-- Module      :  Shader
-- Copyright   :  Tobias Bexelius
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Tobias Bexelius
-- Stability   :  Experimental
-- Portability :  Portable
-- |

module Shader (
    module Data.Boolean
) where

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Vec ((:.)(..), Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, norm, normalize, dot, cross)
import qualified Data.Vec as Vec
import Data.Unique
import Data.List
import Data.Boolean
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding (Map)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet hiding (IntSet)
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Resources
import Formats

-- | Denotes a type on the GPU, that can be moved there from the CPU (through the internal use of uniforms).
--   Use the existing instances of this class to create new ones. Note that 'toGPU' should not be strict on its argument.
--   Its definition should also always use the same series of 'toGPU' calls to convert values of the same type. This unfortunatly
--   rules out ordinary lists (but instances for fixed length lists from the Vec package are however provided).
class GPU a where
    -- | The type on the CPU.
    type CPU a
    -- | Converts a value from the CPU to the GPU.
    toGPU :: CPU a -> a

type Shader = State (Map Unique Uniform, IntSet)

vertexProgram vPos rast fins = let ((pos, outs), uns, ins) = runShader $ do vPos' <- vPos
                                                                            rast' <- selectM fins rast
                                                                            return (vPos', rast')
                                   sig = shaderInputSplits "attr" "va" ins ++
                                         vertexOutputSets fins outs ++
                                         "gl_Position = " ++ pos ++ ";\n"
                  in (("#version 120\n" ++
                     uniformDecls "vu" uns ++
                     attributeDecls ins ++
                     varyingDecls outs ++
                     "void main(){\n" ++
                     sig ++
                     "}\n", sig), uns, ins)

fragmentProgram m = let (outs, uns,ins) = runShader m
                        sig = shaderInputSplits "var" "fa" ins ++outs
                    in (("#version 120\n" ++
                       uniformDecls "fu" uns ++
                       varyingDecls ins ++
                       "void main(){\n" ++
                       sig ++
                       "}\n", sig), uns, ins)

selectM (x:xs) ys = let (a:b) = drop x ys in do a' <- a
                                                b' <- selectM (map (\t -> t-x-1) xs) b
                                                return (a':b')
selectM [] _ = return []

colorFragmentShader :: Fragment Bool -> Vec4 (Fragment Float) -> Shader String
colorFragmentShader (Fragment nDisc) (Fragment r :. Fragment g :. Fragment b :. Fragment a :. ()) =
    do r' <- r
       g' <- g
       b' <- b
       a' <- a
       nDisc' <- nDisc
       return $ "if (!" ++ nDisc' ++ ") discard;\n"
                  ++ "gl_FragColor=vec4(" ++ r' ++ "," ++ g' ++ "," ++ b' ++ "," ++ a' ++ ");\n"

colorDepthFragmentShader :: Fragment Bool -> (Vec4 (Fragment Float), Fragment Float) -> Shader String
colorDepthFragmentShader (Fragment nDisc) ((Fragment r :. Fragment g :. Fragment b :. Fragment a :. ()), Fragment d) =
    do r' <- r
       g' <- g
       b' <- b
       a' <- a
       d' <- d
       nDisc' <- nDisc
       return $ "if (!" ++ nDisc' ++ ") discard;\n"
                ++ "gl_FragDepth=" ++ d' ++ ";\n" ++
                "gl_FragColor=vec4(" ++ r' ++ "," ++ g' ++ "," ++ b' ++ "," ++ a' ++ ");\n"

uniformDecls :: String -> UniformSet -> String
uniformDecls p (f,i,b,s) = let makeU tn xs = if not $ null xs
                                                  then "uniform " ++ tn ++ p ++ "[" ++ show (length xs) ++ "];\n"
                                                  else ""
                           in makeU "float f" f ++ makeU "int i" i ++ makeU "bool b" b ++
                               concatMap (\(t,xs) -> makeU (samplerTypeString t ++ " s" ++ show (fromEnum t)) xs) s

