module Agda.Syntax.Translation.AbstractToConcrete
( ToConcrete(..)
, toConcreteCtx
, abstractToConcrete_
, abstractToConcreteEnv
, runAbsToCon
, RangeAndPragma(..)
, abstractToConcreteCtx
, withScope
, makeEnv
, AbsToCon, DontTouchMe, Env
, noTakenNames
) where
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Void
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Info
import Agda.Syntax.Internal (MetaId(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Views as AV
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State (getScope)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base (TCM, NamedMeta(..))
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options
import qualified Agda.Utils.AssocList as AssocList
import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Singleton
import Agda.Utils.Tuple
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)
#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
data Env = Env { takenNames :: Set C.Name
, currentScope :: ScopeInfo
defaultEnv :: Env
defaultEnv = Env { takenNames = Set.empty
, currentScope = emptyScopeInfo
makeEnv :: ScopeInfo -> Env
makeEnv scope = Env { takenNames = Set.union vars defs
, currentScope = scope
vars = Set.fromList $ map fst $ scopeLocals scope
defs = Map.keysSet $ nsNames $ everythingInScope scope
currentPrecedence :: AbsToCon Precedence
currentPrecedence = asks $ scopePrecedence . currentScope
withPrecedence :: Precedence -> AbsToCon a -> AbsToCon a
withPrecedence p = local $ \e ->
e { currentScope = (currentScope e) { scopePrecedence = p } }
withScope :: ScopeInfo -> AbsToCon a -> AbsToCon a
withScope scope = local $ \e -> e { currentScope = scope }
noTakenNames :: AbsToCon a -> AbsToCon a
noTakenNames = local $ \e -> e { takenNames = Set.empty }
type AbsToCon = ReaderT Env TCM
runAbsToCon :: AbsToCon c -> TCM c
runAbsToCon m = do
scope <- getScope
runReaderT m (makeEnv scope)
abstractToConcreteEnv :: ToConcrete a c => Env -> a -> TCM c
abstractToConcreteEnv flags a = runReaderT (toConcrete a) flags
abstractToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c => Precedence -> a -> TCM c
abstractToConcreteCtx ctx x = do
scope <- getScope
let scope' = scope { scopePrecedence = ctx }
abstractToConcreteEnv (makeEnv scope') x
abstractToConcrete_ :: ToConcrete a c => a -> TCM c
abstractToConcrete_ = runAbsToCon . toConcrete
unsafeQNameToName :: C.QName -> C.Name
unsafeQNameToName = C.unqualify
lookupName :: A.Name -> AbsToCon C.Name
lookupName x = do
names <- asks $ scopeLocals . currentScope
case lookup x $ mapMaybe (\ (c,x) -> (,c) <$> notShadowedLocal x) names of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> return $ nameConcrete x
lookupQName :: AllowAmbiguousNames -> A.QName -> AbsToCon C.QName
lookupQName ambCon x = do
ys <- inverseScopeLookupName' ambCon x <$> asks currentScope
lift $ reportSLn "scope.inverse" 100 $
"inverse looking up abstract name " ++ show x ++ " yields " ++ show ys
case ys of
(y : _) -> return y
[] -> do
let y = qnameToConcrete x
if isUnderscore y
then return y
else return $ C.Qual (C.Name noRange [Id empty]) y
lookupModule :: A.ModuleName -> AbsToCon C.QName
lookupModule (A.MName []) = return $ C.QName $ C.Name noRange [Id "-1"]
lookupModule x =
do scope <- asks currentScope
case inverseScopeLookupModule x scope of
(y : _) -> return y
[] -> return $ mnameToConcrete x
bindName :: A.Name -> (C.Name -> AbsToCon a) -> AbsToCon a
bindName x ret = do
names <- asks takenNames
let y = nameConcrete x
case (Set.member y names) of
_ | isNoName y -> ret y
True -> bindName (nextName x) ret
False ->
local (\e -> e { takenNames = Set.insert y $ takenNames e
, currentScope = (`updateScopeLocals` currentScope e) $
AssocList.insert y (LocalVar x)
) $ ret y
bracket' :: (e -> e)
-> (Precedence -> Bool)
-> e -> AbsToCon e
bracket' paren needParen e =
do p <- currentPrecedence
return $ if needParen p then paren e else e
