-- | DSH compiler module exposes the function fromQ that can be used to -- execute DSH programs on a database. It transform the DSH program into -- FerryCore which is then translated into SQL (through a table algebra). The SQL -- code is executed on the database and then processed to form a Haskell value. {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Database.DSH.Compiler (fromQ, debugPlan, debugPlanOpt, debugSQL) where import Database.DSH.Data as D import Database.DSH.Impossible (impossible) import Database.DSH.CSV (csvImport) import Database.DSH.Compile as C import Database.Ferry.SyntaxTyped as F import Database.Ferry.Compiler import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Char import Database.HDBC import Data.Convertible import Control.Monad.State import Control.Applicative import Data.Text (unpack) import Data.List (nub) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Generics (listify) {- N monad, version of the state monad that can provide fresh variable names. -} type N conn = StateT (conn, Int, M.Map String [(String, (FType -> Bool))]) IO -- | Provide a fresh identifier name during compilation freshVar :: N conn Int freshVar = do (c, i, env) <- get put (c, i + 1, env) return i -- | Get from the state the connection to the database getConnection :: IConnection conn => N conn conn getConnection = do (c, _, _) <- get return c -- | Lookup information that describes a table. If the information is -- not present in the state then the connection is used to retrieve the -- table information from the Database. tableInfo :: IConnection conn => String -> N conn [(String, (FType -> Bool))] tableInfo t = do (c, i, env) <- get case M.lookup t env of Nothing -> do inf <- lift $ getTableInfo c t put (c, i, M.insert t inf env) return inf Just v -> return v -- | Turn a given integer into a variable beginning with prefix "__fv_" prefixVar :: Int -> String prefixVar = ((++) "__fv_") . show -- | Execute the transformation computation. During -- compilation table information can be retrieved from -- the database, therefor the result is wrapped in the IO -- Monad. runN :: IConnection conn => conn -> N conn a -> IO a runN c = liftM fst . flip runStateT (c, 1, M.empty) -- * Convert DB queries into Haskell values -- | Execute the query on the database fromQ :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO a fromQ c a = evaluate c a >>= (return . fromNorm) -- | Convert the query into unoptimised algebraic plan debugPlan :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO String debugPlan = doCompile -- | Convert the query into optimised algebraic plan debugPlanOpt :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO String debugPlanOpt q c = do p <- doCompile q c (C.Algebra r) <- algToAlg ((C.Algebra p)::AlgebraXML a) return r -- | Convert the query into SQL debugSQL :: (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO String debugSQL q c = do p <- doCompile q c (C.SQL r) <- algToSQL ((C.Algebra p)::AlgebraXML a) return r -- | evaluate compiles the given Q query into an executable plan, executes this and returns -- the result as norm. For execution it uses the given connection. If the boolean flag is set -- to true it outputs the intermediate algebraic plan to disk. evaluate :: forall a. forall conn. (QA a, IConnection conn) => conn -> Q a -> IO Norm evaluate c q = do algPlan' <- doCompile c q let algPlan = ((C.Algebra algPlan') :: AlgebraXML a) n <- executePlan c algPlan disconnect c return n -- | Transform a query into an algebraic plan. doCompile :: IConnection conn => conn -> Q a -> IO String doCompile c (Q a) = do core <- runN c $ transformE a return $ typedCoreToAlgebra core -- | Transform the Query into a ferry core program. transformE :: IConnection conn => Exp -> N conn CoreExpr transformE (UnitE _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> int) $ CInt 1 transformE (BoolE b _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> bool) $ CBool b transformE (CharE c _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> string) $ CString [c] transformE (IntegerE i _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> int) $ CInt i transformE (DoubleE d _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> float) $ CFloat d transformE (TextE t _) = return $ Constant ([] :=> string) $ CString $ unpack t transformE (TimeE _ _) = error "transformation of time values has not been implemented yet." transformE (TupleE e1 e2 ty) = do c1 <- transformE e1 c2 <- transformE e2 return $ Rec ([] :=> transformTy ty) [RecElem (typeOf c1) "1" c1, RecElem (typeOf c2) "2" c2] transformE (ListE es ty) = let qt = ([] :=> transformTy ty) in foldr (\h t -> F.Cons qt h t) (Nil qt) <$> mapM transformE es transformE (AppE f a _) = transformE $ f a transformE (AppE1 f1 e1 ty) = do let tr = transformTy ty e1' <- transformArg e1 let (_ :=> ta) = typeOf e1' return $ App ([] :=> tr) (transformF f1 (ta .-> tr)) e1' -- transformE ((AppE2 GroupWith fn e) ::: ty) = transformE $ ListE [e] ::: ty transformE (AppE2 Span f e t@(TupleT t1 t2)) = transformE $ TupleE (AppE2 TakeWhile f e t1) (AppE2 DropWhile f e t2) t transformE (AppE2 Break (LamE f _) e t@(TupleT t1 _)) = let notF = LamE (\x -> AppE1 Not (f x) BoolT) $ ArrowT t1 BoolT in transformE $ AppE2 Span notF e t transformE (AppE2 GroupWith gfn e ty@(ListT (ListT tel))) = do let tr = transformTy ty fn' <- transformArg gfn let (_ :=> tfn@(FFn _ rt)) = typeOf fn' let gtr = list $ rec [(RLabel "1", rt), (RLabel "2", transformTy $ ListT tel)] e' <- transformArg e let (_ :=> te) = typeOf e' fv <- transformArg (LamE id $ ArrowT tel tel) snd' <- transformArg (LamE (\x -> AppE1 Snd x $ ArrowT (TupleT (transformTy' rt) (ListT tel)) (ListT tel)) $ ArrowT (TupleT (transformTy' rt) (ListT tel)) (ListT tel)) let (_ :=> sndTy) = typeOf snd' let (_ :=> tfv) = typeOf fv return $ App ([] :=> tr) (App ([] :=> gtr .-> tr) (Var ([] :=> sndTy .-> gtr .-> tr) "map") snd') (ParExpr ([] :=> gtr) $ App ([] :=> gtr) (App ([] :=> te .-> gtr) (App ([] :=> tfn .-> te .-> gtr) (Var ([] :=> tfv .-> tfn .-> te .-> gtr) "groupWith") fv) fn' ) e') transformE (AppE2 D.Cons e1 e2 _) = do e1' <- transformE e1 e2' <- transformE e2 let (_ :=> t) = typeOf e1' return $ F.Cons ([] :=> list t) e1' e2' transformE (AppE2 Append e1 e2 t) = transformE (AppE1 Concat (ListE [e1, e2] (ListT t)) t) transformE (AppE2 Any f e _) = transformE $ AppE1 Or (AppE2 Map f e $ ListT BoolT) BoolT transformE (AppE2 All f e _) = transformE $ AppE1 And (AppE2 Map f e $ ListT BoolT) BoolT transformE (AppE2 Snoc e1 e2 t) = transformE (AppE2 Append e1 (ListE [e2] t) t) transformE (AppE2 f2 e1 e2 ty) = do let tr = transformTy ty case elem f2 [Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Equ, Lt, Lte, Gte, Gt, Conj, Disj] of True -> do e1' <- transformE e1 e2' <- transformE e2 return $ BinOp ([] :=> tr) (transformOp f2) e1' e2' False -> do e1' <- transformArg e1 e2' <- transformArg e2 let (_ :=> ta1) = typeOf e1' let (_ :=> ta2) = typeOf e2' return $ App ([] :=> tr) (App ([] :=> ta2 .