% GenI surface realiser % Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. \chapter{Command line arguments} \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module NLP.GenI.Configuration ( Params(..), GrammarType(..), BuilderType(..), Instruction, Flag -- * flags , BatchDirFlg(..) , DetectPolaritiesFlg(..) , DisableGuiFlg(..) , DumpDerivationFlg(..) , EarlyDeathFlg(..) , ExtraPolaritiesFlg(..) , FromStdinFlg(..) , HelpFlg(..) , InstructionsFileFlg(..) , LexiconFlg(..) , MacrosFlg(..) , MetricsFlg(..) , MorphCmdFlg(..) , MorphInfoFlg(..) , NoLoadTestSuiteFlg(..) , OptimisationsFlg(..) , OutputFileFlg(..) , PartialFlg(..) , RankingConstraintsFlg(..) , RegressionTestModeFlg(..) , RootFeatureFlg(..) , RunUnitTestFlg(..) , StatsFileFlg(..) , TestCaseFlg(..) , TestInstructionsFlg(..) , TestSuiteFlg(..) , TimeoutFlg(..) , TracesFlg(..) , VerboseModeFlg(..) , VersionFlg(..) , ViewCmdFlg(..) -- , mainBuilderTypes , getFlagP, getListFlagP, setFlagP, hasFlagP, deleteFlagP, hasOpt , getFlag, setFlag, hasFlag , Optimisation(..) , emptyParams, defineParams , treatArgs, treatArgsWithParams, usage, basicSections, optionsSections , processInstructions , optionsForStandardGenI , optionsForBasicStuff, optionsForOptimisation, optionsForMorphology, optionsForInputFiles , optionsForBuilder, optionsForTesting , nubBySwitches , noArg, reqArg, optArg , parseFlagWithParsec -- re-exports , module System.Console.GetOpt , Typeable ) where \end{code} \ignore{ \begin{code} import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Data.Char ( toLower ) import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe, mapMaybe ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable, typeOf, cast ) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment ( getProgName ) import Data.List ( find, intersperse, nubBy ) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe, isNothing, fromJust ) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ( runParser, CharParser ) import NLP.GenI.Btypes ( Flist, showFlist, ) import NLP.GenI.General ( geniBug, fst3, snd3, Interval ) import NLP.GenI.GeniParsers ( geniFeats, geniPolarities ) import NLP.GenI.PolarityTypes ( PolarityKey(..), PolarityAttr(..), readPolarityAttrs ) \end{code} } % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Code for debugging. (should be latex-commented % when not in use) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- %\begin{code} %import Debug.Trace %\end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Params % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} -- | Holds the specification for how Geni should be run, its input -- files, etc. This is the stuff that would normally be found in -- the configuration file. data Params = Prms{ grammarType :: GrammarType, builderType :: BuilderType, geniFlags :: [Flag] } deriving (Show) hasOpt :: Optimisation -> Params -> Bool hasOpt o p = maybe False (elem o) $ getFlagP OptimisationsFlg p hasFlagP :: (Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> Params -> Bool deleteFlagP :: (Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> Params -> Params setFlagP :: (Eq f, Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> x -> Params -> Params getFlagP :: (Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> Params -> Maybe x getListFlagP :: (Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => ([x] -> f) -> Params -> [x] hasFlagP f = hasFlag f . geniFlags deleteFlagP f p = p { geniFlags = deleteFlag f (geniFlags p) } setFlagP f v p = p { geniFlags = setFlag f v (geniFlags p) } getFlagP f = getFlag f . geniFlags getListFlagP f = fromMaybe [] . getFlagP f -- | The default parameters configuration emptyParams :: Params emptyParams = Prms { builderType = SimpleBuilder, grammarType = GeniHand, geniFlags = [ Flag ViewCmdFlg "ViewTAG" , Flag DetectPolaritiesFlg (readPolarityAttrs defaultPolarityAttrs) , Flag RootFeatureFlg (readRF defaultRootFeat) ] } where readRF = parseFlagWithParsec "default root feature" geniFeats \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Command line arguments} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line arguments can be specified in the GNU style, for example \texttt{--foo=bar} or \texttt{--foo bar}, or \texttt{-f bar} when a short switch is available. For more information, type \texttt{geni --help}. \begin{code} type OptSection = (String,[OptDescr Flag],[String]) -- | Uses the GetOpt library to process the command line arguments. -- Note that we divide them into basic and advanced usage. optionsForStandardGenI :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForStandardGenI = nubBySwitches $ concatMap snd3 optionsSections ++ -- FIXME: weird mac stuff [ Option ['p'] [] (reqArg WeirdFlg id "CMD") "" ] basicSections :: [OptSection] basicSections = map tweakBasic $ take 1 optionsSections where tweakBasic (x,y,z) = (x,y,z ++ ["See --help for more options"]) optionsSections :: [OptSection] optionsSections = [ ("Core options", optionsForBasicStuff, example) , ("Input", optionsForInputFiles, []) , ("Output", optionsForOutput, []) , ("Algorithm", (nubBySwitches $ optionsForBuilder ++ optionsForOptimisation), usageForOptimisations) , ("Morphology", optionsForMorphology, []) , ("User interface", optionsForUserInterface, []) , ("Batch processing", optionsForTesting, []) ] where example = [ "Example:" , " geni -m examples/ej/mac -l examples/ej/lexicon -s examples/ej/suite" ] getSwitches :: OptDescr a -> ([Char],[String]) getSwitches (Option s l _ _) = (s,l) nubBySwitches :: [OptDescr a] -> [OptDescr a] nubBySwitches = nubBy (\x y -> getSwitches x == getSwitches y) -- GetOpt wrappers noArg :: forall f . (Eq f, Show f, Typeable f) => (() -> f) -> ArgDescr Flag noArg s = NoArg (Flag s ()) reqArg :: forall f x . (Eq f, Show f, Typeable f, Eq x, Show x, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -- ^ flag -> (String -> x) -- ^ string reader for flag (probably |id| if already a String) -> String -- ^ description -> ArgDescr Flag reqArg s fn desc = ReqArg (\x -> Flag s (fn x)) desc optArg :: forall f x . (Eq f, Show f, Typeable f, Eq x, Show x, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -- ^ flag -> x -- ^ default value -> (String -> x) -- ^ string reader (as in @reqArg@) -> String -- ^ description -> ArgDescr Flag optArg s def fn desc = OptArg (\x -> Flag s (maybe def fn x)) desc \end{code} \begin{code} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing command line arguments -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Print out a GenI-style usage message with options divided into sections usage :: [OptSection] -- ^ options -> String -- ^ prog name -> String usage sections pname = let header = "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " [OPTION...]\n" body = unlines $ map usageSection sections in header ++ body usageSection :: (String, [OptDescr Flag],[String]) -> String usageSection (name, opts, comments) = usageInfo (unlines $ [bar,name, bar]) opts ++ mcomments where bar = replicate 72 '=' mcomments = if null comments then [] else "\n" ++ unlines comments treatArgs :: [OptDescr Flag] -> [String] -> IO Params treatArgs options argv = treatArgsWithParams options argv emptyParams treatArgsWithParams :: [OptDescr Flag] -> [String] -> Params -> IO Params treatArgsWithParams options argv initParams = case getOpt Permute options argv of (os,_,[] )-> return $ defineParams os initParams (_,_,errs) -> do p <- getProgName ioError (userError $ concat errs ++ usage basicSections p) defineParams :: [Flag] -> Params -> Params defineParams flgs prms = (\p -> foldr setDefault p $ geniFlags prms) . (mergeFlagsP OptimisationsFlg) . (mergeFlagsP MetricsFlg) $ prms { geniFlags = flgs , builderType = fromFlags builderType BuilderFlg flgs , grammarType = fromFlags grammarType GrammarTypeFlg flgs } where setDefault (Flag f v) p = if hasFlagP f p then p else setFlagP f v p mergeFlagsP f p = if hasFlagP f p then setFlagP f (concat $ getAllFlags f flgs) p else p fromFlags default_ t fs = fromMaybe (default_ prms) (getFlag t fs) \end{code} \section{Options by theme} \label{sec:fancy_parameters} At the time of this writing (2009-09-25), it is highly unlikely that all the options are documented here. See \verb!geni --help! for more details. Note that you might see an option described in more than one place because it falls into multiple categories. % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Basic options} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} optionsForBasicStuff :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForBasicStuff = [ helpOption, verboseOption, noguiOption , macrosOption , lexiconOption, testSuiteOption , outputOption ] \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Input files} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- See Chapter \ref{cha:formats} for details on how to write these files. \begin{description} \item[macros] The \verb!macros! switch is used to supply GenI with FB-LTAG tree schemata. \item[lexicon] The \verb!lexicon! is used for lexical entries that point to the macros \item[suite] The \verb!suite! provides test cases on which to run GenI \item[ranking] The \verb!ranking! switch allows you to specify a file containing Optimality Theory style constraints which GenI will use to rank its output. See Chapter \ref{cha:ranking} for more details on the format and use of this file. \end{description} \begin{code} optionsForInputFiles :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForInputFiles = [ macrosOption , lexiconOption , tracesOption , testSuiteOption , fromStdinOption , morphInfoOption , instructionsOption , rankingOption , Option [] ["preselected"] (NoArg (Flag GrammarTypeFlg PreAnchored)) "do NOT perform lexical selection - treat the grammar as the selection" ] instructionsOption, macrosOption, lexiconOption, tracesOption :: OptDescr Flag instructionsOption = Option [] ["instructions"] (reqArg InstructionsFileFlg id "FILE") "instructions file FILE" macrosOption = Option ['m'] ["macros"] (reqArg MacrosFlg id "FILE") "tree schemata file FILE (unanchored trees)" lexiconOption = Option ['l'] ["lexicon"] (reqArg LexiconFlg id "FILE") "lexicon file FILE" tracesOption = Option [] ["traces"] (reqArg TracesFlg id "FILE") "traces file FILE (list of traces to display)" rankingOption :: OptDescr Flag rankingOption = Option [] ["ranking"] (reqArg RankingConstraintsFlg id "FILE") "ranking constraints FILE (using Optimality Theory)" \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Output} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} optionsForOutput :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForOutput = [ outputOption , Option [] ["dump"] (noArg DumpDerivationFlg) "print derivation information on stdout (JSON)" , Option [] ["partial"] (noArg PartialFlg) "return partial result(s) if no complete solution is found" -- same as rankingOption but with output-centric help text , Option [] ["ranking"] (reqArg RankingConstraintsFlg id "FILE") "use constraints in FILE to rank output" ] outputOption :: OptDescr Flag outputOption = Option ['o'] ["output"] (reqArg OutputFileFlg id "FILE") "output file FILE (stdout if unset)" \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{User interface} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} optionsForUserInterface :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForUserInterface = [ noguiOption, helpOption, versionOption , Option [] ["regression"] (noArg RegressionTestModeFlg) "Run in regression testing mode (needs grammar, etc)" , Option [] ["unit-tests"] (noArg RunUnitTestFlg) "Run in unit testing mode (no arguments needed)" , Option [] ["viewcmd"] (reqArg ViewCmdFlg id "CMD") "XMG tree-view command" ] noguiOption :: OptDescr Flag noguiOption = Option [] ["nogui"] (noArg DisableGuiFlg) "disable graphical user interface" helpOption :: OptDescr Flag helpOption = Option [] ["help"] (noArg HelpFlg) "show full list of command line switches" versionOption :: OptDescr Flag versionOption = Option [] ["version"] (noArg VersionFlg) "display the version" verboseOption :: OptDescr Flag verboseOption = Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (noArg VerboseModeFlg) "verbose mode" \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Optimisations} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{description} \item[opt] The opt switch lets you specify a list of optimisations that GenI should use, for example, \texttt{--opt='pol S i'}. We associate each optimisation with a short code like 'i' for ``index accessibility filtering''. This code is what