b0VIM 7.3—v»M@H¤hugoebenezer~hugo/Temp/openglinux/GLHUI-1.0.0/GLHUI.cabalutf-8 3210#"! Utp7adÖÎ7ôå×Á”cMÌ¿ºup% Ð Ë ~ \ W  Ú ¡ › r L  º p   Ñ Š E @ ô á Î ¹ ¥ › š ’ € q ] B )   ìÎ extra-libraries: X11 GL rt ghc-options: -Wall -O2 c/HsGLWindow.c c-sources: include-dirs: include Graphics.UI.GLWindow exposed-modules: base < 5 build-depends:library READMEextra-source-files:cabal-version: >=1.6build-type: Simple these functions Special thanks to Tiago Farto (aka xernobyl) for coding the C version of . > Window.kill -- removes the window when the loop stops > Window.loop myLoop -- stops when the ESC key is pressed > main = do Window.init 3 2 -- initializes a OpenGL 3.2 context > > 0 > (sin (realToFrac (t+2)) * 0.5 +0.5) > (sin (realToFrac (t+1)) * 0.5 + 0.5) > clearColor $= Color4 (sin (realToFrac t) * 0.5 + 0.5) > t <- Window.time > myLoop = do clear [ColorBuffer] > > import qualified Graphics.UI.GLWindow as Window > import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL > > module Main where . to open a OpenGL 3.2 Context: As an example, here is a simple module that uses some of these functions . > import qualified Graphics.UI.GLWindow as Window . Prelude functions, e.g. This module is intended to be imported qualified, to avoid clashes with . Haskell functions to open and manage a OpenGL window with libX11. .description:synopsis: Open OpenGL context windows in X11 with libX11category: Graphicshomepage: http://www.hackological.com/projects/GLHUIcopyright: Hugo Gomesmaintainer: Hugo Gomes author: Hugo Gomes license-file: LICENSElicense: BSD3version: 1.0.0name: GLHUI