module UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal ( tests ) where import Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal ( stripExtractVersion ) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit v :: String v = "GNU strip (GNU Binutils; openSUSE 13.2)\nCopyright 2013\ \ Free Software Foundation, Inc.\nThis program is free software; you may\ \ redistribute it under the terms of\nthe GNU General Public License version 3\ \ or (at your option) any later version.\nThis program has absolutely no\ \ warranty.\n" v' :: String v' = "GNU strip 20061020" v'' :: String v'' = "GNU strip (openSUSE-13.2) 20061020" v''' :: String v''' = "GNU strip (GNU (Binutils for) Ubuntu 12.04 ) 2.22" tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testCase "Handles parentheses" $ (stripExtractVersion v) @=? "2.24" , testCase "Handles dashes and alphabetic characters" $ (stripExtractVersion v') @=? "2.17" , testCase "Handles single-word parenthetical expressions" $ (stripExtractVersion v'') @=? "2.23" , testCase "Handles nested parentheses" $ (stripExtractVersion v''') @=? "2.22" ]