{- BNF Converter: Java 1.5 Abstract Syntax Copyright (C) 2004 Author: Michael Pellauer, Bjorn Bringert This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- ************************************************************** BNF Converter Module Description : This module generates the Java Abstract Syntax It uses the BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables module for variable naming. It returns a list of file names, and the contents to be written into that file. (In Java public classes must go in their own file.) The generated classes also support the Visitor Design Pattern. Author : Michael Pellauer (pellauer@cs.chalmers.se), Bjorn Bringert (bringert@cs.chalmers.se) License : GPL (GNU General Public License) Created : 24 April, 2003 Modified : 16 June, 2004 ************************************************************** -} module BNFC.Backend.Java.CFtoJavaAbs15 (cf2JavaAbs, typename) where import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils((+++),(++++)) import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables hiding (IVar, getVars, varName) import Data.List import Data.Char(toLower, isDigit) import Data.Maybe(catMaybes,fromMaybe) --Produces abstract data types in Java. --These follow Appel's "non-object oriented" version. --They also allow users to use the Visitor design pattern. type IVar = (String, Int, String) --The type of an instance variable --a # unique to that type --and an optional name (handles typedefs). --The result is a list of files which must be written to disk. --The tuple is (FileName, FileContents) cf2JavaAbs :: String -> String -> CF -> [(FilePath, String)] cf2JavaAbs packageBase packageAbsyn cf = concatMap (prData header packageAbsyn user) rules where header = "package " ++ packageAbsyn ++ "; // Java Package generated by the BNF Converter.\n" user = [n | (n,_) <- tokenPragmas cf] rules = [ (normCat c,fs) | (c,fs) <- cf2dataLists cf] --Generates a (possibly abstract) category class, and classes for all its rules. prData :: String -> String -> [UserDef] -> Data ->[(String, String)] prData header packageAbsyn user (cat, rules) = categoryClass ++ (catMaybes $ map (prRule header packageAbsyn funs user cat) rules) where funs = map fst rules categoryClass | show cat `elem` funs = [] -- the catgory is also a function, skip abstract class | otherwise = [(identCat cat, header ++++ unlines [ "public abstract class" +++ cls +++ "implements java.io.Serializable {", " public abstract R accept(" ++ cls ++ ".Visitor v, A arg);", prVisitor packageAbsyn funs, "}" ])] where cls = identCat cat prVisitor :: String -> [String] -> String prVisitor packageAbsyn funs = unlines [ " public interface Visitor {", unlines (map prVisitFun funs), " }" ] where prVisitFun f = " public R visit(" ++ packageAbsyn ++ "." ++ f ++ " p, A arg);" --Generates classes for a rule, depending on what type of rule it is. prRule :: String -- ^ Header -> String -- ^ Abstract syntax package name -> [String] -- ^ Names of all constructors in the category -> [UserDef] -> Cat -> (Fun, [Cat]) -> Maybe (String, String) prRule h packageAbsyn funs user c (fun, cats) = if isNilFun fun || isOneFun fun then Nothing --these are not represented in the AbSyn else if isConsFun fun then Just $ (fun', --this is the linked list case. unlines [ h, "public class" +++ fun' +++ "extends java.util.LinkedList<"++ et ++"> {", "}" ]) else Just $ (fun, --a standard rule unlines [ h, "public class" +++ fun ++ ext +++ "{", (prInstVars vs), prConstructor fun user vs cats, prAccept packageAbsyn c fun, prEquals packageAbsyn fun vs, prHashCode packageAbsyn fun vs, if isAlsoCategory then prVisitor packageAbsyn funs else "", "}" ]) where vs = getVars cats user fun' = identCat (normCat c) isAlsoCategory = fun == show c --This handles the case where a LBNF label is the same as the category. ext = if isAlsoCategory then "" else " extends" +++ (identCat c) et = typename (show $ normCatOfList c) user --The standard accept