cache: - "c:\\sr" # stack root, short paths == less problems # to disable automatic builds #build: off platform: - x86 - x64 environment: global: STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr" install: - if %PLATFORM%==x86 (curl -L --insecure else (curl -L --insecure - 7z x stack.exe - stack --resolver=lts-9.21 setup > nul - ps: | choco --no-progress install wixtoolset -version 3.11.1 -y $env:Path += ";${env:ProgramFiles}\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin" $env:Path += ";${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin" build_script: # The ugly echo "" hack is to avoid complaints about 0 being an invalid file # descriptor - echo "" | stack --resolver=lts-9.21 --no-terminal test --bench --no-run-benchmarks --flag CPL:Haskeline --flag CPL:-Readline after_test: - ps: cp "$(./stack --resolver=lts-9.21 path --local-install-root)/bin/cpl.exe" cpl.exe - cmd: | cd windows echo Creating msi... ..\stack --resolver=lts-9.21 runhaskell --package turtle build_msi.hs echo Creating zip... ..\stack --resolver=lts-9.21 runhaskell --package turtle build_zip.hs cd .. artifacts: - path: windows\*.msi name: Windows Installer - path: windows\*.zip name: Portable Binary Package deploy: - provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: F8cldz47mQ0lW3O9uCEneU5LRklWcKw8JbPuh5BDYA2TfyeqC//GO8vl8/wmBy3Z artifact: Windows Installer, Portable Binary Package force_update: true release: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name) on: appveyor_repo_tag: true