-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2005
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This is the command line front end to the Simple build system. When given
-- the parsed command-line args and package information, is able to perform
-- basic commands like configure, build, install, register, etc.
-- This module exports the main functions that Setup.hs scripts use. It
-- re-exports the 'UserHooks' type, the standard entry points like
-- 'defaultMain' and 'defaultMainWithHooks' and the predefined sets of
-- 'UserHooks' that custom @Setup.hs@ scripts can extend to add their own
-- behaviour.
-- This module isn't called \"Simple\" because it's simple.  Far from
-- it.  It's called \"Simple\" because it does complicated things to
-- simple software.
-- The original idea was that there could be different build systems that all
-- presented the same compatible command line interfaces. There is still a
-- "Distribution.Make" system but in practice no packages use it.

Work around this warning:
    Warning: In the use of `runTests'
             (imported from Distribution.Simple.UserHooks):
             Deprecated: "Please use the new testing interface instead!"
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}

module Distribution.Simple (
        module Distribution.Package,
        module Distribution.Version,
        module Distribution.License,
        module Distribution.Simple.Compiler,
        module Language.Haskell.Extension,
        -- * Simple interface
        defaultMain, defaultMainNoRead, defaultMainArgs,
        -- * Customization
        UserHooks(..), Args,
        defaultMainWithHooks, defaultMainWithHooksArgs,
        -- ** Standard sets of hooks
        defaultUserHooks, emptyUserHooks,
        -- ** Utils
  ) where

-- local
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.UserHooks
import Distribution.Package --must not specify imports, since we're exporting module.
import Distribution.PackageDescription
         ( PackageDescription(..), GenericPackageDescription, Executable(..)
         , updatePackageDescription, hasLibs
         , HookedBuildInfo, emptyHookedBuildInfo )
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
         ( readPackageDescription, readHookedBuildInfo )
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
         ( flattenPackageDescription )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
         ( defaultProgramConfiguration, addKnownPrograms, builtinPrograms
         , restoreProgramConfiguration, reconfigurePrograms )
import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess (knownSuffixHandlers, PPSuffixHandler)
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.Simple.Command

import Distribution.Simple.Build        ( build, repl )
import Distribution.Simple.SrcDist      ( sdist )
import Distribution.Simple.Register
         ( register, unregister )

import Distribution.Simple.Configure
         ( getPersistBuildConfig, maybeGetPersistBuildConfig
         , writePersistBuildConfig, checkPersistBuildConfigOutdated
         , configure, checkForeignDeps )

import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Bench (bench)
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( srcPref)
import Distribution.Simple.Test (test)
import Distribution.Simple.Install (install)
import Distribution.Simple.Haddock (haddock, hscolour)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
         (die, notice, info, warn, setupMessage, chattyTry,
          defaultPackageDesc, defaultHookedPackageDesc,
          rawSystemExitWithEnv, cabalVersion, topHandler )
import Distribution.System
         ( OS(..), buildOS )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Language.Haskell.Extension
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.Text
         ( display )

-- Base
import System.Environment(getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Directory(removeFile, doesFileExist,
                        doesDirectoryExist, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.Exit       (exitWith,ExitCode(..))
import System.IO.Error   (isDoesNotExistError)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Distribution.Compat.Environment (getEnvironment)
import Distribution.Compat.Exception (catchIO)

import Control.Monad   (when)
import Data.List       (intercalate, unionBy, nub, (\\))

-- | A simple implementation of @main@ for a Cabal setup script.
-- It reads the package description file using IO, and performs the
-- action specified on the command line.
defaultMain :: IO ()
defaultMain = getArgs >>= defaultMainHelper simpleUserHooks

-- | A version of 'defaultMain' that is passed the command line
-- arguments, rather than getting them from the environment.
defaultMainArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
defaultMainArgs = defaultMainHelper simpleUserHooks

-- | A customizable version of 'defaultMain'.
defaultMainWithHooks :: UserHooks -> IO ()
defaultMainWithHooks hooks = getArgs >>= defaultMainHelper hooks

-- | A customizable version of 'defaultMain' that also takes the command
-- line arguments.
defaultMainWithHooksArgs :: UserHooks -> [String] -> IO ()
defaultMainWithHooksArgs = defaultMainHelper