bracket :: (Precedence -> Bool) -> AbsToCon C.Expr -> AbsToCon C.Expr
bracket par m =
do e <- m
bracket' (Paren (getRange e)) par e
bracketP_ :: (Precedence -> Bool) -> AbsToCon C.Pattern -> AbsToCon C.Pattern
bracketP_ par m =
do e <- m
bracket' (ParenP (getRange e)) par e
withInfixDecl :: DefInfo -> C.Name -> AbsToCon [C.Declaration] -> AbsToCon [C.Declaration]
withInfixDecl i x m = do
ds <- m
return $ fixDecl ++ synDecl ++ ds
where fixDecl = [C.Infix (theFixity $ defFixity i) [x] | theFixity (defFixity i) /= noFixity]
synDecl = [C.Syntax x (theNotation (defFixity i))]
withAbstractPrivate :: DefInfo -> AbsToCon [C.Declaration] -> AbsToCon [C.Declaration]
withAbstractPrivate i m =
priv (defAccess i)
. abst (defAbstract i)
. addInstanceB (defInstance i == InstanceDef)
<$> m
priv (PrivateAccess UserWritten)
ds = [ C.Private (getRange ds) UserWritten ds ]
priv _ ds = ds
abst AbstractDef ds = [ C.Abstract (getRange ds) ds ]
abst ConcreteDef ds = ds
addInstanceB :: Bool -> [C.Declaration] -> [C.Declaration]
addInstanceB True ds = [ C.InstanceB (getRange ds) ds ]
addInstanceB False ds = ds
class ToConcrete a c | a -> c where
toConcrete :: a -> AbsToCon c
bindToConcrete :: a -> (c -> AbsToCon b) -> AbsToCon b
toConcrete x = bindToConcrete x return
bindToConcrete x ret = ret =<< toConcrete x
toConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c => Precedence -> a -> AbsToCon c
toConcreteCtx p x = withPrecedence p $ toConcrete x
bindToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c => Precedence -> a -> (c -> AbsToCon b) -> AbsToCon b
bindToConcreteCtx p x ret = withPrecedence p $ bindToConcrete x ret
toConcreteTop :: ToConcrete a c => a -> AbsToCon c
toConcreteTop = toConcreteCtx TopCtx
bindToConcreteTop :: ToConcrete a c => a -> (c -> AbsToCon b) -> AbsToCon b
bindToConcreteTop = bindToConcreteCtx TopCtx
toConcreteHiding :: (LensHiding h, ToConcrete a c) => h -> a -> AbsToCon c
toConcreteHiding h =
case getHiding h of
NotHidden -> toConcrete
Hidden -> toConcreteTop
Instance -> toConcreteTop
bindToConcreteHiding :: (LensHiding h, ToConcrete a c) => h -> a -> (c -> AbsToCon b) -> AbsToCon b
bindToConcreteHiding h =
case getHiding h of
NotHidden -> bindToConcrete
Hidden -> bindToConcreteTop
Instance -> bindToConcreteTop
instance ToConcrete a c => ToConcrete [a] [c] where
toConcrete = mapM toConcrete
bindToConcrete = thread bindToConcrete
instance (ToConcrete a1 c1, ToConcrete a2 c2) => ToConcrete (Either a1 a2) (Either c1 c2) where
toConcrete = traverseEither toConcrete toConcrete
bindToConcrete (Left x) ret =
bindToConcrete x $ \x ->
ret (Left x)
bindToConcrete (Right y) ret =
bindToConcrete y $ \y ->
ret (Right y)
instance (ToConcrete a1 c1, ToConcrete a2 c2) => ToConcrete (a1,a2) (c1,c2) where
toConcrete (x,y) = liftM2 (,) (toConcrete x) (toConcrete y)
bindToConcrete (x,y) ret =
bindToConcrete x $ \x ->
bindToConcrete y $ \y ->
ret (x,y)
instance (ToConcrete a1 c1, ToConcrete a2 c2, ToConcrete a3 c3) =>
ToConcrete (a1,a2,a3) (c1,c2,c3) where
toConcrete (x,y,z) = reorder <$> toConcrete (x,(y,z))
reorder (x,(y,z)) = (x,y,z)
bindToConcrete (x,y,z) ret = bindToConcrete (x,(y,z)) $ ret . reorder
reorder (x,(y,z)) = (x,y,z)
instance ToConcrete a c => ToConcrete (Arg a) (Arg c) where
toConcrete (Arg i a) = Arg i <$> toConcreteHiding i a
bindToConcrete (Arg info x) ret =
bindToConcreteCtx (hiddenArgumentCtx $ getHiding info) x $
ret . Arg info
instance ToConcrete a c => ToConcrete (WithHiding a) (WithHiding c) where
toConcrete (WithHiding h a) = WithHiding h <$> toConcreteHiding h a
bindToConcrete (WithHiding h a) ret = bindToConcreteHiding h a $ \ a ->
ret $ WithHiding h a
instance ToConcrete a c => ToConcrete (Named name a) (Named name c) where
toConcrete (Named n x) = Named n <$> toConcrete x
bindToConcrete (Named n x) ret = bindToConcrete x $ ret . Named n
newtype DontTouchMe a = DontTouchMe a
instance ToConcrete (DontTouchMe a) a where
toConcrete (DontTouchMe x) = return x
