-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Shallow.SynchronousProcessLib
-- Copyright   :  (c) SAM Group, KTH/ICT/ECS 2007-2008
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- The synchronous process library defines processes for the
-- synchronous computational model. It is based on the synchronous
-- library "ForSyDe.Shallow.SynchronousLib".
module ForSyDe.Shallow.SynchronousProcessLib(
			       fifoDelaySY, finiteFifoDelaySY,
			       memorySY, mergeSY, groupSY, counterSY
			     ) where

import ForSyDe.Shallow.SynchronousLib
import ForSyDe.Shallow.CoreLib
import ForSyDe.Shallow.Queue
import ForSyDe.Shallow.Memory

-- | The process 'fifoDelaySY' implements a synchronous model of a
-- FIFO with infinite size. The FIFOs take a list of values at each
-- event cycle and output one value. There is a delay of one cycle.
fifoDelaySY		:: Signal [a] -> Signal (AbstExt a)

-- | The process 'finiteFifoDelaySY' implements a FIFO with finite
-- size. The FIFOs take a list of values at each event cycle and
-- output one value. There is a delay of one cycle.
finiteFifoDelaySY	:: Int -> Signal [a] -> Signal (AbstExt a)

-- | The process 'memorySY' implements a synchronous memory. It uses
-- access functions of the type 'Read adr' and 'Write adr value'.
memorySY		:: Int -> Signal (Access a) -> Signal (AbstExt a) 

-- | The process 'mergeSY' merges two input signals into a single
-- signal. The process has an internal buffer in order to prevent loss
-- of data. The process is deterministic and outputs events according
-- to their time tag. If there are two valid values at on both
-- signals. The value of the first signal is output first.
mergeSY			:: Signal (AbstExt a) -> Signal (AbstExt a) 
			   -> Signal (AbstExt a)

-- | The process 'counterSY' implements a counter, that counts from
--   min to max. The process 'counterSY' has no input and its output is
--   an infinite signal.
counterSY		:: (Enum a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Signal a

-- | The function 'groupSY' groups values into a vector of size n,
-- which takes n cycles. While the grouping takes place the output
-- from this process consists of absent values.
groupSY :: Int -> Signal a -> Signal (AbstExt (Vector a))

fifoDelaySY xs		=  mooreSY fifoState fifoOutput (queue []) xs

fifoState		:: Queue a -> [a] -> Queue a
fifoState (Q []) xs	=  (Q xs)
fifoState q xs		=  fst (popQ (pushListQ q xs))

fifoOutput		:: Queue a -> AbstExt a
fifoOutput (Q [])	=  Abst
fifoOutput (Q (x:_))	=  Prst x

finiteFifoDelaySY n xs	
   = mooreSY fifoStateFQ fifoOutputFQ (finiteQueue n []) xs

fifoStateFQ :: FiniteQueue a -> [a] -> FiniteQueue a
fifoStateFQ (FQ n []) xs =  (FQ n xs)
fifoStateFQ q xs	 =  fst (popFQ (pushListFQ q xs))

fifoOutputFQ :: FiniteQueue a -> AbstExt a
fifoOutputFQ (FQ _ [])	  =  Abst
fifoOutputFQ (FQ _ (x:_)) =  Prst x

memorySY size xs	=  mealySY ns o (newMem size) xs
     ns mem (Read x)	=  memState mem (Read x)
     ns mem (Write x v)	=  memState mem (Write x v)
     o mem (Read x)	=  memOutput mem (Read x)
     o mem (Write x v)	=  memOutput mem (Write x v)

mergeSY xs ys		=  moore2SY mergeState mergeOutput [] xs ys
	 mergeState []      Abst     Abst    = []
         mergeState []	    Abst    (Prst y) = [y]
         mergeState []     (Prst x)  Abst    = [x]
         mergeState []     (Prst x) (Prst y) = [x, y]
         mergeState (_:us)  Abst     Abst    = us
	 mergeState (_:us)  Abst    (Prst y) = us ++ [y]
	 mergeState (_:us) (Prst x)  Abst    = us ++ [x]
         mergeState (_:us) (Prst x) (Prst y) = us ++ [x, y]

	 mergeOutput []	    = Abst
         mergeOutput (u:_) = Prst u	

groupSY k = mealySY f g s0 
    s0 = NullV
    f v x | (lengthV v) == 0 = unitV x
	  | (lengthV v) == k = unitV x 
	  | otherwise        = v <: x
    g v _ | (lengthV v) == 0   = Abst
    g v x | (lengthV v) == k-1 = Prst (v<:x)
    g _ _ | otherwise          = Abst
counterSY m n = sourceSY f m
    f x | x >= n    = m
	| otherwise = succ x