurMeta = Nothing, sMainMeta = mainm})
        (ns', ps') <- cnvps ns ps
        cc <- liftIO $ readIORef c2
        let Just npar = fst $ cdorigin cc
        return (ns', HI hid (CSPatConApp c2 (replicate npar (HI Hidden CSOmittedArg) ++ ps')))
       I.DotP t -> do
        (t2, _) <- runStateT (tomyExp t) (S {sConsts = (cmap, []), sMetas = initMapS, sEqs = initMapS, sCurMeta = Nothing, sMainMeta = mainm})
        return (ns, HI hid (CSPatExp t2))
       I.ProjP{} -> copatternsNotImplemented
       _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
 (names, pats) <- cnvps [] (IP.unnumberPatVars $ I.namedClausePats clause)
 return (reverse names, pats)

frommyClause :: (CSCtx O, [CSPat O], Maybe (MExp O)) -> ExceptT String IO I.Clause
frommyClause (ids, pats, mrhs) = do
 let ctel [] = return I.EmptyTel
     ctel (HI hid (mid, t) : ctx) = do
      let Id id = mid
      tel <- ctel ctx
      t' <- frommyType t
      return $ I.ExtendTel (Common.Dom (icnvh hid) t') (I.Abs id tel)
 tel <- ctel $ reverse ids
 let getperms 0 [] perm nv = return (perm, nv)
     getperms n [] _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
     getperms 0 (p : ps) perm nv = do
      (perm, nv) <- getperm p perm nv
      getperms 0 ps perm nv
     getperms n (HI _ CSPatExp{} : ps) perm nv = getperms (n - 1) ps perm nv
     getperms n (HI _ CSOmittedArg{} : ps) perm nv = getperms (n - 1) ps perm nv
     getperms n (_ : _) _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
     getperm (HI _ p) perm nv =
      case p of
       --CSPatVar v -> return (length ids + nv - 1 - v : perm, nv)
       CSPatVar v -> return ((length ids - 1 - v, nv) : perm, nv + 1)
       CSPatConApp c ps -> do
        cdef <- lift $ readIORef c
        let (Just ndrop, _) = cdorigin cdef
        getperms ndrop ps perm nv
       CSPatExp e -> return (perm, nv + 1)
       _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
 (rperm, nv) <- getperms 0 pats [] 0
 let --perm = reverse rperm
     perm = map (\i -> let Just x = lookup i rperm in x) [0..length ids - 1]
     --renperm = map (\i -> length ids + nv - 1 - i) rperm
     --renm = rename (\i -> renperm !! i)
     cnvps 0 [] = return []
     cnvps n [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
     cnvps 0 (p : ps) = do
      p' <- cnvp p
      ps' <- cnvps 0 ps
      return (p' : ps')
     cnvps n (HI _ CSPatExp{} : ps) = cnvps (n - 1) ps
     cnvps n (HI _ CSOmittedArg{} : ps) = cnvps (n - 1) ps
     cnvps n (_ : _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
     cnvp (HI hid p) = do
      p' <- case p of
       CSPatVar v -> return (I.varP $ let HI _ (Id n, _) = ids !! v in n)
       CSPatConApp c ps -> do
        cdef <- lift $ readIORef c
        let (Just ndrop, name) = cdorigin cdef
        ps' <- cnvps ndrop ps
        let con = I.ConHead name Common.Inductive [] -- TODO: restore record fields!
        return (I.ConP con I.noConPatternInfo ps')
       CSPatExp e -> do
        e' <- frommyExp e {- renm e -} -- renaming before adding to clause below
        return (I.DotP e')
       CSAbsurd -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- CSAbsurd not used
       _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      return $ Common.Arg (icnvh hid) $ Common.unnamed p'   -- TODO: recover names
 ps <- cnvps 0 pats
 body <- case mrhs of
          Nothing -> return $ Nothing
          Just e -> Just <$> frommyExp e
 let cperm =  Perm nv perm
 return $ I.Clause
   { I.clauseRange = SP.noRange
   , I.clauseTel   = tel
   , I.namedClausePats = IP.numberPatVars __IMPOSSIBLE__ cperm $ applySubst (renamingR $ compactP cperm) ps
   , I.clauseBody  = body
   , I.clauseType  = Nothing -- TODO: compute clause type
   , I.clauseCatchall = False

contains_constructor :: [CSPat O] -> Bool
contains_constructor = any f
  f (HI _ p) = case p of
         CSPatConApp{} -> True
         _ -> False

-- ---------------------------------

freeIn :: Nat -> MExp o -> Bool
freeIn = f
  mr x = let NotM x' = x in x'
  f v e = case mr e of
   App _ _ elr args -> case elr of
    Var v' | v' == v -> False
    _ -> fs v args
   Lam _ (Abs _ b) -> f (v + 1) b
   Pi _ _ _ it (Abs _ ot) -> f v it && f (v + 1) ot
   Sort{} -> True