instance ToConcrete A.Name C.Name where
toConcrete = lookupName
bindToConcrete x = bindName x
instance ToConcrete A.QName C.QName where
toConcrete = lookupQName AmbiguousConProjs
instance ToConcrete A.ModuleName C.QName where
toConcrete = lookupModule
instance ToConcrete A.Expr C.Expr where
toConcrete (Var x) = Ident . C.QName <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete (Def x) = Ident <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete (Proj ProjPrefix (AmbQ (x:_))) = Ident <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete (Proj _ (AmbQ (x:_))) =
C.Dot (getRange x) . Ident <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete Proj{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__
toConcrete (A.Macro x) = Ident <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete (Con (AmbQ (x:_))) = Ident <$> toConcrete x
toConcrete (Con (AmbQ [])) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
toConcrete (A.Lit (LitQName r x)) = do
x <- lookupQName AmbiguousNothing x
bracket appBrackets $ return $
C.App r (C.Quote r) (defaultNamedArg $ C.Ident x)
toConcrete (A.Lit l) = return $ C.Lit l
toConcrete (A.QuestionMark i ii)= return $
C.QuestionMark (getRange i) $
interactionId ii <$ metaNumber i
toConcrete (A.Underscore i) = return $
C.Underscore (getRange i) $
prettyShow . NamedMeta (metaNameSuggestion i) . MetaId . metaId <$> metaNumber i
toConcrete (A.Dot i e) =
C.Dot (getRange i) <$> toConcrete e
toConcrete e@(A.App i e1 e2) =
tryToRecoverOpApp e
$ bracket appBrackets
$ do e1' <- toConcreteCtx FunctionCtx e1
e2' <- toConcreteCtx ArgumentCtx e2
return $ C.App (getRange i) e1' e2'
toConcrete (A.WithApp i e es) =
bracket withAppBrackets $ do
e <- toConcreteCtx WithFunCtx e
es <- mapM (toConcreteCtx WithArgCtx) es
return $ C.WithApp (getRange i) e es
toConcrete (A.AbsurdLam i h) =
bracket lamBrackets $ return $ C.AbsurdLam (getRange i) h
toConcrete e@(A.Lam i _ _) =
bracket lamBrackets
$ case lamView e of
(bs, e) ->
bindToConcrete (map makeDomainFree bs) $ \bs -> do
e <- toConcreteTop e
return $ C.Lam (getRange i) (concat bs) e
lamView (A.Lam _ b@(A.DomainFree _ _) e) =
case lamView e of
([], e) -> ([b], e)
(bs@(A.DomainFree _ _ : _), e) -> (b:bs, e)
_ -> ([b], e)
lamView (A.Lam _ b@(A.DomainFull _) e) =
case lamView e of
([], e) -> ([b], e)
(bs@(A.DomainFull _ : _), e) -> (b:bs, e)
_ -> ([b], e)
lamView e = ([], e)
toConcrete (A.ExtendedLam i di qname cs) =
bracket lamBrackets $ do
decls <- concat <$> toConcrete cs
let namedPat np = case getHiding np of
NotHidden -> namedArg np
Hidden -> C.HiddenP noRange (unArg np)
Instance -> C.InstanceP noRange (unArg np)
let removeApp (C.RawAppP r (_:es)) = return $ C.RawAppP r es
removeApp (C.AppP (C.IdentP _) np) = return $ namedPat np
removeApp (C.AppP p np) = do
p <- removeApp p
return $ C.AppP p np
removeApp p = do
lift $ reportSLn "extendedlambda" 50 $ "abstractToConcrete removeApp p = " ++ show p
return p
let decl2clause (C.FunClause lhs rhs wh ca) = do
let p = lhsOriginalPattern lhs
lift $ reportSLn "extendedlambda" 50 $ "abstractToConcrete extended lambda pattern p = " ++ show p
p' <- removeApp p
lift $ reportSLn "extendedlambda" 50 $ "abstractToConcrete extended lambda pattern p' = " ++ show p'
return (lhs{ lhsOriginalPattern = p' }, rhs, wh, ca)
decl2clause _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
C.ExtendedLam (getRange i) <$> mapM decl2clause decls
toConcrete (A.Pi _ [] e) = toConcrete e
toConcrete t@(A.Pi i _ _) = case piTel t of
(tel, e) ->
bracket piBrackets
$ bindToConcrete tel $ \b' -> do
e' <- toConcreteTop e
return $ C.Pi (concat b') e'
piTel (A.Pi _ tel e) = (tel ++) -*- id $ piTel e
piTel e = ([], e)
toConcrete (A.Fun i a b) =
bracket piBrackets
$ do a' <- toConcreteCtx (if irr then DotPatternCtx else FunctionSpaceDomainCtx) a
b' <- toConcreteTop b
return $ C.Fun (getRange i) (addRel a' $ mkArg a') b'
irr = getRelevance a `elem` [Irrelevant, NonStrict]
