{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Text.BlogLiterately.Transform
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008-2010 Robert Greayer, 2012-2013 Brent Yorgey
-- License     :  GPL (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Brent Yorgey <byorgey@gmail.com>
-- Tools for putting together a pipeline transforming the source for a
-- post into a completely formatted HTML document.

module Text.BlogLiterately.Transform
      -- * Standard transforms
      -- $standard


    , optionsXF
    , profileXF
    , highlightOptsXF
    , passwordXF
    , titleXF
    , wptexifyXF
    , ghciXF
    , uploadImagesXF
    , highlightXF
    , centerImagesXF
    , citationsXF

      -- * Transforms
    , Transform(..), pureTransform, ioTransform, runTransform, runTransforms

      -- * Transforming documents
    , xformDoc

      -- * Utilities
    , fixLineEndings
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative               ((<$>))
import           Control.Arrow                     ((>>>))
import           Control.Lens                      (has, isn't, use, (%=), (&),
                                                    (.=), (.~), (^.), _1, _2,
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.List                         (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map                          as M
import           Data.Monoid                       (mappend)
import           Data.Monoid                       (mempty, (<>))
import qualified Data.Set                          as S
import           Data.Traversable                  (traverse)
import           System.Directory                  (doesFileExist,
import           System.Exit                       (exitFailure)
import           System.FilePath                   (takeExtension, (<.>), (</>))
import           System.IO                         (hFlush, stdout)
import           Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String   (renderHtml)
import           Text.CSL.Pandoc                   (processCites')
import           Text.Pandoc
import           Text.Pandoc.Error                 (PandocError)
import           Text.Parsec                       (ParseError)

import           Text.BlogLiterately.Block         (onTag)
import           Text.BlogLiterately.Ghci          (formatInlineGhci)
import           Text.BlogLiterately.Highlight     (HsHighlight (HsColourInline),
import           Text.BlogLiterately.Image         (uploadAllImages)
import           Text.BlogLiterately.LaTeX         (wpTeXify)
import           Text.BlogLiterately.Options
import           Text.BlogLiterately.Options.Parse (readBLOptions)

-- | A document transformation consists of two parts: an actual
--   transformation, expressed as a function over Pandoc documents, and
--   a condition specifying whether the transformation should actually
--   be applied.
--   The transformation itself takes a 'BlogLiterately' configuration
--   as an argument.  You may of course ignore it if you do not need
--   to know anything about the configuration.  The @--xtra@ (or @-x@)
--   flag is also provided especially as a method of getting
--   information from the command-line to custom extensions. Arguments
--   passed via @-x@ on the command line are available from the 'xtra'
--   field of the 'BlogLiterately' configuration.
--   The transformation is then specified as a stateful computation
--   over both a @BlogLiterately@ options record, and a @Pandoc@
--   document.  It may also have effects in the @IO@ monad.
--   * If you have a pure function of type @BlogLiterately -> Pandoc
--     -> Pandoc@, you can use the 'pureTransform' function to create a
--     'Transform'.
--   * If you have a function of type @BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO
--     Pandoc@, you can use 'ioTransform'.
--   * Otherwise you can directly create something of type @StateT
--     (BlogLiterately, Pandoc) IO ()@.
--   For examples, see the implementations of the standard transforms
--   below.
data Transform = Transform
                 { getTransform :: StateT (BlogLiterately, Pandoc) IO ()
                   -- ^ A document transformation, which can transform
                   --   both the document and the options and have
                   --   effects in the IO monad.  The options record
                   --   can be transformed because the document itself
                   --   may contain information which affects the options.
                 , xfCond       :: BlogLiterately -> Bool
                   -- ^ A condition under which to run the transformation.

-- | Construct a transformation from a pure function.
pureTransform :: (BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> Pandoc)
              -> (BlogLiterately -> Bool) -> Transform
pureTransform transf cond = Transform (gets fst >>= \bl -> _2 %= transf bl) cond

-- | Construct a transformation from a function in the @IO@ monad.
ioTransform :: (BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc)
            -> (BlogLiterately -> Bool) -> Transform
ioTransform transf cond = Transform (StateT . fmap (fmap $ (,) ()) $ transf') cond
  where transf' (bl,p) = ((,) bl) <$> transf bl p

-- | Run a 'Transform' (if its condition is met).
runTransform :: Transform -> StateT (BlogLiterately, Pandoc) IO ()
runTransform t = do
  bl <- gets fst
  when (xfCond t bl) $ getTransform t

-- | Run a pipeline of 'Transform's.
runTransforms :: [Transform] -> BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO (BlogLiterately, Pandoc)
runTransforms ts bl p = execStateT (mapM_ runTransform ts) (bl,p)

-- Standard transforms

-- $standard
-- These transforms are enabled by default in the standard
-- @BlogLiterately@ executable.

