-- special monotonerc file to be installed in bugs/_MTN/ -- force the merge to use our magic merge system function merge3 (anc_path, left_path, right_path, merged_path, ancestor, left, right) local result = nil local lfile = write_to_temporary_file (left, "left") local afile = write_to_temporary_file (ancestor, "ancestor") local rfile = write_to_temporary_file (right, "right") local outfile = write_to_temporary_file ("", "merged") local path = "disTractMerger" if (program_exists_in_path (path)) then local returnCode = execute(path, anc_path, left_path, right_path, merged_path, afile, lfile, rfile, outfile) if (returnCode == 0) then result = read_contents_of_file (outfile, "r") end end if (result == nil) then io.write (string.format(gettext("Error executing disTractMerger: '%s'\n"), path)) end os.remove (lfile) os.remove (rfile) os.remove (afile) os.remove (outfile) return result end