addRel a e = case getRelevance a of
Irrelevant -> addDot a e
NonStrict -> addDot a (addDot a e)
_ -> e
addDot a e = C.Dot (getRange a) e
mkArg (Arg info e) = case getHiding info of
Hidden -> HiddenArg (getRange e) (unnamed e)
Instance -> InstanceArg (getRange e) (unnamed e)
NotHidden -> e
toConcrete (A.Set i 0) = return $ C.Set (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.Set i n) = return $ C.SetN (getRange i) n
toConcrete (A.Prop i) = return $ C.Prop (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.Let i ds e) =
bracket lamBrackets
$ bindToConcrete ds $ \ds' -> do
e' <- toConcreteTop e
return $ C.Let (getRange i) (concat ds') e'
toConcrete (A.Rec i fs) =
bracket appBrackets $ do
C.Rec (getRange i) . map (fmap (\x -> ModuleAssignment x [] defaultImportDir)) <$> toConcreteTop fs
toConcrete (A.RecUpdate i e fs) =
bracket appBrackets $ do
C.RecUpdate (getRange i) <$> toConcrete e <*> toConcreteTop fs
toConcrete (A.ETel tel) = do
tel <- concat <$> toConcrete tel
return $ C.ETel tel
toConcrete (A.ScopedExpr _ e) = toConcrete e
toConcrete (A.QuoteGoal i x e) =
bracket lamBrackets $
bindToConcrete x $ \ x' -> do
e' <- toConcrete e
return $ C.QuoteGoal (getRange i) x' e'
toConcrete (A.QuoteContext i) = return $ C.QuoteContext (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.Quote i) = return $ C.Quote (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.QuoteTerm i) = return $ C.QuoteTerm (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.Unquote i) = return $ C.Unquote (getRange i)
toConcrete (A.Tactic i e xs ys) = do
e' <- toConcrete e
xs' <- toConcrete xs
ys' <- toConcrete ys
let r = getRange i
rawtac = foldl (C.App r) e' xs'
return $ C.Tactic (getRange i) rawtac (map namedArg ys')
toConcrete (A.DontCare e) = C.Dot r . C.Paren r <$> toConcrete e
where r = getRange e
toConcrete (A.PatternSyn n) = C.Ident <$> toConcrete n
makeDomainFree :: A.LamBinding -> A.LamBinding
makeDomainFree b@(A.DomainFull (A.TypedBindings r (Arg info (A.TBind _ [WithHiding h x] t)))) =
case unScope t of
A.Underscore MetaInfo{metaNumber = Nothing} -> A.DomainFree (mapHiding (mappend h) info) x
_ -> b
makeDomainFree b = b
instance ToConcrete a c => ToConcrete (FieldAssignment' a) (FieldAssignment' c) where
toConcrete = traverse toConcrete
instance ToConcrete A.LamBinding [C.LamBinding] where
bindToConcrete (A.DomainFree info x) ret = bindToConcrete x $ ret . (:[]) . C.DomainFree info . mkBoundName_
bindToConcrete (A.DomainFull b) ret = bindToConcrete b $ ret . map C.DomainFull
instance ToConcrete A.TypedBindings [C.TypedBindings] where
bindToConcrete (A.TypedBindings r bs) ret =
bindToConcrete bs $ \cbs ->
ret (map (C.TypedBindings r) $ recoverLabels bs cbs)
recoverLabels :: Arg A.TypedBinding -> Arg C.TypedBinding -> [Arg C.TypedBinding]
recoverLabels b cb
| getHiding b == NotHidden = [cb]
| otherwise = traverse (recover (unArg b)) cb
recover (A.TBind _ xs _) (C.TBind r ys e) = tbind r e (zipWith label xs ys)
recover A.TLet{} c@C.TLet{} = [c]
recover _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
tbinds r e [] = []
tbinds r e xs = [ C.TBind r xs e ]
tbind r e xs =
case span ((\ x -> boundLabel x == boundName x) . dget) xs of
(xs, x:ys) -> tbinds r e xs ++ [ C.TBind r [x] e ] ++ tbind r e ys
(xs, []) -> tbinds r e xs
label x = fmap $ \ y -> y { boundLabel = nameConcrete $ dget x }
instance ToConcrete A.TypedBinding C.TypedBinding where
bindToConcrete (A.TBind r xs e) ret =
bindToConcrete xs $ \ xs -> do
e <- toConcreteTop e
ret $ C.TBind r (map (fmap mkBoundName_) xs) e
bindToConcrete (A.TLet r lbs) ret =
bindToConcrete lbs $ \ ds -> do
ret $ C.TLet r $ concat ds
instance ToConcrete LetBinding [C.Declaration] where
bindToConcrete (LetBind i info x t e) ret =
bindToConcrete x $ \x ->
do (t,(e, [], [], [])) <- toConcrete (t, A.RHS e Nothing)
ret $ addInstanceB (getHiding info == Instance) $
[ C.TypeSig info x t
