-- |
-- Module      :  Language.CSPM.AstToProlog
-- Copyright   :  (c) Fontaine, Dobrikov 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  fontaine@cs.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- Translation of an AST into Prolog terms, suitable for the ProB CSPM-Interpreter
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}

module Language.CSPM.AstToProlog

import Language.CSPM.Frontend (ModuleFromRenaming)
import Language.CSPM.AST
import qualified Language.CSPM.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
import Language.Prolog.PrettyPrint.Direct

import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap

-- | Translate a "LModule" into a "Doc" containing a number of Prolog facts.
-- The LModule must be a renamed,i.e. contain only unique "Ident"ifier.
cspToProlog ::
  ModuleFromRenaming -- ^ the renamed Module
  -> Doc  -- ^ prolog facts
cspToProlog ast = 
     core = mkModule ast
     header = 
       (text ":- dynamic channel/2, bindval/3, agent/3.")
       (text ":- dynamic agent_curry/3, symbol/4.")
       (text ":- dynamic dataTypeDef/2, subTypeDef/2, nameType/2.")
       (text ":- dynamic cspTransparent/1.")
       (text ":- dynamic cspPrint/1.")
   in header $+$ core

plLocatedConstructs :: Set Const
plLocatedConstructs = Set.fromList 
  [F_Interleave , F_Interrupt, F_Timeout, F_CHAOS,
   F_ExtChoice, F_IntChoice, F_Sequential, F_Hiding

mkModule :: ModuleFromRenaming -> Doc
mkModule m
  = plPrg [declGroup $ map clause $ declList $ moduleDecls m]

te :: LExp -> Term
te expr = case unLabel expr of
  Var i -> let u = unUIdent $ unLabel i in
    case (prologMode u,idType u) of
      (PrologGround,VarID)   -> nTerm "val_of" [plNameTerm i, plLoc expr]
      _ -> plNameTerm i
  IntExp i -> nTerm "int" [atom i]
  SetExp r Nothing -> nTerm "setExp" [range r]
  SetExp r (Just comp) -> nTerm "setExp" [range r, comprehension comp]
  ListExp r Nothing -> nTerm "listExp" [range r]
  ListExp r (Just comp) -> nTerm "listExp" [range r, comprehension comp]
  ClosureComprehension (e,c) ->  nTerm "closureComp" [comprehension c ,eList e] 
  Let decl e -> nTerm "let" [pList $ declList decl, te e]
  Ifte cond t e -> nTerm "ifte" [te cond, te t, te e,condPos,thenPos,elsePos] where
    condPos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocFromTo (srcLoc expr) (srcLoc cond)
    thenPos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween (srcLoc cond) (srcLoc t)
    elsePos = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween (srcLoc t) (srcLoc e)
  CallFunction fkt args -> case args of
     [l] -> nTerm "agent_call" [plLoc fkt, te fkt, eList l]
     (_:_:_) -> nTerm "agent_call_curry" [te fkt, pList $ map eList args ]
     [] -> error ("CallFunction without args" ++ show expr)
  CallBuiltIn builtIn args
    -> if ((unBuiltIn builtIn) `Set.member` plLocatedConstructs )
          then nTerm "builtin_call" [ nTerm (builtInToString builtIn) (plLoc expr : flatArgs args) ]
          else nTerm "builtin_call" [ nTerm (builtInToString builtIn) $ flatArgs args ]
  Lambda patl e -> nTerm "lambda" [pList $ map tp patl, te e]
  Stop  -> nTerm "stop" [plLoc expr]
  Skip  -> nTerm "skip" [plLoc expr]
  CTrue -> aTerm "true"
  CFalse -> aTerm "false"
  Events -> aTerm "Events"
  BoolSet -> aTerm "boolType"
  IntSet  -> aTerm "intType"
  ProcSet -> aTerm "procType"
  TupleExp i -> nTerm "tupleExp" [eList i]
  Parens e -> term $ te e
  AndExp a b -> nTerm "bool_and" [te a, te b]
  OrExp a b -> nTerm "bool_or" [te a, te b]
  NotExp a -> nTerm "bool_not" [te a]
  NegExp a -> nTerm "negate" [te a]
  Fun1 op a -> nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a]
  Fun2 op a b -> if ((unBuiltIn op) `Set.member` plLocatedConstructs ) 
    then nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a, te b, plLoc expr]
    else nTerm (builtInToString op) [te a, te b]
  DotTuple a -> nTerm "dotTuple" [eList a]
  Closure l -> nTerm "closure" [ eList l]
  ProcSharing al p1 p2 -> nTerm "sharing" [te al, te p1, te p2,plLoc expr]
  ProcAParallel a1 a2 p1 p2
    -> nTerm "aParallel" [te a1, te p1, te a2, te p2, plLoc expr]
  ProcLinkParallel ll a b
    ->  nTerm "lParallel" [ linkList ll, te a, te b, plLoc ll ] 
  ProcRenaming ren Nothing p
    -> nTerm "procRenaming" [ renameList ren, te p, plLoc expr ]
  ProcRenaming ren (Just gen) p
    -> nTerm "procRenamingComp" [te p, comprehension $ unLabel gen, renameList ren]
  ProcException p1 e p2 -> nTerm "exception" [te p1, te e, te p2, plLoc expr]
  ProcRepSequence gen proc -> nTerm "repSequence" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  ProcRepInternalChoice gen proc 
    -> nTerm "repInternalChoice" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  ProcRepInterleave gen proc 
    -> nTerm "repInterleave" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  ProcRepExternalChoice gen proc -> nTerm "repChoice" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  ProcRepAParallel gen alph proc
    -> nTerm "procRepAPrallel" [comprehension $ unLabel gen, nTerm "pair" [te alph, te proc] ,plLoc gen]
  ProcRepLinkParallel gen links proc
    -> nTerm "procRepLinkPrallel" [linkList links, comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  ProcRepSharing gen share proc
    -> nTerm "procRepSharing" [te share, comprehension $ unLabel gen, te proc, plLoc gen]
  PrefixExp ch fields proc -> nTerm "prefix" [plLoc ch, mkCommFields fields, te ch, te proc,prefixLoc ]
      prefixLoc = mkSrcLoc $ SrcLoc.srcLocBetween
        (if null fields then srcLoc $ ch else srcLoc $ last fields)
        (srcLoc proc)
  PrefixI {} -> missingCase "PrefixI"
  ExprWithFreeNames {} -> missingCase "ExprWithFreeNames"
  LambdaI {} -> missingCase "LambdaI"
  LetI {} -> missingCase "LetI"
    missingCase :: String -> Term
    missingCase s = error $ "missing case in te :" ++ s
    flatArgs :: [[LExp]] -> [Term]
    flatArgs l = concatMap (map te) l  