the user passes in, and is sometimes used by GenI to tell the user which optimisations it's using. See \texttt{geni --help} for more detail on the codes. Optimisations can be accumulated. For example, if you say something like \texttt{--opt='foo bar' --opt='quux'} it is the same as saying \texttt{--opt='foo bar quux'}. Note that we also have two special thematic codes ``pol'' and ``adj'' which tell GenI that it should enable all the polarity-related, and all the adjunction-related optimisations respectively. \item[detect-pols] This tells GenI how to detect polarities in your grammar. You pass this in in the form of a space-delimited string, where each word is either an attribute or a ``restricted'' attribute. In lieu of an explanation, here is an example: the string ``cat idx V.tense D.c'' tells GenI that we should detect polarities on the ``cat'' and ``idx'' attribute for all nodes and also on the ``tense'' attribute for all nodes with the category ``V'' and the ``c'' attribute for all nodes with the category ``D''. If your grammar comes with its own hand-written polarities, you can suppress polarity detection altogether by supplying the empty string. Also, if you do not use this switch, the following defaults will be used: \begin{includecodeinmanual} \begin{code} defaultPolarityAttrs :: String defaultPolarityAttrs = "cat" \end{code} \end{includecodeinmanual} \item[rootfeat] No results? Make sure your rootfeat are set correctly. GenI will reject all sentences whose root category does not unify with the rootfeat, the default of which is: \begin{includecodeinmanual} \begin{code} defaultRootFeat :: String defaultRootFeat = "[cat:s inv:- mode:ind|subj wh:-]" \end{code} \end{includecodeinmanual} You can set rootfeat to be empty (\verb![]!) if you want, in which case the realiser proper will return all results; but note that if you want to use polarity filtering, you must at least specify a value for the \verb!cat! feature. \item[extrapols] Allows to to preset some polarities. There's not very much use for this, in my opinion. Most likely, what you really want is rootfeat. \end{description} \begin{code} optionsForOptimisation :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForOptimisation = [ Option [] ["opts"] (reqArg OptimisationsFlg readOptimisations "LIST") "optimisations 'LIST' (--help for details)" , Option [] ["detect-pols"] (reqArg DetectPolaritiesFlg readPolarityAttrs "LIST") ("attributes 'LIST' (eg. \"cat idx V.tense\", default:" ++ show defaultPolarityAttrs ++ ")") , Option [] ["rootfeat"] (reqArg RootFeatureFlg readRF "FEATURE") ("root features 'FEATURE' (for polarities, default:" ++ showFlist defaultRF ++ ")") , Option [] ["extrapols"] (reqArg ExtraPolaritiesFlg readPolarities "STRING") "preset polarities (normally, you should use rootfeat instead)" ] where defaultRF = getListFlagP RootFeatureFlg emptyParams readRF = parseFlagWithParsec "root feature" geniFeats readPolarities = parseFlagWithParsec "polarity string" geniPolarities data Optimisation = PolOpts | AdjOpts | Polarised | NoConstraints | SemFiltered | Iaf -- ^ one phase only! | EarlyNa deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) coreOptimisationCodes :: [(Optimisation,String,String)] coreOptimisationCodes = [ (Polarised , "p", "polarity filtering") , (EarlyNa , "e-na", "detect null adjunction at earliest opportunity") , (SemFiltered , "f-sem", "semantic filtering (two-phase only)") , (Iaf , "i", "index accesibility filtering (one-phase only)") , (NoConstraints , "nc", "disable semantic constraints (anti-optimisation!)") ] optimisationCodes :: [(Optimisation,String,String)] optimisationCodes = coreOptimisationCodes ++ [ (SemFiltered , "S", "semantic filtering (same as f-sem)") , (PolOpts , "pol", equivalentTo polOpts) , (AdjOpts , "adj", equivalentTo adjOpts) ] where equivalentTo os = "equivalent to '" ++ (unwords $ map showOptCode os) ++ "'" polOpts, adjOpts :: [Optimisation] polOpts = [Polarised] adjOpts = [EarlyNa, SemFiltered] \end{code} \begin{code} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Optimisation usage info -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- lookupOpt:: Optimisation -> (String, String) lookupOpt