cabal-version: >=1.2.3 build-type: Simple name: ChristmasTree version: 0.2.1 license: LGPL license-file: COPYRIGHT maintainer: Marcos Viera homepage: description: ChristmasTree (Changing Haskell's Read Implementation Such That by Mainpulating ASTs it Reads Expressions Efficiently) is an alternative approach of 'read' that composes grammars instead of parsers. It reads data in linear time, while the function 'read' has an exponential behavior in some cases of data types with infix operators. synopsis: Alternative approach of 'read' that composes grammars instead of parsers. category: Parsing stability: Experimental copyright: Universiteit Utrecht build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, haskell98, template-haskell >= 2.4, containers, fgl ==, TTTAS >= 0.4 , uulib >= 0.9.11 exposed-modules: Text.GRead, Text.GShow, Text.GRead.Derive, Text.GRead.Grammar, Text.GRead.Derive.BindingGroup, Text.GRead.Transformations.GramTrafo, Text.GRead.Transformations.Group, Text.GRead.Transformations.LeftCorner, Text.GRead.Transformations.LeftFact extensions: Arrows, GADTs, TemplateHaskell hs-source-dirs: src extra-source-files: README, LICENSE-LGPL, ChristmasTree.bib ghc-options: -Wall