{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

    Automatically derive 'Text.GRead.Gram' instances for data types.

    /Note!/ This is not a complete implementation and will not work for all datatypes.

    Unsupported are

      * Multiple type arguments

      * Tuple, Function, List types

      * All primitive types (also when used in user defined types!)
    Use with care.
module Text.GRead.Derive (deriveGrammar, deriveSimpleGrammar) where

import Text.GRead.Grammar
import Language.TTTAS

import Text.GRead.Derive.BindingGroup

import Data.List (nub, foldl', foldl1')
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (insertWith, empty, toList)
import Control.Monad (foldM)

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

    Derive a 'Text.GRead.Gram' instance.  This is a Template Haskell function.  Usage example:
data T1 = C1 | C2 | C3

$(deriveGrammar ''T1)
deriveGrammar :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveGrammar name = do
    bindingGroup <- getBindingGroup name
    deriveGrammar' name bindingGroup

    Simpler version of 'deriveGrammar' that doesn't do binding group
    calculations.  Use this for large types without cyclic references to other

    For example, if you want to derive the 'HDYRM.Gram' for 'T3' and 'T4'
    below, you will need the normal 'deriveGrammar'.

data T3 = T3 T4 | C3
data T4 = T4 T3 | C4
deriveSimpleGrammar :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSimpleGrammar name = deriveGrammar' name []

deriveGrammar' :: Name -> BindingGroup -> Q [Dec]
deriveGrammar' name bindingGroup = do
    (UserD _ args cs) <- getUserType name
    body              <- mkBody name cs bindingGroup
    return [InstanceD (mkContext cs) (mkInstanceType name args) body]

mkContext :: [Con] -> Cxt
mkContext = map (AppT (ConT ''Gram)) . uniqueVars . consArgsTypes

mkInstanceType :: Name -> [Name] -> Type
mkInstanceType name = AppT (ConT ''Gram) . foldl1' AppT . (:) (ConT name) . map VarT

consArgsTypes :: [Con] -> [Type]
consArgsTypes = concatMap consArgs
        consArgs :: Con -> [Type]
        consArgs (NormalC _ args)      = map snd args
        consArgs (InfixC  argl _ argr) = [snd argl, snd argr]
        consArgs _                     = error "Error, unsupported type."

uniqueVars :: [Type] -> [Type]
uniqueVars = nub . filter isVarT . unrollApps
        unrollApps :: [Type] -> [Type]
        unrollApps [] = [] 
        unrollApps (a@(AppT _ _):ts) = unrollApp a ++ unrollApps ts
        unrollApps (other:ts)        = other : unrollApps ts

isVarT :: Type -> Bool
isVarT (VarT _) = True
isVarT _        = False

mkBody :: Name -> [Con] -> BindingGroup -> Q [Dec]
mkBody top cs bindingGroup = do
    let bindingGroup' | bindingGroup == [] = [(top, [])]
                      | otherwise          = bindingGroup
        neededInstances = concatMap snd bindingGroup'
    strongEdges      <- mapM (calculateStrongEdges neededInstances) bindingGroup'
    instances        <- mapM (createInstances neededInstances strongEdges) bindingGroup'
    let instances'      = concat instances
        nontsInstance   = mkNontsInstance strongEdges bindingGroup' (instanceExps instances')
        topPat          = map varP (instanceNames instances')
        env             = appsE $ (lamE topPat nontsInstance) : (linkRefs (length instances'))
    [d| grammar = DGrammar Zero $(sigE env (envSignature cs (instanceTypes instances'))) |]
        instanceNames = map (fst . fst)
        instanceTypes = map (snd . fst)
        instanceExps  = map snd