-- Generates e.g. [(0,4), (1,4), (2,3)] from [x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x] (length 11)
inputVecs ins = [(i,min (length ins - i*4) 4) | i <- [0..(length ins - 1) `div` 4]]

attributeDecls ins = concat [ "attribute " ++ tName v ++ " attr" ++ show i ++ ";\n" | (i,v) <- inputVecs ins]
varyingDecls ins = concat [ "varying " ++ tName v ++ " var" ++ show i ++ ";\n" | (i,v) <- inputVecs ins]

shaderInputSplits :: String -> String -> [Int] -> String
shaderInputSplits from to ins = concat [ "float " ++ to ++ show i ++ " = " ++ from ++ show a ++ subElem c e ++ ";\n"  | i <- ins | (a,e) <- inputVecs ins, c <- [0..3]]
vertexOutputSets ins outs = concat [ "var" ++ show v ++ subElem c e ++ " = " ++ outs!!i ++ ";\n"  | i <- ins | (v,e) <- inputVecs ins, c <- [0..3]]

subElem :: Int -> Int -> String
subElem _ 1 = ""
subElem x _ = ['.', (['x','y','z','w']!!x)]

tName :: Int -> String
tName 1 = "float"
tName x = "vec" ++ show x

data Uniform = FloatUniform Float
                  | IntUniform Int
                  | BoolUniform Bool
                  | SamplerUniform SamplerType Sampler WinMappedTexture
samplerTypeString Sampler3D = "sampler3D"
samplerTypeString Sampler2D = "sampler2D"
samplerTypeString Sampler1D = "sampler1D"
samplerTypeString SamplerCube = "samplerCube"

vSampleFunc f t s tex c xs = toColor $ fromVVec 4 (vListFunc f $ [addVertexSamplerUniform t s tex, vVec c] ++ xs)
fSampleFunc f t s tex c xs = toColor $ fromFVec 4 (fListFunc f $ [addFragmentSamplerUniform t s tex, fVec c] ++ xs)

addVertexSamplerUniform t s = Vertex . addUniform ("s" ++ show (fromEnum t) ++ "vu") . SamplerUniform t s
addFragmentSamplerUniform t s = Fragment . addUniform ("s" ++ show (fromEnum t) ++ "fu") . SamplerUniform t s

-- | An opaque type constructor for atomic values in a vertex on the GPU, e.g. 'Vertex' 'Float'.
newtype Vertex a = Vertex { fromVertex :: Shader String }
-- | An opaque type constructor for atomic values in a fragment on the GPU, e.g. 'Fragment' 'Float'. 
newtype Fragment a = Fragment { fromFragment :: Shader String }

runShader :: Shader a -> (a, UniformSet, [Int])
runShader m = (a, getSamplerList $ splitSet ([],[],[], Map.empty) $ reverse $ Map.elems $ fst s, IntSet.toAscList $ snd s)
	where (a,s) = runState m (Map.empty, IntSet.empty)
	      splitSet (f,i,b,s) (FloatUniform u:xs) = splitSet (u:f,i,b,s) xs
	      splitSet (f,i,b,s) (IntUniform u:xs) = splitSet (f,u:i,b,s) xs
	      splitSet (f,i,b,s) (BoolUniform u:xs) = splitSet (f,i,u:b,s) xs
	      splitSet (f,i,b,s) (SamplerUniform t samp tex:xs) = splitSet (f,i,b, Map.insertWith (++) t [(samp,tex)] s) xs
	      splitSet s [] = s
	      getSamplerList (f,i,b,s) = (f,i,b, Map.toList s)

addInput :: Int -> Shader ()
addInput = modify . second . IntSet.insert
addUniform :: String -> Uniform -> Shader String
addUniform p u = do x <- gets fst
                    case Map.lookupIndex n x of
                         Nothing -> do let x' = Map.insert n u' x
                                           s = Map.findIndex n x'
                                       modify $ first $ const x'
                                       return $ p ++ "[" ++ show s ++ "]" 
                         Just i  -> return $ p ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]" 
	where (n,u') = unsafePerformIO $ do n <- newUnique
	                                    return (n,u) --wire u to make it happen as often as we want...

