{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {- Tests.hs has a number of different custom data types. All of them implement 'Out' and 'Arbitrary'. Properties are provided for each that specify that the output given by 'prettyStr' and that given by 'show' should be identical except for the whitespace The different data types follow the same pattern of implementation and functions, so most of the functions are only commented for the first data type -} import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty import Test.QuickCheck import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Text.Printf -- used to make pretty printed and show output identical for comparing purposes removeSpaces :: String -> String removeSpaces [] = [] removeSpaces (x:xs) | x `elem` " \n" = removeSpaces xs | otherwise = x : removeSpaces xs -- checks the output of a specific value checkOutput :: (Out a, Show a) => a -> Bool checkOutput a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) -- Finite State Machine Type data FSM q = FSMCons ([q], Alphabet, q, [q], [Transition q]) deriving (Show, Generic) type Alphabet = String type Transition q = (q, Char, q) -- implement 'Out' so we can pretty print instance (Out a) => Out (FSM a) where out = genOut --implementation needed for quickCheck generation of random values instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (FSM a) where arbitrary = liftM FSMCons arbitrary -- check wether 'Maybe Int' FSM's are outputed the same via prettyStr and show (modulo the whitespace) checkFSM :: FSM (Maybe Int) -> FSM (Maybe Int) -> Bool checkFSM _ a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) -- example of an FSM, you can check the output of this manually with 'checkOutput' f :: FSM Int f = FSMCons([0,1,2,3,4], "ab", 0, [4], [(0,'a',1), (0,'b',1), (0,'a',2), (0,'b',2), (1,'b',4), (2,'a',3), (2,'b',3), (3,'b',4), (4,'a',4), (4,'b',4)]) -- Binary Tree data type data BinaryTree a = EmptyBTree | BNode a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a) deriving (Show, Generic) instance (Out a) => Out (BinaryTree a) where out = genOut instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (BinaryTree a) where arbitrary = sized arbitTree where arbitTree 0 = return EmptyBTree arbitTree n | n>0 = oneof [return EmptyBTree, liftM3 BNode arbitrary subTree subTree] | otherwise = error "tree size should never be < 0" where subTree = arbitTree (n `div` 2) checkBinaryTree :: BinaryTree Char -> BinaryTree Char -> Bool checkBinaryTree _ a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) -- functions for the construction of BinaryTrees singleton :: a -> BinaryTree a singleton x = BNode x EmptyBTree EmptyBTree treeInsert :: (Ord a) => a -> BinaryTree a -> BinaryTree a treeInsert x EmptyBTree = singleton x treeInsert x (BNode a left right) | x == a = BNode x left right | x < a = BNode a (treeInsert x left) right | x > a = BNode a left (treeInsert x right) nums :: [Int] nums = [55555,99999,22222,77777,88888,11111,33333,44444,66666] -- mkBTree takes a list and creates a BinaryTree out of it mkBTree :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinaryTree a mkBTree = foldr treeInsert EmptyBTree -- example BinaryTree bt :: BinaryTree Int bt = mkBTree nums -- Tree using record syntax data RecordTree a = RNode {val :: a, children :: [RecordTree a]} deriving (Show, Generic) instance (Out a) => Out (RecordTree a) where out = genOut instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (RecordTree a) where arbitrary = sized arbitTree where arbitTree 0 = liftM2 RNode arbitrary (return []) arbitTree n | n>0 = liftM2 RNode arbitrary childList | otherwise = error "tree size should never be < 0" where childList = resize (floor.sqrt.fromIntegral $ n) (listOf (arbitTree (n`div` 2)) ) checkRecordTree :: RecordTree String -> RecordTree String -> Bool checkRecordTree _ a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) rt :: RecordTree Int rt = RNode (-656565) [RNode 33344 [], RNode 98789 [RNode (-766444) [], RNode 454545 [], RNode 59996 []]] infixr 5 :*: infixr 3 :+: -- tree using infix notation data InfixTree a = ILeaf a a | (InfixTree a) :*: (InfixTree a) | (InfixTree a) :+: (InfixTree a) deriving (Show, Generic) instance (Out a) => Out (InfixTree a) where out = genOut instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (InfixTree a) where arbitrary = sized arbitTree where arbitTree 0 = liftM2 ILeaf arbitrary arbitrary arbitTree n | n>0 = oneof [ liftM2 (:*:) subTree subTree, liftM2 (:+:) subTree subTree] | otherwise = error "tree size should never be < 0" where subTree = arbitTree (n `div` 2) nt :: InfixTree Int nt = ILeaf 5454544 55 :*: (ILeaf 5375738 44 :+: ((ILeaf 699879 55 :*: ILeaf 2332323 66 :+: ILeaf 676765 77) :*: ILeaf 99999 88) ) :+: ILeaf 555 666 checkInfixTree :: InfixTree (Either Int Char) -> InfixTree (Either Int Char) -> Bool checkInfixTree _ a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) infixr 5 :^: -- infix and record tree, also uses a second user defined type in it's definition, 'Wrap' data InfixRecordTree a = IRLeaf (Wrap a) | (:^:) {left :: InfixRecordTree a, right :: InfixRecordTree a} deriving (Show, Generic) instance (Out a) => Out (InfixRecordTree a) where out = genOut instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (InfixRecordTree a) where arbitrary = sized arbitTree where arbitTree 0 = liftM IRLeaf arbitrary arbitTree n | n>0 = liftM2 (:^:) subTree subTree | otherwise = error "tree size should never be < 0" where subTree = arbitTree (n `div` 2) irt :: InfixRecordTree Int irt = IRLeaf (Wrap 5454544) :^: (IRLeaf (Wrap (-5375738)) :^: ((IRLeaf (Wrap 699879) :^: (IRLeaf (Wrap (-2332323)) :^: IRLeaf (Wrap 676765))) :^: IRLeaf (Wrap 99999))) checkInfixRecordTree :: InfixRecordTree Int -> InfixRecordTree Int -> Bool checkInfixRecordTree _ a = removeSpaces (prettyStr a) == removeSpaces (show a) -- just a very simple user defined type that is used in IRTree -- note, we could manually make 'Wrap' an instance of 'Outputable' instead of -- deriving 'Out' and the code would still work, -- but the output wouldn't be identical to show because of how 'Outputable' is implemented data Wrap a = Wrap a deriving (Show, Generic) instance Out a => Out (Wrap a) where out = genOut instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Wrap a) where arbitrary = liftM Wrap arbitrary allTests = [ ("FSM (Maybe Int)", quickCheck checkFSM), ("BinaryTree (Char)", quickCheck checkBinaryTree), ("RecordTree (String)", quickCheck checkRecordTree), ("InfixTree (Either Int Char)", quickCheck checkInfixTree), ("InfixRecordTree (Int)", quickCheck checkInfixRecordTree)] main = mapM_ (\(s,r) -> printf "%-30s: " s >> r) allTests