{- pong - a very simple FunGEn example. http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~haskell/fungen Copyright (C) 2001 Andre Furtado This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Main where import Graphics.UI.Fungen import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL (GLdouble) data GameAttribute = Score Int type PongObject = GameObject () type PongAction a = IOGame GameAttribute () () () a width = 400 height = 400 w = fromIntegral width :: GLdouble h = fromIntegral height :: GLdouble main :: IO () main = do let winConfig = ((100,20),(width,height),"A brief example!") bmpList = [("tex.bmp",Nothing)] gameMap = textureMap 0 30 30 w h bar = objectGroup "barGroup" [createBar] ball = objectGroup "ballGroup" [createBall] initScore = Score 0 input = [(SpecialKey KeyRight, StillDown, moveBarToRight), (SpecialKey KeyLeft, StillDown, moveBarToLeft)] funInit winConfig gameMap [bar,ball] () initScore input gameCycle (Timer 30) bmpList createBall :: PongObject createBall = let ballPic = Basic (Circle 6.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Filled) in object "ball" ballPic False (w/2,h/2) (-8,8) () createBar :: PongObject createBar = let barBound = [(-25,-6),(25,-6),(25,6),(-25,6)] barPic = Basic (Polyg barBound 1.0 1.0 1.0 Filled) in object "bar" barPic False (w/2,30) (0,0) () moveBarToRight :: PongAction () moveBarToRight = do obj <- findObject "bar" "barGroup" (pX,pY) <- getObjectPosition obj (sX,_) <- getObjectSize obj if (pX + (sX/2) + 5 <= w) then (setObjectPosition ((pX + 5),pY) obj) else (setObjectPosition ((w - (sX/2)),pY) obj) moveBarToLeft :: PongAction () moveBarToLeft = do obj <- findObject "bar" "barGroup" (pX,pY) <- getObjectPosition obj (sX,_) <- getObjectSize obj if (pX - (sX/2) - 5 >= 0) then (setObjectPosition ((pX - 5),pY) obj) else (setObjectPosition (sX/2,pY) obj) gameCycle :: PongAction () gameCycle = do (Score n) <- getGameAttribute printOnScreen (show n) TimesRoman24 (0,0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 ball <- findObject "ball" "ballGroup" col1 <- objectLeftMapCollision ball col2 <- objectRightMapCollision ball when (col1 || col2) (reverseXSpeed ball) col3 <- objectTopMapCollision ball when col3 (reverseYSpeed ball) col4 <- objectBottomMapCollision ball when col4 (do reverseYSpeed ball) -- (funExit) bar <- findObject "bar" "barGroup" col5 <- objectsCollision ball bar let (_,vy) = getGameObjectSpeed ball when (and [col5, vy < 0]) (do reverseYSpeed ball setGameAttribute (Score (n + 10))) showFPS TimesRoman24 (w-40,0) 1.0 0.0 0.0