    comprehension :: [LCompGen] -> Term
    comprehension l = pList $ map (comp . unLabel ) l
        comp (Guard e) = nTerm "comprehensionGuard" [te e]
        comp (Generator pat e) = nTerm "comprehensionGenerator" [tp pat, te e]

    linkList :: LLinkList -> Term
    linkList ll = case unLabel ll of
      LinkList l -> nTerm "linkList" [ pList $ map (mklink . unLabel) l ]
      LinkListComprehension gen l 
        -> nTerm "linkListComp" [ comprehension gen, pList $ map (mklink . unLabel) l ]
        mklink (Link a b) = nTerm "link" [te a,te b]

    renameList :: [LRename] -> Term
    renameList l = pList $ map (mkRen . unLabel) l
        mkRen (Rename a b) = nTerm "rename" [te a, te b]
    mkCommFields :: [LCommField] -> Term
    mkCommFields l = pList $ map (mkCF . unLabel) l
        mkCF (InComm p) = nTerm "in" [tp p]
        mkCF (OutComm e) = nTerm "out" [te e]
        mkCF (InCommGuarded p e) = nTerm "inGuard" [tp p, te e]

    range :: LRange -> Term
    range r = case unLabel r of
      RangeOpen a -> nTerm "rangeOpen" [te a]
      RangeClosed a b -> nTerm "rangeClosed" [te a, te b]
      RangeEnum l -> nTerm "rangeEnum" [eList l]

eList :: [LExp] -> Term
eList l = pList h
  where h :: [Term]
        h = map te l