instance GPU (Vertex Float) where
    type CPU (Vertex Float) = Float
    toGPU = Vertex . addUniform "fvu" . FloatUniform
instance GPU (Vertex Int) where
    type CPU (Vertex Int) = Int
    toGPU = Vertex . addUniform "ivu" . IntUniform 
instance GPU (Vertex Bool) where
    type CPU (Vertex Bool) = Bool
    toGPU = Vertex . addUniform "bvu" . BoolUniform

instance GPU (Fragment Float) where
    type CPU (Fragment Float) = Float
    toGPU = Fragment . addUniform "ffu" . FloatUniform
instance GPU (Fragment Int) where
    type CPU (Fragment Int) = Int
    toGPU = Fragment . addUniform "ifu" . IntUniform
instance GPU (Fragment Bool) where
    type CPU (Fragment Bool) = Bool
    toGPU = Fragment . addUniform "bfu" . BoolUniform

instance GPU () where
    type CPU () = ()
    toGPU = id
instance (GPU a, GPU b) => GPU (a,b) where
    type CPU (a,b) = (CPU a, CPU b)
    toGPU (a,b)= (toGPU a, toGPU b)
instance (GPU a, GPU b, GPU c) => GPU (a,b,c) where
    type CPU (a,b,c) = (CPU a, CPU b, CPU c)
    toGPU (a,b,c)= (toGPU a, toGPU b, toGPU c)
instance (GPU a, GPU b, GPU c, GPU d) => GPU (a,b,c,d) where
    type CPU (a,b,c,d) = (CPU a, CPU b, CPU c, CPU d)
    toGPU (a,b,c,d)= (toGPU a, toGPU b, toGPU c, toGPU d)

instance (GPU a, GPU b) => GPU (a:.b) where
    type CPU (a:.b) = CPU a :. CPU b
    toGPU (a:.b) = toGPU a :. toGPU b

instance Eq (Vertex a) where
  (==) = noFun "(==)"
  (/=) = noFun "(/=)" 
instance Eq (Fragment a) where
  (==) = noFun "(==)"
  (/=) = noFun "(/=)"

instance Ord a => Ord (Vertex a) where
  (<=) = noFun "(<=)"
  min = vBinaryFunc "min"
  max = vBinaryFunc "max"
instance Ord a => Ord (Fragment a) where
  (<=) = noFun "(<=)"
  min = fBinaryFunc "min"
  max = fBinaryFunc "max"

instance Show (Vertex a) where
  show      = noFun "show"
instance Show (Fragment a) where
  show      = noFun "show"

instance Num a => Num (Vertex a) where
  negate      = vUnaryPreOp "-"
  (+)         = vBinaryOp "+"
  (*)         = vBinaryOp "*"
  fromInteger a = Vertex $ return $ show (fromInteger a :: a)
  abs         = vUnaryFunc "abs"
  signum      = vUnaryFunc "sign"
instance Num a => Num (Fragment a) where
  negate      = fUnaryPreOp "-"
  (+)         = fBinaryOp "+"
  (*)         = fBinaryOp "*"
  fromInteger a = Fragment $ return $ show (fromInteger a :: a)
  abs         = fUnaryFunc "abs"
  signum      = fUnaryFunc "sign"

instance Fractional a => Fractional (Vertex a) where
  (/)          = vBinaryOp "/"
  fromRational a = Vertex $ return $ show (fromRational a :: a)
instance  Fractional a => Fractional (Fragment a) where
  (/)          = fBinaryOp "/"
  fromRational a = Fragment $ return $ show (fromRational a :: a)

instance Floating a => Floating (Vertex a) where
  pi    = fromRational (toRational (pi :: Double))
  sqrt  = vUnaryFunc "sqrt"
  exp   = vUnaryFunc "exp"
  log   = vUnaryFunc "log"
  (**)  = vBinaryFunc "pow"
  sin   = vUnaryFunc "sin"
  cos   = vUnaryFunc "cos"
  tan   = vUnaryFunc "tan"
  asin  = vUnaryFunc "asin"
  acos  = vUnaryFunc "acos"
  atan  = vUnaryFunc "atan"
  sinh  = noFun "sinh"
  cosh  = noFun "cosh"
  asinh = noFun "asinh"
  atanh = noFun "atanh"
  acosh = noFun "acosh"

