Flint2- Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Vectors over integers mod n (word-size n)

Memory management

_nmod_vec_init :: CLong -> IO (Ptr CMp) Source #

_nmod_vec_init len

Returns a vector of the given length. The entries are not necessarily zero.

_nmod_vec_clear :: Ptr CMp -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_clear vec

Frees the memory used by the given vector.

Random functions

_nmod_vec_randtest :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_randtest vec state len mod

Sets vec to a random vector of the given length with entries reduced modulo mod.n.

Basic manipulation and comparison

_nmod_vec_set :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_set res vec len

Copies len entries from the vector vec to res.

_nmod_vec_zero :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_zero vec len

Zeros the given vector of the given length.

_nmod_vec_swap :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_swap a b length

Swaps the vectors a and b of length \(n\) by actually swapping the entries.

_nmod_vec_reduce :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_reduce res vec len mod

Reduces the entries of (vec, len) modulo mod.n and set res to the result.

_nmod_vec_max_bits :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO CFBitCnt Source #

_nmod_vec_max_bits vec len

Returns the maximum number of bits of any entry in the vector.

_nmod_vec_equal :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_vec_equal vec vec2 len

Returns~`1` if (vec, len) is equal to (vec2, len), otherwise returns~`0`.

Arithmetic operations

_nmod_vec_add :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_add res vec1 vec2 len mod

Sets (res, len) to the sum of (vec1, len) and (vec2, len).

_nmod_vec_sub :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_sub res vec1 vec2 len mod

Sets (res, len) to the difference of (vec1, len) and (vec2, len).

_nmod_vec_neg :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_neg res vec len mod

Sets (res, len) to the negation of (vec, len).

_nmod_vec_scalar_mul_nmod :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_scalar_mul_nmod res vec len c mod

Sets (res, len) to (vec, len) multiplied by \(c\). The element \(c\) and all elements of \(vec\) are assumed to be less than \(mod.n\).

_nmod_vec_scalar_mul_nmod_shoup :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_scalar_mul_nmod_shoup res vec len c mod

Sets (res, len) to (vec, len) multiplied by \(c\) using n_mulmod_shoup. \(mod.n\) should be less than \(2^{\mathtt{FLINT\_BITS} - 1}\). \(c\) and all elements of \(vec\) should be less than \(mod.n\).

_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_nmod :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_nmod res vec len c mod

Adds (vec, len) times \(c\) to the vector (res, len). The element \(c\) and all elements of \(vec\) are assumed to be less than \(mod.n\).

Dot products

_nmod_vec_dot_bound_limbs :: CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_vec_dot_bound_limbs len mod

Returns the number of limbs (0, 1, 2 or 3) needed to represent the unreduced dot product of two vectors of length len having entries modulo mod.n, assuming that len is nonnegative and that mod.n is nonzero. The computed bound is tight. In other words, this function returns the precise limb size of len times (mod.n - 1) ^ 2.

_nmod_vec_dot :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> CInt -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_vec_dot vec1 vec2 len mod nlimbs

Returns the dot product of (vec1, len) and (vec2, len). The nlimbs parameter should be 0, 1, 2 or 3, specifying the number of limbs needed to represent the unreduced result.

_nmod_vec_dot_rev :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> CInt -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_vec_dot_rev vec1 vec2 len mod nlimbs

The same as _nmod_vec_dot, but reverses vec2.

_nmod_vec_dot_ptr :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> CInt -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_vec_dot_ptr vec1 vec2 offset len mod nlimbs

Returns the dot product of (vec1, len) and the values at vec2[i][offset]. The nlimbs parameter should be 0, 1, 2 or 3, specifying the number of limbs needed to represent the unreduced result.