a".deneppah evah dluohs tahw fo noitpircsed dna desu dnammoc eht fo yltsom"v v $_,#! #:<"All these tests are purely I/O related: output will consist "< > "MRET"4#v(na"...eunitnoc ot retne sserP"a".dedaol MRET">:#,_~$#vCv v"loaded."< v "BAD: C reflected"an< >" ton MR"v v "C was called, the screen should have cleared."a< v "TE"< >:#,_a"...D-20 gnillaC"a>:#,_02-#vDa"enil D-20 eht evoba "v >:#,_$v v_,#! #:<;#"It reflected"an< ;"This should be right"< v ,a< >a"...D1 gnillaC"a>:#,_1#vDa"siht evoba enil knalb "v v_,#! #:<;#"BAD: it reflected"an< ;"There should be a"< >a"...G4f gnillaC">:#,_f3#vGaaaa"enil D1 eht fo thgir eht "v va_,#! #:<;#"BAD: it reflected"an<;"This should be placed by G to"< >"...eunitnoc ot retne sserp ,SU5 htiw hpargarap dnoces eht r"v v"second paragraph was"aa Sv#Uv#5$~_,#! #:;# "BAD: S reflected"a< ;v >" eht erehw eb won dluohs sihT" >:#,_a"...eunitnoc ot retne sserp"v vaaaaaaaaLv#Hv#$~_,#! #:<"Trying to clear the first line with HL, "< >na"detcelfer H :DAB" v > na"detcelfer L :DAB" v >"saw enil tsrif eht erehw eb won dluohs sihT">:#,_v v < > "SRCN"4#v(na".dedaol SRCN">:#,_a"...eunitnoc ot retne sserp ,I1 gnillaC"a".nees eb lliw gnihton"v v"loaded."< v", might not work after I: using S instead, so if R and S don't work, "< >" ton SR"v >:#,_~$ 1#vIa"...S gnitseT"#@Sa"...gniunitnoc"v v "NC"< v"BAD: 1I reflected, can't test the rest"an< v S"S didn't reflect, "< > >:#,_a,@ >a"...R gnitseT"S#@Ra"tuptuo eb "v >na"stcelfer P :DAB" v vPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP^#"If this is visible, P works."aRS"R didn't reflect, there should"< >na".krow t'nseod P ,deraeppa P tuoba egassem on fI">S v v"Some sort of beep should have resulted."aRBv# S"Testing B..."a< v "BAD: B reflected"an < >SR0#vE 0#vN >a"neercs eht ot deohce eb t'ndluohs yek eht dna retne sserp ot deen"v >na"stcelfer E0 :DAB"S^S na"stcelfer N0 :DAB"^>SR#vG a\ >:!#v_:a%'0+\v v"BAD: G reflected"an< ^ /a < <- . might not work: int to string v RS< "Got "$< also used below >'x#vU #vG 'x-#v_a"021 si GUx' :DOOG" >SR 1#vK >a"...eunitnoc ot yek noitcn"v > na"detcelfer Ux' :DAB" ^ >na"stcelfer K1 :DAB"S^ vGv#RS"Press any fu"< >a"detcelfer GUx' :DAB" ^ v"BAD: G reflected"an< >na"021 t'nsi GUx' :DAB"^ >\ >:!#v_:a%'0+\v vMv#00G RS"Going to test M, press enter to continue..."RS<"Got "$ ;^ ;<;/a < >na"C tset t'nac ,stcelfer M :DAB" v >a"neercs eht fo pot eht ta eb dluohs sihT"SR 2#vCa"deraelc evah dluohs neercs eht fo tser ehT"v # v"changed"aCv#1M22GRSa"Trying to overwrite above with M and C, press any key to continue..."aRS< # # >" evah dluohs enil si"SRa"eunitnoc ot yek yna sserP"SR0#vCa"deraelc evah dluohs neercs elohw "v v < v "The"< > v > > >na"detcelfer C :DAB"v v"Press any key to try to end curses mode..."aRS< >SRGn#vIa"dekrow I0 :DOOG">:#,_@ @RS"BAD: 0I reflects"an<