-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones, Malcolm Wallace
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This defines a 'PreProcessor' abstraction which represents a pre-processor
-- that can transform one kind of file into another. There is also a
-- 'PPSuffixHandler' which is a combination of a file extension and a function
-- for configuring a 'PreProcessor'. It defines a bunch of known built-in
-- preprocessors like @cpp@, @cpphs@, @c2hs@, @hsc2hs@, @happy@, @alex@ etc and
-- lists them in 'knownSuffixHandlers'. On top of this it provides a function
-- for actually preprocessing some sources given a bunch of known suffix
-- handlers. This module is not as good as it could be, it could really do with
-- a rewrite to address some of the problems we have with pre-processors.

module Distribution.Simple.PreProcess (preprocessComponent, knownSuffixHandlers,
                                ppSuffixes, PPSuffixHandler, PreProcessor(..),
                                mkSimplePreProcessor, runSimplePreProcessor,
                                ppCpp, ppCpp', ppGreenCard, ppC2hs, ppHsc2hs,
                                ppHappy, ppAlex, ppUnlit, platformDefines

import Control.Monad
import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit (unlit)
import Distribution.Package
         ( Package(..), PackageName(..) )
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
         ( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..)
         , Executable(..)
         , Library(..), libModules
         , TestSuite(..), testModules
         , TestSuiteInterface(..)
         , Benchmark(..), benchmarkModules, BenchmarkInterface(..) )
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
         ( InstalledPackageInfo_(..) )
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import Distribution.Simple.CCompiler
         ( cSourceExtensions )
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
         ( CompilerFlavor(..)
         , compilerFlavor, compilerCompatVersion, compilerVersion )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
         ( LocalBuildInfo(..), Component(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (autogenModulesDir,cppHeaderName)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
         ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, withUTF8FileContents, writeUTF8File
         , die, setupMessage, intercalate, copyFileVerbose, moreRecentFile
         , findFileWithExtension, findFileWithExtension' )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
         ( Program(..), ConfiguredProgram(..), programPath
         , requireProgram, requireProgramVersion
         , rawSystemProgramConf, rawSystemProgram
         , greencardProgram, cpphsProgram, hsc2hsProgram, c2hsProgram
         , happyProgram, alexProgram, ghcProgram, ghcjsProgram, gccProgram )
import Distribution.Simple.Test.LibV09
         ( writeSimpleTestStub, stubFilePath, stubName )
import Distribution.System
         ( OS(..), buildOS, Arch(..), Platform(..) )
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
         ( Version(..), anyVersion, orLaterVersion )
import Distribution.Verbosity

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (nub)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Info (os, arch)
import System.FilePath (splitExtension, dropExtensions, (</>), (<.>),
                        takeDirectory, normalise, replaceExtension)

-- |The interface to a preprocessor, which may be implemented using an
-- external program, but need not be.  The arguments are the name of
-- the input file, the name of the output file and a verbosity level.
-- Here is a simple example that merely prepends a comment to the given
-- source file:
-- > ppTestHandler :: PreProcessor
-- > ppTestHandler =
-- >   PreProcessor {
-- >     platformIndependent = True,
-- >     runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
-- >       do info verbosity (inFile++" has been preprocessed to "++outFile)
-- >          stuff <- readFile inFile
-- >          writeFile outFile ("-- preprocessed as a test\n\n" ++ stuff)
-- >          return ExitSuccess
-- We split the input and output file names into a base directory and the
-- rest of the file name. The input base dir is the path in the list of search
-- dirs that this file was found in. The output base dir is the build dir where
-- all the generated source files are put.
-- The reason for splitting it up this way is that some pre-processors don't
-- simply generate one output .hs file from one input file but have
-- dependencies on other generated files (notably c2hs, where building one
-- .hs file may require reading other .chi files, and then compiling the .hs
-- file may require reading a generated .h file). In these cases the generated
-- files need to embed relative path names to each other (eg the generated .hs
-- file mentions the .h file in the FFI imports). This path must be relative to
-- the base directory where the generated files are located, it cannot be
-- relative to the top level of the build tree because the compilers do not
-- look for .h files relative to there, ie we do not use \"-I .\", instead we
-- use \"-I dist\/build\" (or whatever dist dir has been set by the user)
-- Most pre-processors do not care of course, so mkSimplePreProcessor and
-- runSimplePreProcessor functions handle the simple case.
data PreProcessor = PreProcessor {

