-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Bravo.Translate
-- Copyright   :  Matthias Reisner
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Matthias Reisner <matthias.reisner@googlemail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  unknown
-- Translation functions from Bravo templates to Haskell declarations.

module Text.Bravo.Translate (

        TplOptions (..),

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Char
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as Hs
import           Language.Haskell.Meta.Syntax.Translate
import           Language.Haskell.TH

import Text.Bravo.Syntax
import Text.Bravo.Util
import Text.Bravo.Parser
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse, eof)

-- | Transforms a string into a list of template declarations.
mkTemplates :: String -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplates = mkTemplates' defaultTplOptions ""

-- | Transforms a string into a list of template declarations, using custom options for the
-- data type generation.
mkTemplatesWithOptions :: TplOptions -> String -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplatesWithOptions = flip mkTemplates' ""

mkTemplates' :: TplOptions -> FilePath -> String -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplates' options path s = case parse (templates << eof) path s of
    Left err  -> report True ("Error while parsing templates:\n" ++ show err) >> return []
    Right tpl -> liftM join $ mapM (translateTpl options) tpl

-- | Reads a file and transforms the read file content into a list of template declarations.
mkTemplatesFromFile :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplatesFromFile = mkTemplatesFromFile' defaultTplOptions

-- | Reads a file and transforms the read file content into a list of template declarations, using
-- custom options for the data type generation.
mkTemplatesFromFileWithOptions :: TplOptions -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplatesFromFileWithOptions = mkTemplatesFromFile'

mkTemplatesFromFile' :: TplOptions -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
mkTemplatesFromFile' options path = do
    text <- runIO $ safeReadFile path
    case text of
        Nothing    -> report True ("Error while reading file \"" ++ path ++ "\"") >> return []
        Just text' -> mkTemplates' options path text'

-- | A set of functions to change the style of the generated templates.
data TplOptions = TplOptions {
                      -- | Creates the data type and constructor name for a given template name.
                      tplMkName :: String -> String,
                      -- | Creates the record field name for a given template name and field name.
                      tplMkFieldName :: String -> String -> String,
                      -- | This function is applied to each template text splice, allowing e.g. the
                      -- removal of extra whitespace etc.
                      tplModifyText :: String -> String

-- | The default template generation options used by 'mkTemplates' and 'mkTemplatesFromFile'.
-- An example:
-- @
--     tplMkName defaultTplOptions \"example\"              == \"TplExample\"
--     tplMkFieldName defaultTplOptions \"example\" \"field\" == \"exampleField\"
--     tplModifyText defaultTplOptions                    == id
-- @
defaultTplOptions :: TplOptions
defaultTplOptions = TplOptions {
                        tplMkName = defaultMkName,
                        tplMkFieldName = defaultMkFieldName,
                        tplModifyText = id

defaultMkName :: String -> String
defaultMkName ""     = error "*** bug: empty name in defaultMkName"
defaultMkName (c:cs) = "Tpl" ++ (toUpper c : cs)

defaultMkFieldName :: String -> String -> String
defaultMkFieldName _    ""     = error "*** bug: empty field name in defaultMkFieldName"
defaultMkFieldName name (c:cs) = name ++ (toUpper c : cs)

data TplState = TplState {
                    tplName :: String,
                    tplFields :: [(String, Maybe Type)],
                    tplOptions :: TplOptions

type TplTrans a = State TplState a

translateTpl :: TplOptions -> Template -> Q [Dec]
translateTpl options (Template name ts) = sequence decls
        transFields cs = let parts = partition' ((==) `on` fst) cs in
            zip (map (fst . head) parts) (map (listToMaybe . catMaybes . map snd) parts)
        (decls, _) = runState trans TplState { tplName = name, tplFields = [], tplOptions = options}
        trans = do
            expr <- translateTplSplices ts
            modify $ \st -> st { tplFields = transFields $ tplFields st }
            recD <- mkRecDecl
            showD <- mkShowInstance expr
            return [recD, showD]

mkRecDecl :: TplTrans DecQ
mkRecDecl = do
    st <- get
    let name' = mkName . tplMkName (tplOptions st) . tplName $ st
        fDec (f, t) = return (mkName $ tplMkFieldName (tplOptions st) (tplName st) f, NotStrict,
            fromMaybe (ConT $ mkName "String") t)
    return $ dataD (cxt []) name' [] [recC name' . map fDec . tplFields $ st] []

mkShowInstance :: ExpQ -> TplTrans DecQ
mkShowInstance e = get >>= \st -> return $ instanceD (cxt [])
        (appT (conT $ mkName "Show") (conT . mkName . tplMkName (tplOptions st) . tplName $ st))
        [funD (mkName "show") [clause [varP $ mkName "tpl"] (normalB e) []]]

translateTplSplice :: TemplateSplice -> TplTrans (Maybe ExpQ)
translateTplSplice (TText s) = do
    f <- gets $ (tplModifyText . tplOptions)
    return . Just . litE . stringL . f $ s
translateTplSplice (TComment _) = return Nothing
translateTplSplice (TExpr e) = liftM Just $ translateExpr e
translateTplSplice (TConditions conds) = liftM2
    (\cs es -> Just $ (newName "cond") >>=
        \name -> letE [valD (varP name) (guardedB $ fCond cs es) []] (varE name))
    (mapM (translateExpr . fst) conds)
    (mapM (translateTplSplices . snd) conds)
        fCond = zipWith (\c -> liftM2 (,) (normalG c))

translateTplSplices :: [TemplateSplice] -> TplTrans ExpQ
translateTplSplices = liftM ((\es -> appE (varE $ mkName "concat") (listE es)) . catMaybes) .
    mapM translateTplSplice

translateExpr :: Hs.Exp -> TplTrans ExpQ
translateExpr e = liftM (return . toExp) $ replaceVars e

replaceVars :: Hs.Exp -> TplTrans Hs.Exp
replaceVars = everywhereM $ mkM f
        f (Hs.SpliceExp (Hs.IdSplice field)) = rep Nothing field
        f (Hs.SpliceExp (Hs.ParenSplice (Hs.Var (Hs.UnQual (Hs.Ident field))))) = rep Nothing field
        f (Hs.SpliceExp (Hs.ParenSplice (Hs.ExpTypeSig _
            (Hs.Var (Hs.UnQual (Hs.Ident field))) t))) = rep (Just $ toType t) field
        f e = return e

        rep t field = do
            st <- get
            modify $ \st' -> st' { tplFields = (field, t) : tplFields st'}
            return $ Hs.App (var $ (tplMkFieldName . tplOptions) st (tplName st) field) (var "tpl")
        var = Hs.Var . Hs.UnQual . Hs.Ident