k = case find (\x -> k == fst3 x) optimisationCodes of Just (_, c, d) -> (c, d) Nothing -> geniBug $ "optimisation " ++ show k ++ " unknown" showOptCode :: Optimisation -> String showOptCode = fst.lookupOpt describeOpt :: (Optimisation, String, String) -> String describeOpt (_,k,d) = k ++ " - " ++ d -- | Displays the usage text for optimisations. -- It shows a table of optimisation codes and their meaning. usageForOptimisations :: [String] usageForOptimisations = [ "Optimisations must be passed in as a space-delimited list" , "(ex: --opt='p f-sem' for polarities and semantic filtering)" , "" , "Optimisations:" , " " ++ unlinesTab (map describeOpt coreOptimisationCodes) ] where unlinesTab l = concat (intersperse "\n " l) \end{code} \begin{code} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing optimisation stuff -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | If we do not recognise a code, we output an error message. We -- also take the liberty of expanding thematic codes like 'pol' -- into the respective list of optimisations. readOptimisations :: String -> [Optimisation] readOptimisations str = case parseOptimisations str of Left ick -> error $ "Unknown optimisations: " ++ (unwords ick) Right os -> (addif PolOpts polOpts) . (addif AdjOpts adjOpts) $ os where addif t x o = if (t `elem` o) then x ++ o else o -- | Returns |Left| for any codes we don't recognise, or -- |Right| if everything is ok. parseOptimisations :: String -> Either [String] [Optimisation] parseOptimisations str = let codes = words str mopts = map lookupOptimisation codes in if any isNothing mopts then Left [ c | (c,o) <- zip codes mopts, isNothing o ] else Right $ map fromJust mopts lookupOptimisation :: String -> Maybe Optimisation lookupOptimisation code = liftM fst3 $ find (\x -> snd3 x == code) optimisationCodes parseFlagWithParsec :: String -> CharParser () b -> String -> b parseFlagWithParsec description p str = case runParser p () "" str of Left err -> error $ "Couldn't parse " ++ description ++ " because " ++ show err Right res -> res \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Builders} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{description} \item[builder] A builder is basically a surface realisation algorithm. \geni has the infrastructure to support different realisation algorithms, but some broken ones have been removed. \end{description} \begin{code} data BuilderType = NullBuilder | SimpleBuilder | SimpleOnePhaseBuilder deriving (Eq, Typeable) instance Show BuilderType where show NullBuilder = "null" show SimpleBuilder = "simple-2p" show SimpleOnePhaseBuilder = "simple-1p" optionsForBuilder :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForBuilder = [ Option ['b'] ["builder"] (reqArg BuilderFlg readBuilderType "BUILDER") ("use as realisation engine one of: " ++ (unwords $ map show mainBuilderTypes)) ] mainBuilderTypes :: [BuilderType] mainBuilderTypes = [ SimpleBuilder, SimpleOnePhaseBuilder ] -- | Hint: compose with (map toLower) to make it case-insensitive mReadBuilderType :: String -> Maybe BuilderType mReadBuilderType "null" = Just NullBuilder mReadBuilderType "simple" = Just SimpleBuilder mReadBuilderType "simple-2p" = Just SimpleBuilder mReadBuilderType "simple-1p" = Just SimpleOnePhaseBuilder mReadBuilderType _ = Nothing -- | Is case-insensitive, error if unknown type readBuilderType :: String -> BuilderType readBuilderType b = case mReadBuilderType $ map toLower b of Just x -> x Nothing -> error $ "Unknown builder type " ++ b \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Testing and profiling} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} fromStdinOption :: OptDescr Flag fromStdinOption = Option [] ["from-stdin"] (noArg FromStdinFlg) "get testcase from stdin" testSuiteOption :: OptDescr Flag testSuiteOption = Option ['s'] ["testsuite"] (reqArg TestSuiteFlg id "FILE") "test suite FILE" optionsForTesting :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForTesting = [ testSuiteOption , fromStdinOption , Option [] ["testcase"] (reqArg TestCaseFlg id "STRING") "run test case STRING" , Option [] ["timeout"] (reqArg TimeoutFlg read "SECONDS") "time out after SECONDS seconds" , Option [] ["metrics"] (optArg MetricsFlg ["default"] words "LIST") "keep track of performance metrics: (default: iterations comparisons chart_size)" , Option [] ["statsfile"] (reqArg StatsFileFlg id "FILE") "write performance data to file FILE (stdout if unset)" , Option [] ["batchdir"] (reqArg BatchDirFlg id "DIR") "batch process the test suite and save results to DIR" , Option [] ["earlydeath"] (noArg EarlyDeathFlg) "exit on first case with no results (batch processing) " ] \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Morphology} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- GenI provides two options for morphology: either you use an external inflection program (morphcmd), or you pass in a morphological lexicon (morphlexicon) and in doing so, use GenI's built in inflecter. The GenI internal morphology mechanism is a simple and stupid lookup-and- unify table, so you probably don't want to use it if you have a huge lexicon. \begin{description} \item[morphcmd] specifies the program used for morphology. Literate GenI \cite{literateGeni} has a chapter describing how that program must work. It will mostly likely be a script you wrote to wrap around some off-the-shelf software. \item[morphlexicon] specifies a morphological lexicon for use by GenI's internal morphological generator. Specifying this option will cause the morphcmd flag to be ignored. \item[morphinfo] tells GenI which literals in the input semantics are to be used by the morphological \emph{pre-}processor. The pre-processor strips these features from the input and fiddles with the elementary trees used by GenI so that the right features get attached to the leaf nodes. An example of a ``morphological'' literal is something like \texttt{past(p)}. \end{description} \begin{code} optionsForMorphology :: [OptDescr Flag] optionsForMorphology = [ morphInfoOption , Option [] ["morphcmd"] (reqArg MorphCmdFlg id "CMD") "morphological post-processor CMD (default: unset)" ] morphInfoOption :: OptDescr Flag morphInfoOption = Option [] ["morphinfo"] (reqArg MorphInfoFlg id "FILE") "morphological features FILE (default: unset)" \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Other options} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} data GrammarType = GeniHand -- ^ geni's text format | PreCompiled -- ^ built into geni, no parsing needed | PreAnchored -- ^ lexical selection already done deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) \end{code} % ==================================================================== \section{Scripting GenI} % ==================================================================== \begin{description} \item[instructions] An instructions file can be used to run GenI on a list of test suites and cases. Any input that you give to GenI will be interpreted as a list of test suites (and test cases that you want to run). Each line has the format \texttt{path/to/test-suite case1 case2 .. caseN}. You can omit the test cases, which is interpreted as you wanting to run the entire test suite. Also, the \verb!%! character and anything after is treated as a comment. Interaction with \verb!--testsuite! and \verb!--testcase!: \begin{itemize} \item If only \verb!--instructions! is set, then the first test suite and or test case from the instructions file is used. \item If only \verb!--testsuite! and \verb!--testcase! are set, we pretend that an instructions file was supplied saying that we want to run the entirety of the test suite specified in \verb!--testsuite!. \item If both \verb!--instructions! and \verb!--testsuite!/ \verb!