{- BNF Converter: C# Abstract Visit Skeleton Generator Copyright (C) 2006 Author: Johan Broberg Modified from BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CAbstoCSharpVisitSkeleton This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates an Abstract Visit Skeleton for C#. This can be useful if you often make changes to your grammar and want to keep your own changes (not having to merge with the new visit skeleton each time), while still getting compile errors if your code is no longer correct. The generated file uses the Visitor design pattern. This could have been generated from within CAbstoVisitSkeleton, but that would have made it more difficult to actually use it (and the visit skeleton). Author : Johan Broberg (johan@pontemonti.com) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 19 December, 2006 Modified : 19 December, 2006 by Johan Broberg ************************************************************** -} module BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CAbstoCSharpAbstractVisitSkeleton (cabs2csharpAbstractVisitSkeleton) where import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils ((+++), (++++)) import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables import Data.List import BNFC.Backend.Common.OOAbstract hiding (basetypes) import BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CSharpUtils import BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CAbstoCSharpAbs --Produces .cs file cabs2csharpAbstractVisitSkeleton :: Namespace -> CAbs -> String cabs2csharpAbstractVisitSkeleton namespace cabs = unlines [ "/*** BNFC-Generated Abstract Visitor Design Pattern Skeleton. ***/", "/* This implements the common visitor design pattern.", " Replace the R and A parameters with the desired return", " and context types.*/", "", "namespace " ++ namespace ++ ".VisitSkeleton", "{", " #region Classes", unlinesInlineMap (prCon namespace) (signatures cabs), " #endregion", " ", " #region Token types", unlinesInlineMap (prBasic namespace) (tokentypes cabs), " #endregion", "}" ] prBasic namespace c = unlinesInline [ " public abstract class Abstract" ++ c ++ "Visitor : " ++ identifier namespace c ++ ".Visitor", " {", " public abstract R Visit(" ++ identifier namespace (typename c) +++ varname c ++ ", A arg);", " }" ] prCon :: Namespace -> (String, [CAbsRule]) -> String prCon namespace (c,fs) = unlinesInline [ " public abstract class Abstract" ++ c ++ "Visitor : " ++ identifier namespace c ++ ".Visitor", " {", unlinesInlineMap (prVisit namespace) fs, " }" ] prVisit :: Namespace -> (Fun, [(String, Bool, String)]) -> String prVisit namespace (f,cs) = unlinesInline [ " public abstract R Visit(" ++ identifier namespace f +++ varname f ++ ", A arg);" ]