, C.FunClause (C.LHS (C.IdentP $ C.QName x) [] [] [])
e C.NoWhere False
bindToConcrete (LetPatBind i p e) ret = do
p <- toConcrete p
e <- toConcrete e
ret [ C.FunClause (C.LHS p [] [] []) (C.RHS e) NoWhere False ]
bindToConcrete (LetApply i x modapp _ _) ret = do
x' <- unqualify <$> toConcrete x
modapp <- toConcrete modapp
let r = getRange modapp
open = maybe DontOpen id $ minfoOpenShort i
dir = maybe defaultImportDir{ importDirRange = r } id $ minfoDirective i
local (openModule' x dir id) $
ret [ C.ModuleMacro (getRange i) x' modapp open dir ]
bindToConcrete (LetOpen i x _) ret = do
x' <- toConcrete x
let dir = maybe defaultImportDir id $ minfoDirective i
local (openModule' x dir restrictPrivate) $
ret [ C.Open (getRange i) x' dir ]
bindToConcrete (LetDeclaredVariable _) ret =
ret []
data AsWhereDecls = AsWhereDecls [A.Declaration]
instance ToConcrete AsWhereDecls WhereClause where
bindToConcrete (AsWhereDecls []) ret = ret C.NoWhere
bindToConcrete (AsWhereDecls ds@[Section _ am _ _]) ret = do
ds' <- declsToConcrete ds
cm <- unqualify <$> lookupModule am
let wh' = (if isNoName cm then AnyWhere else SomeWhere cm PublicAccess) $ ds'
local (openModule' am defaultImportDir id) $ ret wh'
bindToConcrete (AsWhereDecls ds) ret =
ret . AnyWhere =<< declsToConcrete ds
mergeSigAndDef :: [C.Declaration] -> [C.Declaration]
mergeSigAndDef (C.RecordSig _ x bs e : C.Record r y ind eta c _ Nothing fs : ds)
| x == y = C.Record r y ind eta c bs (Just e) fs : mergeSigAndDef ds
mergeSigAndDef (C.DataSig _ _ x bs e : C.Data r i y _ Nothing cs : ds)
| x == y = C.Data r i y bs (Just e) cs : mergeSigAndDef ds
mergeSigAndDef (d : ds) = d : mergeSigAndDef ds
mergeSigAndDef [] = []
openModule' :: A.ModuleName -> C.ImportDirective -> (Scope -> Scope) -> Env -> Env
openModule' x dir restrict env = env{currentScope = sInfo{scopeModules = mods'}}
where sInfo = currentScope env
amod = scopeCurrent sInfo
mods = scopeModules sInfo
news = setScopeAccess PrivateNS
$ applyImportDirective dir
$ maybe emptyScope restrict
$ Map.lookup x mods
mods' = Map.update (Just . (`mergeScope` news)) amod mods
declsToConcrete :: [A.Declaration] -> AbsToCon [C.Declaration]
declsToConcrete ds = mergeSigAndDef . concat <$> toConcrete ds
instance ToConcrete A.RHS (C.RHS, [C.Expr], [C.Expr], [C.Declaration]) where
toConcrete (A.RHS e (Just c)) = return (C.RHS c, [], [], [])
toConcrete (A.RHS e Nothing) = do
e <- toConcrete e
return (C.RHS e, [], [], [])
toConcrete A.AbsurdRHS = return (C.AbsurdRHS, [], [], [])
toConcrete (A.WithRHS _ es cs) = do
es <- toConcrete es
cs <- concat <$> toConcrete cs
return (C.AbsurdRHS, [], es, cs)
toConcrete (A.RewriteRHS xeqs rhs wh) = do
wh <- declsToConcrete wh
(rhs, eqs', es, whs) <- toConcrete rhs
unless (null eqs')
eqs <- toConcrete $ map snd xeqs
return (rhs, eqs, es, wh ++ whs)
instance ToConcrete (Maybe A.QName) (Maybe C.Name) where
toConcrete Nothing = return Nothing
toConcrete (Just x) = do
x' <- toConcrete (qnameName x)
return $ Just x'
instance ToConcrete (Constr A.Constructor) C.Declaration where
toConcrete (Constr (A.ScopedDecl scope [d])) =
withScope scope $ toConcrete (Constr d)
toConcrete (Constr (A.Axiom _ i info Nothing x t)) = do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return $ C.TypeSig info x' t'
toConcrete (Constr (A.Axiom _ _ _ (Just _) _ _)) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
toConcrete (Constr d) = head <$> toConcrete d
instance ToConcrete a C.LHS => ToConcrete (A.Clause' a) [C.Declaration] where
toConcrete (A.Clause lhs _ rhs wh catchall) =
bindToConcrete lhs $ \lhs ->
case lhs of
C.LHS p wps _ _ -> do
bindToConcrete (AsWhereDecls wh) $ \wh' -> do
(rhs', eqs, with, wcs) <- toConcreteTop rhs
return $ FunClause (C.LHS p wps eqs with) rhs' wh' catchall : wcs
C.Ellipsis {} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
instance ToConcrete A.ModuleApplication C.ModuleApplication where
toConcrete (A.SectionApp tel y es) = do