-- | Like 'defaultMain', but accepts the package description as input
-- rather than using IO to read it.
defaultMainNoRead :: GenericPackageDescription -> IO ()
defaultMainNoRead pkg_descr =
  getArgs >>=
  defaultMainHelper simpleUserHooks { readDesc = return (Just pkg_descr) }

defaultMainHelper :: UserHooks -> Args -> IO ()
defaultMainHelper hooks args = topHandler $
  case commandsRun globalCommand commands args of
    CommandHelp   help                 -> printHelp help
    CommandList   opts                 -> printOptionsList opts
    CommandErrors errs                 -> printErrors errs
    CommandReadyToGo (flags, commandParse)  ->
      case commandParse of
        _ | fromFlag (globalVersion flags)        -> printVersion
          | fromFlag (globalNumericVersion flags) -> printNumericVersion
        CommandHelp     help           -> printHelp help
        CommandList     opts           -> printOptionsList opts
        CommandErrors   errs           -> printErrors errs
        CommandReadyToGo action        -> action

    printHelp help = getProgName >>= putStr . help
    printOptionsList = putStr . unlines
    printErrors errs = do
      putStr (intercalate "\n" errs)
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    printNumericVersion = putStrLn $ display cabalVersion
    printVersion        = putStrLn $ "Cabal library version "
                                  ++ display cabalVersion

    progs = addKnownPrograms (hookedPrograms hooks) defaultProgramConfiguration
    commands =
      [configureCommand progs `commandAddAction` \fs as ->
                                                 configureAction    hooks fs as >> return ()
      ,buildCommand     progs `commandAddAction` buildAction        hooks
      ,replCommand      progs `commandAddAction` replAction         hooks
      ,installCommand         `commandAddAction` installAction      hooks
      ,copyCommand            `commandAddAction` copyAction         hooks
      ,haddockCommand         `commandAddAction` haddockAction      hooks
      ,cleanCommand           `commandAddAction` cleanAction        hooks
      ,sdistCommand           `commandAddAction` sdistAction        hooks
      ,hscolourCommand        `commandAddAction` hscolourAction     hooks
      ,registerCommand        `commandAddAction` registerAction     hooks
      ,unregisterCommand      `commandAddAction` unregisterAction   hooks
      ,testCommand            `commandAddAction` testAction         hooks
      ,benchmarkCommand       `commandAddAction` benchAction        hooks

-- | Combine the preprocessors in the given hooks with the
-- preprocessors built into cabal.
allSuffixHandlers :: UserHooks
                  -> [PPSuffixHandler]
allSuffixHandlers hooks
    = overridesPP (hookedPreProcessors hooks) knownSuffixHandlers
      overridesPP :: [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler]
      overridesPP = unionBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y)

configureAction :: UserHooks -> ConfigFlags -> Args -> IO LocalBuildInfo
configureAction hooks flags args = do
                let distPref = fromFlag $ configDistPref flags
                pbi <- preConf hooks args flags

                (mb_pd_file, pkg_descr0) <- confPkgDescr

                --    get_pkg_descr (configVerbosity flags')
                --let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0
                let epkg_descr = (pkg_descr0, pbi)

                --(warns, ers) <- sanityCheckPackage pkg_descr
                --errorOut (configVerbosity flags') warns ers

                localbuildinfo0 <- confHook hooks epkg_descr flags

                -- remember the .cabal filename if we know it
                -- and all the extra command line args
                let localbuildinfo = localbuildinfo0 {
                                       pkgDescrFile = mb_pd_file,
                                       extraConfigArgs = args
                writePersistBuildConfig distPref localbuildinfo

                let pkg_descr = localPkgDescr localbuildinfo
                postConf hooks args flags pkg_descr localbuildinfo
                return localbuildinfo
                verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)
                confPkgDescr :: IO (Maybe FilePath, GenericPackageDescription)
                confPkgDescr = do
                  mdescr <- readDesc hooks
                  case mdescr of
                    Just descr -> return (Nothing, descr)
                    Nothing -> do
                      pdfile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
                      descr  <- readPackageDescription verbosity pdfile
                      return (Just pdfile, descr)

buildAction :: UserHooks -> BuildFlags -> Args -> IO ()
buildAction hooks flags args = do
  let distPref  = fromFlag $ buildDistPref flags
      verbosity = fromFlag $ buildVerbosity flags

