EdisonCore- A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)

PortabilityGHC / Hugs (MPTC and FD)
Stabilityinternal (unstable)
Maintainerrobdockins AT fastmail DOT fm



This module provides default implementations of many of the collection methods. The functions in this module are used to fill out collection implementations and are not intended to be used directly by end users.


insertSeqUsingUnion :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq a -> c -> cSource

insertSeqUsingFoldr :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq a -> c -> cSource

memberUsingFold :: Coll c a => c -> a -> BoolSource

countUsingMember :: SetX c a => a -> c -> IntSource

lookupAllUsingLookupM :: (Set c a, Sequence seq) => a -> c -> seq aSource

deleteSeqUsingDelete :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq a -> c -> cSource

unionSeqUsingFoldl :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq c -> cSource

unionSeqUsingFoldl' :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq c -> cSource

unionSeqUsingReduce :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq c -> cSource

fromSeqUsingFoldr :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq a -> cSource

fromSeqUsingUnionSeq :: (CollX c a, Sequence seq) => seq a -> cSource

toSeqUsingFold :: (Coll c a, Sequence seq) => c -> seq aSource

toOrdSeqUsingFoldr :: (OrdColl c a, Sequence seq) => c -> seq aSource

intersectWitnessUsingToOrdList :: (OrdColl c a, Monad m) => c -> c -> m (a, a)Source

lookupUsingLookupM :: Coll c a => a -> c -> aSource

lookupUsingLookupAll :: Coll c a => a -> c -> aSource

lookupMUsingLookupAll :: (Coll c a, Monad m) => a -> c -> m aSource

lookupWithDefaultUsingLookupAll :: Coll c a => a -> a -> c -> aSource

lookupWithDefaultUsingLookupM :: Coll c a => a -> a -> c -> aSource

fromSeqWithUsingInsertWith :: (Set c a, Sequence seq) => (a -> a -> a) -> seq a -> cSource

insertUsingInsertWith :: Set c a => a -> c -> cSource

unionUsingUnionWith :: Set c a => c -> c -> cSource

filterUsingOrdLists :: OrdColl c a => (a -> Bool) -> c -> cSource

partitionUsingOrdLists :: OrdColl c a => (a -> Bool) -> c -> (c, c)Source

properSubsetOnOrdLists :: Ord t => [t] -> [t] -> BoolSource

subsetOnOrdLists :: Ord t => [t] -> [t] -> BoolSource

insertSeqWithUsingInsertWith :: (Set c a, Sequence seq) => (a -> a -> a) -> seq a -> c -> cSource

unionlUsingUnionWith :: Set c a => c -> c -> cSource

unionrUsingUnionWith :: Set c a => c -> c -> cSource

unionWithUsingOrdLists :: OrdSet c a => (a -> a -> a) -> c -> c -> cSource

unionSeqWithUsingReducer :: (Set c a, Sequence seq) => (a -> a -> a) -> seq c -> cSource

intersectionWithUsingOrdLists :: OrdSet c a => (a -> a -> a) -> c -> c -> cSource

unsafeMapMonotonicUsingFoldr :: (OrdColl cin a, OrdCollX cout b) => (a -> b) -> cin -> coutSource