-- ilua.lua -- A more friendly Lua interactive prompt -- doesn't need '=' -- will try to print out tables recursively, subject to the pretty_print_limit value. -- Steve Donovan, 2007 -- local pretty_print_limit = 20 local max_depth = 7 local table_clever = true local prompt = '> ' local verbose = false local strict = true -- suppress strict warnings _ = true -- imported global functions local sub = string.sub local match = string.match local find = string.find local push = table.insert local pop = table.remove local append = table.insert local concat = table.concat local floor = math.floor local write = io.write local read = io.read local savef local collisions = {} local G_LIB = {} local declared = {} local line_handler_fn, global_handler_fn local print_handlers = {} ilua = {} local num_prec local num_all local jstack = {} local function oprint(...) if savef then savef:write(concat({...},' '),'\n') end print(...) end local function join(tbl,delim,limit,depth) if not limit then limit = pretty_print_limit end if not depth then depth = max_depth end local n = #tbl local res = '' local k = 0 -- very important to avoid disgracing ourselves with circular referencs... if #jstack > depth then return "..." end for i,t in ipairs(jstack) do if tbl == t then return "" end end push(jstack,tbl) -- this is a hack to work out if a table is 'list-like' or 'map-like' -- you can switch it off with ilua.table_options {clever = false} local is_list if table_clever then local index1 = n > 0 and tbl[1] local index2 = n > 1 and tbl[2] is_list = index1 and index2 end if is_list then for i,v in ipairs(tbl) do res = res..delim..val2str(v) k = k + 1 if k > limit then res = res.." ... " break end end else for key,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(key) == 'number' then key = '['..tostring(key)..']' else key = tostring(key) end res = res..delim..key..'='..val2str(v) k = k + 1 if k > limit then res = res.." ... " break end end end pop(jstack) return sub(res,2) end function val2str(val) local tp = type(val) if print_handlers[tp] then local s = print_handlers[tp](val) return s or '?' end if tp == 'function' then return tostring(val) elseif tp == 'table' then if val.__tostring then return tostring(val) else return '{'..join(val,',')..'}' end elseif tp == 'string' then return "'"..val.."'" elseif tp == 'number' then -- we try only to apply floating-point precision for numbers deemed to be floating-point, -- unless the 3rd arg to precision() is true. if num_prec and (num_all or floor(val) ~= val) then return num_prec:format(val) else return tostring(val) end else return tostring(val) end end function _pretty_print(...) for i,val in ipairs(arg) do oprint(val2str(val)) end _G['_'] = arg[1] end function compile(line) if verbose then oprint(line) end local f,err = loadstring(line,'local') return err,f end function evaluate(chunk) local ok,res = pcall(chunk) if not ok then return res end return nil -- meaning, fine! end function eval_lua(line) if savef then savef:write(prompt,line,'\n') end -- is the line handler interested? if line_handler_fn then line = line_handler_fn(line) -- returning nil here means that the handler doesn't want -- Lua to see the string if not line then return end end -- is it an expression? local err,chunk = compile('_pretty_print('..line..')') if err then -- otherwise, a statement? err,chunk = compile(line) end -- if compiled ok, then evaluate the chunk if not err then err = evaluate(chunk) end -- if there was any error, print it out if err then oprint(err) end end local function quit(code,msg) io.stderr:write(msg,'\n') os.exit(code) end -- functions available in scripts function ilua.precision(len,prec,all) if not len then num_prec = nil else num_prec = '%'..len..'.'..prec..'f' end num_all = all end function ilua.table_options(t) if t.limit then pretty_print_limit = t.limit end if t.depth then max_depth = t.depth end if t.clever ~= nil then table_clever = t.clever end end -- inject @tbl into the global namespace function ilua.import(tbl,dont_complain,lib) lib = lib or '' if type(tbl) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(tbl) do local key = rawget(_G,k) -- NB to keep track of collisions! if key and k ~= '_M' and k ~= '_NAME' and k ~= '_PACKAGE' and k ~= '_VERSION' then append(collisions,{k,lib,G_LIB[k]}) end _G[k] = v G_LIB[k] = lib end end if not dont_complain and #collisions > 0 then for i, coll in ipairs(collisions) do local name,lib,oldlib = coll[1],coll[2],coll[3] write('warning: ',lib,'.',name,' overwrites ') if oldlib then write(oldlib,'.',name,'\n') else write('global ',name,'\n') end end end end function ilua.print_handler(name,handler) print_handlers[name] = handler end function ilua.line_handler(handler) line_handler_fn = handler end function ilua.global_handler(handler) global_handler_fn = handler end function ilua.print_variables() for name,v in pairs(declared) do print(name,type(_G[name])) end end -- -- strict.lua -- checks uses of undeclared global variables -- All global variables must be 'declared' through a regular assignment -- (even assigning nil will do) in a main chunk before being used -- anywhere. -- local function set_strict() local mt = getmetatable(_G) if mt == nil then mt = {} setmetatable(_G, mt) end local function what () local d = debug.getinfo(3, "S") return d and d.what or "C" end mt.__newindex = function (t, n, v) declared[n] = true rawset(t, n, v) end mt.__index = function (t, n) if not declared[n] and what() ~= "C" then local lookup = global_handler_fn and global_handler_fn(n) if not lookup then error("variable '"..n.."' is not declared", 2) else return lookup end end return rawget(t, n) end end --- Initial operations which may not succeed! -- try to bring in any ilua configuration file; don't complain if this is unsuccessful pcall(function() require 'ilua-defs' end) -- Unix readline support, if readline.so is available... local rl,readline,saveline err = pcall(function() rl = require 'readline' readline = rl.readline saveline = rl.add_history end) if not rl then readline = function(prompt) write(prompt) return read() end saveline = function(s) end end -- process command-line parameters if arg then local i = 1 local function parm_value(opt,parm,def) local val = parm:sub(3) if #val == 0 then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then if not def then quit(-1,"expecting parameter for option '-"..opt.."'") else return def end end val = arg[i] end return val end while i <= #arg do local v = arg[i] local opt = v:sub(1,1) if opt == '-' then opt = v:sub(2,2) if opt == 'h' then quit(0,"ilua (-l lib) (-L lib) (lua files)") elseif opt == 'l' then require (parm_value(opt,v)) elseif opt == 'L' then local lib = parm_value(opt,v) local tbl = require (lib) -- we cannot always trust require to return the table! if type(tbl) ~= 'table' then tbl = _G[lib] end ilua.import(tbl,true,lib) elseif opt == 't' or opt == 'T' then local file if opt == 'T' then file = 'ilua_'..os.date ('%y_%m_%d_%H_%M')..'.log' else file = parm_value(opt,v,"ilua.log") end print('saving transcript "'..file..'"') savef = io.open(file,'w') savef:write('! ilua ',concat(arg,' '),'\n') elseif opt == 's' then strict = false elseif opt == 'v' then verbose = true end else -- a plain file to be executed immediately dofile(v) end i = i + 1 end end print 'ILUA: Lua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Lua.org, PUC-Rio\n"quit" to end' -- any import complaints? ilua.import() -- enable 'not declared' error if strict then set_strict() end local line = readline(prompt) while line do if line == 'quit' then break end eval_lua(line) saveline(line) line = readline(prompt) end if savef then savef:close() end