-- | Format embedded LaTeX for WordPress (if the @wplatex@ flag is set).
wptexifyXF :: Transform
wptexifyXF = pureTransform (const wpTeXify) wplatex'

-- | Format embedded @ghci@ sessions (if the @ghci@ flag is set).
ghciXF :: Transform
ghciXF = ioTransform (formatInlineGhci . file') ghci'

-- | Upload embedded local images to the server (if the @uploadImages@
--   flag is set).
uploadImagesXF :: Transform
uploadImagesXF = ioTransform uploadAllImages uploadImages'

-- | Perform syntax highlighting on code blocks.
highlightXF :: Transform
highlightXF = pureTransform
  (\bl -> colourisePandoc (hsHighlight' bl) (otherHighlight' bl))
  (const True)

-- | Center any images which occur in a paragraph by themselves.
--   Inline images are not affected.
centerImagesXF :: Transform
centerImagesXF = pureTransform (const centerImages) (const True)

centerImages :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
centerImages = bottomUp centerImage
    centerImage :: [Block] -> [Block]
    centerImage (img@(Para [Image _attr _altText (_imgUrl, _imgTitle)]) : bs) =
        RawBlock "html" "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">"
      : img
      : RawBlock "html" "</div>"
      : bs
    centerImage bs = bs

-- | Potentially extract a title from the metadata block, and set it
--   in the options record.
titleXF :: Transform
titleXF = Transform extractTitle (const True)
    extractTitle = do
      (Pandoc (Meta m) _) <- gets snd
      case M.lookup "title" m of
        Just (MetaString s) ->
          setTitle s
        Just (MetaInlines is) ->
          setTitle (intercalate " " [s | Str s <- is])
        _ -> return ()

    -- title set explicitly with --title takes precedence.
    setTitle s = _1.title %= (`mplus` Just s)

-- | Extract blocks tagged with @[BLOpts]@ and use their contents as
--   options.
optionsXF :: Transform
optionsXF = Transform optionsXF' (const True)
    optionsXF' = do
      (errs, opts) <- queryWith extractOptions <$> gets snd
      mapM_ (liftIO . print) errs
      _1 %= (<> opts)
      _2 %= bottomUp killOptionBlocks

-- | Take a block and extract from it a list of parse errors and an
--   options record.  If the blog is not tagged with @[BLOpts]@ these
--   will just be empty.
extractOptions :: Block -> ([ParseError], BlogLiterately)
extractOptions = onTag "blopts" (const readBLOptions) (const mempty)

-- | Delete any blocks tagged with @[BLOpts]@.
killOptionBlocks :: Block -> Block
killOptionBlocks = onTag "blopts" (const (const Null)) id

-- | Prompt the user for a password if the @blog@ field is set but no
--   password has been provided.
passwordXF :: Transform
passwordXF = Transform passwordPrompt passwordCond
    passwordCond bl = ((bl ^. blog)     & has   _Just)
                   && ((bl ^. password) & isn't _Just)
    passwordPrompt  = do
      liftIO $ putStr "Password: " >> hFlush stdout
      pwd <- liftIO getLine
      _1 . password .= Just pwd

-- | Read a user-supplied style file and add its contents to the
--   highlighting options.
highlightOptsXF :: Transform
highlightOptsXF = Transform doHighlightOptsXF (const True)
    doHighlightOptsXF = do
      prefs <- (liftIO . getStylePrefs) =<< use (_1 . style)
      (_1 . hsHighlight) %= Just . maybe (HsColourInline prefs)
                                         (_HsColourInline .~ prefs)

-- | Format citations.
citationsXF :: Transform
citationsXF = ioTransform (const processCites') citations'

-- | Load options from a profile if one is specified.
profileXF :: Transform
profileXF = Transform doProfileXF (const True)
    doProfileXF = do
      bl  <- use _1
      bl' <- liftIO $ loadProfile bl
      _1 .= bl'

-- | Load additional options from a profile specified in the options
--   record.
loadProfile :: BlogLiterately -> IO BlogLiterately
loadProfile bl =
  case bl^.profile of
    Nothing          -> return bl
    Just profileName -> do
      appDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "BlogLiterately"

      let profileCfg = appDir </> profileName <.> "cfg"
      e <- doesFileExist profileCfg
      case e of
        False -> do
          putStrLn $ profileCfg ++ ": file not found"
        True  -> do
          (errs, blProfile) <- readBLOptions <$> readFile profileCfg
          mapM_ print errs
          return $ mappend blProfile bl

