module Main where {- TODO: profiling write tests -} import Paths_Delta_Lambda (version) import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Version import Data.Word (Word64) import Data.Char (isSpace, isNumber) import Data.ByteString (writeFile, readFile) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Data.Text.IO import Prelude hiding (getContents, putStrLn) import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (ReadMode, ReadWriteMode), withFile) import Data.Serialize import Options import System.FilePath hiding (()) import System.Console.Haskeline import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..)) import AST import Reduction import Check import Parser import Printer () data ReplOptions = ReplOptions { interactive :: Bool , writeHistory :: Bool , historyFileN :: String , noHelpPrompt :: Bool } data FileOptions = FileOptions { usePreprocessor :: Bool , compileToByteCode :: Bool , saveMetadata :: Bool , preprocessorOptions :: [String] } data MainOptions = MainOptions { inFile :: String , echoType :: Bool , useExtension :: [String] , replOptions :: ReplOptions , fileOptions :: FileOptions } fileGroup :: Maybe Group fileGroup = Just $ group "file" "file commands" "commands that only affect files" replGroup :: Maybe Group replGroup = Just $ group "repl" "repl commands" "commands that only affect the repl" fileAndReplGroup :: Maybe Group fileAndReplGroup = Just $ group "file-and-repl" "file and repl commands" "commands that both the file compiler and the repl interpreter share" instance Options ReplOptions where defineOptions = pure ReplOptions <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["interactive"] , optionDefault = False , optionShortFlags = ['n'] , optionDescription = "start repl" , optionGroup = replGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["write-history"] , optionDefault = True , optionShortFlags = ['w'] , optionDescription = "enable writing to the history file" , optionGroup = replGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_string (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["history-file"] , optionDefault = "~/.delta-lambda" , optionShortFlags = ['f'] , optionDescription = "set the history file name and location" , optionGroup = replGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["no-help-prompt"] , optionDefault = False , optionShortFlags = ['k'] , optionDescription = "dont issue help prompt on initial repl load" , optionGroup = replGroup }) instance Options FileOptions where defineOptions = pure FileOptions <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["use-preprocessor"] , optionDefault = True , optionShortFlags = ['p'] , optionDescription = "enable the preprocessor" , optionGroup = fileGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["compile"] , optionDefault = False , optionShortFlags = ['o'] , optionDescription = "enable compilation to bytecode" , optionGroup = fileGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["without-metadata"] , optionDefault = False , optionShortFlags = ['s'] , optionDescription = "save metadata during compilation to bytecode" , optionGroup = fileGroup }) <*> defineOption (optionType_list ',' optionType_string) (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["preprocessor-flags"] , optionDefault = [] , optionShortFlags = ['c'] , optionDescription = "passes the proceeding flags to the preprocessor" , optionGroup = fileGroup }) instance Options MainOptions where defineOptions = pure MainOptions <*> defineOption optionType_string (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["in-file"] , optionDefault = "stdin" , optionShortFlags = ['i'] , optionDescription = "input file usable extension must be one of " ++ "(*.dl, *.cdl). note that if the \"-n\"" ++ " or \"--interactive\" flags are not used" ++ " in combination with this option, the compiler" ++ " will not load the file." , optionGroup = fileAndReplGroup }) <*> defineOption optionType_bool (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["echo-type"] , optionDefault = True , optionShortFlags = ['e'] , optionDescription = "enable echoing the type of a term after checking" , optionGroup = fileAndReplGroup }) <*> defineOption (optionType_list ',' optionType_string) (\o -> o { optionLongFlags = ["use-extensions"] , optionDefault = [] , optionShortFlags = ['x'] , optionDescription = "enables a set of extensions" , optionGroup = fileAndReplGroup }) <*> defineOptions <*> defineOptions --version :: Version --version = Version -- { versionBranch = [0,3,0,0] -- , versionTags = [] -- depreciated, but showVersion throws an exception without it -- } replPrompt :: Version -> String replPrompt vers = Prelude.unlines [ " /\\ /\\" , " / \\ / \\" , " / /\\ \\ / /\\ \\" , " / /__\\ \\ / / \\ \\" , "/________\\ /_/ \\_\\" , "Welcome to Delta-Lambda, the 1000 line[s of haskell] theorem prover!" , "This is apha level software! no documentation currently, and dragons galore!" , "version: " ++ showVersion vers ] helpPrompt :: String helpPrompt = Prelude.unlines [ "/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\\" , "| command | parameters | description |" , "| :c | input term | check that the input term is correct |" , "| :e | posn, term | add a term to the context at the position |" , "| :f | input term | provide the final type of the input term |" , "| :g | position | get the type of a term name (or position) in context |" , "| :h | | display this table |" , "| :o | file name | open a file and load it |" , "| :q | | quit this repl |" , "| :r | input term | provide the normal form of the input term |" , "| :t | input term | provide the type of the input term |" , "| :s | input flag | set a flag, restart the repl |" , "| :? | | syntax and semantics tutorial (not implemented) |" , "\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/" ] data ReplState = ReplState { replContext :: Context SourcePos Text Word64 , replTerm :: Maybe (Term SourcePos Text Word64) , replOpts :: MainOptions } -- I _*really*_ dislike the code following this comment -- it basically is a bunch of shenanigans dealing with somewhat non-composible -- MONADS. maybe I should just bite the bullet, and use exceptions in IO... main :: IO () main = runCommand $ \opts _ -> if interactive $ replOptions opts then repl opts else if takeExtension (inFile opts) == ".dl" then withFile (inFile opts) ReadMode $ parseCheckAndType opts else if takeExtension (inFile opts) == ".cdl" then putStrLn . pack $ "cannot open binary file in non interactive mode!" else putStrLn . pack $ "extension not recognized: " ++ takeExtension (inFile opts) preprocess :: MainOptions -> Text -> IO (Either String Text) preprocess options fileContents = if usePreprocessor $ fileOptions options then preprocessor (preprocessorOptions $ fileOptions options) (inFile options) fileContents else return $ Right fileContents compile :: (Serialize m , Serialize v, Serialize i) => Term m v i -> MainOptions -> IO () compile val options | not (saveMetadata $ fileOptions options) = Data.ByteString.writeFile compiledFilename (encode file) | otherwise = Data.ByteString.writeFile compiledFilename (encode cleaned) where header = DecompiledFileHeader { compiledFileName = pack $ inFile options , interpreterVersion = version , extensionsUsed = map pack $ useExtension options } file = DecompiledFile { decompiledFileHeader = header , decompiledTerm = val } cleaned = transpile (const ()) id id file compiledFilename = dropExtension (inFile options) -<.> ".cdl" checkAndType :: (Enum i, Show v, BetaEq (PseudoTerm SourcePos) v i) => Term SourcePos v i -> MainOptions -> Context SourcePos v i -> IO (Maybe ()) checkAndType term options context = case runReaderT (termCorrect term) context of Left err -> do putStrLn $ pack err return Nothing Right _ | echoType options -> case runReaderT (typeSynth term) context of Left err -> do putStrLn $ pack err return Nothing Right val -> do putStrLn . pack $ show val return $ Just () | otherwise -> return $ Just () -- touch, peel, and stand anyone? parseCheckAndType :: MainOptions -> Handle -> IO () parseCheckAndType options file = do input <- Data.Text.IO.hGetContents file input' <- preprocess options input case input' of Left pperr -> putStrLn $ pack pperr Right ppval -> case parseInput ppval of Left perr -> putStrLn $ pack perr Right pval -> do checked <- checkAndType pval options [] case checked of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> when (compileToByteCode $ fileOptions options) $ compile pval options -- halp. much blegh. very not DRY. super wet. repl :: MainOptions -> IO () repl options = do Data.Text.IO.putStr $ pack (replPrompt version) unless (noHelpPrompt (replOptions options)) $ Data.Text.IO.putStr (pack helpPrompt) if inFile options == "stdin" then runInputT replSettings $ loop (initReplState Nothing options) else if takeExtension (inFile options) == ".dl" then withFile (inFile options) ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do input <- Data.Text.IO.hGetContents h input' <- preprocess options input case input' of Left pperr -> putStrLn $ pack pperr Right ppval -> case parseInput ppval of Left perr -> putStrLn $ pack perr Right pval -> do checked <- checkAndType pval options [] case checked of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> runInputT replSettings $ loop (initReplState (Just pval) options) else if takeExtension (inFile options) == ".cdl" then do fileCont <- Data.ByteString.readFile (inFile options) case decode fileCont :: Either String (DecompiledFile SourcePos Text Word64) of Left perr -> putStrLn $ pack perr Right pval -> do let fvers = interpreterVersion (decompiledFileHeader pval) if fvers < version then putStrLn . pack $ "cannot load file \"" ++ inFile options ++ "\n" ++ "compiler version of file: " ++ showVersion fvers ++ "\n" ++ "compiler version of system: " ++ showVersion version else do let val = decompiledTerm pval runInputT replSettings $ loop (initReplState (Just val) options) else putStrLn . pack $ "extension not recognized: " ++ takeExtension (inFile options) where replSettings = defaultSettings { historyFile = Just $ historyFileN (replOptions options) , autoAddHistory = writeHistory (replOptions options) } initReplState term options = ReplState { replContext = [] , replTerm = term , replOpts = options } -- dragons. you where warned! loop :: ReplState -> InputT IO () loop state = do let count = Prelude.length (replContext state) input <- getInputLine $ if count == 0 then "|- " else show count ++ " |- " case input of Nothing -> loop state Just (':':'c':' ':rest) -> case parseInput (pack rest) of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do lift $ checkAndType pval (replOpts state) (replContext state) loop state Just (':':'e':' ':rest) -> do let positionStr = takeWhile (\x -> not (isSpace x) && isNumber x) rest let termStr = dropWhile (\x -> not (isSpace x) && isNumber x) rest if null positionStr then do outputStrLn "please enter a non-negative number" loop state else do let position :: Int = read positionStr case parseInput $ pack termStr of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do checked <- lift $ checkAndType pval (replOpts state) (replContext state) case checked of Nothing -> loop state Just _ -> do let (before, after) = splitAt position (replContext state) let pval' = bindContext (replContext state) 1 pval loop (state { replContext = before ++ [pval'] ++ after }) Just (':':'f':' ':rest) -> case parseInput (pack rest) of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do checked <- lift $ checkAndType pval (replOpts state) (replContext state) case checked of Nothing -> loop state Just _ -> case runReaderT (fTypeSynth pval) (replContext state) of Left err -> do outputStrLn err loop state Right val -> do outputStrLn $ show val loop state Just (':':'g':' ':rest) -> do let positionStr = takeWhile (\x -> not (isSpace x) && isNumber x) rest if null positionStr then do outputStrLn "please enter a non-negative number" loop state else do let position :: Int = read positionStr if position > Prelude.length (replContext state) then do outputStrLn "position of term in context cannot be outside of context" loop state else do let term = replContext state !! (position - 1) outputStrLn $ show term loop state Just (':':'h': _) -> do outputStrLn helpPrompt loop state Just (':':'o':' ':rest) | takeExtension rest == ".dl" -> do loaded <- lift $ withFile rest ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do input <- Data.Text.IO.hGetContents h input' <- preprocess (replOpts state) input case input' of Left pperr -> do putStrLn $ pack pperr return Nothing Right ppval -> case parseInput ppval of Left perr -> do putStrLn $ pack perr return Nothing Right pval -> do checked <- checkAndType pval (replOpts state) [] case checked of Nothing -> return Nothing Just _ -> return $ Just pval case loaded of Nothing -> loop state Just val -> loop (state{ replTerm = Just val, replContext = [] }) | takeExtension rest == ".cdl" -> do fileCont <- lift $ Data.ByteString.readFile rest case decode fileCont :: Either String (DecompiledFile SourcePos Text Word64) of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do let fvers = interpreterVersion (decompiledFileHeader pval) if fvers < version then do outputStrLn $ "cannot load file \"" ++ rest ++ "\n" ++ "compiler version of file: " ++ showVersion fvers ++ "\n" ++ "compiler version of system: " ++ showVersion version loop state else do let val = decompiledTerm pval loop (state { replTerm = Just val, replContext = [] }) | otherwise -> do outputStrLn $ "extension not recognized: " ++ rest loop state Just (':':'q': _) -> return () Just (':':'r':' ':rest) -> case parseInput (pack rest) of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do checked <- lift $ checkAndType pval (replOpts state) (replContext state) case checked of Nothing -> loop state Just _ -> do outputStrLn $ show . nfTerm $ pval loop state Just (':':'t':' ':rest) -> case parseInput (pack rest) of Left perr -> do outputStrLn perr loop state Right pval -> do checked <- lift $ checkAndType pval (replOpts state) (replContext state) case checked of Nothing -> loop state Just _ -> case runReaderT (typeSynth pval) (replContext state) of Left err -> do outputStrLn err loop state Right val -> do outputStrLn $ show val loop state Just (':':'s':' ':rest) -> do let pOpts = Options.parseOptions (split rest " ") case parsedOptions pOpts of Nothing -> case parsedError pOpts of Nothing -> do outputStrLn $ "an unknow error occured during proccessing of the options: " ++ "\n" ++ rest loop state Just err -> do outputStrLn err loop state Just opts -> loop (state {replOpts = opts}) Just (':':'?':_) -> do outputStrLn "the turorial is under construction!" loop state Just input -> do outputStrLn $ "input : " ++ input ++ "\n not recognised" loop state split :: String -> String -> [String] split str pat = helper str pat [] [] where helper :: String -> String -> String -> String -> [String] helper [] _ n _ = [n] helper xs [] n _ = n : split xs pat helper (x:xs) (y:ys) n m | x /= y = helper xs pat ((n++m)++[x]) m | otherwise = helper xs ys n (m++[y])