y <- toConcreteCtx FunctionCtx y
bindToConcrete tel $ \tel -> do
es <- toConcreteCtx ArgumentCtx es
let r = fuseRange y es
return $ C.SectionApp r (concat tel) (foldl (C.App r) (C.Ident y) es)
toConcrete (A.RecordModuleIFS recm) = do
recm <- toConcrete recm
return $ C.RecordModuleIFS (getRange recm) recm
instance ToConcrete A.Declaration [C.Declaration] where
toConcrete (ScopedDecl scope ds) =
withScope scope (declsToConcrete ds)
toConcrete (Axiom _ i info mp x t) = do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
withAbstractPrivate i $
withInfixDecl i x' $ do
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return $
(case mp of
Nothing -> []
Just occs -> [C.Pragma (PolarityPragma noRange x' occs)]) ++
[C.Postulate (getRange i) [C.TypeSig info x' t']]
toConcrete (A.Field i x t) = do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
withAbstractPrivate i $
withInfixDecl i x' $ do
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return [C.Field (defInstance i) x' t']
toConcrete (A.Primitive i x t) = do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
withAbstractPrivate i $
withInfixDecl i x' $ do
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return [C.Primitive (getRange i) [C.TypeSig defaultArgInfo x' t']]
toConcrete (A.FunDef i _ _ cs) =
withAbstractPrivate i $ concat <$> toConcrete cs
toConcrete (A.DataSig i x bs t) =
withAbstractPrivate i $
bindToConcrete bs $ \tel' -> do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return [ C.DataSig (getRange i) Inductive x' (map C.DomainFull $ concat tel') t' ]
toConcrete (A.DataDef i x bs cs) =
withAbstractPrivate i $
bindToConcrete (map makeDomainFree bs) $ \tel' -> do
(x',cs') <- (unsafeQNameToName -*- id) <$> toConcrete (x, map Constr cs)
return [ C.Data (getRange i) Inductive x' (concat tel') Nothing cs' ]
toConcrete (A.RecSig i x bs t) =
withAbstractPrivate i $
bindToConcrete bs $ \tel' -> do
x' <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
t' <- toConcreteTop t
return [ C.RecordSig (getRange i) x' (map C.DomainFull $ concat tel') t' ]
toConcrete (A.RecDef i x ind eta c bs t cs) =
withAbstractPrivate i $
bindToConcrete (map makeDomainFree bs) $ \tel' -> do
(x',cs') <- (unsafeQNameToName -*- id) <$> toConcrete (x, map Constr cs)
return [ C.Record (getRange i) x' ind eta Nothing (concat tel') Nothing cs' ]
toConcrete (A.Mutual i ds) = declsToConcrete ds
toConcrete (A.Section i x tel ds) = do
x <- toConcrete x
bindToConcrete tel $ \tel -> do
ds <- declsToConcrete ds
return [ C.Module (getRange i) x (concat tel) ds ]
toConcrete (A.Apply i x modapp _ _) = do
x <- unsafeQNameToName <$> toConcrete x
modapp <- toConcrete modapp
let r = getRange modapp
open = fromMaybe DontOpen $ minfoOpenShort i
dir = fromMaybe defaultImportDir{ importDirRange = r } $ minfoDirective i
return [ C.ModuleMacro (getRange i) x modapp open dir ]
toConcrete (A.Import i x _) = do
x <- toConcrete x
let open = maybe DontOpen id $ minfoOpenShort i
dir = maybe defaultImportDir id $ minfoDirective i
return [ C.Import (getRange i) x Nothing open dir]
toConcrete (A.Pragma i p) = do
p <- toConcrete $ RangeAndPragma (getRange i) p
return [C.Pragma p]
toConcrete (A.Open i x _) = do
x <- toConcrete x
return [C.Open (getRange i) x defaultImportDir]
toConcrete (A.PatternSynDef x xs p) = do
C.QName x <- toConcrete x
bindToConcrete xs $ \xs -> (:[]) . C.PatternSyn (getRange x) x xs <$> toConcrete (vacuous p :: A.Pattern)
toConcrete (A.UnquoteDecl _ i xs e) = do
let unqual (C.QName x) = return x
unqual _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
xs <- mapM (unqual <=< toConcrete) xs
(:[]) . C.UnquoteDecl (getRange i) xs <$> toConcrete e
toConcrete (A.UnquoteDef i xs e) = do
let unqual (C.QName x) = return x
unqual _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
xs <- mapM (unqual <=< toConcrete) xs
(:[]) . C.UnquoteDef (getRange i) xs <$> toConcrete e
data RangeAndPragma = RangeAndPragma Range A.Pragma