  -- Is the output of the pre-processor platform independent? eg happy output
  -- is portable haskell but c2hs's output is platform dependent.
  -- This matters since only platform independent generated code can be
  -- inlcuded into a source tarball.
  platformIndependent :: Bool,

  -- TODO: deal with pre-processors that have implementaion dependent output
  --       eg alex and happy have --ghc flags. However we can't really inlcude
  --       ghc-specific code into supposedly portable source tarballs.

  runPreProcessor :: (FilePath, FilePath) -- Location of the source file relative to a base dir
                  -> (FilePath, FilePath) -- Output file name, relative to an output base dir
                  -> Verbosity -- verbosity
                  -> IO ()     -- Should exit if the preprocessor fails

mkSimplePreProcessor :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Verbosity -> IO ())
                      -> (FilePath, FilePath)
                      -> (FilePath, FilePath) -> Verbosity -> IO ()
mkSimplePreProcessor simplePP
  (inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
  (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity = simplePP inFile outFile verbosity
  where inFile  = normalise (inBaseDir  </> inRelativeFile)
        outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)

runSimplePreProcessor :: PreProcessor -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Verbosity
                      -> IO ()
runSimplePreProcessor pp inFile outFile verbosity =
  runPreProcessor pp (".", inFile) (".", outFile) verbosity

-- |A preprocessor for turning non-Haskell files with the given extension
-- into plain Haskell source files.
type PPSuffixHandler
    = (String, BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor)

-- | Apply preprocessors to the sources from 'hsSourceDirs' for a given
-- component (lib, exe, or test suite).
preprocessComponent :: PackageDescription
                    -> Component
                    -> LocalBuildInfo
                    -> Bool
                    -> Verbosity
                    -> [PPSuffixHandler]
                    -> IO ()
preprocessComponent pd comp lbi isSrcDist verbosity handlers = case comp of
  (CLib lib@Library{ libBuildInfo = bi }) -> do
    let dirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [autogenModulesDir lbi]
    setupMessage verbosity "Preprocessing library" (packageId pd)
    forM_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath $ libModules lib) $
      pre dirs (buildDir lbi) (localHandlers bi)
  (CExe exe@Executable { buildInfo = bi, exeName = nm }) -> do
    let exeDir = buildDir lbi </> nm </> nm ++ "-tmp"
        dirs   = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [autogenModulesDir lbi]
    setupMessage verbosity ("Preprocessing executable '" ++ nm ++ "' for") (packageId pd)
    forM_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath $ otherModules bi) $
      pre dirs exeDir (localHandlers bi)
    pre (hsSourceDirs bi) exeDir (localHandlers bi) $
      dropExtensions (modulePath exe)
  CTest test@TestSuite{ testName = nm } -> do
    setupMessage verbosity ("Preprocessing test suite '" ++ nm ++ "' for") (packageId pd)
    case testInterface test of
      TestSuiteExeV10 _ f ->
          preProcessTest test f $ buildDir lbi </> testName test
              </> testName test ++ "-tmp"
      TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ -> do
          let testDir = buildDir lbi </> stubName test
                  </> stubName test ++ "-tmp"
          writeSimpleTestStub test testDir
          preProcessTest test (stubFilePath test) testDir
      TestSuiteUnsupported tt -> die $ "No support for preprocessing test "
                                    ++ "suite type " ++ display tt
  CBench bm@Benchmark{ benchmarkName = nm } -> do
    setupMessage verbosity ("Preprocessing benchmark '" ++ nm ++ "' for") (packageId pd)
    case benchmarkInterface bm of
      BenchmarkExeV10 _ f ->
          preProcessBench bm f $ buildDir lbi </> benchmarkName bm
              </> benchmarkName bm ++ "-tmp"
      BenchmarkUnsupported tt -> die $ "No support for preprocessing benchmark "
                                 ++ "type " ++ display tt
    builtinHaskellSuffixes = ["hs", "lhs", "hsig", "lhsig"]
    builtinCSuffixes       = cSourceExtensions
    builtinSuffixes        = builtinHaskellSuffixes ++ builtinCSuffixes
    localHandlers bi = [(ext, h bi lbi) | (ext, h) <- handlers]
    pre dirs dir lhndlrs fp =
      preprocessFile dirs dir isSrcDist fp verbosity builtinSuffixes lhndlrs
    preProcessTest test = preProcessComponent (testBuildInfo test)
                          (testModules test)
    preProcessBench bm = preProcessComponent (benchmarkBuildInfo bm)
                         (benchmarkModules bm)
    preProcessComponent bi modules exePath dir = do
        let biHandlers = localHandlers bi
            sourceDirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [ autogenModulesDir lbi ]
        sequence_ [ preprocessFile sourceDirs dir isSrcDist
                (ModuleName.toFilePath modu) verbosity builtinSuffixes
                | modu <- modules ]
        preprocessFile (dir : (hsSourceDirs bi)) dir isSrcDist
            (dropExtensions $ exePath) verbosity
            builtinSuffixes biHandlers

