{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Agda.TypeChecking.Injectivity where import Prelude hiding (mapM) import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow (first, second) import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM, forM) import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM, forM) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe import Data.Traversable hiding (for) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Internal import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty hiding ((<>)) import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints import Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(catchError, throwError) ) import Agda.Utils.Functor import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.List import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Permutation import Agda.Utils.Pretty ( prettyShow ) #include "undefined.h" import Agda.Utils.Impossible headSymbol :: Term -> TCM (Maybe TermHead) headSymbol v = do -- ignoreAbstractMode $ do -- Andreas, 2013-02-18 ignoreAbstractMode leads to information leakage v <- constructorForm =<< ignoreBlocking <$> reduceHead v case v of Def f _ -> do let yes = return $ Just $ ConsHead f no = return $ Nothing def <- theDef <$> do ignoreAbstractMode $ getConstInfo f -- Andreas, 2013-02-18 -- if we do not ignoreAbstractMode here, abstract Functions get turned -- into Axioms, but we want to distinguish these. case def of Datatype{} -> yes Record{} -> yes DataOrRecSig{} -> yes Axiom{} -> do reportSLn "tc.inj.axiom" 50 $ "headSymbol: " ++ prettyShow f ++ " is an Axiom." -- Don't treat axioms in the current mutual block -- as constructors (they might have definitions we -- don't know about yet). caseMaybeM (asksTC envMutualBlock) yes $ \ mb -> do fs <- mutualNames <$> lookupMutualBlock mb if Set.member f fs then no else yes Function{} -> no Primitive{} -> no GeneralizableVar{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Constructor{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ AbstractDefn{}-> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Con c _ _ -> Just . ConsHead <$> canonicalName (conName c) Sort _ -> return (Just SortHead) Pi _ _ -> return (Just PiHead) Var i [] -> return (Just $ VarHead i) -- Only naked variables. Otherwise substituting a neutral term is not guaranteed to stay neutral. Lit _ -> return Nothing -- TODO: LitHead (for literals with no constructorForm) Lam{} -> return Nothing Var{} -> return Nothing Level{} -> return Nothing MetaV{} -> return Nothing DontCare{} -> return Nothing Dummy s -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ s -- | Do a full whnf and treat neutral terms as rigid. Used on the arguments to -- an injective functions and to the right-hand side. headSymbol' :: Term -> TCM (Maybe TermHead) headSymbol' v = do v <- traverse constructorForm =<< reduceB v case v of Blocked{} -> return Nothing NotBlocked _ v -> case v of Def g _ -> return $ Just $ ConsHead g Con c _ _ -> return $ Just $ ConsHead $ conName c Var i _ -> return $ Just (VarHead i) Sort _ -> return $ Just SortHead Pi _ _ -> return $ Just PiHead Lit _ -> return Nothing Lam{} -> return Nothing Level{} -> return Nothing MetaV{} -> return Nothing DontCare{} -> return Nothing Dummy s -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ s -- | Does deBruijn variable i correspond to a top-level argument, and if so -- which one (index from the left). topLevelArg :: Clause -> Int -> Maybe TermHead topLevelArg Clause{ namedClausePats = ps } i = case [ n | (n, VarP _ (DBPatVar _ j)) <- zip [0..] $ map namedArg ps, i == j ] of [] -> Nothing [n] -> Just (VarHead