{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction, RebindableSyntax #-} -- GADTs #-} module System.ArrowVHDL.TEA where import Data.Char (digitToInt, ord, chr) import qualified Data.Bits as B import Data.Word (Word32(..)) import Prelude hiding (cycle) import Control.Category import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Arrow import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Defaults hiding (Value, Key) type Key = (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) type HalfKey = (Word32, Word32) type Value = (Word32, Word32) type Round = Int type TL4 = (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool)))) type TL32 = (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, (Bool, Bool ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) type KeyTL = (TL32, TL32, TL32, TL32) type HalfKeyTL = (TL32, TL32) type ValueTL = (TL32, TL32) type RoundTL = TL32 -- aXorTL4 -- = aXor -- >:> aXor -- >:> aXor -- >:> aXor -- where -- aA >:> aB = ((aFst *** aFst) >>> aA) &&& ((aSnd *** aSnd) >>> aB) -- infixr 4 >:> -- aXorTL32 -- = aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor -- >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor -- >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor -- >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor >:> aXor -- where -- aA >:> aB = ((aFst *** aFst) >>> aA) &&& ((aSnd *** aSnd) >>> aB) -- infixr 4 >:> -- aOrTL32 -- = aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr -- >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr -- >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr -- >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr >:> aOr -- where -- aA >:> aB = ((aFst *** aFst) >>> aA) &&& ((aSnd *** aSnd) >>> aB) -- infixr 4 >:> magicConstant = 0x9e3779b9 -- |`delta` is the function, that considering the round number, -- calculates the magic number. delta :: Int -> Word32 delta r = fromIntegral r * magicConstant -- |Here comes a function `cycleN` that calculates the cypher of the -- TEA. It therefore takes a round counter and calculates the TEA with -- exact that amount of rounds. cycleN :: Int -> Key -> Value -> Value cycleN n = cycleN' (1, n) -- |Another more specific version of `cycleN` is `cycleN'`. This -- function has a more complex round counter (Tuple of Int vs. single -- Int). The first element of the tuple is the actual round counter; -- the second element count's backward and acts as the recursion -- break. cycleN' :: (Round, Int) -> Key -> Value -> Value cycleN' (_,0) _ v = v cycleN' (r,n) k v = cycleN' (r+1, n-1) k (cycle r k v) -- |`cycle` without any naming suffixes is the function that actually -- calculates one round of the TEA. cycle :: Round -> Key -> Value -> Value cycle r (k0, k1, k2, k3) value = let value' = feistel1 value in feistel2 value' where feistel1 = feistel r (k0, k1) feistel2 = feistel r (k2, k3) -- |The `feistel` function contains the logic of the TEA. It is -- similar to the depicted definition inside the wikipedia-article on -- TEA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_Encryption_Algorithm feistel :: Round -> HalfKey -> Value -> Value feistel r (kA, kB) (vA, vB) = (vB, vA + tB) where t1 = kA + (vB `B.shift` 4) t2 = vB + delta r t3 = kB + (vB `B.shift` (-5)) tB = t1 `B.xor` t2 `B.xor` t3 -- |The `feistel'functional` function contains the logic of the TEA. It is -- similar to the depicted definition inside the wikipedia-article on -- TEA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_Encryption_Algorithm feistel'functional :: Round -> HalfKey -> Value -> Value feistel'functional r (kA, kB) (vA, vB) = (vB, vA + tB) where t1 = kA + (vB `B.shift` 4) t2 = vB + delta r t3 = kB + (vB `B.shift` (-5)) tB = t1 `B.xor` t2 `B.xor` t3 feistel'arrow :: Round -> HalfKey -> Value -> Value feistel'arrow r key val = runGrid aTEA $ (key, val) where aTEA :: (Arrow a) => Grid a (HalfKey, Value) Value -- ((K0, K1), (V0, V1)) aTEA = aDistr -- (((K0, K1), V0), ((K0, K1), V1)) >>> first ( aSnd -- (V0, ((K0, K1), V1)) ) >>> second ( ( aFlip -- &&& aSnd -- (V0, ((V1, (K0, K1)), V1)) >>> aDistr &&& aFst -- (V0, ((((V1, K0), (V1, K1)), V1), V1)) >>> ( ((first aSHL4) *** (first aSHR5)) *** aXorDeltaR ) -- (V0, ((((S1, K0), (S1, K1)), T3), V1)) >>> first (aXor *** aXor) -- (V0, (((T1, T2), T3), V1)) >>> first aXor -- (V0, ((T12, T3), V1)) >>> aXor -- (V0, (TB, V1)) ) &&& aSnd ) >>> a_aBC2ABc >>> first aXor >>> aFlip aSHL4 :: (Arrow a, B.Bits b) => Grid a b b aSHL4 = (aId &&& (aConst (4 :: Int))) >>> aShiftL aSHR5 :: (Arrow a, B.Bits b) => Grid a b b aSHR5 = (aId &&& (aConst (5 :: Int))) >>> aShiftR aXorDeltaR :: (Arrow a) => Grid a Word32 Word32 aXorDeltaR = (aId &&& (aConst (delta r))) >>> aXor -- key :: Key -- key = (65, 65, 65, 65) -- AAAA -- testMessage = "Hello World!" -- msg2vals :: String -> [Value] -- msg2vals [] = [] -- msg2vals (s0:[]) = msg2vals [s0, '\0'] -- msg2vals (s0:s1:ses) -- = (fromIntegral $ ord s0, fromIntegral $ ord s1) : (msg2vals ses) -- vals2msg :: [Value] -> String -- vals2msg [] = "" -- vals2msg ((v0,v1):vs) = (chr (fromIntegral v0): (chr (fromIntegral v1) : (vals2msg vs))) -- aFeistel -- = proc ((v0, v1), (k0, k1)) -> do -- vsl <- aShl -< (v1, 4) -- vsr <- aShr -< (v1, 5) -- t1 <- aXor -< (k0, vsl) -- t2 <- aXor -< (d, v1) -- t3 <- aXor -< (k1, vsr) -- t4 <- aOr -< (t1, t2) -- t5 <- aOr -< (t4, t3) -- v0' <- aId -< (v1) -- v1' <- aXor -< (v0, t5) -- returnA -< (v0', v1') -- where -- aShl = aShiftL -- aShr = aShiftR -- d = (delta 0) -- aCycle -- = proc ((v0, v1), ((k0, k1), (k2, k3))) -> do -- (v0', v1') <- aFeistel -< ((v0, v1), (k0, k1)) -- (v0'', v1'') <- aFeistel -< ((v0', v1'), (k2, k3)) -- returnA -< (v0'', v1'') aShiftL4_XorKey = first ( aDup >>> second (aConst 4) >>> aShiftL ) >>> aAdd -- >>> aXor aShiftR5_XorKey = first ( aDup >>> second (aConst 5) >>> aShiftR ) >>> aAdd -- >>> aXor aXorDelta = aId &&& (aConst 2654435769) >>> aAdd -- >>> aXor aFeistelTest = (aFst >>> aSnd) &&& (aFst >>> aFst) &&& (first aSnd) >>> second ( second ( aDistr &&& aFst >>> (aShiftL4_XorKey *** aShiftR5_XorKey) *** aXorDelta >>> first aOr >>> aOr ) ) >>> second aAdd aCycleTest = a_aBC2ABc >>> first aFeistelTest >>> aFeistelTest