-- Initial ConcurrentUtils.cabal generated by cabal init. For further -- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: ConcurrentUtils version: synopsis: Concurrent utilities description: Release notes for version . * Deprecated and removed the 'DataParallel' module, after it performed disappointingly on my own benchmarks, and failed to achieve sufficient parallelism to justify it; deprecated and removed "deadlock" and Data.BellmanFord modules. . * Refactored the Conc module and renamed as CPUMultiThreading; improved the implementation of thread pools. By breaking tasks into smaller chunks when putting them on the thread pools, it avoids occupying the thread pools with long running tasks, hopefully making performance predictable when different tasks contend for the same thread pool. . * Added a handrolled(?TODO) semaphore implementation (semaphore) which uses CAS instructions in the common case to reduce latency license: GPL-2 license-file: LICENSE author: James Candy maintainer: jacinablackbox@yahoo.com -- copyright: category: Concurrency build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.18 library exposed-modules: Control.CUtils.CPUMultiThreading, Control.CUtils.ThreadPool, Control.CUtils.BoundedQueue, Control.CUtils.AssociativeFold -- legacy modules Control.CUtils.FChan, Control.CUtils.Conc, Control.CUtils.StrictArrow, Control.CUtils.Dyn, Control.CUtils.Channel other-modules: Control.CUtils.Split, Control.CUtils.Semaphore default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= && <=5, containers, monads-tf, atl >= 15322.1, list-extras, extra, strict >= 0.3.2, monad-loops ==0.4.*, time ==1.8.*, vector, assert, array, parallel, profunctors --, atomic-primops ==0.8.*, primitive ==0.6.*