  lbi <- getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref
  progs <- reconfigurePrograms verbosity
             (buildProgramPaths flags)
             (buildProgramArgs flags)
             (withPrograms lbi)

  hookedAction preBuild buildHook postBuild
               (return lbi { withPrograms = progs })
               hooks flags { buildArgs = args } args

replAction :: UserHooks -> ReplFlags -> Args -> IO ()
replAction hooks flags args = do
  let distPref  = fromFlag $ replDistPref flags
      verbosity = fromFlag $ replVerbosity flags

  lbi <- getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref
  progs <- reconfigurePrograms verbosity
             (replProgramPaths flags)
             (replProgramArgs flags)
             (withPrograms lbi)

  pbi <- preRepl hooks args flags
  let lbi' = lbi { withPrograms = progs }
      pkg_descr0 = localPkgDescr lbi'
      pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0
  replHook hooks pkg_descr lbi' hooks flags args
  postRepl hooks args flags pkg_descr lbi'

hscolourAction :: UserHooks -> HscolourFlags -> Args -> IO ()
hscolourAction hooks flags args
    = do let distPref  = fromFlag $ hscolourDistPref flags
             verbosity = fromFlag $ hscolourVerbosity flags
         hookedAction preHscolour hscolourHook postHscolour
                      (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
                      hooks flags args

haddockAction :: UserHooks -> HaddockFlags -> Args -> IO ()
haddockAction hooks flags args = do
  let distPref  = fromFlag $ haddockDistPref flags
      verbosity = fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity flags

  lbi <- getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref
  progs <- reconfigurePrograms verbosity
             (haddockProgramPaths flags)
             (haddockProgramArgs flags)
             (withPrograms lbi)

  hookedAction preHaddock haddockHook postHaddock
               (return lbi { withPrograms = progs })
               hooks flags args

cleanAction :: UserHooks -> CleanFlags -> Args -> IO ()
cleanAction hooks flags args = do
                pbi <- preClean hooks args flags

                pdfile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
                ppd <- readPackageDescription verbosity pdfile
                let pkg_descr0 = flattenPackageDescription ppd
                -- We don't sanity check for clean as an error
                -- here would prevent cleaning:
                --sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr0 pbi
                let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0

                cleanHook hooks pkg_descr () hooks flags
                postClean hooks args flags pkg_descr ()
  where verbosity = fromFlag (cleanVerbosity flags)

copyAction :: UserHooks -> CopyFlags -> Args -> IO ()
copyAction hooks flags args
    = do let distPref  = fromFlag $ copyDistPref flags
             verbosity = fromFlag $ copyVerbosity flags
         hookedAction preCopy copyHook postCopy
                      (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
                      hooks flags args

installAction :: UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> Args -> IO ()
installAction hooks flags args
    = do let distPref  = fromFlag $ installDistPref flags
             verbosity = fromFlag $ installVerbosity flags
         hookedAction preInst instHook postInst
                      (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
                      hooks flags args

sdistAction :: UserHooks -> SDistFlags -> Args -> IO ()
sdistAction hooks flags args = do
                let distPref = fromFlag $ sDistDistPref flags
                pbi <- preSDist hooks args flags

                mlbi <- maybeGetPersistBuildConfig distPref
                pdfile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
                ppd <- readPackageDescription verbosity pdfile
                let pkg_descr0 = flattenPackageDescription ppd
                sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr0 pbi
                let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0

                sDistHook hooks pkg_descr mlbi hooks flags
                postSDist hooks args flags pkg_descr mlbi
  where verbosity = fromFlag (sDistVerbosity flags)

testAction :: UserHooks -> TestFlags -> Args -> IO ()
testAction hooks flags args = do
    let distPref  = fromFlag $ testDistPref flags
        verbosity = fromFlag $ testVerbosity flags
    localBuildInfo <- getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref
    let pkg_descr = localPkgDescr localBuildInfo
    -- It is safe to do 'runTests' before the new test handler because the
    -- default action is a no-op and if the package uses the old test interface
    -- the new handler will find no tests.
    runTests hooks args False pkg_descr localBuildInfo
    --FIXME: this is a hack, passing the args inside the flags
    -- it's because the args to not get passed to the main test hook
    let flags' = flags { testList = Flag args }
    hookedAction preTest testHook postTest
            (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
            hooks flags' args