n) _:_:_ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- | Join a list of inversion maps. joinHeadMaps :: [InversionMap c] -> InversionMap c joinHeadMaps = Map.unionsWith (<>) -- | Update the heads of an inversion map. updateHeads :: Monad m => (TermHead -> [c] -> m TermHead) -> InversionMap c -> m (InversionMap c) updateHeads f m = joinHeadMaps <$> mapM f' (Map.toList m) where f' (h, c) = (`Map.singleton` c) <$> f h c checkInjectivity :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM FunctionInverse checkInjectivity f cs | pointless cs = do reportSLn "tc.inj.check.pointless" 20 $ "Injectivity of " ++ prettyShow (A.qnameToConcrete f) ++ " would be pointless." return NotInjective where -- Is it pointless to use injectivity for this function? pointless [] = True pointless (_:_:_) = False pointless [cl] = not $ any (properlyMatching . namedArg) $ namedClausePats cl -- Andreas, 2014-06-12 -- If we only have record patterns, it is also pointless. -- We need at least one proper match. checkInjectivity f cs = fromMaybe NotInjective <.> runMaybeT $ do reportSLn "tc.inj.check" 40 $ "Checking injectivity of " ++ prettyShow f let varToArg :: Clause -> TermHead -> MaybeT TCM TermHead varToArg c (VarHead i) = MaybeT $ return $ topLevelArg c i varToArg _ h = return h -- We don't need to consider absurd clauses let computeHead c@Clause{ clauseBody = Just body } = do h <- varToArg c =<< lift (fromMaybe UnknownHead <$> addContext (clauseTel c) (headSymbol body)) return [Map.singleton h [c]] computeHead _ = return [] hdMap <- joinHeadMaps . concat <$> mapM computeHead cs case Map.lookup UnknownHead hdMap of Just (_:_:_) -> empty -- More than one unknown head: we can't really do anything in that case. _ -> return () reportSLn "tc.inj.check" 20 $ prettyShow f ++ " is potentially injective." reportSDoc "tc.inj.check" 30 $ nest 2 $ vcat $ for (Map.toList hdMap) $ \ (h, uc) -> text (prettyShow h) <+> "-->" <+> case uc of [c] -> prettyTCM $ map namedArg $ namedClausePats c _ -> "(multiple clauses)" return $ Inverse hdMap -- | If a clause is over-applied we can't trust the head (Issue 2944). For -- instance, the clause might be `f ps = u , v` and the actual call `f vs -- .fst`. In this case the head will be the head of `u` rather than `_,_`. checkOverapplication :: Elims -> InversionMap Clause -> TCM (InversionMap Clause) checkOverapplication es = updateHeads overapplied where overapplied :: TermHead -> [Clause] -> TCM TermHead overapplied h cs | all (not . isOverapplied) cs = return h overapplied h cs = ifM (isSuperRigid h) (return h) (return UnknownHead) -- A super-rigid head is one that can't be eliminated. Crucially, this is -- applied after instantiateVars, so VarHeads are really bound variables. isSuperRigid SortHead = return True isSuperRigid PiHead = return True isSuperRigid VarHead{} = return True isSuperRigid UnknownHead = return True -- or False, doesn't matter isSuperRigid (ConsHead q) = do def <- getConstInfo q return $ case theDef def of Axiom{} -> True DataOrRecSig{} -> True AbstractDefn{} -> True Function{} -> False Datatype{} -> True Record{} -> True Constructor{conSrcCon = ConHead{ conFields = fs }} -> null fs -- Record constructors can be eliminated by projections Primitive{} -> False GeneralizableVar{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ isOverapplied Clause{ namedClausePats = ps } = length es > length ps -- | Turn variable heads, referring to top-level argument positions, into -- proper heads. These might still be `VarHead`, but in that case they refer to -- deBruijn variables. Checks that the instantiated heads are still rigid and -- distinct. instantiateVarHeads :: QName -> Elims -> InversionMap c -> TCM (Maybe (InversionMap c)) instantiateVarHeads f es m = runMaybeT $ updateHeads (const . instHead) m where instHead :: TermHead -> MaybeT TCM TermHead instHead h@(VarHead i) | Just (Apply arg) <- es !!! i = MaybeT $ headSymbol' (unArg arg) | otherwise = empty -- impossible? instHead h = return h -- | Argument should be in weak head normal form. functionInverse :: Term -> TCM InvView functionInverse v = case v of Def f es -> do inv <- defInverse <$> getConstInfo f case inv of NotInjective -> return NoInv Inverse m -> maybe NoInv (Inv f es) <$> (traverse (checkOverapplication es) =<< instantiateVarHeads f es m) -- NB: Invertible functions are never classified as -- projection-like, so this is fine, we are not -- missing parameters. (Andreas, 2013-11-01) _ -> return NoInv data InvView = Inv QName [Elim] (InversionMap Clause) | NoInv data MaybeAbort = Abort | KeepGoing -- | Precondition: The first argument must be blocked and the second must be -- neutral. useInjectivity :: CompareDirection -> Type -> Term -> Term -> TCM () useInjectivity dir ty blk neu = locallyTC eInjectivityDepth succ $ do inv <- functionInverse blk -- Injectivity might cause non-termination for unsatisfiable constraints -- (#431, #3067). Look at the number of active problems and the injectivity -- depth to detect this. nProblems <- Set.size <$> viewTC eActiveProblems injDepth <- viewTC eInjectivityDepth let depth = max nProblems injDepth maxDepth <- maxInversionDepth case inv of NoInv -> fallback -- not invertible Inv f blkArgs hdMap | depth > maxDepth -> warning (InversionDepthReached f) >> fallback | otherwise -> do reportSDoc "tc.inj.use" 30 $ fsep $ pwords "useInjectivity on" ++ [ prettyTCM blk, prettyTCM cmp, prettyTCM neu, ":", prettyTCM ty ] let canReduceToSelf = Map.member (ConsHead f) hdMap || Map.member UnknownHead hdMap allUnique = all isUnique hdMap isUnique [_] = True isUnique _ = False case neu of -- f us == f vs <=> us == vs -- Crucially, this relies on `f vs` being neutral and only works -- if `f` is not a possible head for `f us`. Def f' neuArgs | f == f', not canReduceToSelf -> do fTy <- defType <$> getConstInfo f reportSDoc "tc.inj.use" 20 $ vcat [ fsep (pwords "comparing application of injective function" ++ [prettyTCM f] ++ pwords "at") , nest 2 $ fsep $ punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM blkArgs , nest 2 $ fsep $ punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM neuArgs , nest 2 $ "and type" <+> prettyTCM fTy ] fs <- getForcedArgs f pol <- getPolarity' cmp f reportSDoc "tc.inj.invert.success" 20 $ hsep ["Successful spine comparison of", prettyTCM f] app (compareElims pol fs fTy (Def f [])) blkArgs neuArgs -- f us == c vs -- Find the clause unique clause `f ps` with head `c` and unify -- us == ps with fresh metas for the pattern variables of ps. -- If there's no such clause we can safely throw an error. _ -> headSymbol' neu >>= \ case Nothing -> do reportSDoc "tc.inj.use" 20 $ fsep $ pwords "no head symbol found for" ++ [prettyTCM neu] ++ pwords ", so not inverting" fallback Just (ConsHead f') | f == f', canReduceToSelf -> do reportSDoc "tc.inj.use" 20 $ fsep $ pwords "head symbol" ++ [prettyTCM f'] ++ pwords "can reduce to self, so not inverting" fallback -- We can't invert in this case, since we can't -- tell the difference between a solution that makes -- the blocked term neutral and one that makes progress. Just hd -> invertFunction cmp blk inv hd fallback err success where err = typeError $ app (\ u v -> UnequalTerms cmp u v ty) blk neu where fallback = addConstraint $ app (ValueCmp cmp ty) blk neu success blk' = app (compareTerm cmp ty) blk' neu (cmp, app) = case