{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}  -- because of func. deps.

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

module Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (IsProjP(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I

import Agda.Utils.Empty
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size (size)
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Tools for clauses

-- | Translate the clause patterns to terms with free variables bound by the
--   clause telescope.
--   Precondition: no projection patterns.
clauseArgs :: Clause -> Args
clauseArgs cl = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims $ clauseElims cl

-- | Translate the clause patterns to an elimination spine
--   with free variables bound by the clause telescope.
clauseElims :: Clause -> Elims
clauseElims cl = patternsToElims $ namedClausePats cl

-- | Arity of a function, computed from clauses.
class FunArity a where
  funArity :: a -> Int

-- | Get the number of initial 'Apply' patterns.

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} IsProjP p => FunArity [p] where
instance IsProjP p => FunArity [p] where
  funArity = length . takeWhile (isNothing . isProjP)

-- | Get the number of initial 'Apply' patterns in a clause.
instance FunArity Clause where
  funArity = funArity . namedClausePats

-- | Get the number of common initial 'Apply' patterns in a list of clauses.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FunArity [Clause] where
instance FunArity [Clause] where
  funArity []  = 0
  funArity cls = minimum $ map funArity cls

-- * Tools for patterns

-- | Label the pattern variables from left to right
--   using one label for each variable pattern and one for each dot pattern.
class LabelPatVars a b i | b -> i where
  labelPatVars :: a -> State [i] b
  unlabelPatVars :: b -> a
  -- ^ Intended, but unpractical due to the absence of type-level lambda, is:
  --   @labelPatVars :: f (Pattern' x) -> State [i] (f (Pattern' (i,x)))@

instance LabelPatVars a b i => LabelPatVars (Arg a) (Arg b) i where
  labelPatVars = traverse labelPatVars
  unlabelPatVars = fmap unlabelPatVars

instance LabelPatVars a b i => LabelPatVars (Named x a) (Named x b) i where
  labelPatVars = traverse labelPatVars
  unlabelPatVars = fmap unlabelPatVars

instance LabelPatVars a b i => LabelPatVars [a] [b] i where
  labelPatVars = traverse labelPatVars
  unlabelPatVars = fmap unlabelPatVars

instance LabelPatVars Pattern DeBruijnPattern Int where
  labelPatVars p =
    case p of
      VarP x       -> do i <- next
                         return $ VarP (DBPatVar x i)
      DotP t       -> DotP t <$ next
      ConP c mt ps -> ConP c mt <$> labelPatVars ps
      LitP l       -> return $ LitP l
      ProjP o q    -> return $ ProjP o q
    where next = do (x:xs) <- get; put xs; return x
  unlabelPatVars = fmap dbPatVarName

-- | Augment pattern variables with their de Bruijn index.
{-# SPECIALIZE numberPatVars :: Int -> Permutation -> [NamedArg Pattern] -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] #-}
--  Example:
--  @
--    f : (A : Set) (n : Nat) (v : Vec A n) -> ...
--    f A .(suc n) (cons n x xs)
--    clauseTel = (A : Set) (n : Nat) (x : A) (xs : Vec A n)
--    perm      = Perm 5 [0,2,3,4]
--    invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ perm = Perm 4 [0,__IMPOSSIBLE__,1,2,3]
--    flipP ... = Perm 4 [3,__IMPOSSIBLE__,2,1,0]
--    pats      = A .(suc 2) (cons n x xs)
--    dBpats    = 3 .(suc 2) (cons 2 1 0 )
--  @
numberPatVars :: LabelPatVars a b Int => Int -> Permutation -> a -> b
numberPatVars err perm ps = evalState (labelPatVars ps) $
  permPicks $ flipP $ invertP err perm

unnumberPatVars :: LabelPatVars a b i => b -> a
unnumberPatVars = unlabelPatVars

dbPatPerm :: [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> Maybe Permutation
dbPatPerm = dbPatPerm' True

-- | Computes the permutation from the clause telescope
--   to the pattern variables.
--   Use as @fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ . dbPatPerm@ to crash
--   in a controlled way if a de Bruijn index is out of scope here.
--   The first argument controls whether dot patterns counts as variables or
--   not.
dbPatPerm' :: Bool -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> Maybe Permutation
dbPatPerm' countDots ps = Perm (size ixs) <$> picks
    ixs   = concatMap (getIndices . namedThing . unArg) ps
    n     = size $ catMaybes ixs
    picks = forM (downFrom n) $ \ i -> findIndex (Just i ==) ixs

    getIndices :: DeBruijnPattern -> [Maybe Int]
    getIndices (VarP x)      = [Just $ dbPatVarIndex x]
    getIndices (ConP c _ ps) = concatMap (getIndices . namedThing . unArg) ps
    getIndices (DotP _)      = [Nothing | countDots]
    getIndices (LitP _)      = []
    getIndices ProjP{}       = []

-- | Computes the permutation from the clause telescope
--   to the pattern variables.
--   Use as @fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ . clausePerm@ to crash
--   in a controlled way if a de Bruijn index is out of scope here.
clausePerm :: Clause -> Maybe Permutation
clausePerm = dbPatPerm . namedClausePats

-- | Turn a pattern into a term.
--   Projection patterns are turned into projection eliminations,
--   other patterns into apply elimination.
patternToElim :: Arg DeBruijnPattern -> Elim
patternToElim (Arg ai (VarP x)) = Apply $ Arg ai $ var $ dbPatVarIndex x
patternToElim (Arg ai (ConP c cpi ps)) = Apply $ Arg ai $ Con c ci $
      map (argFromElim . patternToElim . fmap namedThing) ps
  where ci = fromConPatternInfo cpi
patternToElim (Arg ai (DotP t)     ) = Apply $ Arg ai t
patternToElim (Arg ai (LitP l)     ) = Apply $ Arg ai $ Lit l
patternToElim (Arg ai (ProjP o dest)) = Proj o dest

patternsToElims :: [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [Elim]
patternsToElims ps = map build ps
    build :: NamedArg DeBruijnPattern -> Elim
    build = patternToElim . fmap namedThing

patternToTerm :: DeBruijnPattern -> Term
patternToTerm p = case patternToElim (defaultArg p) of
  Apply x -> unArg x
  Proj{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

class MapNamedArg f where
  mapNamedArg :: (NamedArg a -> NamedArg b) -> NamedArg (f a) -> NamedArg (f b)

instance MapNamedArg Pattern' where
  mapNamedArg f np =
    case namedArg np of
      VarP  x     -> map2 VarP $ f $ map2 (const x) np
      DotP  t     -> map2 (const $ DotP t) np  -- just Haskell type conversion
      LitP  l     -> map2 (const $ LitP l) np  -- ditto
      ProjP o q   -> map2 (const $ ProjP o q) np -- ditto
      ConP c i ps -> map2 (const $ ConP c i $ map (mapNamedArg f) ps) np
    map2 :: (a -> b) -> NamedArg a -> NamedArg b
    map2 = fmap . fmap