instance ToConcrete RangeAndPragma C.Pragma where
toConcrete (RangeAndPragma r p) = case p of
A.OptionsPragma xs -> return $ C.OptionsPragma r xs
A.BuiltinPragma b e -> C.BuiltinPragma r b <$> toConcrete e
A.BuiltinNoDefPragma b x -> C.BuiltinPragma r b . C.Ident <$>
toConcrete x
A.RewritePragma x -> C.RewritePragma r . singleton <$> toConcrete x
A.CompiledTypePragma x hs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledTypePragma r x hs
A.CompiledDataPragma x hs hcs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledDataPragma r x hs hcs
A.CompiledDeclareDataPragma x hs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledDeclareDataPragma r x hs
A.CompiledPragma x hs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledPragma r x hs
A.CompiledExportPragma x hs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledExportPragma r x hs
A.CompiledEpicPragma x e -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledEpicPragma r x e
A.CompiledJSPragma x e -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledJSPragma r x e
A.CompiledUHCPragma x cr -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledUHCPragma r x cr
A.CompiledDataUHCPragma x crd crcs -> do
x <- toConcrete x
return $ C.CompiledDataUHCPragma r x crd crcs
A.StaticPragma x -> C.StaticPragma r <$> toConcrete x
A.InlinePragma x -> C.InlinePragma r <$> toConcrete x
A.DisplayPragma f ps rhs ->
C.DisplayPragma r <$> toConcrete (A.DefP (PatRange noRange) (AmbQ [f]) ps) <*> toConcrete rhs
instance ToConcrete A.SpineLHS C.LHS where
bindToConcrete lhs = bindToConcrete (A.spineToLhs lhs :: A.LHS)
instance ToConcrete A.LHS C.LHS where
bindToConcrete (A.LHS i lhscore wps) ret = do
bindToConcreteCtx TopCtx lhscore $ \lhs ->
bindToConcreteCtx TopCtx wps $ \wps ->
ret $ C.LHS lhs wps [] []
instance ToConcrete A.LHSCore C.Pattern where
bindToConcrete = bindToConcrete . lhsCoreToPattern
appBrackets' :: [arg] -> Precedence -> Bool
appBrackets' [] _ = False
appBrackets' (_:_) ctx = appBrackets ctx
newtype BindingPattern = BindingPat A.Pattern
newtype FreshName = FreshenName A.Name
instance ToConcrete FreshName A.Name where
bindToConcrete (FreshenName x) ret = bindToConcrete x $ \ y -> ret x{ nameConcrete = y }
instance ToConcrete BindingPattern A.Pattern where
bindToConcrete (BindingPat p) ret =
case p of
A.VarP x -> bindToConcrete (FreshenName x) $ ret . A.VarP
A.WildP{} -> ret p
A.ProjP{} -> ret p
A.AbsurdP{} -> ret p
A.LitP{} -> ret p
A.DotP{} -> ret p
A.ConP i c args -> bindToConcrete ((map . fmap . fmap) BindingPat args) $ ret . A.ConP i c
A.DefP i f args -> bindToConcrete ((map . fmap . fmap) BindingPat args) $ ret . A.DefP i f
A.PatternSynP i f args -> bindToConcrete ((map . fmap . fmap) BindingPat args) $ ret . A.PatternSynP i f
A.RecP i args -> bindToConcrete ((map . fmap) BindingPat args) $ ret . A.RecP i
A.AsP i x p -> bindToConcrete (FreshenName x) $ \ x ->
bindToConcrete (BindingPat p) $ \ p ->
ret (A.AsP i x p)
instance ToConcrete A.Pattern C.Pattern where
bindToConcrete p ret = do
prec <- currentPrecedence
bindToConcrete (BindingPat p) (ret <=< withPrecedence prec . toConcrete)
toConcrete p =
case p of
A.VarP x ->
C.IdentP . C.QName <$> toConcrete x
A.WildP i ->
return $ C.WildP (getRange i)
A.ConP i (AmbQ []) args -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
A.ConP i xs@(AmbQ (x:_)) args -> tryOp x (A.ConP i xs) args
A.ProjP _ _ (AmbQ []) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
A.ProjP i ProjPrefix xs@(AmbQ (x:_)) -> C.IdentP <$> toConcrete x
A.ProjP i _ xs@(AmbQ (x:_)) -> C.DotP (getRange x) UserWritten . C.Ident <$> toConcrete x
A.DefP i (AmbQ []) _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
A.DefP i xs@(AmbQ (x:_)) args -> tryOp x (A.DefP i xs) args
A.AsP i x p -> do
(x, p) <- toConcreteCtx ArgumentCtx (x,p)
return $ C.AsP (getRange i) x p
A.AbsurdP i ->
return $ C.AbsurdP (getRange i)
A.LitP (LitQName r x) -> do
