module Agda.Syntax.Abstract
( module Agda.Syntax.Abstract
, module Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (<|), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Void
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name (NumHoles(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (FieldAssignment'(..), exprFieldA)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Pretty ()
import Agda.Syntax.Info
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A (QNamed)
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.Geniplate
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
type Args = [NamedArg Expr]
data Expr
= Var Name
| Def QName
| Proj ProjOrigin AmbiguousQName
| Con AmbiguousQName
| PatternSyn QName
| Macro QName
| Lit Literal
| QuestionMark MetaInfo InteractionId
| Underscore MetaInfo
| Dot ExprInfo Expr
| App ExprInfo Expr (NamedArg Expr)
| WithApp ExprInfo Expr [Expr]
| Lam ExprInfo LamBinding Expr
| AbsurdLam ExprInfo Hiding
| ExtendedLam ExprInfo DefInfo QName [Clause]
| Pi ExprInfo Telescope Expr
| Fun ExprInfo (Arg Expr) Expr
| Set ExprInfo Integer
| Prop ExprInfo
| Let ExprInfo [LetBinding] Expr
| ETel Telescope
| Rec ExprInfo RecordAssigns
| RecUpdate ExprInfo Expr Assigns
| ScopedExpr ScopeInfo Expr
| QuoteGoal ExprInfo Name Expr
| QuoteContext ExprInfo
| Quote ExprInfo
| QuoteTerm ExprInfo
| Unquote ExprInfo
| Tactic ExprInfo Expr [NamedArg Expr] [NamedArg Expr]
| DontCare Expr
deriving (Typeable, Show)
type Assign = FieldAssignment' Expr
type Assigns = [Assign]
type RecordAssign = Either Assign ModuleName
type RecordAssigns = [RecordAssign]
data Axiom
= FunSig
| NoFunSig
deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
type Ren a = [(a, a)]
data ScopeCopyInfo = ScopeCopyInfo
{ renModules :: Ren ModuleName
, renNames :: Ren QName }
deriving (Eq, Show)
initCopyInfo :: ScopeCopyInfo
initCopyInfo = ScopeCopyInfo
{ renModules = []
, renNames = []
instance Pretty ScopeCopyInfo where
pretty i = vcat [ prRen "renModules =" (renModules i)
, prRen "renNames =" (renNames i) ]
prRen s r = sep [ text s, nest 2 $ vcat (map pr r) ]
pr (x, y) = pretty x <+> text "->" <+> pretty y
data Declaration
= Axiom Axiom DefInfo ArgInfo (Maybe [Occurrence]) QName Expr
| Field DefInfo QName (Arg Expr)
| Primitive DefInfo QName Expr
| Mutual MutualInfo [Declaration]
| Section ModuleInfo ModuleName [TypedBindings] [Declaration]
| Apply ModuleInfo ModuleName ModuleApplication ScopeCopyInfo ImportDirective
| Import ModuleInfo ModuleName ImportDirective
| Pragma Range Pragma
| Open ModuleInfo ModuleName ImportDirective
| FunDef DefInfo QName Delayed [Clause]
| DataSig DefInfo QName Telescope Expr
| DataDef DefInfo QName [LamBinding] [Constructor]
| RecSig DefInfo QName Telescope Expr
| RecDef DefInfo QName (Maybe (Ranged Induction)) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe QName) [LamBinding] Expr [Declaration]
| PatternSynDef QName [Arg Name] (Pattern' Void)
| UnquoteDecl MutualInfo [DefInfo] [QName] Expr
| UnquoteDef [DefInfo] [QName] Expr
| ScopedDecl ScopeInfo [Declaration]
deriving (Typeable, Show)
class GetDefInfo a where
getDefInfo :: a -> Maybe DefInfo
instance GetDefInfo Declaration where
getDefInfo (Axiom _ i _ _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (Field i _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (Primitive i _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (ScopedDecl _ (d:_)) = getDefInfo d
getDefInfo (FunDef i _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (DataSig i _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (DataDef i _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (RecSig i _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo (RecDef i _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Just i
getDefInfo _ = Nothing
type ImportDirective = ImportDirective' QName ModuleName
type Renaming = Renaming' QName ModuleName
type ImportedName = ImportedName' QName ModuleName
data ModuleApplication
= SectionApp Telescope ModuleName [NamedArg Expr]
| RecordModuleIFS ModuleName
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
data Pragma
= OptionsPragma [String]
| BuiltinPragma String Expr
| BuiltinNoDefPragma String QName
| RewritePragma QName
| CompiledPragma QName String
| CompiledExportPragma QName String
| CompiledDeclareDataPragma QName String
| CompiledTypePragma QName String