--TODO: try to list all the modules that could not be found
--      not just the first one. It's annoying and slow due to the need
--      to reconfigure after editing the .cabal file each time.

-- |Find the first extension of the file that exists, and preprocess it
-- if required.
    :: [FilePath]               -- ^source directories
    -> FilePath                 -- ^build directory
    -> Bool                     -- ^preprocess for sdist
    -> FilePath                 -- ^module file name
    -> Verbosity                -- ^verbosity
    -> [String]                 -- ^builtin suffixes
    -> [(String, PreProcessor)] -- ^possible preprocessors
    -> IO ()
preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes handlers = do
    -- look for files in the various source dirs with this module name
    -- and a file extension of a known preprocessor
    psrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension' (map fst handlers) searchLoc baseFile
    case psrcFiles of
        -- no preprocessor file exists, look for an ordinary source file
        -- just to make sure one actually exists at all for this module.
        -- Note: by looking in the target/output build dir too, we allow
        -- source files to appear magically in the target build dir without
        -- any corresponding "real" source file. This lets custom Setup.hs
        -- files generate source modules directly into the build dir without
        -- the rest of the build system being aware of it (somewhat dodgy)
      Nothing -> do
                 bsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes (buildLoc : searchLoc) baseFile
                 case bsrcFiles of
                  Nothing -> die $ "can't find source for " ++ baseFile
                                ++ " in " ++ intercalate ", " searchLoc
                  _       -> return ()
        -- found a pre-processable file in one of the source dirs
      Just (psrcLoc, psrcRelFile) -> do
            let (srcStem, ext) = splitExtension psrcRelFile
                psrcFile = psrcLoc </> psrcRelFile
                pp = fromMaybe (error "Internal error in preProcess module: Just expected")
                               (lookup (tailNotNull ext) handlers)
            -- Preprocessing files for 'sdist' is different from preprocessing
            -- for 'build'.  When preprocessing for sdist we preprocess to
            -- avoid that the user has to have the preprocessors available.
            -- ATM, we don't have a way to specify which files are to be
            -- preprocessed and which not, so for sdist we only process
            -- platform independent files and put them into the 'buildLoc'
            -- (which we assume is set to the temp. directory that will become
            -- the tarball).
            --TODO: eliminate sdist variant, just supply different handlers
            when (not forSDist || forSDist && platformIndependent pp) $ do
              -- look for existing pre-processed source file in the dest dir to
              -- see if we really have to re-run the preprocessor.
              ppsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes [buildLoc] baseFile
              recomp <- case ppsrcFiles of
                          Nothing -> return True
                          Just ppsrcFile ->
                              psrcFile `moreRecentFile` ppsrcFile
              when recomp $ do
                let destDir = buildLoc </> dirName srcStem
                createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True destDir
                runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack pp
                   (psrcLoc, psrcRelFile)
                   (buildLoc, srcStem <.> "hs")