-- Only edges that are not in the binding group
calculateStrongEdges :: [(Name, [[Type]])] -> (Name, [(Name, [[Type]])]) -> Q (Name, [Type])
calculateStrongEdges needed (typeName, _) = do
    (UserD _ _ cs) <- getUserType typeName
    return $ (typeName, mkNonBGEdges typeName (map fst needed) (bindingGroupEdges typeName needed) cs)
        bindingGroupEdges tName nd = maybe [] concat $ Prelude.lookup tName nd
        mkNonBGEdges self done before = filter (not . already done before self) . consArgsTypes

        already :: [Name] -> [Type] -> Name -> Type -> Bool
        already _    _      _    (VarT _)      = True
        already done before self c@(ConT name) =  elem c before 
                                               || elem name done
                                               || name == self
        already done before self a@(AppT _ _)  = elem a before 
                                               || elem (conName a) done
                                               || (conName a) == self
            where conName = (\(ConT name) -> name) . head . unrollApp
        already _ _ _ _ = error "Error, unsupported type."
        -- TODO Incomplete: TupleT, ListT, etc...
getEdges :: Name -> [(Name, [Type])] -> [Type]
getEdges name = maybe [] id . Prelude.lookup name

-- The non-terminal rules, wrapped in lambda expression to select the grammars from this closed group
mkNontsInstance :: [(Name, [Type])] -> BindingGroup -> [ExpQ] -> Q Exp
mkNontsInstance strongEdges bindingGroup instances = do
        nontsTypes <- mapM (mkNontsType strongEdges) bindingGroup
        appsE $ (lamE (mkNontsPat nontsTypes bindingGroup) (foldr' appE [|Empty|] instances)) 
              : (mkNonts strongEdges bindingGroup)
            mkNonts edges    = map (mkGrammarPart edges)
            mkNontsPat types = map (\(t, v) -> sigP v (do return t)) . zip types . nontsPatVars
            nontsPatVars     = map (varP . type2Nonts . fst)

envSignature :: [Con] -> [Type] -> Q Type
envSignature cs types = if null (consVars cs) 
                            then envSignature' 
                            else forallT (consVars cs) (return $ mkContext cs) envSignature'
        consVars      :: [Con] -> [Name]
        consVars      = map (\(VarT n) -> n) . uniqueVars . consArgsTypes

        envSignature' :: Q Type
        envSignature' = foldl1' appT [conT ''Env, conT ''DGram, tupleTypes types, tupleTypes types]

        -- Make a nested tuple of the types 
        tupleTypes    :: [Type] -> Q Type
        tupleTypes    = foldr' ((\x xs -> appT (appT (tupleT 2) xs) x)) (conT ''()) . map return

--  If there are args, see if we need instances (from needed)
--  Create all needed instances
--  Also, if there's still a var, create a consG for that
--  Return a list of tuples of the name of an instance and the instance itself
createInstances :: [(Name, [[Type]])] -> [(Name, [Type])] -> (Name, [(Name, [[Type]])]) -> Q [((Name, Type), ExpQ)]
createInstances needed strongEdges (typeName, edges) = do
    (UserD _ args _) <- getUserType typeName
    let instancesNeeded   = maybe [map VarT args] id $ Prelude.lookup typeName needed
    return $  mkInstances      instancesNeeded
           ++ mkArgInstances   instancesNeeded
           ++ mkNonBGInstances typeName strongEdges
        mkConsG :: Type -> ((Name, Type), ExpQ)
        mkConsG typ = ((instName typeName typ, typ), [|consG grammar|])

        mkInstances    = map (createInstance (typeName, edges) (getEdges typeName strongEdges))
        mkArgInstances = map mkConsG . filter isVarT . concat

        mkNonBGInstances tName = map mkConsG . getEdges tName

createInstance :: (Name, [(Name, [[Type]])]) -> [Type] -> [Type] -> ((Name, Type), ExpQ)
createInstance (typeName, edges) strongEdges inst = ((iName, iType), [|consD $(appsE $ (varE $ type2Nonts typeName) : (selfArgs ++ strongEdgeArgs ++ nonBGStrongEdges)) |])
    where iName            = nameArgs (type2TopRef typeName) inst
          iType            = foldl1' AppT (ConT typeName : inst)
          selfArgs         = (varE iName) : (map (varE . instName typeName) inst)
          strongEdgeArgs   = concatMap refEdge edges
          nonBGStrongEdges = map (varE . instName typeName) strongEdges

instName :: Name -> Type -> Name
instName top (VarT n)     = var2TopRef top n 
instName _ (ConT n)       = type2TopRef n
instName _ app@(AppT _ _) = app2TopRef $ unrollApp app
instName _ _              = error "Error, unsupported type."