benchAction :: UserHooks -> BenchmarkFlags -> Args -> IO ()
benchAction hooks flags args = do
    let distPref  = fromFlag $ benchmarkDistPref flags
        verbosity = fromFlag $ benchmarkVerbosity flags
    hookedActionWithArgs preBench benchHook postBench
            (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
            hooks flags args

registerAction :: UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> Args -> IO ()
registerAction hooks flags args
    = do let distPref  = fromFlag $ regDistPref flags
             verbosity = fromFlag $ regVerbosity flags
         hookedAction preReg regHook postReg
                      (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
                      hooks flags args

unregisterAction :: UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> Args -> IO ()
unregisterAction hooks flags args
    = do let distPref  = fromFlag $ regDistPref flags
             verbosity = fromFlag $ regVerbosity flags
         hookedAction preUnreg unregHook postUnreg
                      (getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref)
                      hooks flags args

hookedAction :: (UserHooks -> Args -> flags -> IO HookedBuildInfo)
        -> (UserHooks -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
                      -> UserHooks -> flags -> IO ())
        -> (UserHooks -> Args -> flags -> PackageDescription
                      -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ())
        -> IO LocalBuildInfo
        -> UserHooks -> flags -> Args -> IO ()
hookedAction pre_hook cmd_hook =
    hookedActionWithArgs pre_hook (\h _ pd lbi uh flags -> cmd_hook h pd lbi uh flags)

hookedActionWithArgs :: (UserHooks -> Args -> flags -> IO HookedBuildInfo)
        -> (UserHooks -> Args -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
                      -> UserHooks -> flags -> IO ())
        -> (UserHooks -> Args -> flags -> PackageDescription
                      -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ())
        -> IO LocalBuildInfo
        -> UserHooks -> flags -> Args -> IO ()
hookedActionWithArgs pre_hook cmd_hook post_hook get_build_config hooks flags args = do
   pbi <- pre_hook hooks args flags
   localbuildinfo <- get_build_config
   let pkg_descr0 = localPkgDescr localbuildinfo
   --pkg_descr0 <- get_pkg_descr (get_verbose flags)
   sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr0 pbi
   let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0
   -- TODO: should we write the modified package descr back to the
   -- localbuildinfo?
   cmd_hook hooks args pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags
   post_hook hooks args flags pkg_descr localbuildinfo

sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo :: PackageDescription -> HookedBuildInfo -> IO ()
sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo PackageDescription { library = Nothing } (Just _,_)
    = die $ "The buildinfo contains info for a library, "
         ++ "but the package does not have a library."

sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr (_, hookExes)
    | not (null nonExistant)
    = die $ "The buildinfo contains info for an executable called '"
         ++ head nonExistant ++ "' but the package does not have a "
         ++ "executable with that name."
    pkgExeNames  = nub (map exeName (executables pkg_descr))
    hookExeNames = nub (map fst hookExes)
    nonExistant  = hookExeNames \\ pkgExeNames

sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo _ _ = return ()

getBuildConfig :: UserHooks -> Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO LocalBuildInfo
getBuildConfig hooks verbosity distPref = do
  lbi_wo_programs <- getPersistBuildConfig distPref
  -- Restore info about unconfigured programs, since it is not serialized
  let lbi = lbi_wo_programs {
    withPrograms = restoreProgramConfiguration
                     (builtinPrograms ++ hookedPrograms hooks)
                     (withPrograms lbi_wo_programs)

  case pkgDescrFile lbi of
    Nothing -> return lbi
    Just pkg_descr_file -> do
      outdated <- checkPersistBuildConfigOutdated distPref pkg_descr_file
      if outdated
        then reconfigure pkg_descr_file lbi
        else return lbi

    reconfigure :: FilePath -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO LocalBuildInfo
    reconfigure pkg_descr_file lbi = do
      notice verbosity $ pkg_descr_file ++ " has been changed. "
                      ++ "Re-configuring with most recently used options. "
                      ++ "If this fails, please run configure manually.\n"
      let cFlags = configFlags lbi
      let cFlags' = cFlags {
            -- Since the list of unconfigured programs is not serialized,
            -- restore it to the same value as normally used at the beginning
            -- of a configure run:
            configPrograms = restoreProgramConfiguration
                               (builtinPrograms ++ hookedPrograms hooks)
                               (configPrograms cFlags),