    dirName = takeDirectory
    tailNotNull [] = []
    tailNotNull x  = tail x

    -- FIXME: This is a somewhat nasty hack. GHC requires that hs-boot files
    -- be in the same place as the hs files, so if we put the hs file in dist/
    -- then we need to copy the hs-boot file there too. This should probably be
    -- done another way. Possibly we should also be looking for .lhs-boot
    -- files, but I think that preprocessors only produce .hs files.
    runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack pp
      (inBaseDir,  inRelativeFile)
      (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) = do
        runPreProcessor pp
          (inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
          (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity

        exists <- doesFileExist inBoot
        when exists $ copyFileVerbose verbosity inBoot outBoot

        inBoot  = replaceExtension inFile  "hs-boot"
        outBoot = replaceExtension outFile "hs-boot"

        inFile  = normalise (inBaseDir  </> inRelativeFile)
        outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * known preprocessors
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

ppGreenCard :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppGreenCard _ lbi
    = PreProcessor {
        platformIndependent = False,
        runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
          rawSystemProgramConf verbosity greencardProgram (withPrograms lbi)
              (["-tffi", "-o" ++ outFile, inFile])

-- This one is useful for preprocessors that can't handle literate source.
-- We also need a way to chain preprocessors.
ppUnlit :: PreProcessor
ppUnlit =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = True,
    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile _verbosity ->
      withUTF8FileContents inFile $ \contents ->
        either (writeUTF8File outFile) die (unlit inFile contents)

ppCpp :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpp = ppCpp' []

ppCpp' :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpp' extraArgs bi lbi =
  case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
    GHC   -> ppGhcCpp ghcProgram   (>= Version [6,6] []) args bi lbi
    GHCJS -> ppGhcCpp ghcjsProgram (const True)          args bi lbi
    _     -> ppCpphs  args bi lbi
  where cppArgs = getCppOptions bi lbi
        args    = cppArgs ++ extraArgs

ppGhcCpp :: Program -> (Version -> Bool)
         -> [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppGhcCpp program xHs extraArgs _bi lbi =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = False,
    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
      (prog, version, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
                              program anyVersion (withPrograms lbi)
      rawSystemProgram verbosity prog $
          ["-E", "-cpp"]
          -- This is a bit of an ugly hack. We're going to
          -- unlit the file ourselves later on if appropriate,
          -- so we need GHC not to unlit it now or it'll get
          -- double-unlitted. In the future we might switch to
          -- using cpphs --unlit instead.
       ++ (if xHs version then ["-x", "hs"] else [])
       ++ [ "-optP-include", "-optP"++ (autogenModulesDir lbi </> cppHeaderName) ]
       ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
       ++ extraArgs

ppCpphs :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpphs extraArgs _bi lbi =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = False,
    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
      (cpphsProg, cpphsVersion, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
                                        cpphsProgram anyVersion (withPrograms lbi)
      rawSystemProgram verbosity cpphsProg $
          ("-O" ++ outFile) : inFile
        : "--noline" : "--strip"
        : (if cpphsVersion >= Version [1,6] []
             then ["--include="++ (autogenModulesDir lbi </> cppHeaderName)]
             else [])
        ++ extraArgs

ppHsc2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppHsc2hs bi lbi =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = False,
    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
      (gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
      rawSystemProgramConf verbosity hsc2hsProgram (withPrograms lbi) $
          [ "--cc=" ++ programPath gccProg
          , "--ld=" ++ programPath gccProg ]

          -- Additional gcc options
       ++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <- programDefaultArgs  gccProg
                                    ++ programOverrideArgs gccProg ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt | opt <- programDefaultArgs  gccProg
                                    ++ programOverrideArgs gccProg ]

          -- OSX frameworks:
       ++ [ what ++ "=-F" ++ opt
          | isOSX
          , opt <- nub (concatMap Installed.frameworkDirs pkgs)
          , what <- ["--cflag", "--lflag"] ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ arg
          | isOSX
          , opt <- PD.frameworks bi ++ concatMap Installed.frameworks pkgs
          , arg <- ["-framework", opt] ]

          -- Note that on ELF systems, wherever we use -L, we must also use -R
          -- because presumably that -L dir is not on the normal path for the
          -- system's dynamic linker. This is needed because hsc2hs works by
          -- compiling a C program and then running it.

