{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- | Provides a converting function between different types. Most useful
-- conversions are instanced here.

module Biobase.Types.Convert where

import Biobase.Types.Ring
import Biobase.Types.Energy
import Biobase.Types.Score
import Biobase.Types.Partition

-- | How to convert between different values.

class Convert a b c where
  convert :: a -> b -> c

-- | From (Gibbs free) energy to partition function values.
-- TODO temperature is running around here: move to some library later on

newtype Kelvin = Kelvin {unKelvin :: Double}

constR = undefined

instance Convert Kelvin Energy Partition where
  convert (Kelvin k) (Energy a) = Partition . exp $ (fromIntegral $ negate a) / (constR * k)

-- | From log-odd scores to partition function.

-- instance Convert Temperature Score Partition where
--   convert (Score a) = Partition . exp $ (fromIntegral $ neg a) / (constR * constT)