| CompiledDataPragma QName String [String]
| CompiledEpicPragma QName String
| CompiledJSPragma QName String
| CompiledUHCPragma QName String
| CompiledDataUHCPragma QName String [String]
| StaticPragma QName
| InlinePragma QName
| DisplayPragma QName [NamedArg Pattern] Expr
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
data LetBinding
= LetBind LetInfo ArgInfo Name Expr Expr
| LetPatBind LetInfo Pattern Expr
| LetApply ModuleInfo ModuleName ModuleApplication ScopeCopyInfo ImportDirective
| LetOpen ModuleInfo ModuleName ImportDirective
| LetDeclaredVariable Name
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
type TypeSignature = Declaration
type Constructor = TypeSignature
type Field = TypeSignature
data LamBinding
= DomainFree ArgInfo Name
| DomainFull TypedBindings
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
data TypedBindings = TypedBindings Range (Arg TypedBinding)
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
data TypedBinding
= TBind Range [WithHiding Name] Expr
| TLet Range [LetBinding]
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
type Telescope = [TypedBindings]
data NamedDotPattern = NamedDot Name I.Term I.Type
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Eq NamedDotPattern where
_ == _ = True
data Clause' lhs = Clause
{ clauseLHS :: lhs
, clauseNamedDots :: [NamedDotPattern]
, clauseRHS :: RHS
, clauseWhereDecls :: [Declaration]
, clauseCatchall :: Bool
} deriving (Typeable, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
type Clause = Clause' LHS
type SpineClause = Clause' SpineLHS
data RHS
{ rhsExpr :: Expr
, rhsConcrete :: Maybe C.Expr
| AbsurdRHS
| WithRHS QName [Expr] [Clause]
| RewriteRHS
{ rewriteExprs :: [(QName, Expr)]
, rewriteRHS :: RHS
, rewriteWhereDecls :: [Declaration]
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Eq RHS where
RHS e _ == RHS e' _ = e == e'
AbsurdRHS == AbsurdRHS = True
WithRHS a b c == WithRHS a' b' c' = and [ a == a', b == b', c == c' ]
RewriteRHS a b c == RewriteRHS a' b' c' = and [ a == a', b == b', c == c' ]
_ == _ = False
data SpineLHS = SpineLHS
{ spLhsInfo :: LHSInfo
, spLhsDefName :: QName
, spLhsPats :: [NamedArg Pattern]
, spLhsWithPats :: [Pattern]
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)
instance Eq LHS where
(LHS _ core wps) == (LHS _ core' wps') = core == core' && wps == wps'
data LHS = LHS
{ lhsInfo :: LHSInfo
, lhsCore :: LHSCore
, lhsWithPats :: [Pattern]
deriving (Typeable, Show)
data LHSCore' e
= LHSHead { lhsDefName :: QName
, lhsPats :: [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
| LHSProj { lhsDestructor :: AmbiguousQName
, lhsFocus :: NamedArg (LHSCore' e)
, lhsPatsRight :: [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
deriving (Typeable, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
type LHSCore = LHSCore' Expr
class LHSToSpine a b where
lhsToSpine :: a -> b
spineToLhs :: b -> a
instance LHSToSpine Clause SpineClause where
lhsToSpine = fmap lhsToSpine
spineToLhs = fmap spineToLhs
instance LHSToSpine a b => LHSToSpine [a] [b] where
lhsToSpine = map lhsToSpine
spineToLhs = map spineToLhs
instance LHSToSpine LHS SpineLHS where
lhsToSpine (LHS i core wps) = SpineLHS i f ps wps
where QNamed f ps = lhsCoreToSpine core
spineToLhs (SpineLHS i f ps wps) = LHS i (spineToLhsCore $ QNamed f ps) wps
lhsCoreToSpine :: LHSCore' e -> A.QNamed [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
lhsCoreToSpine (LHSHead f ps) = QNamed f ps
lhsCoreToSpine (LHSProj d h ps) = (++ (p : ps)) <$> lhsCoreToSpine (namedArg h)
where p = updateNamedArg (const $ ProjP patNoRange ProjPrefix d) h
spineToLhsCore :: IsProjP e => QNamed [NamedArg (Pattern' e)] -> LHSCore' e
spineToLhsCore (QNamed f ps) = lhsCoreAddSpine (LHSHead f []) ps
lhsCoreApp :: IsProjP e => LHSCore' e -> [NamedArg (Pattern' e)] -> LHSCore' e
lhsCoreApp (LHSHead f ps) ps' = LHSHead f $ ps ++ ps'
lhsCoreApp (LHSProj d h ps) ps' = LHSProj d h $ ps ++ ps'
lhsCoreAddSpine :: IsProjP e => LHSCore' e -> [NamedArg (Pattern' e)] -> LHSCore' e
lhsCoreAddSpine core ps = case ps2 of
[] -> lhsCoreApp core ps
p@(Arg info (Named n (ProjP i o d))) : ps2' | let nh = numHoles d->
(if o == ProjPrefix || nh > 0 && nh <= 1 + length ps2' then
LHSProj d (Arg info $ Named n $ lhsCoreApp core ps1) []
else lhsCoreApp core $ ps1 ++ [p])
`lhsCoreAddSpine` ps2'
(ps1, ps2) = break (isJust . isProjP) ps
