{- BNF Converter: OCaml Abstract Syntax Generator Copyright (C) 2005 Author: Kristofer Johannisson -} -- based on BNFC Haskell backend module BNFC.Backend.OCaml.CFtoOCamlAbs (cf2Abstract) where import Text.PrettyPrint import BNFC.CF import BNFC.Utils((+++)) import Data.List(intersperse) import BNFC.Backend.OCaml.OCamlUtil -- to produce an OCaml module cf2Abstract :: String -> CF -> String cf2Abstract _ cf = unlines $ "(* OCaml module generated by the BNF converter *)\n\n" : mutualRecDefs (map (prSpecialData cf) (specialCats cf) ++ map prData (cf2data cf)) -- allow mutual recursion so that we do not have to sort the type definitions in -- dependency order mutualRecDefs :: [String] -> [String] mutualRecDefs ss = case ss of [] -> [] [x] -> ["type" +++ x] x:xs -> ("type" +++ x) : map ("and" +++) xs prData :: Data -> String prData (cat,rules) = fixType cat +++ "=\n " ++ concat (intersperse "\n | " (map prRule rules)) ++ "\n" prRule (fun,[]) = fun prRule (fun,cats) = fun +++ "of" +++ render (mkTupleType cats) -- | Creates an OCaml type tuple by intercalating * between type names -- >>> mkTupleType [Cat "A"] -- a -- -- >>> mkTupleType [Cat "A", Cat "Abc", Cat "S"] -- a * abc * s mkTupleType :: [Cat] -> Doc mkTupleType = hsep . intersperse (char '*') . map (text . fixType) prSpecialData :: CF -> TokenCat -> String prSpecialData cf cat = fixType (TokenCat cat) +++ "=" +++ cat +++ "of" +++ contentSpec cf cat -- unwords ["newtype",cat,"=",cat,contentSpec cf cat,"deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)"] contentSpec :: CF -> TokenCat -> String contentSpec cf cat = -- if isPositionCat cf cat then "((Int,Int),String)" else "String" if isPositionCat cf cat then "((int * int) * string)" else "string"