-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2009 Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module NLP.GenI.Polarity.Internal where

import           Data.Either
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
import qualified Data.Set                  as Set
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import           Data.Tree                 (flatten)

import           Data.FullList             hiding ((++))
import           NLP.GenI.Automaton
import           NLP.GenI.FeatureStructure
import           NLP.GenI.General
import           NLP.GenI.GeniVal
import           NLP.GenI.Polarity.Types
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty
import           NLP.GenI.Semantics        (Literal)
import           NLP.GenI.Tag              (TagElem (..), TagItem (..))
import           NLP.GenI.TreeSchema       (GNode, GType (Subs),
                                            Ptype (Initial), gdown, gtype, gup,

data PolarityDetectionResult = PD_UserError String
                             | PD_Nothing
                             | PD_Just [ (PolarityKey, Interval) ]
                             | PD_Unconstrained (Text, Interval)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- polarity detection
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given a description of what the root feature should unify with
--   return a -1 polarity for all relevant polarity keys. This allows
--   us to compensate for the root node of any derived tree.
detectRootCompensation :: Set.Set PolarityAttr -> FeatStruct GeniVal -> PolMap
detectRootCompensation polarityAttrs rootFeat =
  Map.fromListWith (!+!) . pdResults
    $ map (\v -> detectPolarity (-1) (SimplePolarityAttr (pAttr v)) emptyFeatStruct rootFeat)
    $ Set.toList polarityAttrs
   pAttr p@(SimplePolarityAttr _)       = spkAtt p
   pAttr p@(RestrictedPolarityAttr _ _) = rpkAtt p

detectPolsH :: Set.Set PolarityAttr -> TagElem -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
detectPolsH polarityAttrs te =
   case ttype te of
    Initial -> substuff ++ rstuff
    _       -> substuff
   pdError e = e ++ " in " ++ T.unpack (tgIdName te) -- ideally we'd propagate this
   detectOrBust x1 x2 x3 x4 = pdToList pdError (detectPolarity x1 x2 x3 x4)
   rup   = mkFeatStruct . gup . root .ttree $ te
   rdown = mkFeatStruct . gdown . root . ttree $ te
   catAttr = SimplePolarityAttr "cat"
   rstuffLite  = concatMap (\v -> detectOrBust 1 v rup rdown)
               $ Set.toList $ Set.delete catAttr polarityAttrs
   rstuff   = if Set.member catAttr polarityAttrs
                 then -- cat is considered global to the whole tree,
                      -- but to be robust, we grab it from the top feature
                      detectOrBust 1 catAttr rup rup ++ rstuffLite
                 else rstuffLite
   substuff = let tops = map mkFeatStruct (substTops te)
                  detect :: PolarityAttr -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
                  detect v = concat $ zipWith (detectOrBust (-1) v) tops tops
              in concatMap detect $ Set.toList polarityAttrs

detectPolarity :: Int          -- ^ polarity to assign
               -> PolarityAttr -- ^ attribute to look for
               -> FeatStruct GeniVal -- ^ feature structure to filter on ('RestrictedPolarityAttr' only)
               -> FeatStruct GeniVal -- ^ feature structure to get value from
               -> PolarityDetectionResult
detectPolarity i (RestrictedPolarityAttr cat att) filterFl fl =
  case Map.lookup __cat__ filterFl of
    Nothing -> PD_UserError . T.unpack $ "[polarities] No category "
                  `T.append` cat
                  `T.append` " in:"
                  `T.append` pretty filterFl
    Just v -> if isRight (unify [mkGConstNone cat] [v])
              then detectPolarity i (SimplePolarityAttr att) emptyFeatStruct fl
              else PD_Nothing
detectPolarity i (SimplePolarityAttr att) _ fl =
  case Map.lookup att fl of
    Nothing -> PD_Unconstrained (withZero att)
    Just v  -> case fromFL <$> gConstraints v of
             Just [x] -> PD_Just [ (PolarityKeyAv att x, ival i) ]       -- singleton
             Just xs  -> PD_Just $ map (withZero . PolarityKeyAv att) xs   -- interval if ambiguous
             Nothing  -> PD_Unconstrained (withZero att)
   withZero x = (x, toZero i)

toZero :: Int -> Interval
toZero x | x < 0     = (x, 0)
         | otherwise = (0, x)

substNodes :: TagElem -> [GNode GeniVal]
substNodes t = [ gn | gn <- (flatten.ttree) t, gtype gn == Subs ]

substTops :: TagElem -> [Flist GeniVal]
substTops = map gup . substNodes

type SemMap = Map.Map (Literal GeniVal) [TagElem]
type PolMap = Map.Map PolarityKey Interval

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- after polarity detection
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

polarityKeys :: [TagElem] -> PolMap -> [PolarityKey]
polarityKeys cands extraPol =
  sortBy (flip compare) $ nub $ ksCands ++ ksExtra
  ksCands = concatMap (Map.keys . tpolarities) cands
  ksExtra = Map.keys extraPol

-- | Convert any unconstrained polarities in a 'PolMap' to constrained
--   ones, assuming a global list of known constrained keys.
convertUnconstrainedPolarities :: [PolarityKey] -> PolMap -> PolMap
convertUnconstrainedPolarities ks pmap =
   addPols expansions con
   (con, uncon) = Map.partitionWithKey constrained pmap
   constrained (PolarityKeyVar _) _ = False
   constrained _   _ = True
   expansions =  [ (k,v) | (PolarityKeyVar  a, v)   <- Map.toList uncon
                         , k@(PolarityKeyAv a2 _) <- ks
                         , a == a2

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- helpers
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- duplicates are a matter of course
addPols :: [(PolarityKey,Interval)] -> PolMap -> PolMap
addPols pols m = foldr f m pols
  f (p,c) = Map.insertWith (!+!) p c

-- | Ensures that all states and transitions in the polarity automaton
--   are unique.  This is a slight optimisation so that we don't have to
--   repeatedly check the automaton for state uniqueness during its
--   construction, but it is essential that this check be done after
--   construction
nubAut :: (Ord ab) => NFA st ab -> NFA st ab
nubAut aut =
  aut {
      transitions = Map.map (\e -> Map.map nub e) (transitions aut)

__cat__, __idx__  :: Text
__cat__  = "cat"
__idx__  = "idx"

-- | Note that this will crash if any of the entries are errors
pdResults :: [PolarityDetectionResult] -> [(PolarityKey, Interval)]
pdResults = concatMap (pdToList id)

-- | Note that this will crash if any of the entries are errors
pdToList :: (String -> String) -- ^ on error message
         -> PolarityDetectionResult
         -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
pdToList _ (PD_Just x) = x
pdToList f (PD_UserError e) = error (f e)
pdToList _ (PD_Unconstrained (k,i)) = [ (PolarityKeyVar k, i) ]
pdToList _ PD_Nothing = []