lhsCoreAllPatterns :: LHSCore' e -> [Pattern' e]
lhsCoreAllPatterns = map namedArg . qnamed . lhsCoreToSpine
lhsCoreToPattern :: LHSCore -> Pattern
lhsCoreToPattern lc =
case lc of
LHSHead f aps -> DefP noInfo (AmbQ [f]) aps
LHSProj d lhscore aps -> DefP noInfo d $
fmap (fmap lhsCoreToPattern) lhscore : aps
where noInfo = patNoRange
mapLHSHead :: (QName -> [NamedArg Pattern] -> LHSCore) -> LHSCore -> LHSCore
mapLHSHead f (LHSHead x ps) = f x ps
mapLHSHead f (LHSProj d l ps) = LHSProj d (fmap (fmap (mapLHSHead f)) l) ps
data Pattern' e
= VarP Name
| ConP ConPatInfo AmbiguousQName [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
| ProjP PatInfo ProjOrigin AmbiguousQName
| DefP PatInfo AmbiguousQName [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
| WildP PatInfo
| AsP PatInfo Name (Pattern' e)
| DotP PatInfo Origin e
| AbsurdP PatInfo
| LitP Literal
| PatternSynP PatInfo QName [NamedArg (Pattern' e)]
| RecP PatInfo [FieldAssignment' (Pattern' e)]
deriving (Typeable, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
type Pattern = Pattern' Expr
type Patterns = [NamedArg Pattern]
instance IsProjP (Pattern' e) where
isProjP (ProjP _ o d) = Just (o, d)
isProjP _ = Nothing
instance IsProjP Expr where
isProjP (Proj o ds) = Just (o, ds)
isProjP (ScopedExpr _ e) = isProjP e
isProjP _ = Nothing
class MaybePostfixProjP a where
maybePostfixProjP :: a -> Maybe (ProjOrigin, AmbiguousQName)
instance IsProjP e => MaybePostfixProjP (Pattern' e) where
maybePostfixProjP (DotP _ _ e) = isProjP e <&> \ (_o, d) -> (ProjPostfix, d)
maybePostfixProjP (ProjP _ o d) = Just (o, d)
maybePostfixProjP _ = Nothing
instance MaybePostfixProjP a => MaybePostfixProjP (Arg a) where
maybePostfixProjP = maybePostfixProjP . unArg
instance MaybePostfixProjP a => MaybePostfixProjP (Named n a) where
maybePostfixProjP = maybePostfixProjP . namedThing
instance Eq Expr where
ScopedExpr _ a1 == ScopedExpr _ a2 = a1 == a2
Var a1 == Var a2 = a1 == a2
Def a1 == Def a2 = a1 == a2
Proj _ a1 == Proj _ a2 = a1 == a2
Con a1 == Con a2 = a1 == a2
PatternSyn a1 == PatternSyn a2 = a1 == a2
Macro a1 == Macro a2 = a1 == a2
Lit a1 == Lit a2 = a1 == a2
QuestionMark a1 b1 == QuestionMark a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
Underscore a1 == Underscore a2 = a1 == a2
Dot r1 e1 == Dot r2 e2 = (r1, e1) == (r2, e2)
App a1 b1 c1 == App a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
WithApp a1 b1 c1 == WithApp a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Lam a1 b1 c1 == Lam a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
AbsurdLam a1 b1 == AbsurdLam a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
ExtendedLam a1 b1 c1 d1 == ExtendedLam a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
Pi a1 b1 c1 == Pi a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Fun a1 b1 c1 == Fun a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Set a1 b1 == Set a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
Prop a1 == Prop a2 = a1 == a2
Let a1 b1 c1 == Let a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
ETel a1 == ETel a2 = a1 == a2
Rec a1 b1 == Rec a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
RecUpdate a1 b1 c1 == RecUpdate a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
QuoteGoal a1 b1 c1 == QuoteGoal a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
QuoteContext a1 == QuoteContext a2 = a1 == a2
Quote a1 == Quote a2 = a1 == a2
QuoteTerm a1 == QuoteTerm a2 = a1 == a2
Unquote a1 == Unquote a2 = a1 == a2
Tactic a1 b1 c1 d1 == Tactic a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
DontCare a1 == DontCare a2 = a1 == a2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Declaration where
ScopedDecl _ a1 == ScopedDecl _ a2 = a1 == a2
Axiom a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 == Axiom a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2)
Field a1 b1 c1 == Field a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Primitive a1 b1 c1 == Primitive a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Mutual a1 b1 == Mutual a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
Section a1 b1 c1 d1 == Section a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
Apply a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 == Apply a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2)