            -- Use the current, not saved verbosity level:
            configVerbosity = Flag verbosity
      configureAction hooks cFlags' (extraConfigArgs lbi)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cleaning

clean :: PackageDescription -> CleanFlags -> IO ()
clean pkg_descr flags = do
    let distPref = fromFlag $ cleanDistPref flags
    notice verbosity "cleaning..."

    maybeConfig <- if fromFlag (cleanSaveConf flags)
                     then maybeGetPersistBuildConfig distPref
                     else return Nothing

    -- remove the whole dist/ directory rather than tracking exactly what files
    -- we created in there.
    chattyTry "removing dist/" $ do
      exists <- doesDirectoryExist distPref
      when exists (removeDirectoryRecursive distPref)

    -- Any extra files the user wants to remove
    mapM_ removeFileOrDirectory (extraTmpFiles pkg_descr)

    -- If the user wanted to save the config, write it back
    maybe (return ()) (writePersistBuildConfig distPref) maybeConfig

        removeFileOrDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
        removeFileOrDirectory fname = do
            isDir <- doesDirectoryExist fname
            isFile <- doesFileExist fname
            if isDir then removeDirectoryRecursive fname
              else when isFile $ removeFile fname
        verbosity = fromFlag (cleanVerbosity flags)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Default hooks

-- | Hooks that correspond to a plain instantiation of the
-- \"simple\" build system
simpleUserHooks :: UserHooks
simpleUserHooks =
    emptyUserHooks {
       confHook  = configure,
       postConf  = finalChecks,
       buildHook = defaultBuildHook,
       replHook  = defaultReplHook,
       copyHook  = \desc lbi _ f -> install desc lbi f, -- has correct 'copy' behavior with params
       testHook = defaultTestHook,
       benchHook = defaultBenchHook,
       instHook  = defaultInstallHook,
       sDistHook = \p l h f -> sdist p l f srcPref (allSuffixHandlers h),
       cleanHook = \p _ _ f -> clean p f,
       hscolourHook = \p l h f -> hscolour p l (allSuffixHandlers h) f,
       haddockHook  = \p l h f -> haddock  p l (allSuffixHandlers h) f,
       regHook   = defaultRegHook,
       unregHook = \p l _ f -> unregister p l f
    finalChecks _args flags pkg_descr lbi =
      checkForeignDeps pkg_descr lbi (lessVerbose verbosity)
        verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)

-- | Basic autoconf 'UserHooks':
-- * 'postConf' runs @.\/configure@, if present.
-- * the pre-hooks 'preBuild', 'preClean', 'preCopy', 'preInst',
--   'preReg' and 'preUnreg' read additional build information from
--   /package/@.buildinfo@, if present.
-- Thus @configure@ can use local system information to generate
-- /package/@.buildinfo@ and possibly other files.

{-# DEPRECATED defaultUserHooks
     "Use simpleUserHooks or autoconfUserHooks, unless you need Cabal-1.2\n             compatibility in which case you must stick with defaultUserHooks" #-}
defaultUserHooks :: UserHooks
defaultUserHooks = autoconfUserHooks {
          confHook = \pkg flags -> do
                       let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)
                       warn verbosity
                         "defaultUserHooks in Setup script is deprecated."
                       confHook autoconfUserHooks pkg flags,
          postConf = oldCompatPostConf
    -- This is the annoying old version that only runs configure if it exists.
    -- It's here for compatibility with existing Setup.hs scripts. See:
    -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/158
    where oldCompatPostConf args flags pkg_descr lbi
              = do let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)
                   noExtraFlags args
                   confExists <- doesFileExist "configure"
                   when confExists $
                       runConfigureScript verbosity
                         backwardsCompatHack flags lbi

                   pbi <- getHookedBuildInfo verbosity
                   sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr pbi
                   let pkg_descr' = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr
                   postConf simpleUserHooks args flags pkg_descr' lbi

          backwardsCompatHack = True

autoconfUserHooks :: UserHooks
    = simpleUserHooks
       postConf    = defaultPostConf,
       preBuild    = readHook buildVerbosity,
       preClean    = readHook cleanVerbosity,
       preCopy     = readHook copyVerbosity,
       preInst     = readHook installVerbosity,
       preHscolour = readHook hscolourVerbosity,
       preHaddock  = readHook haddockVerbosity,
       preReg      = readHook regVerbosity,
       preUnreg    = readHook regVerbosity
    where defaultPostConf :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
          defaultPostConf args flags pkg_descr lbi
              = do let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags)
                   noExtraFlags args
                   confExists <- doesFileExist "configure"
                   if confExists
                     then runConfigureScript verbosity
                            backwardsCompatHack flags lbi
                     else die "configure script not found."

