module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.LocalTime(
days, months, years,
) where
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Time
import Data.Fixed
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Control.Lens
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types
instance PlotValue LocalTime where
toValue = doubleFromLocalTime
fromValue = localTimeFromDouble
autoAxis = autoTimeAxis
doubleFromLocalTime :: LocalTime -> Double
doubleFromLocalTime lt = fromIntegral (toModifiedJulianDay (localDay lt))
+ fromRational (timeOfDayToDayFraction (localTimeOfDay lt))
localTimeFromDouble :: Double -> LocalTime
localTimeFromDouble v =
LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay i) (dayFractionToTimeOfDay (toRational d))
(i,d) = properFraction v
type TimeSeq = LocalTime-> ([LocalTime],[LocalTime])
coverTS :: TimeSeq -> LocalTime -> LocalTime -> [LocalTime]
coverTS tseq minT maxT = min' ++ enumerateTS tseq minT maxT ++ max'
min' = if elemTS minT tseq then [] else take 1 (fst (tseq minT))
max' = if elemTS maxT tseq then [] else take 1 (snd (tseq maxT))
enumerateTS :: TimeSeq -> LocalTime -> LocalTime -> [LocalTime]
enumerateTS tseq minT maxT =
reverse (takeWhile (>=minT) ts1) ++ takeWhile (<=maxT) ts2
(ts1,ts2) = tseq minT
elemTS :: LocalTime -> TimeSeq -> Bool
elemTS t tseq = case tseq t of
(_,t0:_) | t == t0 -> True
_ -> False
type TimeLabelFn = LocalTime -> String
data TimeLabelAlignment = UnderTicks
| BetweenTicks
deriving (Show)
timeAxis ::
-> TimeSeq
-> TimeLabelFn
-> TimeLabelAlignment
-> TimeSeq
-> TimeLabelFn
-> TimeLabelAlignment
-> AxisFn LocalTime
timeAxis tseq lseq labelf lal cseq contextf clal pts = AxisData {
_axis_visibility = def,
_axis_viewport = vmap(min', max'),
_axis_tropweiv = invmap(min', max'),
_axis_ticks = [ (t,2) | t <- times] ++ [ (t,5) | t <- ltimes, visible t],
_axis_labels = [ [ (t,l) | (t,l) <- labels labelf ltimes lal, visible t]
, [ (t,l) | (t,l) <- labels contextf ctimes clal, visible t]
_axis_grid = [ t | t <- ltimes, visible t]
(minT,maxT) = case pts of
[] -> (refLocalTime,refLocalTime)
ps -> (minimum ps, maximum ps)
refLocalTime = LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) midnight
times = coverTS tseq minT maxT
ltimes = coverTS lseq minT maxT
ctimes = coverTS cseq minT maxT
min' = minimum times
max' = maximum times
visible t = min' <= t && t <= max'
labels f ts lal' =
[ (align lal' m1' m2', f m1)
| (m1,m2) <- zip ts (tail ts)
, let m1' = if m1<min' then min' else m1
, let m2' = if m2>max' then max' else m2 ]
align BetweenTicks m1 m2 = avg m1 m2
align UnderTicks m1 _ = m1
avg m1 m2 = localTimeFromDouble $ m1' + (m2' m1')/2
m1' = doubleFromLocalTime m1
m2' = doubleFromLocalTime m2
normalizeTimeOfDay :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
normalizeTimeOfDay t@(LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s))
| s < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h (m1) (s+60)))
| m < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h1) (m+60) s))
| h < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime (addDays (1) day) (TimeOfDay (h+24) m s))
| s >= 60 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h (m+s`div'`60)
| m >= 60 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h+m`div`60)
(m`mod`60) s))
| h >= 24 = LocalTime (addDays (fromIntegral (h`div`24)) day)
(TimeOfDay (h`mod`24) m s)
| otherwise = t
addTod :: Int -> Int -> Pico -> LocalTime -> LocalTime
addTod dh dm ds (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s)) = normalizeTimeOfDay t'
where t' = LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h+dh) (m+dm) (s+ds))
truncateTo :: (HasResolution a) => Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a
truncateTo t step = t t `mod'` step
secondSeq :: Pico -> TimeSeq
secondSeq step t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
m0 = todMin (localTimeOfDay t)
s0 = todSec (localTimeOfDay t) `truncateTo` (1 / 1000)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 m0 s0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = addTod 0 0 (negate step)