dir of DirEq -> (CmpEq, id) DirLeq -> (CmpLeq, id) DirGeq -> (CmpLeq, flip) -- | The second argument should be a blocked application and the third argument -- the inverse of the applied function. invertFunction :: Comparison -> Term -> InvView -> TermHead -> TCM () -> TCM () -> (Term -> TCM ()) -> TCM () invertFunction _ _ NoInv _ fallback _ _ = fallback invertFunction cmp blk (Inv f blkArgs hdMap) hd fallback err success = do fTy <- defType <$> getConstInfo f reportSDoc "tc.inj.use" 20 $ vcat [ "inverting injective function" hsep [prettyTCM f, ":", prettyTCM fTy] , "for" pretty hd , nest 2 $ "args =" <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM blkArgs) ] -- Clauses with unknown heads are also possible candidates case fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup hd hdMap <> Map.lookup UnknownHead hdMap of [] -> err _:_:_ -> fallback [cl@Clause{ clauseTel = tel }] -> maybeAbort $ do let ps = clausePats cl perm = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ clausePerm cl -- These are what dot patterns should be instantiated at ms <- map unArg <$> newTelMeta tel reportSDoc "tc.inj.invert" 20 $ vcat [ "meta patterns" <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM ms) , " perm =" <+> text (show perm) , " tel =" <+> prettyTCM tel , " ps =" <+> prettyList (map (text . show) ps) ] -- and this is the order the variables occur in the patterns let msAux = permute (invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ compactP perm) ms let sub = parallelS (reverse ms) margs <- runReaderT (evalStateT (mapM metaElim ps) msAux) sub reportSDoc "tc.inj.invert" 20 $ vcat [ "inversion" , nest 2 $ vcat [ "lhs =" <+> prettyTCM margs , "rhs =" <+> prettyTCM blkArgs , "type =" <+> prettyTCM fTy ] ] -- Since we do not care for the value of non-variant metas here, -- we can treat 'Nonvariant' as 'Invariant'. -- That ensures these metas do not remain unsolved. pol <- purgeNonvariant <$> getPolarity' cmp f fs <- getForcedArgs f -- The clause might not give as many patterns as there -- are arguments (point-free style definitions). let blkArgs' = take (length margs) blkArgs compareElims pol fs fTy (Def f []) margs blkArgs' -- Check that we made progress. r <- runReduceM $ unfoldDefinitionStep False blk f blkArgs case r of YesReduction _ blk' -> do reportSDoc "tc.inj.invert.success" 20 $ hsep ["Successful inversion of", prettyTCM f, "at", pretty hd] KeepGoing <$ success blk' NoReduction{} -> do reportSDoc "tc.inj.invert" 30 $ vcat [ "aborting inversion;" <+> prettyTCM blk , "does not reduce" ] return Abort where maybeAbort m = do (a, s) <- localTCStateSaving m case a of KeepGoing -> putTC s Abort -> fallback nextMeta = do m : ms <- get put ms return m dotP :: Monad m => Term -> StateT [Term] (ReaderT Substitution m) Term dotP v = do sub <- ask return $ applySubst sub v metaElim (Arg _ (ProjP o p)) = lift $ lift $ Proj o <$> getOriginalProjection p metaElim (Arg info p) = Apply . Arg info <$> metaPat p metaArgs args = mapM (traverse $ metaPat . namedThing) args metaPat (DotP _ v) = dotP v metaPat (VarP _ _) = nextMeta metaPat (IApplyP{}) = nextMeta metaPat (ConP c mt args) = Con c (fromConPatternInfo mt) . map Apply <$> metaArgs args metaPat (DefP o q args) = Def q . map Apply <$> metaArgs args metaPat (LitP l) = return $ Lit l metaPat ProjP{} = __IMPOSSIBLE__ forcePiUsingInjectivity :: Type -> TCM Type forcePiUsingInjectivity t = reduceB t >>= \ case Blocked _ blkTy -> do let blk = unEl blkTy inv <- functionInverse blk blkTy <$ invertFunction CmpEq blk inv PiHead fallback err success NotBlocked _ t -> return t where fallback = return () err = typeError (ShouldBePi t) success _ = return ()