module Control.CUtils.Conc (ExceptionList(..), ConcException(..), assocFold, concF_, conc_, concF, conc, concP, oneOfF, oneOf) where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Concurrent.QSemN
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import GHC.Conc
import Data.Array.IO (newArray_, readArray, writeArray, getElems, IOArray)
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
data ExceptionList = ExceptionList [SomeException] deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ExceptionList
data ConcException = ConcException deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ConcException
simpleConc_ mnds = do
sem <- newQSemN 0
mapM_ (\m -> forkIO (do
signalQSemN sem 1))
waitQSemN sem (length mnds)
divideUp nPieces nVals = zip (0 : divisions) divisions where
divisions = if nPieces >= nVals then
map (`div` nPieces) $ take nPieces $ iterate (nVals +) nVals
getExceptions exs = do
writeChan exs Nothing
exslst <- let chanToList exslst = do
may <- readChan exs
case may of
Just ex -> case fromException ex of
Just (_ :: ConcException) -> throwIO ex
Nothing -> chanToList (ex : exslst)
Nothing -> return exslst in
chanToList []
unless (null exslst) $ throwIO (ExceptionList exslst)
assocFold :: forall a. (a -> a -> IO a) -> Array Int a -> IO a
assocFold f parm = do
let (lo, hi) = bounds parm
when (lo > hi) $ error "Conc.assocFold: empty list"
exs <- newChan
ar <- (newArray_ (0, (rangeSize (bounds parm) `min` numCapabilities) 1) :: IO (IOArray Int a))
rtnException ex = writeChan exs (Just ex) >> return undefined
innerExHandler m = catch m rtnException
outerExHandler m = catch m (\(_ :: SomeException) -> rtnException (toException ConcException)) in
outerExHandler $ simpleConc_ $ map (\(i, (x, y)) ->
innerExHandler $ foldM f (parm ! x) (map (parm !) [x+1..y]) >>= writeArray ar i) $ zip [0..] (divideUp numCapabilities (rangeSize (bounds parm)))
getExceptions exs
(x:xs) <- getElems ar
foldM f x xs
concF_ :: (?seq :: Bool) => Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
concF_ n mnds = do
exs <- newChan
rtnException ex = writeChan exs (Just ex) >> return undefined
innerExHandler m = catch m rtnException
outerExHandler m = catch m (\(_ :: SomeException) -> rtnException (toException ConcException)) in
outerExHandler $ simpleConc_ $ map (\(x, y) -> outerExHandler $ (if ?seq then sequence_ else simpleConc_) $ map (innerExHandler . mnds) [x..y1]) $ divideUp numCapabilities n
getExceptions exs
partConc_ f mnds = concF_ (rangeSize (bounds mnds)) $ f . (+ fst (bounds mnds))
conc_ mnds = partConc_ (mnds !) mnds
unsafeFreeze' :: IOArray Int e -> IO (Array Int e)
unsafeFreeze' = freeze
partConcF bnds f mnds = do
res <- newArray_ bnds
f (\i -> do
x <- mnds i
writeArray res i x)
unsafeFreeze' res
concF n = partConcF (0, n 1) (concF_ n)
conc mnds = partConcF (bounds mnds) (\f -> partConc_ f mnds) (mnds !)
concP m m2 = liftM ((\[Left x, Right y] -> (x, y)) . elems)
$ concF 2 (\i -> if i == 0 then
liftM Left m
liftM Right m2)
partOneOfF bnds mnds = do
thds <- newIORef []
chn <- newChan
finally (do
mapM_ (\n -> do
thd <- forkIO (catch (mnds n >>= writeChan chn . Right) (\(ex :: SomeException) -> writeChan chn (Left ex) >> return undefined))
modifyIORef thds (thd:))
(range bnds)
let chanToList n exs = if n == rangeSize bnds then
throwIO (ExceptionList exs)
else readChan chn >>=
(chanToList (n + 1) . (:exs))
return in
chanToList 0 [])
(catch (readIORef thds >>= mapM_ killThread) (\(_ :: SomeException) -> throwIO ConcException))
oneOfF :: Int -> (Int -> IO a) -> IO a
oneOfF n = partOneOfF (0, n 1)
oneOf :: Array Int (IO a) -> IO a
oneOf mnds = partOneOfF (bounds mnds) (mnds !)