-- | The standard set of transforms that are run by default (in order
--   from top to bottom):
--   * 'optionsXF': extract options specified in @[BLOpts]@ blocks in the file
--   * 'profileXF': load the requested profile (if any)
--   * 'passwordXF': prompt the user for a password if needed
--   * 'titleXF': extract the title from a special title block
--   * 'wptexifyXF': turn LaTeX into WordPress format if requested
--   * 'ghciXF': run and typeset ghci sessions if requested
--   * 'uploadImagesXF': upload images if requested
--   * 'centerImagesXF': center images occurring in their own paragraph
--   * 'highlightOptsXF': load the requested highlighting style file
--   * 'highlightXF': perform syntax highlighting
--   * 'citationsXF': process citations
standardTransforms :: [Transform]
standardTransforms =
  [ -- Has to go first, since it may affect later transforms.

    -- Has to go second, since we may not know which profile to load
    -- until after the optionsXF pass, and loading a profile may
    -- affect later transforms.
  , profileXF

    -- The order of the rest of these probably doesn't matter that
    -- much, except highlightOptsXF should go before highlightXF.
  , passwordXF
  , titleXF
  , wptexifyXF
  , ghciXF
  , uploadImagesXF
  , centerImagesXF
  , highlightOptsXF
  , highlightXF
  , citationsXF

-- Transforming documents

-- | Transform a complete input document string to an HTML output
--   string, given a list of transformation passes.
xformDoc :: BlogLiterately -> [Transform] -> String -> IO (Either PandocError (BlogLiterately, String))
xformDoc bl xforms =
    >>> parseFile parseOpts
    >>> traverse
      (  runTransforms xforms bl
      >=> (\(bl', p) -> return $ (bl', writeHtml (writeOpts bl') p) )
      >=> _2 (return . renderHtml)
    parseFile :: ReaderOptions -> String -> Either PandocError Pandoc
    parseFile opts =
      case bl^.format of
        Just "rst"      -> readRST      opts
        Just _          -> readMarkdown opts
        Nothing         ->
          case takeExtension (file' bl) of
            ".rst"  -> readRST opts
            ".rest" -> readRST opts
            ".txt"  -> readRST opts
            _       -> readMarkdown opts

    parseOpts = def
                { readerExtensions = Ext_literate_haskell
                                     `S.insert` readerExtensions def
                , readerSmart      = True
    writeOpts bl = def
                   { writerReferenceLinks = True
                   , writerTableOfContents = toc' bl
                   , writerHTMLMathMethod =
                     case math' bl of
                       ""  -> PlainMath
                       opt -> mathOption opt
                   , writerStandalone     = True
                   , writerTemplate       = blHtmlTemplate
    mathOption opt
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "latexmathml" ||
        opt `isPrefixOf` "asciimathml" = LaTeXMathML (mathUrlMaybe opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "mathml"      = MathML (mathUrlMaybe opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "mimetex"     =
          WebTeX (mathUrl "/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?" opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "webtex"      = WebTeX (mathUrl webTeXURL opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "jsmath"      = JsMath (mathUrlMaybe opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "mathjax"     = MathJax (mathUrl mathJaxURL opt)
      | opt `isPrefixOf` "gladtex"     = GladTeX
      | otherwise                      = PlainMath

    webTeXURL  = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=tx&chl="
    mathJaxURL = "http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js"
                 ++ "?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"

    urlPart = drop 1 . dropWhile (/='=')

    mathUrlMaybe opt = case urlPart opt of "" -> Nothing; x -> Just x
    mathUrl dflt opt  = case urlPart opt of "" -> dflt; x -> x

-- | Turn @CRLF@ pairs into a single @LF@.  This is necessary since
--   'readMarkdown' is picky about line endings.
fixLineEndings :: String -> String
fixLineEndings [] = []
fixLineEndings ('\r':'\n':cs) = '\n':fixLineEndings cs
fixLineEndings (c:cs) = c:fixLineEndings cs

-- We use a special template with the "standalone" pandoc writer.  We
-- don't actually want truly "standalone" HTML documents because they
-- have to sit inside another web page.  But we do want things like
-- math typesetting and a table of contents.
blHtmlTemplate = unlines
  [ "$if(highlighting-css)$"
  , "  <style type=\"text/css\">"
  , "$highlighting-css$"
  , "  </style>"
  , "$endif$"
  , "$for(css)$"
  , "  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$css$\" $if(html5)$$else$type=\"text/css\" $endif$/>"
  , "$endfor$"
  , "$if(math)$"
  , "  $math$"
  , "$endif$"
  , "$if(toc)$"
  , "<div id=\"$idprefix$TOC\">"
  , "$toc$"
  , "</div>"
  , "$endif$"
  , "$body$"