tp :: LPattern -> Term
tp pattern = case unLabel pattern of
  IntPat i -> nTerm "int" [atom i]
  TruePat -> aTerm "true"
  FalsePat -> aTerm "false"
  WildCard -> plWildCard
  VarPat i -> plNameTerm i
  ConstrPat i -> plNameTerm i
  Also l -> tpList "alsoPattern" l
  Append l ->  tpList "appendPattern" l
  DotPat l ->  tpList "dotpat" l
  SingleSetPat p -> tpList "singleSetPat" [p]
  EmptySetPat -> aTerm "emptySet"
  ListEnumPat l -> tpList "listPat" l
  TuplePat l -> tpList "tuplePat" l
  Selector {} -> error "missing case in tp : Selector"
  Selectors {} -> error "missing case in tp : Selectors"
    tpList :: String -> [LPattern] -> Term
    tpList f l =  nTerm f [pList $ map tp l]

declList :: [LDecl] -> [Term]
declList l = concatMap td l

td :: LDecl -> [Term]
td decl = case unLabel decl of
  PatBind pat e -> [ nTerm "bindval" [tp pat, te e, plLoc decl]]
  FunBind fkt caseList -> map (mkFunBind fkt) caseList
  Assert e -> mkAssert e
  Transparent idList 
    -> [ nTerm "cspTransparent" [pList $ map plName idList] ]
  SubType i constrL  -> [ nTerm "subTypeDef"  [plNameTerm i, mkConstructorList constrL] ]
  DataType i constrL -> [ nTerm "dataTypeDef" [plNameTerm i, mkConstructorList constrL] ]
  NameType i t -> [ nTerm "nameType" [plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [mkTypeDef t]] ]
  Channel ids tdef -> map (mkChannel tdef) ids
  Print e -> [ nTerm "cspPrint" [te e] ]
    mkFunBind :: LIdent -> FunCase -> Term
    mkFunBind ident (FunCase pat e) = case pat of 
      [p] -> nTerm "agent" [
              nTerm (plName ident) $ map tp p
             ,te e
             ,plLoc ident]
      l -> nTerm "agent_curry" [
              nTerm (plName ident) $ map (pList . map tp) l 
             ,te e
             ,plLoc ident]
    mkFunBind _ (FunCaseI {}) = error "unexpected case in mkFunBind: FunCaseI"
    mkConstructorList :: [LConstructor] -> Term
    mkConstructorList l = pList $ map mkConstructor l
    mkConstructor :: LConstructor -> Term
    mkConstructor c = case unLabel c of
      Constructor i Nothing  -> nTerm "constructor" [plNameTerm i]
      Constructor i (Just t) -> nTerm "constructorC" [plNameTerm i, mkTypeDef t]

    mkTypeDef :: LTypeDef -> Term
    mkTypeDef t = case unLabel t of
      TypeTuple l -> nTerm "typeTuple" [eList l]
      TypeDot   l -> nTerm "dotTupleType" [eList l]
    mkChannel :: Maybe LTypeDef -> LIdent -> Term
    mkChannel Nothing  i = nTerm "channel" [ plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [term $ atom "dotUnitType" ]]
    mkChannel (Just t) i = nTerm "channel" [ plNameTerm i, nTerm "type" [mkTypeDef t]]

    mkAssert :: LAssertDecl -> [Term]
    mkAssert ass = case unLabel ass of
      AssertBool e -> [ nTerm "assertBool" [te e] ]
      AssertRefine b p1 m p2
        -> [ nTerm "assertRef" [aTerm $ show b, te p1, termShow m, te p2, plLoc decl] ]
      AssertTauPrio b p1 m p2 e
        -> [ nTerm "assertTauPrio" [aTerm $ show b, te p1, termShow m, te p2, te e, plLoc decl] ]
      AssertModelCheck b p m (Just ext)
        -> [ nTerm "assertModelCheckExt" [aTerm $ show b, te p, termShow m, termShow ext] ]
      AssertModelCheck b p m Nothing
        -> [ nTerm "assertModelCheck" [aTerm $ show b, te p, termShow m ] ]
    termShow :: Show a => Labeled a -> Term
    termShow = aTerm . show . unLabel

plName :: LIdent -> Atom
plName l
  = let uIdent = unUIdent $ unLabel l in case idType uIdent of
    TransparentID -> atom $ realName uIdent
    VarID         -> error ("plName : " ++ show l)
    _             -> atom $ uniquePlName uIdent

plNameTerm :: LIdent -> Term
plNameTerm l
  = let uIdent = unUIdent $ unLabel l in case (idType uIdent,prologMode uIdent) of
    (VarID,PrologVariable) -> plVar ("_" ++ uniquePlName uIdent)
    (VarID,PrologGround)   -> term $ atom $ uniquePlName uIdent
    _             -> term $ plName l
{- fix me , temporal hack, switchoff renaming for channel,etc-}
    (FunID _,_)   -> term $ atom $ uniquePlName uIdent
    (_,_)         -> term $ atom $ uniquePlName uIdent -- <- TODO,FIX BUG

