# GHC major.minor GHC_VERSION := $(shell ghc --numeric-version | cut -d. -f1-2) BNFC_VERSION=$(shell sed -ne "s/^[Vv]ersion: *\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/p" BNFC.cabal) # Cabal options (to be overwritten from the command line) CABAL_OPTS = CABAL_BUILDDIR_SUFFIX= CABAL_BUILD_OPTS = --builddir=dist-ghc-$(GHC_VERSION)$(CABAL_BUILDDIR_SUFFIX) CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTS = --enable-tests CABAL_INSTALL_OPTS = $(CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTS) $(CABAL_BUILD_OPTS) CABAL_TEST_OPTS = $(CABAL_BUILD_OPTS) CABAL = cabal $(CABAL_OPTS) CABAL_CONFIGURE = $(CABAL) v1-configure $(CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTS) CABAL_BUILD = $(CABAL) v1-build $(CABAL_BUILD_OPTS) CABAL_INSTALL = $(CABAL) v1-install $(CABAL_INSTALL_OPTS) CABAL_TEST = $(CABAL) v1-test $(CABAL_TEST_OPTS) # Name for binary distribution (e.g. bnfc-2.4.5-linux32) BDIST_TAG=bnfc-${BNFC_VERSION}-$(shell uname -s)-$(shell uname -m) .PHONY: default build install doc test bdist show-version debug TAGS default: install test build: $(CABAL_CONFIGURE) && $(CABAL_BUILD) install: $(CABAL_INSTALL) test: $(CABAL_CONFIGURE) $(CABAL_TEST) doc: $(CABAL) v1-haddock --executables --internal TAGS : hasktags --etags . # Binary package (tgz, for linux) bdist: dist/${BDIST_TAG}.tar.gz dist/%.tar.gz: cabal v1-clean cabal v1-install ${CABAL_OPTS} --only-dependencies cabal v1-configure ${CABAL_OPTS} --prefix=/ cabal v1-build ${CABAL_OPTS} cabal v1-copy --destdir=dist/install mkdir dist/$* cp dist/install/bin/bnfc dist/$* cp LICENSE dist/$* tar -cvz -C dist $* > $@ # Print the bnfc version from the cabal file show-version: @echo ${BNFC_VERSION} debug: @echo GHC_VERSION = $(GHC_VERSION) @echo BNFC_VERSION = $(BNFC_VERSION) # EOF