Name: DSTM Version: 0.1 Copyright: (c) 2010, Frank Kupke License: LGPL License-File: LICENSE Author: Frank Kupke Maintainer: Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3 Stability: provisional Synopsis: A framework for using STM within distributed systems Description: {- The DSTM package consists of the DSTM library, a name server application, and three sample distributed programs using the library. DSTM is a framework enabling the use of the STM interface, known from concurrent programming, to be used for distributed Haskell applications as well. Provided are a simple Dining Philosophers, a Chat, and a soft real-time Bomberman game application. Distributed communication is transparent to the application programmer. The application designer uses a very simple nameserver mechanism to set up the system. The DSTM library includes the management of unavailable process nodes and provides the application with abstract error information thus facilitating the implementation of robust distributed application programs. For usage please look into the included file: DSTMManual.pdf. -} Category: Distributed Computing Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC ==6.10 Data-Files: field.txt, input1.txt, input2.txt, input3.txt Data-Dir: Bomberman Extra-source-files: README LICENSE DSTMManual.pdf Library Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers GHC-Options: -Wall Exposed-Modules: Control.Distributed.STM.DSTM Other-Modules: Control.Distributed.STM.DebugBase, Control.Distributed.STM.DebugDSTM, Control.Distributed.STM.Dist Control.Distributed.STM.EnvAddr, Control.Distributed.STM.NameService, Control.Distributed.STM.RetryVar, Control.Distributed.STM.TVar, Control.Distributed.STM.STM, Control.Distributed.STM.Utils, Paths_DSTM Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables Executable NameServer Main-Is: NameServer.hs Other modules: DSTM, NameService Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers Hs-Source-Dirs: Nameserver, . Executable Phil Main-Is: Phil.hs Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers Hs-Source-Dirs: Phil, . Executable ChatClient Main-Is: ChatClient.hs Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers Hs-Source-Dirs: Chat, . Executable ChatServer Main-Is: ChatServer.hs Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers Hs-Source-Dirs: Chat, . Executable Bomberman Main-Is: Bomberman.hs Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, unix, process, network, haskell98, containers Hs-Source-Dirs: Bomberman, .