       ++ [ "--cflag="   ++ opt | opt <- platformDefines lbi ]

          -- Options from the current package:
       ++ [ "--cflag=-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs  bi ]
       ++ [ "--cflag="   ++ opt | opt <- PD.ccOptions    bi
                                      ++ PD.cppOptions   bi ]
       ++ [ "--cflag="   ++ opt | opt <-
               [ "-I" ++ autogenModulesDir lbi,
                 "-include", autogenModulesDir lbi </> cppHeaderName ] ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=-L" ++ opt | opt <- PD.extraLibDirs bi ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=-Wl,-R," ++ opt | isELF
                                , opt <- PD.extraLibDirs bi ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=-l" ++ opt | opt <- PD.extraLibs    bi ]
       ++ [ "--lflag="   ++ opt | opt <- PD.ldOptions    bi ]

          -- Options from dependent packages
       ++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
          | pkg <- pkgs
          , opt <- [ "-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg ]
                ++ [         opt | opt <- Installed.ccOptions   pkg ] ]
       ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt
          | pkg <- pkgs
          , opt <- [ "-L" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.libraryDirs    pkg ]
                ++ [ "-Wl,-R," ++ opt | isELF
                                 , opt <- Installed.libraryDirs    pkg ]
                ++ [ "-l" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.extraLibraries pkg ]
                ++ [         opt | opt <- Installed.ldOptions      pkg ] ]
       ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
    pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (packageHacks (installedPkgs lbi))
    isOSX = case buildOS of OSX -> True; _ -> False
    isELF = case buildOS of OSX -> False; Windows -> False; _ -> True;
    packageHacks = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
      GHC   -> hackRtsPackage
      GHCJS -> hackRtsPackage
      _     -> id
    -- We don't link in the actual Haskell libraries of our dependencies, so
    -- the -u flags in the ldOptions of the rts package mean linking fails on
    -- OS X (it's ld is a tad stricter than gnu ld). Thus we remove the
    -- ldOptions for GHC's rts package:
    hackRtsPackage index =
      case PackageIndex.lookupPackageName index (PackageName "rts") of
        [(_, [rts])]
           -> PackageIndex.insert rts { Installed.ldOptions = [] } index
        _  -> error "No (or multiple) ghc rts package is registered!!"

ppC2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppC2hs bi lbi =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = False,
    runPreProcessor = \(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
                       (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity -> do
      (c2hsProg, _, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
                            c2hsProgram (orLaterVersion (Version [0,15] []))
                            (withPrograms lbi)
      (gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
      rawSystemProgram verbosity c2hsProg $

          -- Options from the current package:
           [ "--cpp=" ++ programPath gccProg, "--cppopts=-E" ]
        ++ [ "--cppopts=" ++ opt | opt <- getCppOptions bi lbi ]
        ++ [ "--include=" ++ outBaseDir ]

          -- Options from dependent packages
       ++ [ "--cppopts=" ++ opt
          | pkg <- pkgs
          , opt <- [ "-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg ]
                ++ [         opt | opt@('-':c:_) <- Installed.ccOptions pkg
                                 , c `elem` "DIU" ] ]
          --TODO: install .chi files for packages, so we can --include
          -- those dirs here, for the dependencies

           -- input and output files
        ++ [ "--output-dir=" ++ outBaseDir
           , "--output=" ++ outRelativeFile
           , inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile ]
    pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (installedPkgs lbi)

--TODO: perhaps use this with hsc2hs too
--TODO: remove cc-options from cpphs for cabal-version: >= 1.10
getCppOptions :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
getCppOptions bi lbi
    = platformDefines lbi
   ++ cppOptions bi
   ++ ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi]
   ++ [opt | opt@('-':c:_) <- PD.ccOptions bi, c `elem` "DIU"]