mkNontsType :: [(Name, [Type])] -> (Name, [(Name, [[Type]])]) -> Q Type
mkNontsType strongEdges (typeName, edges) = do
    (UserD _ args _) <- getUserType typeName
    let envName    = mkName "env"
        env        = VarT envName
        ref        = ConT ''Ref
        argsType   = map VarT args
        topType    = foldl' AppT (ConT typeName) argsType
        resultType = AppT (AppT (ConT ''DLNontDefs) topType) env
        refTo      = (topType : argsType) ++ concatMap edgeType edges ++ getEdges typeName strongEdges
        refs       = map (\r -> AppT (AppT ref r) env) refTo
        nontsType  = foldr' (\r rs -> AppT (AppT ArrowT r) rs) resultType refs
    return $ ForallT (envName:args) [] nontsType

edgeType :: (Name, [[Type]]) -> [Type]
edgeType (con, argss) = map (foldl' AppT (ConT con)) argss

mkGrammarPart :: [(Name, [Type])] -> (Name, [(Name, [[Type]])]) -> Q Exp
mkGrammarPart strongEdges (typeName, edges) = do
    (UserD _ args cons) <- getUserType typeName
    let selfArgsNames         = (type2Ref typeName) : (map (var2Ref typeName) args) 
        strongEdgeNames       = concatMap nameEdge edges
        -- Strong edges that are not part of the binding group
        nonBGStrongEdgeNames  = map getTypeName $ getEdges typeName strongEdges
    lamE (map varP (selfArgsNames ++ strongEdgeNames ++ nonBGStrongEdgeNames)) (conProds cons typeName)
        getTypeName (ConT name)  = type2Ref name
        getTypeName a@(AppT _ _) = app2Ref (unrollApp a) 
        getTypeName _            = error "Error, unsupported type."
        -- TODO Incomplete: TupleT, ListT, etc...

refEdge :: (Name, [[Type]]) -> [ExpQ]
refEdge (con, argss) = map (varE . nameArgs baseName) argss
    where baseName = type2TopRef con

nameEdge :: (Name, [[Type]]) -> [Name]
nameEdge (con, argss) = map (nameArgs baseName) argss
    where baseName = type2Ref con

--  TODO: Extend this for 'AppT' and clean up
nameArgs :: Name -> [Type] -> Name
nameArgs baseName []                  = baseName
nameArgs baseName ((ConT name):types) = nameArgs (mkName $ nameBase baseName ++ "'" ++ nameBase name) types
nameArgs baseName ((VarT name):types) = nameArgs (mkName $ nameBase baseName ++ "'" ++ nameBase name) types
nameArgs _        _                   = error "Error, unsupported type."
--  TODO: Simplification, not finished, doesn't support AppT at the moment
getNeededInstances :: (Name, [[Type]]) -> [(Name, [Type])] 
getNeededInstances (top, argss) = concatMap (\args -> (top,args): map (\arg -> (typeName arg, [])) args) argss
    where typeName (ConT n)     = n --  Break with a pattern match failure
          typeName _            = error "Error, unsupported type."

linkRefs :: Int -> [ExpQ]
linkRefs x = linkRefs' (x-1) [[|Zero|]] --  Minus one is for the top type, works always
    where linkRefs' 0  done       = reverse done
          linkRefs' x' l@(lst:_)  = linkRefs' (x' - 1) ((appE [|Suc|] lst):l)
          linkRefs' _  _          = error "Impossible Error!"