--testcase! are set then the latter are used to select from within the instructions. \end{itemize} \end{description} \begin{code} type Instruction = (FilePath, Maybe [String]) -- | Update the internal instructions list, test suite and case -- according to the contents of an instructions file. processInstructions :: Params -> IO Params processInstructions config = do instructions <- case getFlagP InstructionsFileFlg config of Nothing -> return fakeInstructions Just f -> instructionsFile `fmap` readFile f -- basically set the test suite/case flag to the first instruction -- note that with the above code (which sets the first instruction -- to the test suite/case flag), this should work out to identity -- when those flags are provided. let updateInstructions = setFlagP TestInstructionsFlg instructions updateTestCase p = if hasFlagP TestCaseFlg p then p else case (listToMaybe instructions >>= snd >>= listToMaybe) of Just c -> setFlagP TestCaseFlg c p Nothing -> p updateTestSuite p = if hasFlagP TestSuiteFlg p then p else case (fst `fmap` listToMaybe instructions) of Just s -> setFlagP TestSuiteFlg s p Nothing -> p return . updateInstructions . updateTestSuite . updateTestCase $ config where fakeInstructions = case getFlagP TestSuiteFlg config of Just ts -> [ (ts, Nothing) ] Nothing -> [] instructionsFile :: String -> [Instruction] instructionsFile = mapMaybe inst . lines where inst l = case words (takeWhile (/= '%') l) of [] -> Nothing [f] -> Just (f, Nothing) (f:cs) -> Just (f, Just cs) \end{code} % ==================================================================== % Flags % ==================================================================== \begin{code} {- Flags are GenI's internal representation of command line arguments. We use phantom existential types (?) for representing GenI flags. This makes it simpler to do things such as ``get the value of the MacrosFlg'' whilst preserving type safety (we always know that MacrosFlg is associated with String). The alternative would be writing getters and setters for each flag, and that gets really boring after a while. -} data Flag = forall f x . (Eq f, Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => Flag (x -> f) x deriving (Typeable) instance Show Flag where show (Flag f x) = "Flag " ++ show (f x) instance Eq Flag where (Flag f1 x1) == (Flag f2 x2) | (typeOf f1 == typeOf f2) && (typeOf x1 == typeOf x2) = (fromJust . cast . f1 $ x1) == (f2 x2) | otherwise = False isFlag :: (Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> Flag -> Bool hasFlag :: (Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> [Flag] -> Bool deleteFlag :: (Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> [Flag] -> [Flag] setFlag :: (Eq f, Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> x -> [Flag] -> [Flag] getFlag :: (Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> [Flag] -> Maybe x getAllFlags :: (Show f, Show x, Typeable f, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> [Flag] -> [x] isFlag f1 (Flag f2 _) = typeOf f1 == typeOf f2 hasFlag f = any (isFlag f) deleteFlag f = filter (not.(isFlag f)) setFlag f v fs = (Flag f v) : tl where tl = deleteFlag f fs getFlag f fs = do (Flag _ v) <- find (isFlag f) fs ; cast v getAllFlags f fs = catMaybes [ cast v | flg@(Flag _ v) <- fs, isFlag f flg ] {- Below are just the individual flags, which unfortunately have to be defined as separate data types because of our fancy existential data type code. -} -- input files #define FLAG(x,y) data x = x y deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) FLAG (BatchDirFlg, FilePath) FLAG (DisableGuiFlg, ()) FLAG (DetectPolaritiesFlg, (Set.Set PolarityAttr)) FLAG (DumpDerivationFlg, ()) FLAG (EarlyDeathFlg, ()) FLAG (ExtraPolaritiesFlg, (Map.Map PolarityKey Interval)) FLAG (FromStdinFlg, ()) FLAG (HelpFlg, ()) FLAG (InstructionsFileFlg, FilePath) FLAG (LexiconFlg, FilePath) FLAG (MacrosFlg, FilePath) FLAG (TracesFlg, FilePath) FLAG (MetricsFlg, [String]) FLAG (MorphCmdFlg, String) FLAG (MorphInfoFlg, FilePath) FLAG (OptimisationsFlg, [Optimisation]) FLAG (OutputFileFlg, String) FLAG (PartialFlg, ()) FLAG (RankingConstraintsFlg, FilePath) FLAG (RegressionTestModeFlg, ()) FLAG (RootFeatureFlg, Flist) FLAG (RunUnitTestFlg, ()) FLAG (NoLoadTestSuiteFlg, ()) FLAG (StatsFileFlg, FilePath) FLAG (TestCaseFlg, String) FLAG (TestInstructionsFlg, [Instruction]) FLAG (TestSuiteFlg, FilePath) FLAG (TimeoutFlg, Integer) FLAG (VerboseModeFlg, ()) FLAG (VersionFlg, ()) FLAG (ViewCmdFlg, String) -- not to be exported (defaults) -- the WeirdFlg exists strictly to please OS X when you launch -- GenI in an application bundle (double-click)... for some -- reason it wants to pass an argument to -p FLAG (BuilderFlg, BuilderType) FLAG (GrammarTypeFlg, GrammarType) FLAG (WeirdFlg, String) \end{code}