instance Floating a => Floating (Fragment a) where
  pi    = fromRational (toRational (pi :: Double))
  sqrt  = fUnaryFunc "sqrt"
  exp   = fUnaryFunc "exp"
  log   = fUnaryFunc "log"
  (**)  = fBinaryFunc "pow"
  sin   = fUnaryFunc "sin"
  cos   = fUnaryFunc "cos"
  tan   = fUnaryFunc "tan"
  asin  = fUnaryFunc "asin"
  acos  = fUnaryFunc "acos"
  atan  = fUnaryFunc "atan"
  sinh  = noFun "sinh"
  cosh  = noFun "cosh"
  asinh = noFun "asinh"
  atanh = noFun "atanh"
  acosh = noFun "acosh"

-- | This class provides the GPU functions either not found in Prelude's numerical classes, or that has wrong types.
--   Instances are also provided for normal 'Float's and 'Double's.
--   Minimal complete definition: 'floor'' and 'ceiling''.
class (Ord a, Floating a) => Real' a where
  rsqrt :: a -> a
  exp2 :: a -> a
  log2 :: a -> a
  floor' :: a -> a
  ceiling' :: a -> a
  fract' :: a -> a
  mod' :: a -> a -> a
  clamp :: a -> a -> a -> a
  saturate :: a -> a
  mix :: a -> a -> a-> a
  step :: a -> a -> a
  smoothstep :: a -> a -> a -> a

  rsqrt = (1/) . sqrt
  exp2 = (2**)
  log2 = logBase 2
  clamp x a b = min (max x a) b
  saturate x = clamp x 0 1
  mix x y a = x*(1-a)+y*a
  step a x | x < a     = 0
           | otherwise = 1
  smoothstep a b x = let t = saturate ((x-a) / (b-a))
                     in t*t*(3-2*t)
  fract' x = x - floor' x
  mod' x y = x - y* floor' (x/y)
instance Real' Float where
  floor' = fromIntegral . floor
  ceiling' = fromIntegral . ceiling

instance Real' Double where
  floor' = fromIntegral . floor
  ceiling' = fromIntegral . ceiling
instance Real' (Vertex Float) where
  rsqrt = vUnaryFunc "inversesqrt"
  exp2 = vUnaryFunc "exp2"
  log2 = vUnaryFunc "log2"
  floor' = vUnaryFunc "floor"
  ceiling' = vUnaryFunc "ceil"
  fract' = vUnaryFunc "fract"
  mod' = vBinaryFunc "mod"
  clamp x a b = vListFunc "clamp" [x,a,b]
  mix  x y a = vListFunc "mix" [x,y,a]
  step = vBinaryFunc "step"
  smoothstep a b x = vListFunc "smoothstep" [a,b,x]
instance Real' (Fragment Float) where
  rsqrt = fUnaryFunc "inversesqrt"
  exp2 = fUnaryFunc "exp2"
  log2 = fUnaryFunc "log2"
  floor' = fUnaryFunc "floor"
  ceiling' = fUnaryFunc "ceil"
  fract' = fUnaryFunc "fract"
  mod' = fBinaryFunc "mod"
  clamp x a b = fListFunc "clamp" [x,a,b]
  mix  x y a = fListFunc "mix" [x,y,a]
  step = fBinaryFunc "step"
  smoothstep a b x = fListFunc "smoothstep" [a,b,x]

instance Boolean (Vertex Bool) where
    true = Vertex $ return "true"
    false = Vertex $ return "false"
    notB = vUnaryFunc "not"
    (&&*) = vBinaryOp "&&"
    (||*) = vBinaryOp "||"