type PrecProd = Map Int [ExpQ]

conProds :: [Con] -> Name -> Q Exp
conProds cs top = do
    prods    <- foldM (insertCon top) Map.empty cs
    --  Add the parenthesis production
    prods'   <- insertCon' 10 (parensProd top) prods 
    let prodList = map (\(prec, nonts) -> 
                        tupE [ [|DRef ($(varE $ type2Ref top), prec)|]
                             , appE [|DPS|] (listE nonts)
                   (Map.toList prods')
    appE [|DLNontDefs|] $ listE prodList

parensProd :: Name -> Q Exp
parensProd top = [| dTerm "(" .#. (dNont ($(varE $ type2Ref top), 0)) .#. dTerm ")" .#. dEnd parenT |]

getTypeRef :: Name -> Int -> StrictType -> Q Exp
getTypeRef top p (_,t) = [| dNont ($(varE (refTo top t)), p) |]
    where  refTo top' (VarT n)           = var2Ref top' n
           refTo _    (ConT n)           = type2Ref n
           refTo top' app@(AppT _ _)     = appOrType2Ref top' $ unrollApp app
           refTo _    _                  = error "Error, unsupported type." 
           appOrType2Ref cur app@((ConT con):_) | cur == con   = type2Ref cur --  TODO: Is this always true?
                                                | otherwise    = app2Ref app
           appOrType2Ref _   _   = error "Error, unsupported type."
           --  TODO Incomplete?

--  TODO: first argument doesn't have to be a con!
app2Ref :: [Type] -> Name
app2Ref ((ConT con):args) = nameArgs (type2Ref con) args 
app2Ref _                 = error "Error, unsupported type."

app2TopRef :: [Type] -> Name
app2TopRef ((ConT con):args) = nameArgs (type2TopRef con) args 
app2TopRef _                 = error "Error, unsupported type."

--  TODO: Nice for readability, but should be cleaned up
type2Ref :: Name -> Name
type2Ref = type2Ref' "_r_"

type2Ref' :: String -> Name -> Name
type2Ref' prefix t = mkName $ prefix ++ nameBase t

var2Ref :: Name -> Name -> Name
var2Ref = var2Ref' "_r_"

var2Ref' :: String -> Name -> Name -> Name
var2Ref' prefix t v = mkName $ prefix ++ nameBase t ++ "_" ++ nameBase v

type2Nonts :: Name -> Name
type2Nonts = type2Ref' "_nonts_"

var2TopRef :: Name -> Name -> Name
var2TopRef = var2Ref' "_t_"

type2TopRef :: Name -> Name
type2TopRef = type2Ref' "_t_"

nameStringE :: Name -> Q Exp
nameStringE = stringE . nameBase

insertCon :: Name -> PrecProd -> Con -> Q PrecProd
insertCon top pp (NormalC name args) = do
    insertCon' 10 (foldr1 appE (
        [ [| (.#.) $ dTerm $(nameStringE name) |] ]     ++
        ( map (appE [|(.#.)|] . (getTypeRef top 0)) args )  ++
        [ [| dEnd $(consExp name (length args)) |] ]
        )) pp 

insertCon top pp (InfixC argl name argr)  = do
    (prec, precl, precr) <- getPrec name
    let  refl  = getTypeRef top precl argl
         refr  = getTypeRef top precr argr
    insertCon' prec (infixProd refl (nameBase name) refr (conE name)) pp

insertCon _ _ _ = undefined --  TODO

infixProd :: ExpQ -> String -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Q Exp
infixProd argl term argr op = 
    [|  $argl .#. dTerm term .#. $argr .#. 
        dEnd (\e1 _ e2 -> $(appsE [op, [|e2|], [|e1|]])) 

getPrec :: Name -> Q (Int, Int, Int)
getPrec name = do
    (DataConI _ _ _ (Fixity f fd)) <- reify name
    return (f, (f + fLeft fd), (f + fRight fd))
        fLeft   InfixL  = 0
        fLeft   InfixR  = 1
        fLeft   _       = error "Error, unsupported fixity."
        fRight  InfixR  = 0
        fRight  InfixL  = 1
        fRight  _       = error "Error, unsupported fixity."

insertCon' :: Int -> ExpQ -> PrecProd -> Q PrecProd
insertCon' i e pp = return $ Map.insertWith (flip (++)) i [e] pp

consExp :: Name -> Int -> Q Exp
consExp name times = do 
    let names = map (\x -> mkName $ "arg" ++ show x) [1..times]
    lamE (map varP names ++ [wildP]) (appsE $ (conE name):(map varE (reverse names)))