x <- lookupQName AmbiguousNothing x
bracketP_ appBrackets $ return $ C.AppP (C.QuoteP r) (defaultNamedArg (C.IdentP x))
A.LitP l ->
return $ C.LitP l
A.DotP i o e -> do
c <- toConcreteCtx DotPatternCtx e
case c of
C.Underscore{} -> return $ C.WildP $ getRange i
_ -> return $ C.DotP (getRange i) o c
A.PatternSynP i n _ ->
C.IdentP <$> toConcrete n
A.RecP i as ->
C.RecP (getRange i) <$> mapM (traverse toConcrete) as
tryOp :: A.QName -> (A.Patterns -> A.Pattern) -> A.Patterns -> AbsToCon C.Pattern
tryOp x f args = do
let (args1, args2) = splitAt (numHoles x) args
let funCtx = if null args2 then id else withPrecedence FunctionCtx
funCtx (tryToRecoverOpAppP $ f args1) >>= \case
Just c -> applyTo args2 c
Nothing -> applyTo args . C.IdentP =<< toConcrete x
applyTo args c = bracketP_ (appBrackets' args) $ do
foldl C.AppP c <$> toConcreteCtx ArgumentCtx args
data Hd = HdVar A.Name | HdCon A.QName | HdDef A.QName
cOpApp :: Range -> C.QName -> A.Name -> [C.Expr] -> C.Expr
cOpApp r x n es =
C.OpApp r x (Set.singleton n)
(map (defaultNamedArg . noPlaceholder . Ordinary) es)
tryToRecoverOpApp :: A.Expr -> AbsToCon C.Expr -> AbsToCon C.Expr
tryToRecoverOpApp e def = caseMaybeM (recoverOpApp bracket cOpApp view e) def return
view e = do
let Application hd args = AV.appView e
case hd of
Var x -> Just (HdVar x, args)
Def f -> Just (HdDef f, args)
Con (AmbQ (c:_)) -> Just (HdCon c, args)
Con (AmbQ []) -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
_ -> Nothing
tryToRecoverOpAppP :: A.Pattern -> AbsToCon (Maybe C.Pattern)
tryToRecoverOpAppP = recoverOpApp bracketP_ opApp view
opApp r x n ps =
C.OpAppP r x (Set.singleton n) (map defaultNamedArg ps)
view p = case p of
ConP _ (AmbQ (c:_)) ps -> Just (HdCon c, ps)
DefP _ (AmbQ (f:_)) ps -> Just (HdDef f, ps)
recoverOpApp :: (ToConcrete a c, HasRange c)
=> ((Precedence -> Bool) -> AbsToCon c -> AbsToCon c)
-> (Range -> C.QName -> A.Name -> [c] -> c)
-> (a -> Maybe (Hd, [NamedArg a]))
-> a
-> AbsToCon (Maybe c)
recoverOpApp bracket opApp view e = case view e of
Nothing -> mDefault
Just (hd, args)
| all notHidden args -> do
let args' = map namedArg args
case hd of
HdVar n
| isNoName n -> mDefault
| otherwise -> doQNameHelper id C.QName n args'
HdDef qn -> doQNameHelper qnameName id qn args'
HdCon qn -> doQNameHelper qnameName id qn args'
| otherwise -> mDefault
mDefault = return Nothing
doQNameHelper fixityHelper conHelper n as = do
x <- conHelper <$> toConcrete n
doQName (theFixity $ nameFixity n') x n' as (C.nameParts $ C.unqualify x)
n' = fixityHelper n
doQName _ x _ es xs
| null es = mDefault
| length es /= numHoles x = mDefault
doQName fixity x n as xs
| Hole <- head xs
, Hole <- last xs = do
let a1 = head as
an = last as
as' = case as of
as@(_ : _ : _) -> init $ tail as
e1 <- toConcreteCtx (LeftOperandCtx fixity) a1
es <- mapM (toConcreteCtx InsideOperandCtx) as'
en <- toConcreteCtx (RightOperandCtx fixity) an
Just <$> do
bracket (opBrackets fixity) $
return $ opApp (getRange (e1, en)) x n ([e1] ++ es ++ [en])
doQName fixity x n as xs
| Hole <- last xs = do
let an = last as
as' = case as of
as@(_ : _) -> init as
es <- mapM (toConcreteCtx InsideOperandCtx) as'
en <- toConcreteCtx (RightOperandCtx fixity) an
Just <$> do
bracket (opBrackets fixity) $
return $ opApp (getRange (n, en)) x n (es ++ [en])
doQName fixity x n as xs
| Hole <- head xs = do
let a1 = head as
as' = tail as
e1 <- toConcreteCtx (LeftOperandCtx fixity) a1
es <- mapM (toConcreteCtx InsideOperandCtx) as'
Just <$> do
bracket (opBrackets fixity) $
return $ opApp (getRange (e1, n)) x n ([e1] ++ es)
doQName _ x n as xs = do
es <- mapM (toConcreteCtx InsideOperandCtx) as
Just <$> do
bracket roundFixBrackets $
return $ opApp (getRange x) x n es
instance ToConcrete InteractionId C.Expr where
toConcrete (InteractionId i) = return $ C.QuestionMark noRange (Just i)
instance ToConcrete NamedMeta C.Expr where
toConcrete i = do
return $ C.Underscore noRange (Just $ prettyShow i)