module CV.Thresholding where import CV.Image import CV.Filters import qualified CV.ImageMath as IM import CV.ImageMathOp import CV.Morphology import System.IO.Unsafe import CV.Sampling import Utils.List import Data.List import CV.Histogram bernsen (w,h) c i = goodContrast #* (i #< surface) where low = erode se 1 i high = dilate se 1 i goodContrast = IM.moreThan c (high #- low) surface = 0.5 |* (high #+ low) se = structuringElement (w,h) (w`div`2,h`div`2) EllipseShape -- Very slow implementation of niblack thresholding --niblack (w,h) k i = IM.more2Than trunc (unsafePerformIO $ surface) -- where -- trunc = getRegion (w`div`2,h`div`2) (wi-w,hi-h) i -- (wi,hi) = getSize i -- surface = renderFlatList (wi-w,hi-h) (map th patches) -- th ptch = IM.average ptch + k * IM.stdDeviation ptch -- patches = allPatches (w,h) i nibbly k c i = let dev = IM.stdDeviation i mean = IM.average i in IM.moreThan (mean+k*dev+c) i nibblyr (w,h) k i = IM.lessThan t flat where t = IM.average flat + k * IM.stdDeviation flat flat = i #- gaussian (w,h) i ---- TODO: Convert Histograms from Doubles to Floats.. --otsu bs image = IM.moreThan (realToFrac threshold) image -- where -- histogram = getHistogram bs $ image -- partitions = histogramPartitions histogram -- (threshold,_,_) = maximumBy (comparing otsuCmp) partitions -- otsuCmp (t,as,bs) = betweenClassVariance (as) (bs) -- This is excruciatingly slow means of finding kittler-illingworth threshold -- for an image kittler precision image = IM.moreThan t image where t = maximumBy (comparing (kittlerMeasure image)) [0,0+precision..1] kittlerMeasure image t = unNaN $ p_t*log fgDev + (1-p_t)*log bgDev - p_t*log p_t - (1-p_t)*log(1-p_t) where unNaN x | isNaN x = -10000000 | otherwise = x thresholded = unsafeImageTo32F (IM.lessThan t image) p_t = IM.sum ( thresholded) / fromIntegral (getArea image) bgDev = realToFrac $ IM.stdDeviationMask image thresholded fgDev = realToFrac $ IM.stdDeviationMask image (IM.invert thresholded) --histogramPartitions (HGD a) = zip3 ( fst $ a) -- ( snd $ a) -- ( snd $ a) betweenClassVariance as bs = sum as * sum bs * (average bs - average as)^2