                   pbi <- getHookedBuildInfo verbosity
                   sanityCheckHookedBuildInfo pkg_descr pbi
                   let pkg_descr' = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr
                   postConf simpleUserHooks args flags pkg_descr' lbi

          backwardsCompatHack = False

          readHook :: (a -> Flag Verbosity) -> Args -> a -> IO HookedBuildInfo
          readHook get_verbosity a flags = do
              noExtraFlags a
              getHookedBuildInfo verbosity
              verbosity = fromFlag (get_verbosity flags)

runConfigureScript :: Verbosity -> Bool -> ConfigFlags -> LocalBuildInfo
                   -> IO ()
runConfigureScript verbosity backwardsCompatHack flags lbi = do

  env <- getEnvironment
  let programConfig = withPrograms lbi
  (ccProg, ccFlags) <- configureCCompiler verbosity programConfig
  -- The C compiler's compilation and linker flags (e.g.
  -- "C compiler flags" and "Gcc Linker flags" from GHC) have already
  -- been merged into ccFlags, so we set both CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
  -- to ccFlags
  -- We don't try and tell configure which ld to use, as we don't have
  -- a way to pass its flags too
  let env' = appendToEnvironment ("CFLAGS",  unwords ccFlags)
      args' = args ++ ["--with-gcc=" ++ ccProg]
  handleNoWindowsSH $
    rawSystemExitWithEnv verbosity "sh" args' env'

    args = "./configure" : configureArgs backwardsCompatHack flags

    appendToEnvironment (key, val) [] = [(key, val)]
    appendToEnvironment (key, val) (kv@(k, v) : rest)
     | key == k  = (key, v ++ " " ++ val) : rest
     | otherwise = kv : appendToEnvironment (key, val) rest

    handleNoWindowsSH action
      | buildOS /= Windows
      = action

      | otherwise
      = action
          `catchIO` \ioe -> if isDoesNotExistError ioe
                              then die notFoundMsg
                              else throwIO ioe

    notFoundMsg = "The package has a './configure' script. This requires a "
               ++ "Unix compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin."

getHookedBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> IO HookedBuildInfo
getHookedBuildInfo verbosity = do
  maybe_infoFile <- defaultHookedPackageDesc
  case maybe_infoFile of
    Nothing       -> return emptyHookedBuildInfo
    Just infoFile -> do
      info verbosity $ "Reading parameters from " ++ infoFile
      readHookedBuildInfo verbosity infoFile

defaultTestHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
                -> UserHooks -> TestFlags -> IO ()
defaultTestHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ flags =
    test pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags

defaultBenchHook :: Args -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
                 -> UserHooks -> BenchmarkFlags -> IO ()
defaultBenchHook args pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ flags =
    bench args pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags

defaultInstallHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
                   -> UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> IO ()
defaultInstallHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ flags = do
  let copyFlags = defaultCopyFlags {
                      copyDistPref   = installDistPref flags,
                      copyDest       = toFlag NoCopyDest,
                      copyVerbosity  = installVerbosity flags
  install pkg_descr localbuildinfo copyFlags
  let registerFlags = defaultRegisterFlags {
                          regDistPref  = installDistPref flags,
                          regInPlace   = installInPlace flags,
                          regPackageDB = installPackageDB flags,
                          regVerbosity = installVerbosity flags
  when (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ register pkg_descr localbuildinfo registerFlags

defaultBuildHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
        -> UserHooks -> BuildFlags -> IO ()
defaultBuildHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags =
  build pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags (allSuffixHandlers hooks)

defaultReplHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
        -> UserHooks -> ReplFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
defaultReplHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags args =
  repl pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags (allSuffixHandlers hooks) args

defaultRegHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
        -> UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> IO ()
defaultRegHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ flags =
    if hasLibs pkg_descr
    then register pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags
    else setupMessage verbosity
           "Package contains no library to register:" (packageId pkg_descr)
  where verbosity = fromFlag (regVerbosity flags)