Import a1 b1 c1 == Import a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
Pragma a1 b1 == Pragma a2 b2 = (a1, b1) == (a2, b2)
Open a1 b1 c1 == Open a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
FunDef a1 b1 c1 d1 == FunDef a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
DataSig a1 b1 c1 d1 == DataSig a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
DataDef a1 b1 c1 d1 == DataDef a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
RecSig a1 b1 c1 d1 == RecSig a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
RecDef a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 == RecDef a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2)
PatternSynDef a1 b1 c1 == PatternSynDef a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
UnquoteDecl a1 b1 c1 d1 == UnquoteDecl a2 b2 c2 d2 = (a1, b1, c1, d1) == (a2, b2, c2, d2)
UnquoteDef a1 b1 c1 == UnquoteDef a2 b2 c2 = (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2)
_ == _ = False
instance Underscore Expr where
underscore = Underscore emptyMetaInfo
isUnderscore = __IMPOSSIBLE__
instance LensHiding TypedBindings where
getHiding (TypedBindings _ a) = getHiding a
mapHiding f (TypedBindings r a) = TypedBindings r $ mapHiding f a
instance LensHiding LamBinding where
getHiding (DomainFree ai _) = getHiding ai
getHiding (DomainFull tb) = getHiding tb
mapHiding f (DomainFree ai x) = mapHiding f ai `DomainFree` x
mapHiding f (DomainFull tb) = DomainFull $ mapHiding f tb
instance HasRange LamBinding where
getRange (DomainFree _ x) = getRange x
getRange (DomainFull b) = getRange b
instance HasRange TypedBindings where
getRange (TypedBindings r _) = r
instance HasRange TypedBinding where
getRange (TBind r _ _) = r
getRange (TLet r _) = r
instance HasRange Expr where
getRange (Var x) = getRange x
getRange (Def x) = getRange x
getRange (Proj _ x) = getRange x
getRange (Con x) = getRange x
getRange (Lit l) = getRange l
getRange (QuestionMark i _) = getRange i
getRange (Underscore i) = getRange i
getRange (Dot i _) = getRange i
getRange (App i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (WithApp i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Lam i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (AbsurdLam i _) = getRange i
getRange (ExtendedLam i _ _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Pi i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Fun i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Set i _) = getRange i
getRange (Prop i) = getRange i
getRange (Let i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Rec i _) = getRange i
getRange (RecUpdate i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (ETel tel) = getRange tel
getRange (ScopedExpr _ e) = getRange e
getRange (QuoteGoal _ _ e) = getRange e
getRange (QuoteContext i) = getRange i
getRange (Quote i) = getRange i
getRange (QuoteTerm i) = getRange i
getRange (Unquote i) = getRange i
getRange (Tactic i _ _ _) = getRange i
getRange (DontCare{}) = noRange
getRange (PatternSyn x) = getRange x
getRange (Macro x) = getRange x
instance HasRange Declaration where
getRange (Axiom _ i _ _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Field i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Mutual i _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Section i _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Apply i _ _ _ _) = getRange i
getRange (Import i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Primitive i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Pragma i _ ) = getRange i
getRange (Open i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (ScopedDecl _ d ) = getRange d
getRange (FunDef i _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (DataSig i _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (DataDef i _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (RecSig i _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (RecDef i _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getRange i
getRange (PatternSynDef x _ _ ) = getRange x
getRange (UnquoteDecl _ i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (UnquoteDef i _ _) = getRange i
instance HasRange (Pattern' e) where
getRange (VarP x) = getRange x
getRange (ConP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (ProjP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (DefP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (WildP i) = getRange i