-> tr) (transformF f2 (ta1 .-> ta2 .-> tr)) e1') e2' transformE (AppE3 Cond e1 e2 e3 _) = do e1' <- transformE e1 e2' <- transformE e2 e3' <- transformE e3 let (_ :=> t) = typeOf e2' return $ If ([] :=> t) e1' e2' e3' transformE (AppE3 f3 e1 e2 e3 ty) = do let tr = transformTy ty e1' <- transformArg e1 e2' <- transformArg e2 e3' <- transformArg e3 let (_ :=> ta1) = typeOf e1' let (_ :=> ta2) = typeOf e2' let (_ :=> ta3) = typeOf e3' return $ App ([] :=> tr) (App ([] :=> ta3 .-> tr) (App ([] :=> ta2 .-> ta3 .-> tr) (transformF f3 (ta1 .-> ta2 .-> ta3 .-> tr)) e1') e2') e3' transformE (VarE i ty) = return $ Var ([] :=> transformTy ty) $ prefixVar i transformE (TableE (TableCSV filepath) ty) = do norm1 <- lift (csvImport filepath ty) transformE (convert norm1) -- When a table node is encountered check that the given description -- matches the actual table information in the database. transformE (TableE (TableDB n ks) ty) = do fv <- freshVar let tTy@(FList (FRec ts)) = flatFTy ty let varB = Var ([] :=> FRec ts) $ prefixVar fv tableDescr <- tableInfo n let tyDescr = case length tableDescr == length ts of True -> zip tableDescr ts False -> error $ "Inferred typed: " ++ show tTy ++ " \n doesn't match type of table: \"" ++ n ++ "\" in the database. The table has the shape: " ++ (show $ map fst tableDescr) ++ ". " ++ show ty let cols = [Column cn t | ((cn, f), (RLabel i, t)) <- tyDescr, legalType n cn i t f] let keyCols = (nub $ concat ks) L.\\ (map fst tableDescr) let keys = if (keyCols == []) then if (ks /= []) then map Key ks else [Key $ map (\(Column n' _) -> n') cols] else error $ "The following columns were used as key but not a column of table " ++ n ++ " : " ++ show keyCols let table' = Table ([] :=> tTy) n cols keys let pattern = [prefixVar fv] let nameType = map (\(Column name t) -> (name, t)) cols let body = foldr (\(nr, t) b -> let (_ :=> bt) = typeOf b in Rec ([] :=> FRec [(RLabel "1", t), (RLabel "2", bt)]) [RecElem ([] :=> t) "1" (F.Elem ([] :=> t) varB nr), RecElem ([] :=> bt) "2" b]) ((\(nr,t) -> F.Elem ([] :=> t) varB nr) $ last nameType) (init nameType) let ([] :=> rt) = typeOf body let lambda = ParAbstr ([] :=> FRec ts .-> rt) pattern body let expr = App ([] :=> FList rt) (App ([] :=> (FList $ FRec ts) .-> FList rt) (Var ([] :=> (FRec ts .-> rt) .-> (FList $ FRec ts) .-> FList rt) "map") lambda) (ParExpr (typeOf table') table') return expr where legalType :: String -> String -> String -> FType -> (FType -> Bool) -> Bool legalType tn cn nr t f = case f t of True -> True False -> error $ "The type: " ++ show t ++ "\nis not compatible with the type of column nr: " ++ nr ++ " namely: " ++ cn ++ "\n in table " ++ tn ++ "." transformE (LamE _ _) = $impossible -- | Transform a function argument transformArg :: IConnection conn => Exp -> N conn Param transformArg (LamE f ty) = do n <- freshVar let (ArrowT t1 _) = ty let fty = transformTy ty let e1 = f $ VarE n t1 case e1 of l@(LamE _ _) -> do (ParAbstr _ vs e') <- transformArg l return $ ParAbstr ([] :=> fty) ((prefixVar n):vs) e' _ -> ParAbstr ([] :=> fty) [prefixVar n] <$> transformE e1 transformArg e = (\e' -> ParExpr (typeOf e') e') <$> transformE e -- | Construct a flat-FerryCore type out of a DSH type -- A flat type consists out of two tuples, a record is translated as: -- {r1 :: t1, r2 :: t2, r3 :: t3, r4 :: t4} (t1, (t2, (t3, t4))) flatFTy :: Type -> FType flatFTy (ListT t) = FList $ FRec $ flatFTy' 1 t where flatFTy' :: Int -> Type -> [(RLabel, FType)] flatFTy' i (TupleT t1 t2) = (RLabel $ show i, transformTy t1) : (flatFTy' (i + 1) t2) flatFTy' i ty = [(RLabel $ show i, transformTy ty)] flatFTy _ = $impossible -- Determine the size of a flat type sizeOfTy :: Type -> Int sizeOfTy (TupleT _ t2) = 1 + sizeOfTy t2 sizeOfTy _ = 1 -- | Transform an arbitrary DSH-type into a ferry core type transformTy :: Type -> FType transformTy UnitT = int transformTy BoolT = bool transformTy CharT = string transformTy TextT = string transformTy IntegerT = int transformTy DoubleT = float transformTy TimeT = error "transformation of time types has not been implemented yet." transformTy (TupleT t1 t2) = FRec [(RLabel "1", transformTy t1), (RLabel "2", transformTy t2)] transformTy (ListT t1) = FList $ transformTy t1 transformTy (ArrowT t1 t2) = (transformTy t1) .-> (transformTy t2) -- | Transform a ferry-core type into a DSH-type transformTy' :: FType -> Type transformTy' FUnit = UnitT transformTy' FInt = IntegerT transformTy' FFloat = DoubleT transformTy' FString = TextT transformTy' FBool = BoolT transformTy' (FList t) = ListT $ transformTy' t transformTy' (FRec [(RLabel "1", t1), (RLabel "2", t2)]) = TupleT (transformTy' t1) (transformTy' t2) transformTy' (FFn t1 t2) = ArrowT (transformTy' t1) (transformTy' t2) transformTy' _ = $impossible -- | Translate the DSH operator to Ferry Core operators transformOp :: Fun2 -> Op transformOp Add = Op "+" transformOp Sub = Op "-" transformOp Mul = Op "*" transformOp Div = Op "/" transformOp Equ = Op "==" transformOp Lt = Op "<" transformOp Lte = Op "<=" transformOp Gte = Op ">=" transformOp Gt = Op ">" transformOp Conj = Op "&&" transformOp Disj = Op "||" transformOp _ = $impossible -- | Transform a DSH-primitive-function (f) with an instantiated typed into a FerryCore -- expression transformF :: (Show f) => f -> FType -> CoreExpr transformF f t = Var ([] :=> t) $ (\txt -> case txt of (x:xs) -> toLower x : xs _ -> $impossible) $ show f -- | Retrieve all DB-table names from a DSH program getTableNames :: Exp -> [String] getTableNames e = let tables = map (\t -> case t of (TableE (TableDB n _) _) -> n _ -> $impossible) $ listify isTable e in nub tables where isTable :: Exp -> Bool isTable (TableE (TableDB _ _) _) = True isTable _ = False -- | Retrieve through the given database connection information on the table (columns with their types) -- which name is given as the second argument. getTableInfo :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> IO [(String, (FType -> Bool))] getTableInfo c n = do info <- describeTable c n return $ toTableDescr info where toTableDescr :: [(String, SqlColDesc)] -> [(String, (FType -> Bool))] toTableDescr = L.sortBy (\(n1, _) (n2, _) -> compare n1 n2) . map (\(name, props) -> (name, compatibleType (colType props))) compatibleType :: SqlTypeId -> FType -> Bool compatibleType dbT hsT = case hsT of FUnit -> True FBool -> L.elem dbT [SqlSmallIntT, SqlIntegerT, SqlBitT] FString -> L.elem dbT [SqlCharT, SqlWCharT, SqlVarCharT] FInt -> L.elem dbT [SqlSmallIntT, SqlIntegerT, SqlTinyIntT, SqlBigIntT, SqlNumericT] FFloat -> L.elem dbT [SqlDecimalT, SqlRealT, SqlFloatT, SqlDoubleT] t -> error $ "You can't store this kind of data in a table... " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show n