-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Formats.PNG
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marko Lauronen 2008
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  marko.lauronen@pp1.inet.fi
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC only)
-- A simple, pure Haskell PNG loader. Currently supports 24bit RGB(A) images
-- with no interlacing. Also lacks support for color indexed (paletted) images.
-- The image is stored in a StorableArray for compatibility with OpenGL (the
-- array supports getting Ptr Word8 to the image data using withStorableArray
-- function).
module Gamgine.Image.PNG
     -- * Types
      PNGImage, Width, Height
     -- * Functions
    , loadPNGFile
    , dimensions
    --, pixelWidth
    , imageData
    , hasAlphaChannel
    ) where

import Codec.Compression.Zlib

import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.Parsec.Prim

import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Storable
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Int
import Data.Char
import System.IO

import Control.Monad.Error

import Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.Parser
import Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.CRC
import Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.Filters
import qualified Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.LBS as LBS
import Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.LBS (LBS)

-- | Type for raw PNG chunks
-- The parsing happens in two phases: first the file is read into
-- raw chunks, then the raw chunks are parsed into actual PNGChunks
-- This is due to the CRC checksum that requires is easiest to compute
-- with raw chunk data.
data RawPNGChunk = RawPNGChunk {
      rawPngChunk_type  :: !String,
      rawPngChunk_data  :: !LBS
    } deriving (Show)

type Width  = Word32
type Height = Word32
type Rgb = (Word8, Word8, Word8)

-- | The actual fully parsed chunk type
data PNGChunk =
    IHDR {
      ihdr_width             :: !Width
    , ihdr_height            :: !Height
    , ihdr_bitDepth          :: !BitDepth
    , ihdr_colorType         :: !ColorType
    , ihdr_compressionMethod :: !CompressionMethod
    , ihdr_filterMethod      :: !FilterMethod
    , ihdr_interlaceMethod   :: !InterlaceMethod }
  | PLTE {
      plte_entries :: !(Array Word8 Rgb) }
  | IDAT {
      idat_data :: !LBS }
  | UnknownChunk RawPNGChunk    -- chunk types not supported yet
  | IEND
    deriving (Show)

data ColorType         = Ct0 | Ct2 | Ct3 | Ct4 | Ct6 deriving (Show,Eq)
data BitDepth          = Bd1 | Bd2 | Bd4 | Bd8 | Bd16 deriving (Show,Eq)
data CompressionMethod = Deflate deriving (Show,Eq)
data FilterMethod      = Adaptive deriving (Show,Eq)
data InterlaceMethod   = NoInterlace | Adam7 deriving (Show,Eq)

isIDAT :: PNGChunk -> Bool
isIDAT (IDAT _) = True
isIDAT _        = False

data PNGImage = PNGImage {
      pngImg_header  :: !PNGChunk
    , pngImg_otherChunks :: ![PNGChunk]
    , pngImg_imageData :: !(StorableArray (Int,Int) Word8)

instance Show PNGImage where
    show _ = "PNGImage"

-- | Raw chunk parsing

pngHeaderBytes :: LBS
pngHeaderBytes = LBS.pack [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]

pngFile :: Parser [RawPNGChunk]
pngFile = do
  string pngHeaderBytes
  hdr <- rawPngChunk
  when (rawPngChunk_type hdr /= "IHDR") $
       fail "expecting IHDR as the first chunk"
  rest <- many1 rawPngChunk
  return (hdr:rest)

rawPngChunk :: Parser RawPNGChunk
rawPngChunk = do
  len <- anyWord32
  chunkType <- block 4
  chunkData <- block (fromIntegral len)
  let expectedCrc = crc (LBS.concat [chunkType,chunkData])
  word32 expectedCrc <?> "valid crc"
  return $ RawPNGChunk (LBS.unpackToString chunkType) chunkData

-- | Final chunk parsing

parsePlte :: Parser PNGChunk
parsePlte = do
  paletteEntries <- many1 paletteEntry
  return . PLTE $ listArray (0, fromIntegral (length paletteEntries-1)) paletteEntries
   paletteEntry = liftM3 (,,) anyWord8 anyWord8 anyWord8