getRange (AsP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (DotP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (AbsurdP i) = getRange i
getRange (LitP l) = getRange l
getRange (PatternSynP i _ _) = getRange i
getRange (RecP i _) = getRange i
instance HasRange SpineLHS where
getRange (SpineLHS i _ _ _) = getRange i
instance HasRange LHS where
getRange (LHS i _ _) = getRange i
instance HasRange (LHSCore' e) where
getRange (LHSHead f ps) = fuseRange f ps
getRange (LHSProj d lhscore ps) = d `fuseRange` lhscore `fuseRange` ps
instance HasRange a => HasRange (Clause' a) where
getRange (Clause lhs _ rhs ds catchall) = getRange (lhs,rhs,ds)
instance HasRange RHS where
getRange AbsurdRHS = noRange
getRange (RHS e _) = getRange e
getRange (WithRHS _ e cs) = fuseRange e cs
getRange (RewriteRHS xes rhs wh) = getRange (map snd xes, rhs, wh)
instance HasRange LetBinding where
getRange (LetBind i _ _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (LetPatBind i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (LetApply i _ _ _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (LetOpen i _ _ ) = getRange i
getRange (LetDeclaredVariable x) = getRange x
instance SetRange (Pattern' a) where
setRange r (VarP x) = VarP (setRange r x)
setRange r (ConP i ns as) = ConP (setRange r i) ns as
setRange r (ProjP _ o ns) = ProjP (PatRange r) o ns
setRange r (DefP _ ns as) = DefP (PatRange r) ns as
setRange r (WildP _) = WildP (PatRange r)
setRange r (AsP _ n p) = AsP (PatRange r) (setRange r n) p
setRange r (DotP _ o e) = DotP (PatRange r) o e
setRange r (AbsurdP _) = AbsurdP (PatRange r)
setRange r (LitP l) = LitP (setRange r l)
setRange r (PatternSynP _ n as) = PatternSynP (PatRange r) (setRange r n) as
setRange r (RecP i as) = RecP (PatRange r) as
instance KillRange LamBinding where
killRange (DomainFree info x) = killRange1 (DomainFree info) x
killRange (DomainFull b) = killRange1 DomainFull b
instance KillRange TypedBindings where
killRange (TypedBindings r b) = TypedBindings (killRange r) (killRange b)
instance KillRange TypedBinding where
killRange (TBind r xs e) = killRange3 TBind r xs e
killRange (TLet r lbs) = killRange2 TLet r lbs
instance KillRange Expr where
killRange (Var x) = killRange1 Var x
killRange (Def x) = killRange1 Def x
killRange (Proj o x) = killRange1 (Proj o) x
killRange (Con x) = killRange1 Con x
killRange (Lit l) = killRange1 Lit l
killRange (QuestionMark i ii) = killRange2 QuestionMark i ii
killRange (Underscore i) = killRange1 Underscore i
killRange (Dot i e) = killRange2 Dot i e
killRange (App i e1 e2) = killRange3 App i e1 e2
killRange (WithApp i e es) = killRange3 WithApp i e es
killRange (Lam i b e) = killRange3 Lam i b e
killRange (AbsurdLam i h) = killRange2 AbsurdLam i h
killRange (ExtendedLam i n d ps) = killRange4 ExtendedLam i n d ps
killRange (Pi i a b) = killRange3 Pi i a b
killRange (Fun i a b) = killRange3 Fun i a b
killRange (Set i n) = killRange2 Set i n
killRange (Prop i) = killRange1 Prop i
killRange (Let i ds e) = killRange3 Let i ds e
killRange (Rec i fs) = killRange2 Rec i fs
killRange (RecUpdate i e fs) = killRange3 RecUpdate i e fs
killRange (ETel tel) = killRange1 ETel tel
killRange (ScopedExpr s e) = killRange1 (ScopedExpr s) e
killRange (QuoteGoal i x e) = killRange3 QuoteGoal i x e
killRange (QuoteContext i) = killRange1 QuoteContext i
killRange (Quote i) = killRange1 Quote i
killRange (QuoteTerm i) = killRange1 QuoteTerm i
killRange (Unquote i) = killRange1 Unquote i
killRange (Tactic i e xs ys) = killRange4 Tactic i e xs ys
killRange (DontCare e) = killRange1 DontCare e
killRange (PatternSyn x) = killRange1 PatternSyn x
killRange (Macro x) = killRange1 Macro x
instance KillRange Declaration where
killRange (Axiom p i a b c d ) = killRange4 (\i a c d -> Axiom p i a b c d) i a c d
killRange (Field i a b ) = killRange3 Field i a b
killRange (Mutual i a ) = killRange2 Mutual i a
killRange (Section i a b c ) = killRange4 Section i a b c
killRange (Apply i a b c d ) = killRange5 Apply i a b c d
killRange (Import i a b ) = killRange3 Import i a b
killRange (Primitive i a b ) = killRange3 Primitive i a b
killRange (Pragma i a ) = Pragma (killRange i) a
killRange (Open i x dir ) = killRange3 Open i x dir
killRange (ScopedDecl a d ) = killRange1 (ScopedDecl a) d
killRange (FunDef i a b c ) = killRange4 FunDef i a b c
