{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts,
  RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
  FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}

module Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Shader (
) where

import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Compiler
import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Context
import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Buffer
import Control.Monad.Trans.State 
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy (tell, WriterT(..), runWriterT)
import Control.Monad.Exception (MonadException)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative, (<|>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Trans.List (ListT(..))
import Data.Monoid (All(..), mempty)
import Data.Either
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (throwError)

data ShaderState s = ShaderState Int (RenderIOState s)

newShaderState :: ShaderState s
newShaderState = ShaderState 0 newRenderIOState

getName :: ShaderM s Int
getName = do ShaderState n r <- ShaderM $ lift $ lift $ lift get
             ShaderM $ lift $ lift $ lift $ put $ ShaderState (n+1) r
             return n

askUniformAlignment = ShaderM ask 

modifyRenderIO :: (RenderIOState s -> RenderIOState s) -> ShaderM s ()
modifyRenderIO f = ShaderM $ lift $ lift $ lift $ modify (\(ShaderState a s) -> ShaderState a (f s))

tellDrawcall :: IO (Drawcall s) -> ShaderM s ()
tellDrawcall dc = ShaderM $ lift $ tell ([dc], mempty) 

mapDrawcall :: (s -> s') -> Drawcall s' -> Drawcall s
mapDrawcall f (Drawcall a b c d e g h i j k) = Drawcall (a . f) b c d e g h i j k 

newtype ShaderM s a = ShaderM (ReaderT UniformAlignment (WriterT ([IO (Drawcall s)], s -> All) (ListT (State (ShaderState s)))) a) deriving (MonadPlus, Monad, Alternative, Applicative, Functor)

-- | The monad in which all GPU computations are done. 'Shader os f s a' lives in an object space 'os' and a context with format 'f', closing over an environent of type 's'.  
newtype Shader os f s a = Shader (ShaderM s a)  deriving (MonadPlus, Monad, Alternative, Applicative, Functor)

-- | Map the environment to a different environment and run a Shader in that sub environment, returning it's result. 
mapShader :: (s -> s') -> Shader os f s' a -> Shader os f s a
mapShader f (Shader (ShaderM m)) = Shader $ ShaderM $ do
        uniAl <- ask
        lift $ WriterT $ ListT $ do
            ShaderState x s <- get
            let (adcs, ShaderState x' s') = runState (runListT (runWriterT (runReaderT m uniAl))) (ShaderState x newRenderIOState)
            put $ ShaderState x' (mapRenderIOState f s' s) 
            return $ map (\(a,(dcs, disc)) -> (a, (map (>>= (return . mapDrawcall f)) dcs, disc . f))) adcs

-- | Conditionally run the effects of a shader when a 'Maybe' value is 'Just' something.   
maybeShader :: (s -> Maybe s') -> Shader os f s' () -> Shader os f s ()
maybeShader f m = (guard' (isJust . f) >> mapShader (fromJust . f) m) <|> guard' (isNothing . f) 

-- | Like 'guard', but dependent on the 'Shaders' environment value. Since this will be evaluated at shader run time, as opposed to shader compile time for 'guard',
--   using this to do recursion will make 'compileShader' diverge. You can break that divergence by combining it with a normal 'guard' and a maximum loop count.
guard' :: (s -> Bool) -> Shader os f s ()
guard' f = Shader $ ShaderM $ lift $ tell (mempty, All . f) 

-- | Select one of two 'Shader' actions based on whether an 'Either' value is 'Left' or 'Right'.
chooseShader :: (s -> Either s' s'') -> Shader os f s' a -> Shader os f s'' a -> Shader os f s a
chooseShader f a b = (guard' (isLeft . f) >> mapShader (fromLeft . f) a) <|> (guard' (isRight . f) >> mapShader (fromRight . f) b) 
    where fromLeft (Left x) = x
          fromRight (Right x) = x        

-- | Discard all effects of a 'Shader' action (i.e., dont draw anything) and just return the resulting value. This makes it possible to use a 'Shader' written for a different context format. 
silenceShader :: Shader os f' s a -> Shader os f s a
silenceShader (Shader (ShaderM m)) = Shader $ ShaderM $ do
        uniAl <- ask
        lift $ WriterT $ ListT $ do
            s <- get
            let (adcs, s') = runState (runListT (runWriterT (runReaderT m uniAl))) s
            put s'
            return $ map (\ (a, (_, disc)) -> (a, ([], disc))) adcs

-- | A compiled shader is just a function that takes an environment and returns a 'Render' action 
type CompiledShader os f s = s -> Render os f ()

-- | Compiles a shader into a 'CompiledShader'. This action will usually take a second or more, so put it during a loading sequence or something.   
--   May throw a 'GPipeException' if the graphics driver doesn't support something in this shader (e.g. too many interpolated floats sent between a vertex and a fragment shader),
--   or if shader evaluates to 'mzero'.
compileShader :: (MonadIO m, MonadException m) => Shader os f x () -> ContextT w os f' m (CompiledShader os f x)
compileShader (Shader (ShaderM m)) = do
        uniAl <- liftContextIO getUniformAlignment
        let (adcs, ShaderState _ s) = runState (runListT (runWriterT (runReaderT m uniAl))) newShaderState
            f ((disc, runF):ys) e@(cd, env) = if getAll (disc env) then runF cd env else f ys e
            f  [] _               = error "render: Shader evaluated to mzero\n"
        xs <- mapM (\(_,(dcs, disc)) -> do 
                                runF <- compile dcs s
                                return (disc, runF)) adcs
        return $ \ s -> Render $ do cd <- lift $ asks $ fst . snd
                                    throwFromMaybe $ lift $ lift $ f xs (cd, s)

throwFromMaybe m = do mErr <- m
                      case mErr of
                          Just err -> throwError err
                          Nothing -> return ()

-- | Use this to run a shader that doesn't reference the context frame buffer, allowing the same shader to be run in another context with a different context format (but still with same object space).
withoutContext :: Render os () () -> Render os f ()
withoutContext (Render m) = Render m