uniquePlName :: UniqueIdent -> String
uniquePlName i = newName i

plLoc :: Labeled x -> Term
plLoc = mkSrcLoc . srcLoc

-- | Translate a source location to Prolog
mkSrcLoc :: SrcLoc.SrcLoc -> Term
mkSrcLoc loc =  case loc of
  SrcLoc.TokPos {} ->  nTerm "src_position" 
      [itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
  SrcLoc.TokSpan {} -> nTerm "src_span"
      [itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndLine loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndCol loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
  SrcLoc.FixedLoc {} -> nTerm "src_span"
      [itt $ SrcLoc.getStartLine loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartCol loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndLine loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getEndCol loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getStartOffset loc
      ,itt $ SrcLoc.getTokenLen loc ]
  _ -> term $ atom "no_loc_info_available"
    itt :: Int -> Term
    itt = term . iatom . fromIntegral
    iatom :: Integer -> Atom
    iatom = atom

-- | Translate a "AstAnnotation" with "UnqiueIdentifier" (i.e. a Symboltable)
-- into a "Doc" containing Prolog facts
mkSymbolTable :: AstAnnotation UniqueIdent -> Doc
mkSymbolTable ids 
  = plPrg [declGroup $ map mkSymbol $ IntMap.elems ids]
  mkSymbol :: UniqueIdent -> Clause
  mkSymbol i = clause $ nTerm "symbol"
   [aTerm $ uniquePlName i
   ,aTerm $ realName i
   ,mkSrcLoc $ bindingLoc i
   ,aTerm $ pprintIDType i
  pprintIDType :: UniqueIdent -> String
  pprintIDType i = case idType i of
    ChannelID -> "Channel"
    NameTypeID -> "Nametype"
    (FunID x) -> "Funktion or Process ( Arity :"++show x ++")"
    (ConstrID d)   -> "Constructor of Datatype "++d
    DataTypeID     -> "Datatype"
    TransparentID  -> "Transparent function"
    VarID -> case prologMode i of
      PrologGround -> "Ident (Groundrep.)"
      PrologVariable -> "Ident (Prolog Variable)"

-- | Map the abstract datatype LBuiltIn back to plain Strings for Prolog
builtInToString :: LBuiltIn -> String
builtInToString x = 
  let (BuiltIn bi) = unLabel x in
  case bi of
  F_STOP -> "STOP"     
  F_SKIP -> "SKIP"     
  F_true -> "true"     
  F_false -> "false"
  F_not -> "not"      
  F_and -> "and"      
  F_or -> "or"       
  F_Int -> "Int"      
  F_Bool -> "Bool"     
  F_Events -> "Events"   
  F_CHAOS -> "CHAOS"    
  F_union -> "union"    
  F_inter -> "inter"    
  F_diff -> "diff"     
  F_Union -> "Union"    
  F_Inter -> "Inter"    
  F_member -> "member"   
  F_card -> "card"     
  F_empty -> "empty"    
  F_set -> "set"      
  F_Set -> "Set"      
  F_Seq -> "Seq"      
  F_null -> "null"     
  F_head -> "head"     
  F_tail -> "tail"     
  F_concat -> "concat"   
  F_elem -> "elem"     
  F_length -> "length"   
  F_Concat -> "^"        
  F_Len2 -> "#"        
  F_Mult -> "*"        
  F_Div -> "/"        
  F_Mod -> "%"        
  F_Add -> "+"        
  F_Sub -> "-"      
  F_Eq -> "=="       
  F_NEq -> "!="       
  F_GE -> ">="       
  F_LE -> "<="       
  F_LT -> "<"        
  F_GT -> ">"        
  F_Guard -> "&"        
  F_Sequential -> ";"        
  F_Interrupt -> "/\\"      
  F_ExtChoice -> "[]"       
  F_Timeout -> "[>"       
  F_IntChoice -> "|~|"      
  F_Interleave -> "|||"      
  F_Hiding -> "\\"        

unBuiltIn :: LBuiltIn -> Const
unBuiltIn x =  let (BuiltIn fkt) = unLabel x in fkt