# CSPM-cspm This package provides the _cspm_ executable. The _cspm_ executable serves as a command line interface to the other CSPM-packages. It can be used to parse, translate and interpret cspm specifications and to compute the labeled transition system (LTS) of a specification. ## Modes _cspm_ has several modes of operation: * 'cspm --help' -> print a help message. * 'cspm eval '3+4'' -> evaluate an expression. * 'cspm trace spec.csp' -> interactively trace a process. * 'cspm assert spec.csp' -> check the assertions of a specification (only some assertions are supported). * 'cspm lts spec.csp --dotOut spec.csp.dot' -> compute the labeled transition system of a process and dump it as dot-file. * 'cspm lts spec.csp --fdrOut spec.csp.fdr' -> compute the LTS and dump it a fdr script suitable for refinement checking. ## Lua Interface _cspm_ comes with a built-in lua interpreter. ## Multi Core Support LTS computation can demonstrate nice speed-ups on multi-core machines. Try for example 'cspm +RTS -N7 -RTS fdr spec.csp' to use 7 cores. ## [Haddock documentation](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/CSPM-cspm)