{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module name: BufferedSocket Made by: Tomas Möre 2015 Usage: This module is mean to be imported qualified ex: import Headers qualified BS Notes: Buffered sockets are a data type that is a kind of overlay on normal sockets. All the exported read / write operations are build such that they ALLWAYS read / write the ammount of bytes requested This package allows some cases of lazy IO. Some people see Lazy io as the devil incarné. However it is excpected that anyone using this module is cabale of understanding any possible side effects. WARNINGS: This module uses a ton of IO and non functional ways of solving problems. This is because we want to be as spacetime efficient as possible. This module does NOT contain "beatiful" haskell code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BufferedSocket (module X) where import Core as X import Reader as X import Writer as X