killRange (DataSig i a b c ) = killRange4 DataSig i a b c
killRange (DataDef i a b c ) = killRange4 DataDef i a b c
killRange (RecSig i a b c ) = killRange4 RecSig i a b c
killRange (RecDef i a b c d e f g ) = killRange8 RecDef i a b c d e f g
killRange (PatternSynDef x xs p ) = killRange3 PatternSynDef x xs p
killRange (UnquoteDecl mi i x e ) = killRange4 UnquoteDecl mi i x e
killRange (UnquoteDef i x e ) = killRange3 UnquoteDef i x e
instance KillRange ModuleApplication where
killRange (SectionApp a b c ) = killRange3 SectionApp a b c
killRange (RecordModuleIFS a ) = killRange1 RecordModuleIFS a
instance KillRange ScopeCopyInfo where
killRange (ScopeCopyInfo a b) = killRange2 ScopeCopyInfo a b
instance KillRange e => KillRange (Pattern' e) where
killRange (VarP x) = killRange1 VarP x
killRange (ConP i a b) = killRange3 ConP i a b
killRange (ProjP i o a) = killRange3 ProjP i o a
killRange (DefP i a b) = killRange3 DefP i a b
killRange (WildP i) = killRange1 WildP i
killRange (AsP i a b) = killRange3 AsP i a b
killRange (DotP i o a) = killRange3 DotP i o a
killRange (AbsurdP i) = killRange1 AbsurdP i
killRange (LitP l) = killRange1 LitP l
killRange (PatternSynP i a p) = killRange3 PatternSynP i a p
killRange (RecP i as) = killRange2 RecP i as
instance KillRange SpineLHS where
killRange (SpineLHS i a b c) = killRange4 SpineLHS i a b c
instance KillRange LHS where
killRange (LHS i a b) = killRange3 LHS i a b
instance KillRange e => KillRange (LHSCore' e) where
killRange (LHSHead a b) = killRange2 LHSHead a b
killRange (LHSProj a b c) = killRange3 LHSProj a b c
instance KillRange a => KillRange (Clause' a) where
killRange (Clause lhs dots rhs ds catchall) = killRange5 Clause lhs dots rhs ds catchall
instance KillRange NamedDotPattern where
killRange (NamedDot a b c) = killRange3 NamedDot a b c
instance KillRange RHS where
killRange AbsurdRHS = AbsurdRHS
killRange (RHS e c) = killRange2 RHS e c
killRange (WithRHS q e cs) = killRange3 WithRHS q e cs
killRange (RewriteRHS xes rhs wh) = killRange3 RewriteRHS xes rhs wh
instance KillRange LetBinding where
killRange (LetBind i info a b c) = killRange5 LetBind i info a b c
killRange (LetPatBind i a b ) = killRange3 LetPatBind i a b
killRange (LetApply i a b c d ) = killRange5 LetApply i a b c d
killRange (LetOpen i x dir ) = killRange3 LetOpen i x dir
killRange (LetDeclaredVariable x) = killRange1 LetDeclaredVariable x
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, QName) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, AmbiguousQName) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, Expr) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, LetBinding) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, LamBinding) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, TypedBinding) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, Pattern) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, Pattern' Void) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, Declaration) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, ModuleName) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, ModuleInfo) |]
instanceUniverseBiT' [] [t| (Declaration, RString) |]
class AllNames a where
allNames :: a -> Seq QName
instance AllNames a => AllNames [a] where
allNames = Fold.foldMap allNames
instance AllNames a => AllNames (Maybe a) where
allNames = Fold.foldMap allNames
instance AllNames a => AllNames (Arg a) where
allNames = Fold.foldMap allNames
instance AllNames a => AllNames (Named name a) where
allNames = Fold.foldMap allNames
instance (AllNames a, AllNames b) => AllNames (a,b) where
allNames (a,b) = allNames a >< allNames b
instance AllNames QName where
allNames q = Seq.singleton q
instance AllNames Declaration where
allNames (Axiom _ _ _ _ q _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (Field _ q _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (Primitive _ q _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (Mutual _ defs) = allNames defs
allNames (DataSig _ q _ _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (DataDef _ q _ decls) = q <| allNames decls
allNames (RecSig _ q _ _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (RecDef _ q _ _ c _ _ decls) = q <| allNames c >< allNames decls
allNames (PatternSynDef q _ _) = Seq.singleton q
allNames (UnquoteDecl _ _ qs _) = Seq.fromList qs