   AbsurdLambda{} -> True

  fs v es = case mr es of
   ALNil -> True
   ALCons _ a as -> f v a && fs v as

   ALProj{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

   ALConPar as -> fs v as

negtype :: ConstRef o -> MExp o -> MExp o
negtype ee = f (0 :: Int)
  mr x = let NotM x' = x in x'
  f n e = case mr e of
   Pi uid hid possdep it (Abs id ot) -> NotM $ Pi uid hid possdep it (Abs id (f (n + 1) ot))
   _ -> NotM $ Pi Nothing NotHidden False (NotM $ Pi Nothing NotHidden False e (Abs NoId (NotM $ Pi Nothing NotHidden True (NotM $ Sort (Set 0)) (Abs NoId (NotM $ App Nothing (NotM OKVal) (Var 0) (NotM ALNil)))))) (Abs NoId (NotM $ App Nothing (NotM OKVal) (Const ee) (NotM ALNil)))

-- ---------------------------------------

findClauseDeep :: Common.InteractionId -> MB.TCM (Maybe (AN.QName, I.Clause, Bool))
findClauseDeep ii = ignoreAbstractMode $ do  -- Andreas, 2016-09-04, issue #2162
  MB.InteractionPoint { MB.ipClause = ipCl} <- lookupInteractionPoint ii
  (f, clauseNo) <- case ipCl of
    MB.IPClause f clauseNo _ -> return (f, clauseNo)
    MB.IPNoClause -> MB.typeError $ MB.GenericError $
      "Cannot apply the auto tactic here, we are not in a function clause"
  (_, c, _) <- getClauseForIP f clauseNo
  return $ Just (f, c, maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ toplevel $ I.clauseBody c)
    toplevel e =
     case I.ignoreSharing e of
      I.MetaV{} -> True
      _ -> False

-- ---------------------------------------

matchType :: Int -> Int -> I.Type -> I.Type -> Maybe (Nat, Nat) -- Nat is deffreevars of const, Nat is ctx length of target type, left arg is const type, right is target type
matchType cdfv tctx ctyp ttyp = trmodps cdfv ctyp
  trmodps 0 ctyp = tr 0 0 ctyp
  trmodps n ctyp = case I.ignoreSharing $ I.unEl ctyp of
   I.Pi _ ot -> trmodps (n - 1) (I.absBody ot)
   _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  tr narg na ctyp =
   case ft 0 0 Just ctyp ttyp of
    Just n -> Just (n, narg)
    Nothing -> case I.ignoreSharing $ I.unEl ctyp of
     I.Pi _ (I.Abs _ ot) -> tr (narg + 1) (na + 1) ot
     I.Pi _ (I.NoAbs _ ot) -> tr (narg + 1) na ot
     _ -> Nothing
    ft nl n c (I.El _ e1) (I.El _ e2) = f nl n c e1 e2
    f nl n c e1 e2 = case I.ignoreSharing e1 of
     I.Var v1 as1 | v1 < nl -> case e2 of
      I.Var v2 as2 | v1 == v2 -> fes nl (n + 1) c as1 as2
      _ -> Nothing
     I.Var v1 _ | v1 < nl + na -> c n -- unify vars with no args?
     I.Var v1 as1 -> case e2 of
      I.Var v2 as2 | cdfv + na + nl - v1 == tctx + nl - v2 -> fes nl (n + 1) c as1 as2
      _ -> Nothing
     _ -> case (I.ignoreSharing e1, I.ignoreSharing e2) of
      (I.MetaV{}, _) -> c n
      (_, I.MetaV{}) -> c n
      (I.Lam hid1 b1, I.Lam hid2 b2) | hid1 == hid2 -> f (nl + 1) n c (I.absBody b1) (I.absBody b2)
      (I.Lit lit1, I.Lit lit2) | lit1 == lit2 -> c (n + 1)
      (I.Def n1 as1, I.Def n2 as2) | n1 == n2 -> fes nl (n + 1) c as1 as2
      (I.Con n1 _ as1, I.Con n2 _ as2) | n1 == n2 -> fs nl (n + 1) c as1 as2
      (I.Pi (Common.Dom info1 it1) ot1, I.Pi (Common.Dom info2 it2) ot2) | Common.argInfoHiding info1 == Common.argInfoHiding info2 -> ft nl n (\n -> ft (nl + 1) n c (I.absBody ot1) (I.absBody ot2)) it1 it2
      (I.Sort{}, I.Sort{}) -> c n -- sloppy
      _ -> Nothing
    fs nl n c es1 es2 = case (es1, es2) of
     ([], []) -> c n
     (Common.Arg info1 e1 : es1, Common.Arg info2 e2 : es2) | Common.argInfoHiding info1 == Common.argInfoHiding info2 -> f nl n (\n -> fs nl n c es1 es2) e1 e2
     _ -> Nothing
    fes nl n c es1 es2 = case (es1, es2) of
     ([], []) -> c n
     (I.Proj _ f : es1, I.Proj _ f' : es2) | f == f' -> fes nl n c es1 es2
     (I.Apply (Common.Arg info1 e1) : es1, I.Apply (Common.Arg info2 e2) : es2) | Common.argInfoHiding info1 == Common.argInfoHiding info2 -> f nl n (\n -> fes nl n c es1 es2) e1 e2
     _ -> Nothing