{- Copyright (C) 2010 Andrejs Sisojevs All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file COPYRIGHT -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Cardinality import Data.Intersectable import Data.Map import Control.Monad compare2CRs_testSet :: [(SetsFit CardinalityRange, (CardinalityRange, CardinalityRange))] compare2CRs_testSet = [ (EqualSets, (crXY 5 10, crXY 5 10)) , (EqualSets, (crX 5, crX 5)) , (NoIntersection, (crXY 5 10, crXY 2 4)) , (NoIntersection, (crXY 5 10, crXY 11 15)) , (SecondInFirst, (crXY 5 10, crX 10)) , (SecondInFirst, (crXY 5 10, crX 5)) , (SecondInFirst, (crXY 5 10, crXY 5 7)) , (SecondInFirst, (crXY 5 10, crXY 7 10)) , (SecondInFirst, (crXY 5 10, crXY 6 8)) , (FirstInSecond, (crX 10, crXY 5 10)) , (FirstInSecond, (crX 5, crXY 5 10)) , (FirstInSecond, (crXY 5 7, crXY 5 10)) , (FirstInSecond, (crXY 7 10, crXY 5 10)) , (FirstInSecond, (crXY 6 8, crXY 5 10)) , (Intersection $ crXY 8 10, (crXY 5 10, crXY 8 13)) , (Intersection $ crXY 5 8, (crXY 2 8, crXY 5 10)) ] compare2CRs_test :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO () compare2CRs_test _putStrLn = flip mapM_ (zip [1..] compare2CRs_testSet) (\ (idx, (correct_answer, (cr1, cr2))) -> let (answ, cr1_2, c2_2) = compare2CRs cr1 cr2 wrapped_correct_answer :: Either Compare2CRsError (SetsFit CardinalityRange) wrapped_correct_answer = Right correct_answer in case (show answ) == (show wrapped_correct_answer) of True -> _putStrLn (show idx ++ ") OK") False -> _putStrLn (show idx ++ ") " ++ show answ ++ " /= " ++ show correct_answer) ) main = compare2CRs_test putStrLn