Name: ConfigFileTH Version: 0.1 Synopsis: Template haskell for reading ConfigFiles. Category: Parsing, Template Haskell Description: This module provides syntax for concise definitions of config files from Data.ConfigFile through template haskell. For example, the following splice, $(genConf "Example" [$conf| elbow/center -> ec :: Double elbow/min -> emi :: Double elbow/max -> ema :: Double |]) resolves into declaration of the following datatype data Example = Example {ec :: Double ,emi :: Double ,ema :: Double} and a function loadExample :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Either CPError Example) , which uses Data.ConfigFile to read a values for the above struct from a file. License: LGPL License-file: LICENSE Author: Ville Tirronen Maintainer: Ville Tirronen Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Library Exposed-Modules: Data.ConfigFile.TH Build-Depends: base >= 4.2 && <4.3 ,ConfigFile == 1.0.6, template-haskell, parsec == 3.1.0