{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveDataTypeable, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances #-}  
-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Bit
-- Copyright   :  (c) SAM Group, KTH/ICT/ECS 2007-2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- 'Bit' Datatype. Note that the 'Num' instance is phony and shouldn't be used
module ForSyDe.Bit (Bit(..), 
                    fromBitVector64) where

import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)
import Prelude hiding (not)

import Data.Param.FSVec (FSVec, reallyUnsafeVector)
import qualified Data.Param.FSVec as V
import Data.TypeLevel.Num (D8,D16,D32,D64,Nat)

data Bit = H -- ^ High value 
         | L -- ^ Low value
 deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

$(deriveLift1 ''Bit)

-- | Not operation over bits
not :: Bit -> Bit
not = complement

instance Bits Bit where
 H .&. x = x
 L .&. _ = L
 H .|. _ = H
 L .|. x = x
 xor H L = H
 xor L H = H
 xor _ _ = L
 complement L = H
 complement H = L
 shift x 0 = x
 shift _ _ = L
 rotate x _ = x
 bitSize _ = 1
 isSigned _ = False

-- Phony instance of Num
instance Num Bit where
 H + L = H
 H + H = L
 L + x = x
 -- since they are unsigned and there are only two elements, (-) == (+)
 (-) = (+)
 -- multiplication is equivalent to (.&.)
 (*) = (.&.)
 -- since a bit is unsigned, it is equivalent to identity
 abs = id
 signum _ = L
 fromInteger n = if n<=0 then L else H

-- | Convert a bit to a boolean
bitToBool :: Bit -> Bool
bitToBool H = True
bitToBool L = False

-- | Convert a boolean to a bit
boolToBit :: Bool -> Bit
boolToBit True = H
boolToBit False = L

toBitVector8 :: Int8 -> FSVec D8 Bit
toBitVector8 = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
fromBitVector8 :: FSVec D8 Bit -> Int8
fromBitVector8 = fromBitVectorDef 0

toBitVector16 :: Int16 -> FSVec D16 Bit
toBitVector16 = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
fromBitVector16 :: FSVec D16 Bit -> Int16
fromBitVector16 = fromBitVectorDef 0

toBitVector32 :: Int32 -> FSVec D32 Bit
toBitVector32 = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
fromBitVector32 :: FSVec D32 Bit -> Int32
fromBitVector32 = fromBitVectorDef 0

toBitVector64 :: Int64 -> FSVec D64 Bit
toBitVector64 = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
fromBitVector64 :: FSVec D64 Bit -> Int64
fromBitVector64 = fromBitVectorDef 0

{- This would have been much more convenient
   But it makes things really complicated int he VHDL

-- | Datatypes  which can be converted to and from
--   vectors of bits
class BitStream d s | d -> s where
 -- | convert a data type to a bit vector
 toBitVector :: d -> FSVec s Bit
 -- | get a datatype from a bit vector
 fromBitVector :: FSVec s Bit -> d

instance BitStream Int8 D8 where
  toBitVector = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
  fromBitVector = fromBitVectorDef 0

instance BitStream Int16 D16 where
  toBitVector = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
  fromBitVector = fromBitVectorDef 0

instance BitStream Int32 D32 where
  toBitVector = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
  fromBitVector = fromBitVectorDef 0

instance BitStream Int64 D64 where
  toBitVector = reallyUnsafeToBitVector
  fromBitVector = fromBitVectorDef 0

-- Helper functions
reallyUnsafeToBitVector :: Bits a => a -> FSVec s Bit
reallyUnsafeToBitVector x = 
  reallyUnsafeVector $ map (boolToBit.(testBit x)) [size-1,size-2..0]
 where size = bitSize x

-- | version of fromBitVector supplying a default initial value from which to 
--   start working
fromBitVectorDef :: (Bits a, Nat s) => a -> FSVec s Bit -> a
fromBitVectorDef def vec = fst $ V.foldr f (def, 0) vec
  where f e (ac, pos)  = (copyBit e ac pos, pos+1)
        copyBit H = setBit
        copyBit L = clearBit