parseIhdr :: Parser PNGChunk
parseIhdr = do
  width <- anyWord32
  height <- anyWord32
  -- [(1,Bd1), (2,Bd2), (4,Bd4), (8,Bd8), (16,Bd16)]
  bitDepth <- allowedValues word8 [(8,Bd8)]
              <?> "valid bit depth (supported: Bd8)"
  --[(0,Ct0), (2,Ct2), (3,Ct3), (4,Ct4), (6,Ct6)]
  colorType <- allowedValues word8 [(2,Ct2), (6,Ct6)]
               <?> "valid colorType: supported Ct2,Ct6"
  compressionMethod <- allowedValues word8 [(0, Deflate)]
                       <?> "valid compression method: supported Deflate"
  filterMethod <- allowedValues word8 [(0, Adaptive)]
                  <?> "valid filter method: supported Adaptive"
  -- [(0, NoInterlace), (1, Adam7)]
  interlaceMethod <- allowedValues word8 [(0, NoInterlace)]
                     <?> "valid interlace method: supported NoInterlace"
  return $ IHDR {
               ihdr_width = width
             , ihdr_height = height
             , ihdr_bitDepth = bitDepth
             , ihdr_colorType = colorType
             , ihdr_compressionMethod = compressionMethod
             , ihdr_filterMethod = filterMethod
             , ihdr_interlaceMethod = interlaceMethod

-- | conversion from raw chunks to final chunks
toPngChunk :: RawPNGChunk -> Either String PNGChunk
toPngChunk raw =
    case chunkName of
      "IHDR"   -> parseChunkData parseIhdr
      "PLTE"   -> parseChunkData parsePlte
      "IEND"   -> return IEND
      "IDAT"   -> return $ IDAT (rawPngChunk_data raw)
      _        -> return $ UnknownChunk raw
   parseChunkData a =
       case runP a () "" (rawPngChunk_data raw) of
         Left e  -> fail $ "failed to parse chunk " ++ show chunkName ++ ", " ++ show e
         Right x -> return x
   chunkName = rawPngChunk_type raw

toPngImage :: [RawPNGChunk] -> IO (Either String PNGImage)
toPngImage chunks = do
  case mapM toPngChunk chunks >>= return . partition isIDAT of
    Right (_, []) -> return $ Left "File has no chunks!"
    Right (dataChunks, hdr:otherChunks)  -> do
                      let dataDecompressed = decompress . LBS.unLSB . LBS.concat . map idat_data $ dataChunks
                          bpp = bytesPerPixel (ihdr_colorType hdr) (ihdr_bitDepth hdr)
                          w = fromIntegral (ihdr_width hdr)
                          h = fromIntegral (ihdr_height hdr)
                      sls <- defilter_scanlines_arr (w,h) (fromIntegral bpp) dataDecompressed
                      return $ Right (PNGImage hdr otherChunks sls)
    Left x -> return $ Left x

-- |Load a PNG file, Left value contains a description of a problem as a String,
-- if any
loadPNGFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String PNGImage)
loadPNGFile fn = do
  rawChunks <- parseFromFile pngFile fn
  case rawChunks of
    Right chunks  -> toPngImage chunks `catchError` (\e -> return (Left (show e)))
    Left s        -> return (Left s)

sampleWidth :: BitDepth -> Int
sampleWidth Bd1  = 1
sampleWidth Bd2  = 2
sampleWidth Bd4  = 4
sampleWidth Bd8  = 8
sampleWidth Bd16 = 16

bytesPerPixel :: ColorType -> BitDepth -> Int
bytesPerPixel Ct0 Bd16   = 2
bytesPerPixel Ct0 _      = 1
bytesPerPixel Ct2 Bd1    = 1
bytesPerPixel Ct2 Bd2    = 1
bytesPerPixel Ct2 Bd4    = 2
bytesPerPixel Ct2 Bd8    = 3
bytesPerPixel Ct2 Bd16   = 6
bytesPerPixel Ct3 _      = 3
bytesPerPixel Ct4 Bd8    = 2
bytesPerPixel Ct4 Bd16   = 4
bytesPerPixel Ct4 _      = 1
bytesPerPixel Ct6 Bd8    = 4
bytesPerPixel Ct6 Bd16   = 8
bytesPerPixel Ct6 Bd4    = 2
bytesPerPixel Ct6 _      = 1

-- |Check if the image has alpha channel
hasAlphaChannel :: PNGImage -> Bool
hasAlphaChannel img = case ihdr_colorType hdr of
                        Ct6   -> True
                        _     -> False
 where hdr = pngImg_header img

-- |Get dimensions of the image (in pixels)
dimensions :: PNGImage -> (Width,Height)
dimensions img = (ihdr_width hdr, ihdr_height hdr)
 where hdr = pngImg_header img

-- |Bytes per pixel
pixelWidth :: PNGImage -> Int
pixelWidth img = bytesPerPixel (ihdr_colorType hdr) (ihdr_bitDepth hdr)
 where hdr = pngImg_header img

-- |Get image data as C-compatible StorableArray
imageData :: PNGImage -> StorableArray (Int,Int) Word8
imageData img = pngImg_imageData img