function for the Visitor pattern prAccept :: String -> Cat -> String -> String prAccept pack cat _ = "\n public R accept(" ++ pack ++ "." ++ show cat ++ ".Visitor v, A arg) { return v.visit(this, arg); }\n" -- Creates the equals() method. prEquals :: String -> String -> [IVar] -> String prEquals pack fun vs = unlines $ map (" "++) $ ["public boolean equals(Object o) {", " if (this == o) return true;", " if (o instanceof " ++ fqn ++ ") {"] ++ (if null vs then [" return true;"] else [" " ++ fqn +++ "x = ("++fqn++")o;", " return " ++ checkKids ++ ";"]) ++ [" }", " return false;", "}"] where fqn = pack++"."++fun checkKids = concat $ intersperse " && " $ map checkKid vs checkKid iv = "this." ++ v ++ ".equals(x." ++ v ++ ")" where v = iVarName iv -- Creates the equals() method. prHashCode :: String -> String -> [IVar] -> String prHashCode pack fun vs = unlines $ map (" "++) ["public int hashCode() {", " return " ++ hashKids vs ++ ";", "}" ] where aPrime = 37 hashKids [] = show aPrime hashKids (v:vs) = hashKids_ (hashKid v) vs hashKids_ r [] = r hashKids_ r (v:vs) = hashKids_ (show aPrime ++ "*" ++ "(" ++ r ++ ")+" ++ hashKid v) vs hashKid iv = "this." ++ iVarName iv ++ ".hashCode()" --A class's instance variables. prInstVars :: [IVar] -> String prInstVars [] = [] prInstVars vars@((t,n,nm):vs) = " public" +++ "final" +++ t +++ uniques ++ ";" ++++ (prInstVars vs') where (uniques, vs') = prUniques t vars --these functions group the types together nicely prUniques :: String -> [IVar] -> (String, [IVar]) prUniques t vs = (prVars (findIndices (\x -> case x of (y,_,_) -> y == t) vs) vs, remType t vs) prVars (x:[]) vs = iVarName (vs!!x) prVars (x:xs) vs = iVarName (vs!!x) ++ "," +++ prVars xs vs remType :: String -> [IVar] -> [IVar] remType _ [] = [] remType t ((t2,n,nm):ts) = if t == t2 then (remType t ts) else (t2,n,nm) : (remType t ts) iVarName :: IVar -> String iVarName (t,n,nm) = varName nm ++ showNum n --The constructor just assigns the parameters to the corresponding instance variables. prConstructor :: String -> [UserDef] -> [IVar] -> [Cat] -> String prConstructor c u vs cats = " public" +++ c ++"(" ++ (interleave types params) ++ ")" +++ "{" +++ prAssigns vs params ++ "}" where (types, params) = unzip (prParams cats u (length cats) ((length cats)+1)) interleave _ [] = [] interleave (x:[]) (y:[]) = x +++ y interleave (x:xs) (y:ys) = x +++ y ++ "," +++ (interleave xs ys) --Prints the parameters to the constructors. prParams :: [Cat] -> [UserDef] -> Int -> Int -> [(String,String)] prParams [] _ _ _ = [] prParams (c:cs) u n m = (typename (identCat c) u,"p" ++ (show (m-n))) : (prParams cs u (n-1) m) --This algorithm peeks ahead in the list so we don't use map or fold prAssigns :: [IVar] -> [String] -> String prAssigns [] _ = [] prAssigns _ [] = [] prAssigns ((t,n,nm):vs) (p:ps) = if n == 1 then case findIndices (\x -> case x of (l,r,_) -> l == t) vs of [] -> (varName nm) +++ "=" +++ p ++ ";" +++ (prAssigns vs ps) z -> ((varName nm) ++ (showNum n)) +++ "=" +++ p ++ ";" +++ (prAssigns vs ps) else ((varName nm) ++ (showNum n)) +++ "=" +++ p ++ ";" +++ (prAssigns vs ps) -- Different than the standard BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables version -- because of the user-defined types. getVars :: [Cat] -> [UserDef] -> [IVar] getVars cs user = reverse $ singleToZero $ foldl addVar [] (map identCat cs) where addVar is c = (c', n, c):is where c' = typename c user n = maximum (1:[n'+1 | (t,n',c'') <- is, c'' == c]) singleToZero is = [(t,n',nm) | (t,n,nm) <- is, let n' = if length [n | (_,_,n) <- is, n == nm] == 1 then 0 else n] hasType t (t',_,_) = t == t' varName :: String -- ^ category name -> String -- ^ Variable name varName c = (map toLower c) ++ "_" --This makes up for the fact that there's no typedef in Java typename :: String -> [UserDef] -> String typename t user = if t == "Ident" then "String" else if t == "Char" then "Character" else if elem t (map show user) then "String" else t