-- |
-- Module      :  Language.CSPM.BuiltIn
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- The FDR supports some CSPM-built-ins that are NOT part of the CSPM-syntax.
-- Currently those built-ins are hard-coded in CSPM-Frontend.
-- We use Language.CSPM.BuiltIn as a compatibility layer to migrate to
-- FDR-style built-ins.
module Language.CSPM.BuiltIn

FDR keywords are:
STOP, SKIP, true, false 
maybe also: "and","or" and "not"

everything else in FDR is "built-in" but not syntax.

-- | INCOMPLETE list of built-ins that are not CSPM-syntax.
-- | Todo: add more BuiltIns here are migrate the AST.
builtIns :: [String]
builtIns = [