instance Boolean (Fragment Bool) where
    true = Fragment $ return "true"
    false = Fragment $ return "false"
    notB = fUnaryFunc "not"
    (&&*) = fBinaryOp "&&"
    (||*) = fBinaryOp "||"

instance Eq a => EqB (Vertex Bool) (Vertex a) where
    (==*) = vBinaryOp "=="
    (/=*) = vBinaryOp "!="

instance Eq a => EqB (Fragment Bool) (Fragment a) where
    (==*) = fBinaryOp "=="
    (/=*) = fBinaryOp "!="

instance Ord a => OrdB (Vertex Bool) (Vertex a) where
    (<*) = vBinaryOp "<"
    (>=*) = vBinaryOp ">="
    (>*) = vBinaryOp ">"
    (<=*) = vBinaryOp "<="
instance Ord a => OrdB (Fragment Bool) (Fragment a) where
    (<*) = fBinaryOp "<"
    (>=*) = fBinaryOp ">="
    (>*) = fBinaryOp ">"
    (<=*) = fBinaryOp "<="

instance IfB (Vertex Bool) (Vertex a) where
    ifB c a b = Vertex $ do c' <- fromVertex c
                            a' <- fromVertex a
                            b' <- fromVertex b
                            return $ "(" ++ c' ++ "?" ++ a' ++ ":" ++ b' ++ ")"

instance IfB (Fragment Bool) (Fragment a) where
    ifB c a b = Fragment $ do c' <- fromFragment c
                              a' <- fromFragment a
                              b' <- fromFragment b
                              return $ "(" ++ c' ++ "?" ++ a' ++ ":" ++ b' ++ ")"

-- | The derivative in x using local differencing of the rasterized value.
dFdx :: Fragment Float -> Fragment Float
-- | The derivative in y using local differencing of the rasterized value.
dFdy :: Fragment Float -> Fragment Float
-- | The sum of the absolute derivative in x and y using local differencing of the rasterized value.
fwidth :: Fragment Float -> Fragment Float
dFdx = fUnaryFunc "dFdx"
dFdy = fUnaryFunc "dFdy"
fwidth = fUnaryFunc "fwidth"

-- Vector specializations

{-# RULES "norm/F4" norm = normF4 #-}
{-# RULES "norm/F3" norm = normF3 #-}
{-# RULES "norm/F2" norm = normF2 #-}
normF4 :: Vec4 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
normF4 = fUnaryFunc "length" . fVec
normF3 :: Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
normF3 = fUnaryFunc "length" . fVec
normF2 :: Vec2 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
normF2 = fUnaryFunc "length" . fVec
{-# RULES "norm/V4" norm = normV4 #-}
{-# RULES "norm/V3" norm = normV3 #-}
{-# RULES "norm/V2" norm = normV2 #-}
normV4 :: Vec4 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
normV4 = vUnaryFunc "length" . vVec
normV3 :: Vec3 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
normV3 = vUnaryFunc "length" . vVec
normV2 :: Vec2 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
normV2 = vUnaryFunc "length" . vVec

{-# RULES "normalize/F4" normalize = normalizeF4 #-}
{-# RULES "normalize/F3" normalize = normalizeF3 #-}
{-# RULES "normalize/F2" normalize = normalizeF2 #-}
normalizeF4 :: Vec4 (Fragment Float) -> Vec4 (Fragment Float)
normalizeF4 = fromFVec 4 . fUnaryFunc "normalize" . fVec
normalizeF3 :: Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Vec3 (Fragment Float)
normalizeF3 = fromFVec 3 . fUnaryFunc "normalize" . fVec
normalizeF2 :: Vec2 (Fragment Float) -> Vec2 (Fragment Float)
normalizeF2 = fromFVec 2 . fUnaryFunc "normalize" . fVec
{-# RULES "normalize/V4" normalize = normalizeV4 #-}
{-# RULES "normalize/V3" normalize = normalizeV3 #-}
{-# RULES "normalize/V2" normalize = normalizeV2 #-}
normalizeV4 :: Vec4 (Vertex Float) -> Vec4 (Vertex Float)
normalizeV4 = fromVVec 4 . vUnaryFunc "normalize" . vVec
normalizeV3 :: Vec3 (Vertex Float) -> Vec3 (Vertex Float)
normalizeV3 = fromVVec 3 . vUnaryFunc "normalize" . vVec
normalizeV2 :: Vec2 (Vertex Float) -> Vec2 (Vertex Float)
normalizeV2 = fromVVec 2 . vUnaryFunc "normalize" . vVec