allNames (UnquoteDef _ qs _) = Seq.fromList qs
allNames (FunDef _ q _ cls) = q <| allNames cls
allNames (Section _ _ _ decls) = allNames decls
allNames Apply{} = Seq.empty
allNames Import{} = Seq.empty
allNames Pragma{} = Seq.empty
allNames Open{} = Seq.empty
allNames (ScopedDecl _ decls) = allNames decls
instance AllNames Clause where
allNames (Clause _ _ rhs decls _) = allNames rhs >< allNames decls
instance AllNames RHS where
allNames (RHS e _) = allNames e
allNames AbsurdRHS{} = Seq.empty
allNames (WithRHS q _ cls) = q <| allNames cls
allNames (RewriteRHS qes rhs cls) = Seq.fromList (map fst qes) >< allNames rhs >< allNames cls
instance AllNames Expr where
allNames Var{} = Seq.empty
allNames Def{} = Seq.empty
allNames Proj{} = Seq.empty
allNames Con{} = Seq.empty
allNames Lit{} = Seq.empty
allNames QuestionMark{} = Seq.empty
allNames Underscore{} = Seq.empty
allNames (Dot _ e) = allNames e
allNames (App _ e1 e2) = allNames e1 >< allNames e2
allNames (WithApp _ e es) = allNames e >< allNames es
allNames (Lam _ b e) = allNames b >< allNames e
allNames AbsurdLam{} = Seq.empty
allNames (ExtendedLam _ _ q cls) = q <| allNames cls
allNames (Pi _ tel e) = allNames tel >< allNames e
allNames (Fun _ e1 e2) = allNames e1 >< allNames e2
allNames Set{} = Seq.empty
allNames Prop{} = Seq.empty
allNames (Let _ lbs e) = allNames lbs >< allNames e
allNames ETel{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__
allNames (Rec _ fields) = allNames [ a ^. exprFieldA | Left a <- fields ]
allNames (RecUpdate _ e fs) = allNames e >< allNames (map (view exprFieldA) fs)
allNames (ScopedExpr _ e) = allNames e
allNames (QuoteGoal _ _ e) = allNames e
allNames (QuoteContext _) = Seq.empty
allNames Quote{} = Seq.empty
allNames QuoteTerm{} = Seq.empty
allNames Unquote{} = Seq.empty
allNames (Tactic _ e xs ys) = allNames e >< allNames xs >< allNames ys
allNames DontCare{} = Seq.empty
allNames PatternSyn{} = Seq.empty
allNames Macro{} = Seq.empty
instance AllNames LamBinding where
allNames DomainFree{} = Seq.empty
allNames (DomainFull binds) = allNames binds
instance AllNames TypedBindings where
allNames (TypedBindings _ bs) = allNames bs
instance AllNames TypedBinding where
allNames (TBind _ _ e) = allNames e
allNames (TLet _ lbs) = allNames lbs
instance AllNames LetBinding where
allNames (LetBind _ _ _ e1 e2) = allNames e1 >< allNames e2
allNames (LetPatBind _ _ e) = allNames e
allNames (LetApply _ _ app _ _) = allNames app
allNames LetOpen{} = Seq.empty
allNames (LetDeclaredVariable _) = Seq.empty
instance AllNames ModuleApplication where
allNames (SectionApp bindss _ es) = allNames bindss >< allNames es
allNames RecordModuleIFS{} = Seq.empty
axiomName :: Declaration -> QName
axiomName (Axiom _ _ _ _ q _) = q
axiomName (ScopedDecl _ (d:_)) = axiomName d
axiomName _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
class AnyAbstract a where
anyAbstract :: a -> Bool
instance AnyAbstract a => AnyAbstract [a] where
anyAbstract = Fold.any anyAbstract
instance AnyAbstract Declaration where
anyAbstract (Axiom _ i _ _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (Field i _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (Mutual _ ds) = anyAbstract ds
anyAbstract (ScopedDecl _ ds) = anyAbstract ds
anyAbstract (Section _ _ _ ds) = anyAbstract ds
anyAbstract (FunDef i _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (DataDef i _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (RecDef i _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (DataSig i _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract (RecSig i _ _ _) = defAbstract i == AbstractDef
anyAbstract _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
nameExpr :: AbstractName -> Expr
nameExpr d = mk (anameKind d) $ anameName d
mk DefName x = Def x
mk FldName x = Proj ProjSystem $ AmbQ [x]
mk ConName x = Con $ AmbQ [x]
mk PatternSynName x = PatternSyn x
mk MacroName x = Macro x
mk QuotableName x = App i (Quote i) (defaultNamedArg $ Def x)
where i = ExprRange (getRange x)
app :: Expr -> [NamedArg Expr] -> Expr
app = foldl (App (ExprRange noRange))
mkLet :: ExprInfo -> [LetBinding] -> Expr -> Expr
mkLet i [] e = e
mkLet i ds e = Let i ds e
patternToExpr :: Pattern -> Expr
patternToExpr (VarP x) = Var x
patternToExpr (ConP _ c ps) =
Con c `app` map (fmap (fmap patternToExpr)) ps
patternToExpr (ProjP _ o ds) = Proj o ds