platformDefines :: LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
platformDefines lbi =
  case compilerFlavor comp of
    GHC  ->
      ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt version] ++
      ["-D" ++ os   ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"] ++
      ["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"] ++
      map (\os'   -> "-D" ++ os'   ++ "_HOST_OS=1")   osStr ++
      map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
    GHCJS ->
      compatGlasgowHaskell ++
      ["-D__GHCJS__=" ++ versionInt version] ++
      ["-D" ++ os   ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"] ++
      ["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"] ++
      map (\os'   -> "-D" ++ os'   ++ "_HOST_OS=1")   osStr ++
      map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
    JHC  -> ["-D__JHC__=" ++ versionInt version]
    HaskellSuite {} ->
      ["-D__HASKELL_SUITE__"] ++
        map (\os'   -> "-D" ++ os'   ++ "_HOST_OS=1")   osStr ++
        map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
    _    -> []
    comp = compiler lbi
    Platform hostArch hostOS = hostPlatform lbi
    version = compilerVersion comp
    compatGlasgowHaskell =
      maybe [] (\v -> ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt v])
               (compilerCompatVersion GHC comp)
    -- TODO: move this into the compiler abstraction
    -- FIXME: this forces GHC's crazy 4.8.2 -> 408 convention on all
    -- the other compilers. Check if that's really what they want.
    versionInt :: Version -> String
    versionInt (Version { versionBranch = [] }) = "1"
    versionInt (Version { versionBranch = [n] }) = show n
    versionInt (Version { versionBranch = n1:n2:_ })
      = -- 6.8.x -> 608
        -- 6.10.x -> 610
        let s1 = show n1
            s2 = show n2
            middle = case s2 of
                     _ : _ : _ -> ""
                     _         -> "0"
        in s1 ++ middle ++ s2
    osStr = case hostOS of
      Linux     -> ["linux"]
      Windows   -> ["mingw32"]
      OSX       -> ["darwin"]
      FreeBSD   -> ["freebsd"]
      OpenBSD   -> ["openbsd"]
      NetBSD    -> ["netbsd"]
      DragonFly -> ["dragonfly"]
      Solaris   -> ["solaris2"]
      AIX       -> ["aix"]
      HPUX      -> ["hpux"]
      IRIX      -> ["irix"]
      HaLVM     -> []
      IOS       -> ["ios"]
      Android   -> ["android"]
      Ghcjs     -> ["ghcjs"]
      Hurd      -> ["hurd"]
      OtherOS _ -> []
    archStr = case hostArch of
      I386        -> ["i386"]
      X86_64      -> ["x86_64"]
      PPC         -> ["powerpc"]
      PPC64       -> ["powerpc64"]
      Sparc       -> ["sparc"]
      Arm         -> ["arm"]
      Mips        -> ["mips"]
      SH          -> []
      IA64        -> ["ia64"]
      S390        -> ["s390"]
      Alpha       -> ["alpha"]
      Hppa        -> ["hppa"]
      Rs6000      -> ["rs6000"]
      M68k        -> ["m68k"]
      Vax         -> ["vax"]
      JavaScript  -> ["javascript"]
      OtherArch _ -> []

ppHappy :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppHappy _ lbi = pp { platformIndependent = True }
  where pp = standardPP lbi happyProgram (hcFlags hc)
        hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
        hcFlags GHC = ["-agc"]
        hcFlags GHCJS = ["-agc"]
        hcFlags _ = []

ppAlex :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppAlex _ lbi = pp { platformIndependent = True }
  where pp = standardPP lbi alexProgram (hcFlags hc)
        hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
        hcFlags GHC = ["-g"]
        hcFlags GHCJS = ["-g"]
        hcFlags _ = []

standardPP :: LocalBuildInfo -> Program -> [String] -> PreProcessor
standardPP lbi prog args =
  PreProcessor {
    platformIndependent = False,
    runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
      rawSystemProgramConf verbosity prog (withPrograms lbi)
                           (args ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile])

-- |Convenience function; get the suffixes of these preprocessors.
ppSuffixes :: [ PPSuffixHandler ] -> [String]
ppSuffixes = map fst

-- |Standard preprocessors: GreenCard, c2hs, hsc2hs, happy, alex and cpphs.
knownSuffixHandlers :: [ PPSuffixHandler ]
knownSuffixHandlers =
  [ ("gc",     ppGreenCard)
  , ("chs",    ppC2hs)
  , ("hsc",    ppHsc2hs)
  , ("x",      ppAlex)
  , ("y",      ppHappy)
  , ("ly",     ppHappy)
  , ("cpphs",  ppCpp)