module Rules.Standard(rules) where import RuleUtils import Data.List import GenUtil --- Add Rules Below Here ---------------------------------------------------- rules :: [RuleDef] rules = [("test",dattest, "Utility", "output raw data for testing", Nothing), ("update",updatefn, "Utility","for label 'foo' provides 'foo_u' to update it and foo_s to set it", Nothing ), ("is",isfn, "Utility", "provides isFoo for each constructor", Nothing), ("get",getfn, "Utility", "for label 'foo' provide foo_g to get it", Nothing), ("from",fromfn, "Utility", "provides fromFoo for each constructor", Nothing), ("has",hasfn, "Utility", "hasfoo for record types", Nothing), ("un",unfn, "Utility", "provides unFoo for unary constructors", Nothing), ("NFData",nffn, "General","provides 'rnf' to reduce to normal form (deepSeq)", Nothing ), ("Eq",eqfn, "Prelude","", Nothing), ("Ord",ordfn, "Prelude", "", Nothing), ("Enum",enumfn, "Prelude", "", Nothing), ("Show",showfn, "Prelude", "", Nothing), ("Read",readfn, "Prelude", "", Nothing), ("Bounded",boundedfn, "Prelude", "", Nothing)] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NFData - This class provides 'rnf' to reduce to normal form. -- This has a default for non-constructed datatypes -- Assume that base cases have been defined for lists, functions, and -- (arbitrary) tuples - makeRnf produces a function which applies rnf to -- each of the combined types in each constructor of the datatype. (If -- this isn't very clear, just look at the code to figure out what happens) nffn = instanceSkeleton "NFData" [(makeRnf,empty)] makeRnf :: IFunction makeRnf (Body{constructor=constructor,types=types}) | null types = text "rnf" <+> fsep [pattern constructor [],equals,text "()"] | otherwise = let vars = varNames types head = [pattern constructor vars, equals] body = sepWith (text "`seq`") . map (text "rnf" <+>) $ vars in text "rnf" <+> fsep (head ++ body) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forming 'update' functions for each label in a record -- -- for a datatype G, where label has type G -> a -- the corresponding update fn has type (a -> a) -> G -> G -- The update fn has the same name as the label with _u appended -- an example of what we want to generate -- --> foo_u f d{foo}=d{foo = f foo} -- -- labels can be common to more than one constructor in a type. -- this -- is a problem, and the reason why a sort is used. updatefn :: Data -> Doc updatefn d@(D{body=body,name=name}) | hasRecord d = vcat (updates ++ sets) | otherwise = commentLine $ text "Warning - can't derive `update' functions for non-record type: " <+> text name where nc = length body labs = gf $ sort . concatMap f $ body updates = map genup labs -- $$ hsep [text (n ++ "_u"), char '_', char 'x', equals, char 'x'] sets = map genset . nub . map fst $ labs f :: Body -> [(Name,Constructor)] f (Body{constructor=constructor,labels=labels}) = zip (filter (not . null) labels ) (repeat constructor) gf ts = map (\ts -> (fst (head ts), snds ts)) (groupBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> a == b) (sort ts)) genup :: (Name,[Constructor]) -> Doc genup (n,cs) = vcat (map up cs) $$ up' where up c = hsep [text (n ++ "_u") , char 'f' , char 'r' <> char '@' <> text c <> braces (text n <+> text " = x") , equals , char 'r' <> braces (hsep [text n, text "= f x"])] up' | nc > length cs = hsep [text (n ++ "_u"), char '_', char 'x', equals, char 'x'] | otherwise = empty -- while we're at it, may as well define a set function too... genset :: Name -> Doc genset n = hsep [text (n ++ "_s v = "), text (n ++ "_u"), text " (const v)"] getfn :: Data -> Doc getfn d@(D{body=body,name=name}) | hasRecord d = vcat (updates ++ sets) | otherwise = commentLine $ text "Warning - can't derive `get' functions for non-record type: " <+> text name where nc = length body labs = gf $ sort . concatMap f $ body updates = map genup labs sets = map genset . nub . map fst $ labs f :: Body -> [(Name,Constructor)] f (Body{constructor=constructor,labels=labels}) = zip (filter (not . null) labels ) (repeat constructor) gf ts = map (\ts -> (fst (head ts), snds ts)) (groupBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> a == b) (sort ts)) genup :: (Name,[Constructor]) -> Doc genup (n,cs) = vcat (map up cs) $$ up' where fn = n ++ "_g" up c = hsep [text fn , char 'r' <> char '@' <> text c <> braces (text n <+> text " = x") , equals , text "return x"] up' | nc > length cs = hsep [text fn, char '_', equals, text "fail", tshow fn] | otherwise = empty -- while we're at it, may as well define a set function too... genset :: Name -> Doc genset n = hsep [text (n ++ "_s v = "), text (n ++ "_u"), text " (const v)"] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Similar rules to provide predicates for the presence of a constructor / label isfn :: Data -> Doc isfn (D{body=body}) = vcat (map is body) where is Body{constructor=constructor,types=types} = let fnName = text ("is" ++ constructor) fn = fnName <+> hsep [pattern_ constructor types,text "=",text "True"] defaultFn = fnName <+> hsep (texts ["_","=","False"]) in fn $$ defaultFn fromfn :: Data -> Doc fromfn (D{body=body}) = vcat (map from body) where from Body{constructor=constructor,types=types} = fn $$ defaultFn where fnName = ("from" ++ constructor) fnName' = text fnName fn = fnName' <+> hsep [pattern constructor types,text "=",text "return", tuple (varNames types) ] defaultFn = fnName' <+> hsep (texts ["_","=","fail",show fnName ]) hasfn :: Data -> Doc hasfn d@(D{body=body,name=name}) | hasRecord d = vcat [has l b | l <- labs, b <- body] | otherwise = commentLine $ text "Warning - can't derive `has' functions for non-record type:" <+> text name where has lab Body{constructor=constructor,labels=labels} = let bool = text . show $ lab `elem` labels pattern = text (constructor ++ "{}") fnName = text ( "has" ++ lab) in fsep[fnName, pattern, text "=", bool] labs = nub . concatMap (labels) $ body -- Function to make using newtypes a bit nicer. -- for newtype N = T a , unN :: T -> a unfn :: Data -> Doc unfn (D{body=body,name=name,statement=statement}) | statement == DataStmt = commentLine $ text "Warning - can't derive 'un' function for data declaration " <+> text name | otherwise = let fnName = text ("un" ++ name) b = head body pattern = parens $ text (constructor b) <+> text "a" in fsep [fnName,pattern, equals, text "a"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A test rule for newtypes datastructures - just outputs -- parsed information. Can put {-! global : Test !-} in an input file, and output -- from the entire file should be generated. dattest d = commentBlock . vcat $ [text (name d) , fsep . texts . map show $ constraints d , fsep . texts . map show $ vars d , fsep . texts . map show $ body d , fsep . texts . map show $ derives d , text . show $statement d] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Rules for the derivable Prelude Classes -- Eq eqfn = instanceSkeleton "Eq" [(makeEq,defaultEq)] makeEq :: IFunction makeEq (Body{constructor=constructor,types=types}) | null types = hsep $ texts [constructor,"==",constructor, "=", "True"] | otherwise = let v = varNames types v' = varNames' types d x = parens . hsep $ text constructor : x head = [ text "==", d v', text "="] body = sepWith (text "&&") $ zipWith (\x y -> (x <+> text "==" <+> y)) v v' in d v <+> fsep (head ++ body) defaultEq = hsep $ texts ["_", "==", "_", "=" ,"False"] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ord ordfn d = let ifn = [f c c' | c <- zip (body d) [1 ..] , c' <- zip (body d) [1 ..]] cmp n n' = show $ compare n n' f (b,n) (b',n') | null (types b) = text "compare" <+> fsep [text (constructor b), pattern (constructor b') (types b') , char '=', text $ cmp n n' ] | otherwise = let head = fsep [l,r, char '='] l = pattern (constructor b) (types b) r = pattern' (constructor b') (types b') one x y = fsep [text "compare",x,y] list [x] [y] = one x y list xs ys = fsep [text "foldl", parens fn, text "EQ", bracketList (zipWith one xs ys)] fn = fsep $ texts ["\\x y", "->", "if", "x", "==","EQ", "then", "compare", "y", "EQ", "else", "x"] in if constructor b == constructor b' then text "compare" <+> fsep [head, list (varNames $ types b) (varNames' $ types b')] else text "compare" <+> fsep [head,text (cmp n n')] in simpleInstance "Ord" d <+> text "where" $$ block ifn ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show & Read -- won't work for infix constructors -- (and anyway, neither does the parser currently) -- -- Show showfn = instanceSkeleton "Show" [(makeShow,empty)] makeShow :: IFunction makeShow (Body{constructor=constructor,labels=labels,types=types}) | null types = fnName <+> fsep [headfn,showString constructor] | null labels = fnName <+> fsep [headfn,bodyStart, body] -- datatype | otherwise = fnName <+> fsep[headfn,bodyStart,recordBody] -- record where fnName = text "showsPrec" headfn = fsep [char 'd',(pattern constructor types),equals] bodyStart = fsep [text "showParen",parens (text "d >= 10")] body = parens . fsep $ sepWith s (c : b) recordBody = parens $ fsep [c,comp,showChar '{',comp, fsep (sepWith s' b'),comp,showChar '}'] c = showString constructor b = map (\x -> fsep[text "showsPrec", text "10", x]) (varNames types) b' = zipWith (\x l -> fsep[showString l,comp,showChar '=',comp,x]) b labels s = fsep [comp,showChar ' ', comp] s' = fsep [comp,showChar ',',comp] showChar c = fsep [text "showChar", text ('\'':c:"\'")] showString s = fsep[ text "showString", doubleQuotes $ text s] comp = char '.' -- Read readfn d = simpleInstance "Read" d <+> text "where" $$ readsPrecFn d readsPrecFn d = let fnName = text "readsPrec" bodies = vcat $ sepWith (text "++") (map makeRead (body d)) in nest 4 $ fnName <+> fsep[char 'd', text "input", equals,bodies] makeRead :: IFunction makeRead (Body{constructor=constructor,labels=labels,types=types}) | null types = fsep [read0,text "input"] | null labels = fsep [headfn,read,text "input"] | otherwise = fsep [headfn,readRecord, text "input"] where headfn = fsep [text "readParen", parens (text "d > 9")] read0 = lambda $ listComp (result rest) [lexConstr rest] read = lambda . listComp (result rest) $ lexConstr ip : ( map f (init vars) ) ++ final (last vars) f v = fsep [tup v ip, from,readsPrec, ip] final v = [fsep[tup v rest,from,readsPrec,ip]] readRecord = let f lab v = [ fsep [tup (text $ show lab) ip,lex], fsep [tup (text $ show "=") ip,lex], fsep [tup v ip ,from,readsPrec,ip]] openB = fsep [tup (text $ show "{") ip,lex] closeB = fsep [tup (text $ show "}") rest,lex] comma = [fsep [tup (text $ show ",") ip,lex]] in lambda . listComp (result rest) $ lexConstr ip : openB : (concat . sepWith comma) (zipWith f labels vars) ++ [closeB] lambda x = parens ( fsep [text "\\",ip,text "->",x]) listComp x (l:ll) = brackets . fsep . sepWith comma $ ((fsep[x, char '|', l]) : ll) result x = tup (pattern constructor vars) x lexConstr x = fsep [tup (text $ show constructor) x, lex] -- nifty little bits of syntax vars = varNames types ip = text "inp" rest = text "rest" tup x y = parens $ fsep [x, char ',',y] lex = fsep[from,text "lex",ip] readsPrec = fsep [text "readsPrec",text "10"] from = text "<-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enum -- a lot of this code should be provided as default instances, -- but currently isn't enumfn d = let fromE = fromEnumFn d toE = toEnumFn d eFrom = enumFromFn d in if any (not . null . types) (body d) then commentLine $ text "Warning -- can't derive Enum for" <+> text (name d) else simpleInstance "Enum" d <+> text "where" $$ block (fromE ++ toE ++ [eFrom,enumFromThenFn]) fromEnumFn :: Data -> [Doc] fromEnumFn (D{body=body}) = map f (zip body [0 ..]) where f (Body{constructor=constructor},n) = text "fromEnum" <+> (fsep $ texts [constructor , "=", show n]) toEnumFn :: Data -> [Doc] toEnumFn (D{body=body}) = map f (zip body [0 ..]) where f (Body{constructor=constructor},n) = text "toEnum" <+> (fsep $ texts [show n , "=", constructor]) enumFromFn :: Data -> Doc enumFromFn D{body=body} = let conList = bracketList . texts . map constructor $ body bodydoc = fsep [char 'e', char '=', text "drop", parens (text "fromEnum" <+> char 'e'), conList] in text "enumFrom" <+> bodydoc enumFromThenFn :: Doc enumFromThenFn = let wrapper = fsep $ texts ["i","j","=","enumFromThen\'","i","j","(", "enumFrom", "i", ")"] eq1 = text "enumFromThen\'" <+> fsep (texts ["_","_","[]","=","[]"]) eq2 = text "enumFromThen\'" <+> fsep ( texts ["i","j","(x:xs)","=", "let","d","=","fromEnum","j","-","fromEnum","i","in", "x",":","enumFromThen\'","i","j","(","drop","(d-1)","xs",")"]) in text "enumFromThen" <+> wrapper $$ block [text "where",eq1,eq2] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bounded - as if anyone uses this one :-) .. boundedfn d@D{name=name,body=body,derives=derives} | all (null . types) body = boundedEnum d | singleton body = boundedSingle d | otherwise = commentLine $ text "Warning -- can't derive Bounded for" <+> text name boundedEnum d@D{body=body} = let f = constructor . head $ body l = constructor . last $ body in simpleInstance "Bounded" d <+> text "where" $$ block [ hsep (texts[ "minBound","=",f]), hsep (texts[ "maxBound","=",l])] boundedSingle d@D{body=body} = let f = head $ body in simpleInstance "Bounded" d <+> text "where" $$ block [ hsep . texts $ [ "minBound","=",constructor f] ++ replicate (length (types f)) "minBound", hsep . texts $ [ "maxBound","=",constructor f] ++ replicate (length (types f)) "maxBound"] singleton [x] = True singleton _ = False