Changelog for Binpack-0.3.1

Version 0.3.1 (8/4/2009): - Fix trailing whitespace in description. [Brian Lewis <>] - Spelling corrections. [Brian Lewis <>] - Enable -Wall and fix a bunch of warnings. [Brian Lewis <>] - Silence some more warnings. - Compile with -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-imports until the QuickCheck tests have moved to their own module. If enabled, the options add too much noise. Version 0.3 (8/3/2009): - Cabalized module. - First release on HackageDB. - Simplified API. - Re-implementation of ModifiedFirstFit heuristic based on (Yue and Zhang, 1995). - Added haddock documentation. - Added first QuickCheck tests. Version 0.2 (January 2009): - minor bugfixes and example updates Version 0.1: - initial implementation - released at under BSD3 license