patternToExpr (DefP _ (AmbQ [f]) ps) =
Def f `app` map (fmap (fmap patternToExpr)) ps
patternToExpr (DefP _ (AmbQ _) ps) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
patternToExpr (WildP _) = Underscore emptyMetaInfo
patternToExpr (AsP _ _ p) = patternToExpr p
patternToExpr (DotP _ _ e) = e
patternToExpr (AbsurdP _) = Underscore emptyMetaInfo
patternToExpr (LitP l) = Lit l
patternToExpr (PatternSynP _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
patternToExpr (RecP _ as) = Rec exprNoRange $ map (Left . fmap patternToExpr) as
type PatternSynDefn = ([Arg Name], Pattern' Void)
type PatternSynDefns = Map QName PatternSynDefn
lambdaLiftExpr :: [Name] -> Expr -> Expr
lambdaLiftExpr [] e = e
lambdaLiftExpr (n:ns) e = Lam (ExprRange noRange) (DomainFree defaultArgInfo n) $
lambdaLiftExpr ns e
substPattern :: [(Name, Pattern)] -> Pattern -> Pattern
substPattern s p = case p of
VarP z -> fromMaybe p (lookup z s)
ConP i q ps -> ConP i q (map (fmap (fmap (substPattern s))) ps)
RecP i ps -> RecP i (map (fmap (substPattern s)) ps)
ProjP{} -> p
WildP i -> p
DotP i o e -> DotP i o (substExpr (map (fmap patternToExpr) s) e)
AbsurdP i -> p
LitP l -> p
DefP{} -> p
AsP i x p -> AsP i x (substPattern s p)
PatternSynP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
class SubstExpr a where
substExpr :: [(Name, Expr)] -> a -> a
instance SubstExpr a => SubstExpr [a] where
substExpr = fmap . substExpr
instance SubstExpr a => SubstExpr (Arg a) where
substExpr = fmap . substExpr
instance SubstExpr a => SubstExpr (Named name a) where
substExpr = fmap . substExpr
instance (SubstExpr a, SubstExpr b) => SubstExpr (a, b) where
substExpr s (x, y) = (substExpr s x, substExpr s y)
instance (SubstExpr a, SubstExpr b) => SubstExpr (Either a b) where
substExpr s (Left x) = Left (substExpr s x)
substExpr s (Right y) = Right (substExpr s y)
instance SubstExpr C.Name where
substExpr _ = id
instance SubstExpr ModuleName where
substExpr _ = id
instance SubstExpr Assign where
substExpr s (FieldAssignment n x) = FieldAssignment n (substExpr s x)
instance SubstExpr Expr where
substExpr s e = case e of
Var n -> fromMaybe e (lookup n s)
Def _ -> e
Proj{} -> e
Con _ -> e
Lit _ -> e
QuestionMark{} -> e
Underscore _ -> e
Dot i e -> Dot i (substExpr s e)
App i e e' -> App i (substExpr s e) (substExpr s e')
WithApp i e es -> WithApp i (substExpr s e) (substExpr s es)
Lam i lb e -> Lam i lb (substExpr s e)
AbsurdLam i h -> e
ExtendedLam i di n cs -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
Pi i t e -> Pi i (substExpr s t) (substExpr s e)
Fun i ae e -> Fun i (substExpr s ae) (substExpr s e)
Set i n -> e
Prop i -> e
Let i ls e -> Let i (substExpr s ls) (substExpr s e)
ETel t -> e
Rec i nes -> Rec i (substExpr s nes)
RecUpdate i e nes -> RecUpdate i (substExpr s e) (substExpr s nes)
ScopedExpr si e -> ScopedExpr si (substExpr s e)
QuoteGoal i n e -> QuoteGoal i n (substExpr s e)
QuoteContext i -> e
Quote i -> e
QuoteTerm i -> e
Unquote i -> e
Tactic i e xs ys -> Tactic i (substExpr s e) (substExpr s xs) (substExpr s ys)
DontCare e -> DontCare (substExpr s e)
PatternSyn{} -> e
Macro{} -> e
instance SubstExpr LetBinding where
substExpr s lb = case lb of
LetBind i r n e e' -> LetBind i r n (substExpr s e) (substExpr s e')
LetPatBind i p e -> LetPatBind i p (substExpr s e)
_ -> lb
instance SubstExpr TypedBindings where
substExpr s (TypedBindings r atb) = TypedBindings r (substExpr s atb)
instance SubstExpr TypedBinding where
substExpr s tb = case tb of
TBind r ns e -> TBind r ns $ substExpr s e
TLet r lbs -> TLet r $ substExpr s lbs
insertImplicitPatSynArgs :: HasRange a => (Range -> a) -> Range -> [Arg Name] -> [NamedArg a] ->
Maybe ([(Name, a)], [Arg Name])
insertImplicitPatSynArgs wild r ns as = matchArgs r ns as
matchNextArg r n as@(~(a : as'))
| matchNext n as = return (namedArg a, as')
| getHiding n == NotHidden = Nothing
| otherwise = return (wild r, as)
matchNext _ [] = False
matchNext n (a:as) = getHiding n == getHiding a && matchName
x = unranged $ C.nameToRawName $ nameConcrete $ unArg n
matchName = maybe True (== x) (nameOf $ unArg a)
matchArgs r [] [] = return ([], [])
matchArgs r [] as = Nothing
matchArgs r (n:ns) [] | getHiding n == NotHidden = return ([], n : ns)
matchArgs r (n:ns) as = do
(p, as) <- matchNextArg r n as
first ((unArg n, p) :) <$> matchArgs (getRange p) ns as