{-# RULES "dot/F4" dot = dotF4 #-}
{-# RULES "dot/F3" dot = dotF3 #-}
{-# RULES "dot/F2" dot = dotF2 #-}
dotF4 :: Vec4 (Fragment Float) -> Vec4 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
dotF4 a b = fBinaryFunc "dot" (fVec a) (fVec b)
dotF3 :: Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
dotF3 a b = fBinaryFunc "dot" (fVec a) (fVec b)
dotF2 :: Vec2 (Fragment Float) -> Vec2 (Fragment Float) -> Fragment Float
dotF2 a b = fBinaryFunc "dot" (fVec a) (fVec b)
{-# RULES "dot/V4" dot = dotV4 #-}
{-# RULES "dot/V3" dot = dotV3 #-}
{-# RULES "dot/V2" dot = dotV2 #-}
dotV4 :: Vec4 (Vertex Float) -> Vec4 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
dotV4 a b = vBinaryFunc "dot" (vVec a) (vVec b)
dotV3 :: Vec3 (Vertex Float) -> Vec3 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
dotV3 a b = vBinaryFunc "dot" (vVec a) (vVec b)
dotV2 :: Vec2 (Vertex Float) -> Vec2 (Vertex Float) -> Vertex Float
dotV2 a b = vBinaryFunc "dot" (vVec a) (vVec b)

{-# RULES "cross/F3" cross = crossF3 #-}
crossF3 :: Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Vec3 (Fragment Float) -> Vec3 (Fragment Float)
crossF3 a b = fromFVec 3 $ fBinaryFunc "cross" (fVec a) (fVec b)
{-# RULES "cross/V3" cross = crossV3 #-}
crossV3 :: Vec3 (Vertex Float) -> Vec3 (Vertex Float) ->Vec3 (Vertex Float)
crossV3 a b = fromVVec 3 $ vBinaryFunc "cross" (vVec a) (vVec b)

-- Private
noFun :: String -> a
noFun = error . (++ ": No overloading for Vertex/Fragment")

vListFunc s xs = Vertex $ do xs' <- mapM fromVertex xs 
                             return $ s ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," xs' ++ ")"
fListFunc s xs = Fragment $ do xs' <- mapM fromFragment xs 
                               return $ s ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," xs' ++ ")"
vUnaryFunc s a = vListFunc s [a]
fUnaryFunc s a = fListFunc s [a]
vBinaryFunc s a b = vListFunc s [a,b]
fBinaryFunc s a b = fListFunc s [a,b]

vUnaryPreOp s a = Vertex $ do a' <- fromVertex a
                              return $ "(" ++ s ++ a' ++ ")"
fUnaryPreOp s a = Fragment $ do a' <- fromFragment a
                                return $ "(" ++ s ++ a' ++ ")"

vBinaryOp s a b = Vertex $ do a' <- fromVertex a
                              b' <- fromVertex b
                              return $ "(" ++ a' ++ s ++ b' ++ ")"
fBinaryOp s a b = Fragment $ do a' <- fromFragment a
                                b' <- fromFragment b
                                return $ "(" ++ a' ++ s ++ b' ++ ")"

vVec v = let xs = Vec.toList v in vListFunc (tName $ length xs) xs                                
fVec v = let xs = Vec.toList v in fListFunc (tName $ length xs) xs

fromVVec e v = Vec.fromList $ map (\n -> Vertex $ do v' <- fromVertex v
                                                     return (v' ++ subElem n e))
fromFVec e v = Vec.fromList $ map (\n -> Fragment $ do v' <- fromFragment v
                                                       return (v' ++ subElem n e))