fwd = addTod 0 0 step
millis1, millis10, millis100, seconds, fiveSeconds :: TimeSeq
millis1 = secondSeq (1 / 1000)
millis10 = secondSeq (1 / 100)
millis100 = secondSeq (1 / 10)
seconds = secondSeq 1
fiveSeconds = secondSeq 5
minuteSeq :: Int -> TimeSeq
minuteSeq step t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
m0 = todMin (localTimeOfDay t)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 m0 0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = addTod 0 (negate step) 0
fwd = addTod 0 step 0
minutes, fiveMinutes :: TimeSeq
minutes = minuteSeq 1
fiveMinutes = minuteSeq 5
hours :: TimeSeq
hours t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 0 0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = addTod (1) 0 0
fwd = addTod 1 0 0
days :: TimeSeq
days t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = localDay t
t1 = if toTime t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = pred
fwd = succ
toTime d = LocalTime d midnight
months :: TimeSeq
months t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = let (y,m,_) = toGregorian $ localDay t in fromGregorian y m 1
t1 = if toTime t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = addGregorianMonthsClip (1)
fwd = addGregorianMonthsClip 1
toTime d = LocalTime d midnight
years :: TimeSeq
years t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = toGregorian (localDay t) ^. _1
t1 = if toTime t0 < t then t0 else rev t0
rev = pred
fwd = succ
toTime y = LocalTime (fromGregorian y 1 1) midnight
noTime :: TimeSeq
noTime _ = ([],[])
autoTimeAxis :: AxisFn LocalTime
autoTimeAxis pts
| null pts = timeAxis days days (ft "%d-%b-%y") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "") UnderTicks []
| tdiff==0 && 100*dsec<1= timeAxis millis1 millis1 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && 10*dsec<1 = timeAxis millis10 millis10 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<1 = timeAxis millis10 millis100 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
seconds (ft "%M:%S") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<5 = timeAxis millis100 seconds (ft "%M:%S%Q") UnderTicks
seconds (ft "%M:%S") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<32 = timeAxis seconds seconds (ft "%Ss") UnderTicks
minutes (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:%M") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<120 = timeAxis seconds fiveSeconds (ft "%Ss") UnderTicks
minutes (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:%M") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<7 = timeAxis fiveSeconds minutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<32 = timeAxis minutes minutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<90 = timeAxis minutes fiveMinutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 2 && dhour<4 = timeAxis fiveMinutes hours (ft "%H:%M") UnderTicks
days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 2 && dhour<32 = timeAxis hours hours (ft "%H:%M") UnderTicks
days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 4 = timeAxis hours days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 12 = timeAxis days days (ft "%d-%b") BetweenTicks
years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 45 = timeAxis days days (ft "%d") BetweenTicks
months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 95 = timeAxis days months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 450 = timeAxis months months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 735 = timeAxis months months (ft "%b") BetweenTicks
years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 1800 = timeAxis months years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| otherwise = timeAxis years years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
tdiff = diffDays (localDay t1) (localDay t0)
dhour = if tdiff==0 then h1h0 else 24*fromIntegral tdiff +h1h0
dmin = 60*dhour+(m1m0)
dsec = fromIntegral (60*dmin) + (s1s0)
(TimeOfDay h0 m0 s0) = localTimeOfDay t0
(TimeOfDay h1 m1 s1) = localTimeOfDay t1
t1 = maximum pts
t0 = minimum pts
ft = formatTime defaultTimeLocale